On earth as it is in heaven 3

this session were gonna not just general government but were really gonna look at the specifics of mandates and blueprints. and what they are how to use them and then tomorrow when you look to develop a mandate or blueprint then you will have a  spiritual concept that can be outworked physically and practically. God wants us to arise into a place where we are operating in the fullness of government. and therefore to bring the kingdom to heaven. what authorisation will the government of heaven be reflected into the earth with, that’s the key. we can do all sorts of wonderful things and have amazing wonderful ideas but if there not based in what God has authorized us to do their just our own understanding or imagination. we can use our imagination when it is linked to what he gives us to do , in order to develop it. but it must come from him first. the key is, this is his mandate that he’s given us. this is his blueprint that he is giving us to outwork. their not something we created from our own do-it-yourself perspective. this is coming from heaven .so it’s mandates and blueprints primarily that we looking to engage with and they are effectively usually given from a heavenly perspective on scrolls. and scrolls are just , we could say today that they were given to us in a book or a computer file or a PDF.  but the Bible didn’t have PDFs or books or computer files in the same way, so they had scrolls. but they just represent something.

 this process of maturity, along the way you will be given specific things that says- now you can do this and now you can do that.

 I was operating in the realm of the kingdom of God, I was on my mountain, I had spheres of government, I had some corporate spheres of government and I was limited to that. I couldn’t go any further. I didn’t know I was limited because you don’t know what you don’t know. but I was doing whatever I knew to do. I was using the things I had to do and then God said to me I want you to go into some other things. but you need to go through this process first basically. so that was the dark cloud soul and spirit separation, that then took me to another realm. so I was operating in lordship, he would give me things to do and I would do them. so they were very clearly things that he authorised me to do. I wasn’t involved in developing that authorization, asking for that authorization, he gave it to me. then he give me a higher level of throne. so he gave me the throne where I operated in kingship. and he gave me an orb. and if you ever seen the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth, she has a sceptre and she has a crown , and a robe, and she is on a throne and she has an orb in her left hand. and that orb is like a round thing with a cross on it. and it’s the symbol of law and government. the sceptre is the symbol of rule- this is why i rule, I decree, I declare. this is the symbol of operating in law and government. so I was given this throne and given this orb. and I’m sort of- what am I suppose to do with it ? I did not even know what it was.  I had to go and look it up. because sometimes you just get given stuff and you are not given the details, but it inspires you enough to go find out. so I sensed I’m in a different place, the atmosphere is different time, time is different, I’m on a different level of throne, what am I suppose to do? now at that point Jesus introduced me to wisdom. and wisdom is a created being you can read about her in Proverbs 8 and 9 and wisdom is to help the sons of men, she is calling to the sons of men and she’s there to help us in government. and it talks about three or four different sorts of government, three or four  sorts of different things that the government does, to rule, to establish laws and it talks about kings, princes, nobles, rulers . there are all different levels of government. so a government doesn’t just have one level, it has different functions. just like our national government has all sorts of different departments, there are ministers , there is a Prime Minister and there is a Chancellor of the Exchequer. And they all have different roles within government . now the whole of the make up of it is government. but they are individually parts of it.

 so we have to govern and have charge of something. we get helped and trained. so I engage father-son and spirit to begin with, i learned to understand who they were, there frequency, their fragrance, to learn to discern their voice. I when into a lot of depth of intimacy so I got to know them. then wisdom, I was introduced to wisdom, the seven spirits of God. I got introduced the seven spirits of God before I got introduced to wisdom. and it was always a bit of a mystery . Jesus introduced me to each of them and they were like really cool and they were like very interesting and they seem to have an awful lot of resonance about them that I was attracted to. but I did not really know what to do with that. because I was operating governmentally in my position of sonship, so they really didn’t have that much to say or do, because I wasn’t at the level that I would have understood what they did anyway. so soon as I got to this level of kingship, then they really started to engage with me. and wisdom started  to engage with me and wisdom began to then teach me things. Jesus and the father stopped teaching me in a sense the governmental things that I learned and wisdom took over. and to start with I was uncomfortable with that. because I was a bit like- what does the father think about me spending so much time with this woman.

I didn’t think what does my wife think. What does the father think, because I was thinking more of- i hope he is not jealous, as if he could be jealous. I plucked up courage and said is it okay that I am spending so much time with them, and he laughed and he said , we’ll that’s what I created her for, so it was okay.

What was your relationship with the Holy Spirit? initually the Holy Spirit took me flying everywhere. it was just this amazing creative sense of energy and life and exuberance and joy and awesomeness. which was more because he wanted to connect with me. he/she, it depends really on where you are coming from. if you  ever seen the shack movie or the read the book then it is feminine  in that.  because ruach is feminine. in the Hebrew ruach- spirit is feminine. when you get God walking in the cool of the day with Adam, actually he was walking with ruach. so some people are saying the feminine side of that, it is like mum and dad. mum and dad and brother- family. now some people would find that really really difficult to take. they got this religious thing that it is all-male. God is neither male or female , he is a spirit. so he is not really male or female, but he has characteristics of both. And I have  engaged Jesus in a purely male thing and sometimes I’ve engage Jesus and it felt like he was mothering me. and so for  me, the Holy Spirit initially was very much the sort  of the energy and the activity of creation that connected me to it. and then when I started to embrace engaging more intimately, I found the more feminine side of that. and so I have no issue with  the Holy Spirit being a feminine engagement, but it’s not a gender issue. we think  always of gender because we think of the human form. But it is characteristics. God can be anything to us that we need at any time. so I’ve learnt to appreciate the way the Holy Spirit engages with me and creation and everything else. but you know I would Wanna be prescriptive of anything because as soon as you get prescriptive you then tie it all down, because the Holy spirit might want to engage with me completely differently tomorrow and therefore  I don’t want to restrict that by having a formula of what it is. it is a relationship and that relationship may well develop differently at different times and seasons in my life. so at the moment the Holy Spirit is more of a feminine personality towards me. but in the beginning it was very much more of- hay come and be one of the boys. it was just so much fun, it was just like flying out into the galaxies,  I was like a child in a sweet shop. Woow more, more. and the Holy Spirit was just life , the joy of life, that was what it felt like. and we did things together which were very so explorational.  but wisdom started to teach me how to rule and how to develop these governmental things, because I now have this orb, what am I suppose to do with it. and then I  began to engage with more angels and I found that there were certain angels assigned to some of the things that I was given authority in. and the cloud of witnesses. the first cloud of witness I met was Jacob. I met Jacob, I was walking in heaven one day and exploring and walking along and there was this guy digging a hole. A bit odd, but he was digging a hole. so I said we’ll who are you, and he said I’m Jacob. Why are you digging a hole? What is this about?  because sometimes it’s symbolic. the things that you see are designed to open up something for you to pursue.10:56

 Why are you digging a hole.  I am digging a well. so then immediately I  thought Jacob’s well. I couldn’t think of a well that Jacob dug in the old Testament because Moses drunk from wells, had water following as a rock, so he didn’t need a well, he had a source of water that went with him. but Abraham dug wells some of them got blocked up. Isaac redug them and dug new wells . doesn’t say anything about Jacob digging wells. it talks about the open heaven, so he said to me read my life story particularly about the open heaven, so I did. I meditated in it, it opened up all sorts of revelation about being a house of God, being a gateway of heaven, the latter going from earth to heaven, open door- Jesus. and it was awesome and it led me to connect with John 14 about them living in me, I am a house of God. it was a really awesome experience. but I didn’t get the well bit. at that point and then I went back to engage and and said there has to be something in this well. so then I discovered  in the new Testament the well with the Samaritan woman the well of sidecar was Jacob’s well. And that was to do with living water and drinking living water. so that was the whole connection between the open heaven and actually the bringing living water through us from heaven to earth to touch people’s lives with the wells of salvation. they can drink from life, the river of life which flow through us. so there’s all sorts of other engagements I’ve had with the cloud of witnesses over the years which have always been significant. I don’t go and seek them out particularly. I got enough to do without trying to find more things to do. but God usually sends some or I seek them, or I engage with them in a meeting. because there is a purpose behind it. the last real major engagement with one of the cloud of witnesses was with David. so I really engaged with David here on one Sunday morning. And it was a very specific purpose and the previous one before that was Esther . but I have  engaged with a lot of them. but it is generally because they seek me out, rather than I go and seek them out.13:19

 so only mandates and blueprints to clarify what the father’s doing if were only we wannabe like Jesus the only did what he saw the father doing he had a blueprint for’s life he called it the whole that looking in the scroll of the book it talked of me and he also mandates because he knew what the father’s heart was for the day in a and he was living in dual realms so we was able to be constantly connected and sometimes those those mandates changed in an instant the very first time he did what we call the miracle of the water into wine at Cana met his mother cams and some of says this is will is not my time you know so my time but the next minute is then doing this miracle so if his mandate from the father was this isn’t your time then the father responded to Mary Ann actually said now you can do this so whatever we got from the day of will what your thing today wasn’t turning water into wine but then the father says your authorised to do it the sometimes these things are not you don’t always get everything in advance so we need to be sensitive to what we need to do in any situation and circumstance which is why we need to be connected to heaven all the time those heavenly wisdom that does it now a blueprint and a mandate they help us know what it is were supposed to do how were supposed to do it where were supposed to do when were supposed to do it and if we are more intimate with God sometimes he says why were supposed to do we don’t always get why but the were involved in the councils and Assemblies of God the more influence we have on that why because we are involved in deciding what things are going to be manifested on earth because that’s the level of sonship that were beginning to operate in but most of us are gonna be operating in what is it you want me to do when you MySpace to do it and our MySpace to do and sometimes where our MySpace to do nine doing that we have enough to get on with you but actually if we’re going to do something on earth we really do need to know why because someone says to you why you doing this and you’re saying God told me that probably isn’t enough they need to know the heart behind it which is more of why you motor are motivated so people don’t have enough why but they do know what they’re supposed to be doing but that doesn’t convey to other people well when the motive behind it isn’t clear because when people look at a vision there looking at the heart rather than just the facts and if you don’t carry the heart insufficient measure for them to catch your heart and God’s heart then they usually don’t get involved in we want to see a resonance carried with us a blueprint that draws people who should be involved we call them living stones so mandates blueprints lures are scrolls eat the scroll you is eco-eat the scroll whenever you’re given something in heaven I encourage you to heat eat it place it within you not really teaching it to die just in that in our lives literally is a symbol of taking it into the arena parts and in a whether it be gemstone unless God tells you to do something else will you I have been told place it within my mountain I was told to plan to scroll in the garden of my heart and it actually flourished into this amazing tree with two trumpets and I was took those silver trumpets and I began to use them so it is all sorts of stuff Generally speaking receive it because then you can carry it and it can begin to touch your heart and begin to change and motivate your heart towards it that scrolls content becomes the source of wisdom inspiration knowledge understanding to direct what we do so when I have a law let’s say a scroll with the law on it and I take it within I then find that the things I say and the things I decree and declare a lot because I have the law in front of me and I’m reading it because they inspire my spirit I say things because that’s law is now part of me and it’s is me and I decree based on the fact that I have this authorisation I don’t do it in a sense of okay got this list now is good to know all the laws that you got no particularly for others so that they know what other things have been produced but we need need to be inspired by what we receive on the inside the definition of the scroll is very simple roll of parchment or paper with writing on it sometimes you get scrolls with nothing on and you have to write on that’s when you make a law rather than given one and I was initially the first law I got involved with own I sat there not knowing what to do and all of a sudden this parchment of paper and scroll writing suddenly started to appear on and I didn’t know where that writing came at it felt like it was coming from me and it was it came out of my spirit in I didn’t sit there thinking what so the law shall I make it just birthed because my relationship with God was such an intimacy that it birth things and this was the first thing so what’s on the scroll is what matters not the scroll itself you with this is again formal function is why am I been given this what is it about not the fact that it might be purple or pink or gold bits on it or whatever else you know and some people have always I saw this amazing goals are as a what was on it I do love while was not much point knowing all the injuries it what it looks like if you don’t know what is and we can so get caught up sometimes in the the form of something and miss why it’s there and the function so you can scroll destiny for your own destiny which is been agreed with your spirit before the foundation of the and is bursting you when you engage the soul of God and you have a scroll for your life and the scroll for your life in the scroll of your destiny should be aligned because when you outworked the things on your destiny scroll they get written onto the scroll of your life most people scroll of their life done totally match up mind didn’t anyway us as your home but you can go in you and get it purified in fire and you can get it because that’s where the gold silver and precious stones are all the wood hay and straw on your scroll and there tested by fire so you can go get them tested by fire to see if all the things on the scroll of your life were outworked out of the motive of the desire of God and some of the motives that were on my scroll even though I was doing the things that God asked me to do I was doing them out of the wrong motive they were motive of for giving me my identity so I was using the things that God gave me to do to create my identity and therefore the motive for doing them was not your so I went there God showed me these beautiful things that I did with up your motive and then he showed me all things that develop your motive and any purify with fire because there is no guilt shame in combination there’s just transformation refining and purification so your scroll is not fixed it can be re-worked and I know only saw his scroll saw the day of his death and in like it did what every did it changed I think there is something receive I do lots of things that aren’t on my scroll because other people don’t do them and I volunteer a lot so you often saying hey God is he wanted it and I do some things that were originally agreed because someone else didn’t do them and there either no one was gonna do them or someone comes up and said older so I often sell do it and then it gets added to my scroll of our working God’s heart into the judgement see you absolutely is is do not bound by time so I saw everything on my scroll which was would hence double angles of precious stones and then I saw all the things on my scroll which are all the things that I not done that I could have done if I’d been listening so is you know which I think wine after nicely that will listening or I was to focus on doing something else now again there’s no guilt shame in combination attached this is the opportunity for those things to get purified and moved and therefore more more capacity do something else you because you understand that God is working with every single being these ever created in every single second that there ever will be all the time in now currently into the human beings that hundred and 8 billion people and all those who are being born every day I don’t know and any the gonna be so the sake me 200 billion people it could be hundred and 50 billion people it could be less or more no anywhere along we carry on but he is it connected to every thought and every decision everyone makes all the time and he wants to bring good out of it because he loves everybody therefore he is able to rewrite our scroll continually so we can come into agreement with it see thing of us present future but same as all now and when we engage in his heart we begin to get handle on its own now and you start again eternal perspective of things rather than a temporal one because you get limited if I can deal with my pasta longer be stuck in the being the product of my past while I can deal with my past both my generational pastor my own experience of past and be free from the effects of my past on my present and my future otherwise its fate is what is gonna happen this happen I’m just stuck with it will no restoration of all things includes my past and includes my whole generational lines past which is why can go back and preach to my generational line of freedom once I dealt with their affecting my life because then I have authority to us getting off topic this is the this is the scroll the Jesus that Hebrews 10 seven then I said the whole I have come in the scroll the book it is written of me to do your willow God now I want that to be my desire and my outworking of my destiny I want to say that I Wanna do your willow God I don’t want to do my will you know I am think anyone’s really got free will but I think everyone’s got choice will influenced by something if were influenced by God we make good choices if were influenced by our past or anyone else we can make bad choices we get the free will to choose but it’s not really free as it is influenced I want my choices to be influenced by God therefore I want to connect to the things that he has a dial for me all those vast some of the thoughts that he has about me which is describing the same thing when it talks about the book written in Psalm hundred 39 you so scroll the book which is the mandate for our destiny and most people are like I Wanna see it on I was on it own do but actually if you did see all probably be fro freaked out that your thinking I can possibly do that and you may one go and say gonna try and do it in you’ll end up doing your own strength so what generally he does although sometimes you get a forward glimpse of something to make sure you’re on the right path so you know where your soul heading because that’s something which starts to move you but generally you get to see it one day at a time so you go a engage God for today is as fresh mercies for today which are the enabling powers to enable you to do everything you need to do today if you start looking at yesterday your gonna run out of today’s resource before today’s ended if you start looking at tomorrow in worry or anxiety or fear you run out of today’s resource before you got to the end of the day so focus on today I need to know more than what today’s and if God wants to show me anything else he will he did show me when I went through the dark cloud he showed my scroll and in a instant everything on my scroll led up to this point and there was this blue flame on the scroll and then everything from that point felt while this is different that was it I didn’t see all the details but I knew this was a significant point on my journey nine relate that to what happened to me until afterwards because if I did I would have may be try to figure it out working out myself so God tied up that when I went through the process what that was representing and that flame blue flame was called an eternal flame so I was engaging with my life in an eternal flame to begin to change and transform me to come into my destiny by dealing with my soul and let my spirit from an eternal sense begin to come into the rightful place in my life and rule and to become whole and one because God’s desire is always that we would be one but we been fragmented and broken and damaged by life and therefore there some work that needs to be done so have a scroll just each day say God I Wanna do your well today so write it on my heart I used to Wanna go and asked what it is you I was that was I spent two years doing every day I go to the Ark of the presence of God was my mandate today was my manager Dave was my manager day and he would tell me you in he would but because I was living on earth and in heaven and coming out and in all the time I would get the mandate that I would come back and try working out and I was finding I was running out of energy because I was trying to do it because I was living there and it flowing through me in the same way so I stopped doing that when I stopped looking at the contents of the art of the presence of God which was the manner in the part of manner the tablets of stone and Aaron’s rod but it and I spent Basie two years engaging with them every day week that because I Wanna do your well because Jesus said my food do the will of was the you are food that you I have through that you know of so is a sense his well was a sustenance to me and but I wanted to know it and God allowed me to the also allowed me to suffer the consequence of trying to do it rather than cooperating and working with him in relationship to do it by being in heaven so eventually when I got separated from soul and spirit and I was given this or that I was given the throne I went to the Ark of the Prince of God happily looking to engage with my mandate and I saw these four faces morphing around line Oxy, I’d been there for two years and I never saw the four faces of God because I was looking at what was in the art not was what was on it because my focus was want you know you Wanna know mandate write it on the tablets of my heart which was good and he did so some of the things I found over that two years he started telling me less and less what the specifics were and wrote it on my heart more and more so I sensed and new how to follow it which became again more relational rather than functional you know that I started off functional I Wanna do in a and then God started to say you need to be need to be more be more be more so then I went to the Ark and it was very much after you this happened and I was given this all I went to the art and it was like were four faces morphing around and I was drawn to legal just the Eagle engage Eagle and just like the line Oxy, you and I I still another two years engaging with them until I met and engage with all of those for governmental perspective lastly the priestly function provided one by one interesting that one I should have an interest in that first but actually I do wrong concept of what the priestly function was because I associated with a pastoral function which I’m not definitely not the so was there are no like like Eagle Eagle legal lion eventually the ox then it was like all the man of okay, look at that and it actually when I engage the man it opened up the whole priestly thing of engaging eternity and eventually after two years I stepped into the four faces of God and was able then to access eternity from the ancient pathway and I was in the name of God and I was in the okay bar they because when I first engage in line Oxy, and I connected with the okay bar they I was just like what was the Eagle about off-line about going some wired that way find out Wanna understand no but then as I stepped into it is like I heard Yoda hey vav hey ice felt the frequency of Yoda hey vav hey all the sun the name of God became the reality of what I was standing in and my authority level went because I was standing in his name before I was looking at the government and trying to figure out outworked was standing in the government and I was speaking through the mouth of the lion or the Eagle and particularly I was able to go and access God’s heart in eternity which made a huge amount difference to the the aspect of my destiny really meant that I was aware this was not a fixed rigid think I could get wrong this was an opportunity to participate in relationship with I was always gonna get right even if that to be a little bit of fire in there that tested it and transformed it but God’s desire is that we get things wrong but he does desire to give us permission to practice and try and learn from our mistakes because there is no condemnation about our mistakes this is an opportunity of overcoming those things in growing stronger through overcoming their destinies to creatively outwork God’s will as a son that’s our destiny and he is designed us that our destiny really fits you don’t you don’t get to be someone that doesn’t fit with your destiny unless you been so shaped by the world that you need to be healed and made whole because you don’t know who you are that’s the problem the world are nature nurture and trauma has shaped us from the world perspective the most of the information we got about ourselves come from the outside in therefore then debt needs to be the re-engaging with what flows from the inside and and that begins to change and transform us we see ourselves in his perspective and as we get to look at him more intimately we become like that which we behold and we are not looking at what we are were looking at what he made us to be and that changes everything because were looking in the mirror of his face were not seen a distorted image were seeing the true image which changes are we think about ourselves to align our thinking with his thoughts and when I think like he does about me I will be able to be that creative son and outwork it so a definition of a mandate as you let seal given a scroll which has a mandate on that says your authorised the mandate is to give someone authority to act in a certain way so when you get a mandate pay attention to what it’s actually say don’t assume that you given a mandate and it gives you carte blanche to do everything and anything it does have some direction to it and some jurisdiction to it is like God gives you a mandate for Toronto let’s say looking build ever that and it’s like and they suddenly start to Wanna take the whole of Ontario and then the whole of Canada but them and they only says Toronto but then when their faithful with their mandate for Toronto their tent pegs can begin to expand and then there mandate can begin to take in wider feel because then scroll their blueprint will have a wider thing on it but the mandate is so that you can begin to take steps to fulfil the wider thing not trying to all at once because when you see the bigger picture and I was looking at this show me some stuff and it was just like was too big and that’s the problem if you see the whole thing don’t know the mandate for the next step is like the mandate says you can do this today or in this season so gives you authority Wachter so way don’t step outside of that mandate you is it I not that is not fear inducing thing but you don’t want to be operate with no authority because you’re prone authority a you are going to be under someone other authority if you try and do it that way unofficial commission to do something this is what God given us he’s given us a commission to do something the instruction directive direction decree come and order injunction edict they’re all definitions or synonyms for mandate so blueprint so what’s the difference between a blueprint and a mandate well the blueprint of your life is the whole of your life which is your whole blueprint of what who you are what your called to do in the whole of your life the mandate will be to be a son but you will have specific mandates along the way that affect that blueprint and its outworking so generally the blueprint is a plan or model to us design a plan or technical drawing a pattern and that of layout a detailed plan of action and orderly step-by-step conception or proposal for accomplishing objective moral or prototype so so yeah that’s why so big because it’s is the big thing but you can tackle the big thing had you need an elephant one bite at a time you don’t trying to the whole thing is you’ll never get internationally so sometimes we have this big blueprint and it’s just like was so overwhelmed by it we can will start the scroll was just what the blueprint is to see the scroll is just what the mandates on the scroll is just the thing that something is written on the laws on a scroll in itself is nothing unless something on it so when you receive the blueprint on the scroll that is let’s the roof of your life but you can also have a blueprint for something specific so God may give you a blueprint for an ecclesia we may give you a blueprint for an embassy heaven he may give you a blueprint for a business he may give you a blueprint for a project or a anything so blueprints are just the plan that shows you what it is you’re gonna build but you don’t start putting the roof on the two for you got the foundation you have to start is like let’s say your looper is of a house you would not put the walls up unless you’d actually done the footings but the foundation in got it safe and secure got all the plumbing and all the stuff that needs to be in the foundations of the sewage drain drainage your sewage pipes enough you’ve already laid a foundation so you have to think about everything first before you start and start with the first thing if you’re looking at all the amazing things out there and you don’t lay a foundation you never really can see anything fulfilled so it’s important to see you have a blueprint for your life but that blueprint is made up of seasons there are times and seasons in your life that these things start to get you not can fulfil the end unless you start the beginning so you can follow through is a journey when you have something specific there’s an order in which you put things together you when I was a kid I stayed things apart you I wanted to know everything work I was a menace my wife might my mother the time and my wife also layer because of that I do things and I can then put them back you but I was always taking things apart and sometimes can get back gonna know how things worked I was wired that way that so things you when you when you I like to do use the model model building is the milled model aircraft small boats if you didn’t follow the plan you were never gonna succeed in actually doing it because it’s like you need to actually build the superstructure and build the infrastructure because then everything fits together is the same with a blueprint let’s say yours is a house you need to know what size the house is gonna be good is no point laying a foundation of 100 yard wide house surrounded me a house if you house is 10 m² so you only need the foundation for what eventually the building will be is no point building a foundation which is only gonna take a house that is 10,000 m² if your house is supposed to be 10,000 m² so you have to have a sense of what you’re going to be before you then start so this is where the clarity comes in of knowing the heart God for this and the area of jurisdiction that is eventually going to be to a blueprint but the mandate will be the jurisdiction you have now so I have a mandate from ecclesia that mandate says you can lay a foundation if I start building the walls and put in the roof on I’m stepping outside of the authority that I have a this season I will have a mandate to put a roof on it to build walls and put everything in it and everything else but I don’t now even though the blueprint says that this thing will have a house and is it will be this you got do it in step Sony people race ahead try to do things outside of what they are authorised to do this point I’m so you let’s your your blueprint could be of anything else is a thing blueprints can be anything this is why we Wanna make sure that were not try to copy something that already exists because we think that’s what it should look like if you are gonna build an ecclesia you really really really really need to know something about what God’s heart is for that otherwise you will build on the presumptions and assumptions of what you already experienced increases we are actually in that position here right now in that we didn’t have a book to follow or anyone to follow we are to work this out ourselves and is not been easy and we are transitioning from something which was already an existing into something that God wanted it to become and with another clone really in our and so we started the best of our ability so we established we had an existing leadership we look to transition that into a bench of three avenger seven and we started on that on that process and in hindsight I wouldn’t do what I did then now because I now know six years down the line a lot more than I did then but okay we been on a journey and sometimes you get your point on your journey and you have to look at where you are and you have to assess where you are and assembled should this be where we are this point in the journey so for us is like we need to go back and reassess the foundation of how something gets established because it actually done look like were once yet so that’s okay you is no combination in realising that your you need to make some adjustments and reassessments with the revelation you got now because it’s a progressive sense of revelation you don’t get a download of everything in one go it comes relationally as you develop relationship with God so you may have your something from ecclesia and immediately you hear the word glazier you may have a concept what that looks like don’t let that be what enables you to build it get the concept from God because of the blueprint could be a far house a university shopping wall a car a bus and aeroplane coach mobile home only blueprints are plans to build something what is the plan the gods given you to build make sure you get and insight into otherwise it will go well be wrong because the year what you okay, and do a session on it a careful session on it on this is an ecclesia this is an embassy and in an ecclesia is always the foundation that will become an embassy because it’s all based in relationship the God gives for a wider purpose so you have to start somewhere if you try and create an embassy of heaven without having the foundations of relationship that ecclesia begins with your create a structure and organisation which when work so it all starts relationally so that the main thing is to get the blueprint to get the blueprint see you given a mandate says you have a you have the authorisation to establish an ecclesia or an embassy okay that’s a mandate a mandate and tell you what to do it just tells you can do it the blueprint tells you what is gonna look like you need both you can have a blueprint unless you been authorised to have it so I Wanna blueprint from heaven will do is God told you can have an open allotment will inoculate what you you make one up because he won’t give you you make something up which will be your only smell like is like you will be tried again ahead of God he may well have to put you through 10 steps for you can get a mandate for that because he wants to see that you’re doing this in your own life first now honestly ideal circumstances don’t happen everywhere all the time so when your forum you get all sorts of stuff thrown at you the you have to navigate through it’s like you I was learning to do my sown life while doing all the church and doing all the other staff and it was all thrown in mountains of this and mountains of that and unlike but I’m capable of handling that because I I am authorised to do it and that’s what I’m given the authority to do not everyone can I would encourage you want to try and jump in and do everything all at once start with your own life if you start with your own life then you don’t have to be perfect because none of us are perfect you just have to be on that on the journey and then you may earn immediately stepped on a journey with your own life and gobble maybe start to say you have do the something with other people as well but we already have an existing thing that we already have so I didn’t have the luxury of saying how I Wanna start something from new because was already something here existing so we had to transition and is a big difference between transitioning from an old to a new then starting something new if you can possibly start something new go for that I didn’t really have a choice so I can help people who are going transition from an old thing to a new thing because were still in it and I can tell you all the things not to do because I’ve done most of them we done most of them and we discover they didn’t work or we learn from that we discovered a lot and now we got to the point where were actually say we’re looking for 10 people also to actually relationally engage to establish a new foundation that can be done relationally without the pressure of an existing thing because our existing bench of three is gonna focus on all of our existing ministries and outward things and give the actual local ecclesia the opportunity to be established on a relationship which is not framed by me I woke up in this process when God told me to step out of things in in a way I woke up and I this song in my head and I was a song Graham Kendrick Song from March you Jesus the many many years ago and it was late way and it was like this song, make way and God said need to make way so get out of the way basically does of the say hey God told me get away so no because you had to get to a point where then people would be able to go from there themselves and my influence is no longer required in that I can support and help when I will when asked for but not because I don’t have the authority if you step out of that but I desire to see fulfil God’s thing but it’s God blueprint see not mine so often blueprints are attached to people’s identity so whatever let go and it’s like you our blueprint is God’s when were stabbing ecclesia physically to build ecclesia meal God or Jesus you so your build ecclesia we try and do it and we try and do it using our own knowledge of what we already think an ecclesia is and we get it wrong because they didn’t like that and it can be vastly different from what we really think anyway heavenly blueprint is God’s architects plan to guide us in what to build each blueprint carries with it the express heart of the vision the values of the purpose of God reveals it becomes our motivation and our plotline so you someone comes to me and says I’ve got a vision for an orphanage in Africa been there done that, T-shirt and go to someone else to run you and we look blueprint and there’s no orphanages in corolla blueprint okay were not gonna do that but maybe it’s part of your personal scroll to do this so how can we help you to fulfil your destiny but were not gonna do it for you because this is your scroll and destiny therefore will help you get a blueprint and I think you to do that were not gonna do it you were in relationship with you but were not taken responsibility for because people can do things individually and still be part of something corporate and not everything on everyone’s individual scroll is a connected to the corporate that there are involved with people think it is in churches think they should be and therefore they control everything and empower people to pursue things which are necessary part of the alcohol you so eagerly careful so when we started to form a blueprint and we got a clarity of that blueprint it didn’t have an orphanage in Africa or a vocational training centre which is what we developed in Africa in in Uganda so we have established a charity to run that it was functioning working and we got it to the point where we could hand it over to the person who it was his heart to do and now he’s running it we gave we gave and the whole thing lock stock and barrel with all its assets because it will not us if we kept it is worth a lot if we kept it it would have destroyed it because we got to the point where it in part of what we don’t have authority to do that now while we were developing it and we didn’t know our full blueprint God took it to the point where we could let it go and if you can let something go then your identity is too tied up with encourage you to ask the question in relation to your soul and spirit and separation of soul and spirit if I was not doing that how I feel about myself and how would I feel gobble feel about me because if you can answer that in would make no difference whether I do this or not your identity is coming from what you do and that is a recipe the disaster because eventually gobble have to say let it go and when you do you will know you are because who you are is not tied to what you do who you are enables you to do things it’s not because you do it that’s who you are so asked that question I would encourage you all did last because as tied up with ill and might be living in a house in a certain place and God wants you live somewhere else and it’s like one do but this is this is this is I’ve literal my life what God did that to me you know it was just like you need to move not another problem of change your chainsaw my wife and big problem just like were God tell me she said I trust you but you can tell me the last and it is the actually literally did someone prophesied over your time was where we were down in Cornwall and your time here is over and I’m sending it above just like that so then she had notes usage a twice before twice before God told us to move and we couldn’t move because we she was tied to the place we were living spiritually and we had to get an alert all my deliverance techniques on a e around the everyday the is the sometimes God tests your heart and he doesn’t actually want you to do what is asking you to do he just wants you to say yes because the yes is what is looking for and then he will then deal with the why the reason you can will be other do it so he is asked us to move I said yes my wife was begrudgingly said yes glory within 15 miles the road what exactly long way but we went look the houses we can move we said yes and that brought up territorial spirits and other things that she was tied to any assets to move about year so later and and I I said yes is closer to my work for obviously good but he didn’t really want us to move body was actually doing was testing the obedience of our heart to deal with all the reasons why we couldn’t move or cut wouldn’t move and then when he eventually said move we were able to live because sometimes that’s what God does you so then maybe things that are on your journey there are only part of get you somewhere else then not the place where you actually put down your roots or you stay there a milestone place in your journey that can take you somewhere else so many people get stuck there because it’s good and it’s successful and they’re doing well and God says this is and it is more and they won’t let go of what they got to receive because the good is the enemy of the best and we can have good things in God we were let go back if were particularly tied to a particular relationally like to to is a really key part when it comes to a blueprint the Lord answered me and said record the vision described on tablets that one who reads it may run so what that saying is in less you can actually define what God is giving you as a blueprint so that other people can see it and resonate with it then is only can it ever be a pipe dream and will never come to fruition he has to be able to get it down in a form that you can understand and others And if if it’s so complicated that you can explain into three sentences then you need to get a clarity about what it is so you can simplify it to initially be able to release the sound of it because other people gonna have to connect if you’re doing something corporate you can do on your own God never wants you to do something on your own you want to do in relationship with him but also in relationship with other people generally so make sure that you can get it down in may be a pictorial thing which is I’m I’m a pictorial person so I draw diagrams of flowcharts and things so I can see it other people might is right down a whole vision statement of what it is you get it down because it helps you clarify now tomorrow that’s what hopefully you will be able to do the something you’ll be other get something down the reflect something God is wanting you to to embrace someone very nine verse 16 in your book all written all the days that were daintily so in our overall saying God has designed this for us to outwork but we need to understand the time season because that was the sons of Issachar think they undertook stood the times in the season and then they knew what to do which is why you need to understand foundation laying and wall building and roof put in on and other things because if you try and deal a sequence of things whole thing will just work not work as socially otherwise mantles on the rock so the foundation is a first thing will look a whole session on foundations so there are many different mandates many of the blueprints daily progressive mandates that reveal our destiny each day I Wanna mandate for every day but I don’t ask for the details now I really just one it on my heart so I follow it specific time-limited mandate if you do not do that mandate in this time that the you don’t get to do it again you missed it there and it’s like that because there tied to very specific things and when that time is finished you got a let it go and stop doing it and that is an even bigger thing than not doing it at all because sometimes it’s like your successful it’s working this is awesome and God is now time to stop so somethings have a very and is really helpful to know when you start is this a time-limited thing I was asked that is this the whole of my life is this a season so when I’m stepping out of things here God spoke to me beginning of this year is in two years there is a shift coming and you need to get ready for okay now that and filled me with trepidation filled me with an opportunity psychologically while is so I just Moldova and then then I felt will if a shift is coming is a can affect anybody else they can affect everyone else isn’t just be you need to prepare for this shift so I asked him for some specific details so he told me the specific details of not just the two years but the next three years after that so then I would say okay I need to tell someone about this can actually this is can affect them and the ecclesia here so I need to to share this and then I need to say we have to begin to work this out note so then when it comes to looking at the ecclesia on the bench of three and seven know God told me into thousand and 20 begin it is trying to lay down all my governmental responsibilities cycle okay got year so to prepare for that you know but actually that was one aspect of it and then when we were looking at the foundations of the ecclesia here he said now is the time to let go of that so okay so I shared it with the other two are the bench also they were like OEM God is with you biz begin to us about that as well so it was like okay was a change coming you so then, how do we manage that transition of change so then you have to communicate and you to share we gonna navigate the way through it which is where we are right now now I see that as opportunity you so the will of who you your send this is our responsibility in my was my responsibility I’m here to help if you need help and not here to interfere planet help so now we gonna navigate that so somethings are very time-limited and there are ongoing mandates that you may have your whole life there are heavenly mandates which authorise you to do things only in heaven and there are a few mandates which authorise you to do things that you received in heaven on earth and you need to be clear what they are to my Chancellor’s role in heaven is a heavenly role I am not going around on earth telling people and the Chancellor and they need to doesn’t do I say as it is in the North earthly authority is a heavenly authority to release unless people and authorise things that they can get on with it in a is not control system and I’m a Chancellor of heaven so no is just like so I would not never even think because it’s a heavenly role the light in other than income things like this were talking about roles of heaven are not go around talking about that to anybody because it’s point us because it doesn’t have an earthly function but I do have some actually functions as part of the bench of three for certain things now and I have areas that I am responsible personally function but that earthly function is still to bless and to release others is not to be over them and that’s a big difference between these things we mustn’t create an old covenant model of mediatorial stuff everything is foundational covering so this mandate to be fruitful multiply and fill the earth subdue and rule was can do that in our sonship is all is a got a general sense we know there are things we can do every day we bless people we love people you don’t need you don’t need a daily mandate to love people you know are likely to love people today because God is giving me a mandate for those somethings built into who we are as sons of God that don’t really require so overcomplicated but there may be some specific things where my Jesus was gonna raise a person from the dead now there is no record that everyone who died in the three and half years Jesus with a ministry was raising the debt so you can raise everybody so you know a mandate to raise everybody so when he came across the widow of main son he had a mandate to do that any did it so somethings you need to know that your authorised do that today but there are many many general things that we can now but for certain that our part of our sonship in relationship to bless to forgive need a mandate to forgive people it is a requirement of sonship to forgive is in the essence there is a based in love that I forgive so and people will use this as an excuse I don’t need to forgive that person because God did not give me a mandate to use these things and they will manipulate a new concept to operate in the flesh so we got be careful to get this balanced there is I know how to live I’m loved and I need to live love and therefore I need to express that to people in everyday life I am mandated to do that as a son of God to bless and to multiply and be fruitful and all those things but there may be some very specific things that actually I’m directed to flow if you have a mandate for a project administering ecclesia embassy heaven and apostolic resource centre and a hard you will need a blueprint to establish it don’t try and copy someone else’s blueprint you every book that is been written usually is written from the perspective it is a manual type thing that you will be able do that sell church G 12 church purpose driven Church every other side the church there are books out there that you will can get and you can try and copy them and I guarantee they will work unless told you to do it and it would work because he wants to give you something specific for you which requires you to engage him and not just follow a someone else’s plan this is what he gives to you which is why it takes time you and the plan they come in a big scale you may just get bits of it and they need developing as you continue to pursue now with any blueprint there’s going to be mandated spheres of authority what you are authorised to do within this blueprint we call the mountains cover the mountains of what the mountain of God is in the mountain and Zion because it’s a reflection on the Hebrew the mountain is that the whole the ruler rumours so it’s about rulership and government so there are spheres of authority there attached to our blueprint we started off with seven that they were all based in Isaiah 61 because that was the DNA Scripture God gave us and we then look to see how that was outworked because we had a one’s health so we have a mandate which is a sphere authority to administrate health and when we started that we had no clue where we were gonna be now so we be laying hands on people we anointing with oil we doing the basics that you did feel people we have in a healing ministry and so we minister to people mostly through the skill the person ministry but as we got to listen to God and engaging heaven then that began to change in how to help the person to listen for themselves so we got into lie busting which was about hearing the lies but from God saying what he wanted to do rather than the counsellor or the ministry saying you need to do this we need to do that we need to do the other so our health ministry now is embracing sound and fragrant oils and all sorts of that this knowledge tell you all the stuff under we are doing as a little boy free you but using lights and other things because it’s grown and it’s developed as it was a sphere of influence that we started off with and then it became more and more because we actually grew in our authority and and so then they were the people who are responsible for the health mountain went to God and they got the blueprint for the health mountain the bench of three didn’t get it and tell them what to do because you empower us to go and hear God what to do will look at that when we look at benches and how they were so sorry things reveal specific areas authority or mandates of the blueprint has a new really need to know what they are otherwise you can have a problem and you need to know the jurisdiction in which that is bounded I cannot walk go down to Plymouth and say I’m establishing a health ministry because I don’t have the authority to do implement what I do have is authority to actually bless others to start something implement because I have a governmental role to encourage other people to things but I don’t have the authority to go into it even though we have a health mountain but it’s contained within the boundaries of our ecclesia and eventually within the boundaries of the wider embassy heaven which will come out of that and that will have a more community-based thing so you the mandate but in your heart carry in your heart you won’t have any authority to unless its part of you and you take in your heart it will motivate you and it will authority engage God for heavenly perspective for just because you have a mandate doesn’t mean you understand everything about it from the heavenly perspective don’t jump in with 2 feet and try and do something before you get a full picture of what it is unless God says jump that that is a jump jump or dark dark you know because you might be missing something you doubt email a big problem so but there are things which are need cultivating and nurturing and mandates generally do particular if there attached blueprint be seated in your position of authority to use it you can have a mandate but if you not seated in heaven it’s gonna be enforced on earth could well have been established in heaven first so everything I do I decree in heaven first my spirit is always in heaven actually sat on my mountain continually administrating in heaven so I can manifest in your you so don’t just jump into something you use the mandate to seek for a blueprint or strategy just because God said you can do this might not have any idea how to do it was a court in heaven that you can go present a mandate and say help I need a strategy for how this works on earth you can go get it because will be clarified use it to frame your day by administrating it from your mountain so I have a mandate to to equip people gate I have a mandate that jurisdiction is the world and beyond that the world that’s a scientist jurisdiction for the world I am going to frame my day to be able need to connect with people around the world to be able to be at help them and mental them and support them in their journey so I’m gonna need to build will answer every question that they have what they know what questions are and if in I again wanted for the group unknown glass and they usually pushing my buns to get rid it of the most of idolatry, usually without so he but what I do is I frame thy will have all that I need to be able to do everything that I’m adding to do today before the day starts so I’m already expecting a flow from heaven I’m not anxious concerned worried about what questions will my asked me because if I don’t know the answer I can going engage God again answer because I’m already in heaven and if I do know the answer I’m not gonna get it to come out of my memory I’m gonna get it flowing out of being in heaven so everything that’s why things have to be established in heaven first otherwise I get asked the question, I’m scratching my head trauma think about all somewhere dilemma something about that I never have to which is why I don’t generally so the other problem answering questions you sometimes take a long time doing it because it’s draws up all sorts of things when I start connected to the creativity of the question because the question often has multiple levels to it that the person who is and is asking it may be not even knowing what the Raskin but I connect to the multiple levels that’s why someone asked me a simple question and 20 minutes later I still have given the answer because it carries with it a lot more than just the surface level because I Wanna connect to the heart behind it and that so I frame my day every day to be enable me to do that and I have the full expectation that I will do that and if there are obstacles in the way then I have the authority remove to the blueprint carry in your heart if you don’t carry in your heart you never build the building so or let Jesus told it it will shape the desire and the motivation and will start to move you seek a strategy to develop what you do first well I don’t know I can tell you what I would do first if God told me to do it and I will tell you the logical thing to do first that might not be the thing that God asked you to do to don’t make an assumption don’t assume that you know how to do something just because it seems obvious because actually some things need to be done in a different way deliberately because God is a bigger purpose in so always seek a strategy that comes in heaven even if something is so simple that you think like that you that’s the last thing you Wanna be thinking I can do it because I don’t Wanna be doing it out of my capacity to do it I Wanna do it at the heavens capacity to work through me to do it establish a foundation for it now that is something that is important to do with the blueprint but when you do that and how you do that needs to be discerned with the strategy not just an assumption because it is easy yes you do need a foundation and you can any government but how does that come with talk about that in another session little bit using the plan that guides us and motivates us but let him do it then you’re not engineering something and try and make something happen your going with the flow of the creativity that is being released as God builds it together God is gonna lay the foundation of relationship within people if they’re willing to pursue it the becomes government is also going to allow the living stones are part of something to come together relationally and connect if you allow him to do it and you don’t try and force people into a mould part of the problem is all of the structures that we see as church are like a mould several us to fit into as your love the outcome old and you have the charismatic mould and you have the AOD mould in your have the Presbyterians mould and the Baptist mould you in the Southern Baptist mould you which is made of unbreakable titanium I think and be the methods mould management is not to know all have a framework which is existing which they use to fit everything into God’s mould is flexible because actually the shape of the mould is the people who were the living stones that’s why it’s people who shape what things look like you see the thing says build the car it done saved all the blue car with you 17 inch wheels and this and other or a turbocharged engine because if you don’t have anybody use a turbocharged engine how you can build a car that was presented is the people who are those characteristics so if you are gonna build a blue car you need with people you that’s so obvious thing God will give you the blue people if you try and get read people from over there to make your blue car you’ll be Tronic the red when their blue and that will only trying force them into something that they aren’t so you have to respect people’s destiny in identity and allow God to fit them into what’s going on not pigeonholing so we don’t do certain things here because no one has got the blueprint in their own lives to do it and if we would say okay good people think you have the children’s work if you have more children’s work people would come and my answer is I want people here just because got children’s were he was God sent them and it will be a perspective irrelevant when we got children’s were why we do children’s work as God hasn’t told us to do it but no one has the mandate to do and if God told us to do children’s were he would have to give someone a mandate to do it and we will again at the front the church saying God told us with a new children’s work how can we put the squeeze on you to make you feel guilty enough to do which is what church does God told to do this and we need this money so when you put the squeeze on you to give this offering to enable us to do and we’d all sorts of manipulative things because were not trusting God to build we try and build so let’s be very careful that were building and allowing him to build we are cooperating with him in the process so you use the blueprint to reveal all those spheres of jurisdiction and got and they become guidance and boundaries and plumb lines that you don’t step out of but they can always expand you don’t think just because your blueprint says this at the beginning that actually may not expand it it can all may not and you may always have this particular thing that your call to do in this particular place as all good so the blueprint enables the strip plan to direct that strategy and then once you have something it has a frequency that will attract others those that should be attracted to it as living stones to participate in it because God is gonna build people he’s gonna put people together now so if it isn’t it isn’t people orientated then I don’t think really is God that is relational is deafening of God so whatever it is make sure you don’t build a functional structural thing has no life in a relationship in which is why at takes longer to do something relationally than it does to do something organisationally I’m capable of organisationally doing stuff in a very short period of time because I I know how to do it but I have to allow others to do it and it may take a much longer time and to begin with ice to get frustrated with Paul or Wiley doing it why is it taking so long as I could in two weeks in our three-month deadline there were two years down the line but I learn to let go because it was my responsibility and if I did do it it would be built in mileage and it would be wrong because it was a mostly muted it so you have to wait for God to inspire people and encourage people and nurture people to the point where they feel you can and I’m called to do that and I’ll do that but you have to overcome all people’s issues of not one responsibility fear of failure previous models of leadership being heard all that stuff all come into the mix when you start to work with people so having a relational process that can work through all those issues is absolutely vital is zealously a blueprint outworked so make sure you write it make sure you can be clear about it make sure you got a heart for it carry in your heart and then see what God does patients patients is vital don’t try and get ahead of God’s timing and don’t the high neither walk with him through the process patients is a virtue they say in a solicitor matter patients worldwide with God will give you all sorts of situations but the reality there is a fruit of the spirit that you can once you operate in love patients is a consequence because you look at people you love them and you don’t get annoyed and angry and frustrated with them because you want them to grow and nurture themselves so is love is patient love is kind love keeps no record of wrongs so if God is love guess what he doesn’t do keep any record of wrongs so how can you punish anybody who there is no record of wrongs throw that one out there is a freebie so here he is our blueprint that developed is that functioning do we have the concept yes are we working towards it yes are certain bits of it functioning yes particular bits involved with you that’s not to be proud will boast is just I know how to do this stuff and I’ve been doing it for eight years so I’m a little bit further ahead in something so when I legislate and govern an established for the mountain I’m involved with this if they are freedom apostolic resources which is all the stuff with the engaging God program these conferences all the teaching and all the stuff I’m doing because I’ve been ahead of the game on this because of the learning to do this in my life are eight years so I don’t expect everyone to be other do it like I Which is good because they’re not supposed to like me this post to do it like them so not all those other things are fully functioning some of the mob function better than others were on a journey of discovery and actually the foundation in the middle of all that is what we need to relay so all those things that are connected on the outside can be actually much were working Christ so that is example of a blueprint yours may look very different from that yours may just be a series of statements see within the yellow part of that which is the thing that has for lines red lines and their the visionary principles of the ecclesia that gathers they are helping people find and fulfil their destiny that is what we are called to do helping people to be free free to see free to know free to be free to do free to go in the context of living in the manifest presence of God in the heavenly realms and out working the manifest presence of God into the earth and the fourth one is in the context of this is a wider act outer expression than just local those four things are the things which we need to see functioning on the ground of a functioning fully now can they function better yes will a function yes I hope they will but they won’t have me influence in the wrong way because the other people need the green thing is the four faces of God so that the foundation of government the pyramid which is the new Jerusalem pyramid which is why not legal, and what that means priest king apostle or Oracle legislator so you that that you like this is the sort of thing that I like doing because it’s like you I like I’m a visual person like living together now so this came from others the Shalom there SH ALM the other ministries that we have bringing peace so we have a ministry here you’ll see if you go out in the day centre your see a lot of people out there who are having the peace minister to them so them force peace loving but you but there will will can help people of disadvantage we run a drug rehabilitation centre we have move on houses you we do a lot of things that outwork our blueprint into the community they are based on the fact that that is what God has called us to do to help people find their destiny and those who are caught in addiction poverty homelessness our struggle to find their destiny unless they engage with God and find his love and then that begins to change and transform them so they can really understand who they really are and be free and healed made whole so works out that way you I encourage you to you all have a blueprint for your own life which does has spheres of authority and it you will have a mandate to outwork your destiny you may have some specific things that you need to learn how to do or get some clarity about a mandate to enable you to do that I will fill times up and I must need to look and see a much more I was gonna do a lot and okay I’m not gonna be other do that today and but I will I will do it some stage because one of it was how you develop a blueprint you can go to wisdom’s heights and you can engage the seven pillars of God and the seven pillars of God connect you to the seven spirits of God that when they working cooperation can give you knowledge wisdom and understanding they can give you governmental foundations that you can develop a blueprint and brainstorming out within that context and I have a whole teaching which is part of this which get to which really is about engaging the seven spirits of God in the seven pillars of Wisdom and developing a blueprint or a law or legislation because it’s there you can get the help you need to facilitate that going so you can do that from a spiritual sense we can help you with the practical sense which is what tomorrow will be all about and that I will I do that teaching office and in a enough in a week or so and I allow it to this as I think it is an important thing but if I do that, do the next session so I will do it so and I’ll add it to the teaching so you will get it in London today okay you you yet you are yes your your personal blueprint is your personal blueprint the fact that God is brought you together as husband and wife means that you need to honour and respect each other’s blueprints and not try and make sure that one dominates another then maybe an overlap or there may not is okay you to do things the God’s call you to do when your husband to do things that could and they don’t have to be the same need to be the same as the same time all openly good to be together so one that operates in for the old operate in Brazil for the next 10 years is probably not a good idea as a husband and wife although sometimes God will assign you things to do temporarily which may mean that will work friend of mine is is why’s going to Sacramento filaments but they know is God saying that American are obviously still connecting the type so yes make sure that you don’t try and dominate each other’s blueprints you may also have a corporate blueprint the your part of that together you are working but not necessarily in a fuel any part of the corporate ecclesia then hopefully will be in the same ecclesia you cannot say no anything you like know God is but that may be that you do corporate things together in that but you also do individual things that are very different you have to be free to be the you God made you to be will be a complementary part of that because God brought you together but that is not to restrict its to enhance it so you empower each other

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