On earth as it is in heaven 5

the next session we are going to look at, is actually looking at ecclesia’s  and embassies. what are they? what is the foundation of it?  If we are going to do it, we need to start looking from a heavenly perspective. part of the big problem is that we only have a reference to what we’ve already experienced and most of what we’ve experienced- and I have been involved in lots of different sorts of churches over the years, but to be honest, most of them were pretty much the same, just they did things slightly differently. there was still the expectation you were going to meet on a Sunday you are going to have some worship, some one was gonna speak, there will be some ministry. you may do some things but the bottom line is it’s pretty much the same thing. We’ll actually it doesn’t have to be the same thing at all. we just assume it’s the same thing because that’s what we’ve extrapolated from what history has done. and it is something which we have to be really careful that we do not repeat something because that’s our own experience and that’s the only experience. that’s why we must go and engage with God rather than look at, we’ll this is the model of my past. If we are going to see God’s  kingdom come, what vehicle is that going to come through . I believe the ecclesia is what God has designed the kingdom  to come through. Jesus said he would build it. he didn’t say would build anything else. he did say he would build his ecclesia. but ecclesia is not the same as the institution that we know as church. that’s why I use the word ecclesia and not church. as soon as I say church you will already have formed a pattern in your mind from what you think the church is.2:07

 whether you come from a Catholic background , any other background, a Protestant background or anything in between you will have experience of what you did when you went to church. well you can’t really go to something that you are, in reality. so I know church isn’t buildings, but it became meetings. so the church is the meeting. We’ll it actually isn’t the meeting either. the church meets, but it’s not the meeting. and the church might not meet  in that way and it doesn’t make it any less an ecclesia if it meets differently. so we have to be  really careful that when we come to engage ecclesia were not going to pattern it after our understanding, but after God’s. and Matthew 6:18- I say to you you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church. now because petra, – this is where the whole Catholic thing comes into, that Peter was the Pope and he was what the church was built on. It did not say that, they’ve interpreted it that way. but it doesn’t actually say that.  and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. Ephesians 3:10 the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the ecclesia to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. so there’s a role that we have to demonstrate something of God’s wisdom, so that the spiritual realm will see it. Ekkesia is used 112 times in the new Testament, 96 times in the Septuagint the Greek version of the old Testament and they all have different meanings. so some were universal in perspective some were the believers who gathered in a particular house, city, region. some refers to an heavenly expression of those who are the heavenly  things that we can engage with , the people who are in heaven. and and some were civil governmental  gatherings, and some of the word ecclesia- because ecclesia was the Greek word that had nothing to do with a religious concept, it began in a civil government. so there is always been a governmental aspect to the word ecclesia which is not the same in church. but they use ecclesiastical to indicate the government within a church setting, so they used the word but they’d actually miss the fact that that was actually the whole thing, not just aspects of it. Ephesians 1:22 says and he put all things  in subjection under his feet, and gave him as head over all things to the church – or ecclesia which is his body the fullness of him fills all in all. so there it describes the ecclesia there as his body. so we got some clue, this was something which was  more organic than institutional. And it also talks about the feet and Jesus being the head. so if Jesus is the head, who is the feet? we are, as part of the body. and if everything is under his feet, what’s everything supposed to be under ? under our feet. So  were supposed to be above everything, because we are seated with him in that place. but everything has become very much an expression of what you do on earth and not what God wants from a heavenly perspective or the fullness of him who fills all in all. So the church as a body should contain the fullness of the expression of who God is and who Jesus is. so why is the ecclesia been translate church in English and other languages ? now you are going to have to go back a long time to ask some of the translators, and you have to go to heaven to ask some of them, if they are there. So the word church  actually is an old English word cir(i)ce, cyr(i)ce, which comes from the Dutch kerk and in Scotland they still refer to churches as kerk and that comes from the mediaeval Greek Cure: from the Greek kurikon, from the greek kuriakon (doma) lords (house), from kurios- master or lord.

so somewhere along the line someone interpret it into another word. which is another Greek word, not ecclesia which isn’t in the Bible describing what Jesus described or Paul described. so why change ecclesia for kuriakon that moves from people to institutions. well it suited certain people to have an institution that they could control. and to bring church and state into control of that institution to keep everyone in bondage and under their control. and so the state used the church. Jesus did warn the disciples about this issue- he warned them about the leaven of Herod and the Pharisees. He warned them  about the infiltration of the religious and the political system into what he was doing. and rather than the ecclesia being leaven and in that leaven infiltrating the whole world. he warned that the world would try to infiltrate the church, and they have done a really good job to be honest. because ecclesia has nothing to do with kuriakon , in that sense. So the earlier Greek doesn’t resemble ecclesia at all. and it was usurped that position and it’s been used to stop the civil governmental perspective of church. because the Roman Empire certainly didn’t want anyone else having any governmental authority. and then when it became the English Empire, King James  didn’t want anyone to have any authority other than the crown. so any governmental perspective to this body of believers was changed. so in the understanding of kuriakos the root kurios which means lord or the things of the Lord, you can understand that actually that would have been more of an acceptable translation from which church would come from, but it’s not in the septuagen 8:45- 9:38

 it was always describing a kahol , a house , a synagogue, a group of people. and the same Jesus used to bring that into the reality we need. so they intended to convey the original Greek meaninga body of people called out of the Roman and Judean system to come together into a  separate civil community. now you can see why this would be so challenging to any national government at all, because they were saying- you actually, if you are called out into this group your no longer under the government that we have. So it was something which stops the governmental aspect of God’s people, to limit what they could do. So we think of it in a wider context, but actually they would have seen it as a body of people called out of the Roman system, which was Caesar is Lord or out of the Judean system which was basically the law , and to come together as a separate civil gathering. which is why they had their own government- the back din, they have their own system of government, that is why jesus said don’t go to the Roman courts, you don’t need to do that type of thing .

so paul and Silas weren’t church builders or church planters, as preachers today claim they are. they were not proselytising people from one church or synagogue to another of transfer growth. They were actually calling people to come into a totally different thing. So they were taking a message of good news- which was freedom from religious and political systems and the culture that they lived in, to come into a heavenly culture, not an earthly one. So when Constantine saw supposedly a cross in the heavens, he could change the whole of their system, of the Roman system to be Christian. so all the priests were out of a job, he gave a job, all the buildings which were the temples he turned into churches to meet in. so the whole system began to unravel when the leaven of Herod and Pharisees actually mixed. and this then became through the whole dark ages, that only the priest who could read Latin, because then they took the Greek book and turn into a Latin book to Rome’s Vulgate version of the Bible, which was totally mistranslated from Augustinian actual perspectives, which is where all the penal, all the things come in, with Hell and all that stuff, came through that system. and that was the thing that then they used as the basis of translating most of our modern versions.

Paul and silas, so they were kingdom builders. they were dethroning the rulers in the minds of the people and releasing them from the mental holder Caesar or the law  had upon them in the Roman and Jewish governmental system .so this was a radical thing , you can see why this frightened people, because the whole Jewish system tried to reimpose, the judiasers, all their influence upon the ecclesia, so it would come back under the system of mediatorial priests .and the Roman system was like –we’ll Caesar is Lord and now this group is coming and saying Jesus is Lord and they were willing to be lit up like Roman candles to defend that. So they were a radical group. so when it comes to the emphasis of being new creations and having a renewed mind it wasn’t just a renewed mind to this is what I am, it was  this is what we are- were are no longer in this Roman or Jewish system. We are a completely new thing .we are totally new wineskin.

 I would encourage everyone to read the mirror Bible from the perspective that it’s coming from- the mirror, it is the mirror of Gods face, that we can have intimacy with, face-to-face intimacy that actually unveils the true nature of both who we are and what the ecclesia is. And I will give  you a description of the ecclesia from the mirror Bible, because it gives an emphasis which really represents what God is trying to do through a group of people , it  actually represents his body on the earth and fully represent what he’s like. We’ll you are never going to fully represent what he’s like unless you’ve met him face-to-face. And you are never going to meet him face-to-face unless you engage in heaven. otherwise you are only limited to a book and the experiences that that book has within it. because that’s the evangelical perspective. if the experience is not  in the Bible then it isn’t real or it isn’t true or it’s demonic or counterfeit or all the other things they will say it is. so whenever you get something radical, like in the 90s- 94 Toronto, and you have these manifestations and actually we received those manifestations here in 1993 and other places were receiving them before . the charismatic section of the church got them through Toronto. actually rodnie Howard Brown in the Pentecostal section was doing that a few years before that. we embraced that in 93 and they were pretty wild manifestations. Wild in the sense of physically wild, but also wild in sense of noise and things that were going on and everyone was trying to find  that in the Bible. I heard sermons preached on why this is okay, because this is in the Bible  and it was pushing it to say the least. to try and say this is acceptable because there are things in the Bible. Oh a cow is mentioned in the Bible so it’s okay  for you to mooo.  And this was literally  what they were trying to do. Because they were trying to make it applicable to everybody because it’s in the Bible, it wasn’t, most of it wasn’t. does that make it wrong, absolutely not. why does it have to be the Bible? We are in a  new day, that God wanted to do something in the year 1994 or three , whenever  that is not in the bible . he can do whatever he likes, because he is God. so it doesn’t  have to be what we think it is, but this whole thing was a totally changing of people’s perspective of the power of this group . because remember in all the other systems the power was in the priest, not in the people. you have to go through the priest to engage God. whether you went through the priest to get to Zeus or Apollo or any of the other Roman or Greek ones or whether you went to the priest to engage God you didn’t get direct access, you only went through the priest who  was the mediator. so this was a radical change of thinking that was very difficult for the existing structures to accept ,which is why they try to get them back under the old or to get them to renounce that- to that- Caesar was Lord. and then the old system would apply. litterally this is what it meant- it meant a politically autonomous body of believers under no king but Jesus under no jurisdiction but that of Jesus. no man ruled them, only Jesus. that’s pretty much revolutionary so you can see why it would be a challenge to the religious and political system. now we sort of lost all that. when were talking about the government of God and heaven and blueprints, this is what it’s about. were supposed to demonstrate a new level of authority with a group of people who are operating under heaven and not earth.17:33

 that’s what an embassy does, we’ll  go into that. so that was the reason that they ran into so many problems with kings and rulers and others, they were arrested, crucified, martyred because they exchanged Caesar as their king for Jesus. or they exchanged this old Testament angry God, for this new Testament loving God who was fully represented in Jesus who came and healed the sick and raised the dead and preached this wonderful good news of love. He loved them

what he was trying to do, was the same as he was doing in the new Testament, they just wouldn’t have it. So he limited what they could do by allowing Moses to develop the system that stop them sacrificing their children and sacrificing to idols, and even then they still did it. So ultimately he  divorce them, that is what it says. Jesus said I am taking the kingdom away from this group of people who have  not fulfilled its fruit and I am giving it to another one. and that describes what happened in Daniel chapter 7 when Jesus came, or the son of man came to the aancient of days which was Jesus and that’s what happened after he was ascended, after he met Mary. so he met mary having come out of he tomb, he said don’t touch me because I am  not yet ascended. he ascends goes to the ancient of days gets a throne, he was given a kingdom, sets up all these thrones for us  and then gives the kingdom to us and then he comes back engages on the day of resurrection just as foretold in John 14, on that day you will know that I in you and your in me.  because now on resurrection day he was in them. Not that he was  gonna get in them, but then he demonstrated that by breathing on them and said receive the Holy Spirit. so it was totally radically different thing that this was about. and we need to get back of that, that’s the whole point, we go back to the roots of who we really are. so there were lots of principles about God’s government. but they were calling those who would respond to the call, to become citizens of a different kingdom. he transferred them out of the kingdom in darkness into the kingdom of light. and this was not just a spiritual thing, this was an actual real thing because they came out of the control of the Jewish system and they came out of the control of the Roman system which was effectively the known world. and it says that a kingdom was set up in those days of the last of four kingdoms that were prophesied the Babylon and Persia and Greece and Rome and that person had feet of iron and clay East and Western Roman Empire which the kingdom of God was set up in those days and it’s an everlasting kingdom which will never end and will overcome every kingdom.20:31

 and that’s what we see, that’s our inheritance. But how many people really know that. So we have been called to become citizens  of the kingdom of God and to be joined relationally in an ecclesia or a community of believers, who are operating in that power and authority.

Ekklesia -1-out from and to 2-to call. Properly means what the original said– people called out from the world and to God, the outcome being the church( the mystical body of Christ) universal (total)body of believers whom God calls out from the world and into his eternal kingdom.-strongs-gets it right sometimes. Mirror- the word ekklesia comes from Ek, a preposition always denoting origin, and klesia from Kaleo, to identify by name, to surname: thus the ecclesia is his redeemed image and likeness in human form.22:02

 so he’s redeemed who we are as citizens of the kingdom and therefore it’s an expression of his body, who he is through us as his children. so the expression of God and his government on earth as it is in heaven. That’s what it is. But thats not what most the world would say it is. because it has become an institution, ruled by systems of theology which have restricted it into patterns which have not released the government of God or the citizenship of heaven. So we need to see a big change so Ephesians 1: 22 this is the mirror Bible I want you to see this; he subjected all these powers under his feet. he towers head and shoulders above everything. he is the head, the ecclesia is his body, the completeness of his being that fills all in all, resides in us. God cannot make himself more visible or exhibit himself more accurately. wouldn’t that be wonderful if that was true. but this is what we must become, an expression as Jesus was the express image of the father. so we are an express image of the nature and character of father-son and spirit on earth, his body.23:42

 I was talking to Dr Rosa in so the mystical Jewish teacher from a Christian perspective, he was talking about various  expressions  and he said that God being a spirit can only connect to the physical realm through us. so everything that he is to experience about his creation come through us and if we don’t connect to it then he doesn’t connect to it. Jesus came as the son of man as the last Adam to come as a man but god was already working through people right throughout history, to connect them to the reality of creation.

All things hold together by the power of his voice. that is  the frequency that he spoke and holds all creation to being quantum physically.

 His connection with the creative realm this is what doctor o said, I am not saying it is right or wrong,but I can see what it’s saying, when it is talking about us being a body. That he engages the creation through, so that creation can actually be a reflection of who God created it, who is the creator. but actually what it really is saying is we need to be a demonstration of God in physical form. So we are Jesus with skin on. Because they can’t meet the real Jesus in physical form anymore, because he is now in a spiritual body in heaven, but we are his physical body .so there is the concept of this which is actual way in which people can engage God through us. therefore we need to be a reflection of that. and what’s god like?- relational, loving, full of joy, full of peace. Not falling out and  arguing and separating over disagreements over belief systems. So we have effectively founded everything on a book to determine how we do things and what we are. and the book does not define it. Because it was never supposed to. the book describes relationship and fellowship, day by day, eating together, sharing the apostle teaching, praying, doing this sort of stuff. now when we read praying ,we have a connotation what praying is. talking about this earlier. because everything is defined by our experience and most of that experience is coming from the last thousand years, 2000 years or less. so what does it really mean? so they were praying , were they asking God to do stuff ?that’s not prayer. I would not encourage you to pray as you used to. because I did  and after a while God said no. I was most most disturbed by the fact that he could say no to my prayers. Because he is  supposed to answer our prayers, is not that what he is there for? well he said no and I said what do you mean NO?  why you keep asking me to do stuff that I’ve already authorize you to do. So this is what it is to come into sonship, is that we actually get to be sons of God.

  Jesus said you are all God’s. he said that, and it that was an old Testament Scripture, that he refered to. now it was the Little G. so he wasn’t saying you were all God, but what he was saying is your all gods,  your all sons of God. you can’t be a son of God, unless you are a  God. but not to be worshipped , because we set up a connotation about it ,around our religious ideas. what he was saying is your all like me.  your all created to be like me.27:54

 you were all suppose to be a reflection of me in this creation and therefore an ecclesia which is a collection of people coming together to express that . it is supposed to reflect God and his nature.

  the Lord’s prayer was focusing on  first heaven our father who art in heaven. so here’s then the focus of the prayer, and at that point they were not in heaven yet. so he was teaching them something that was reflecting what they were supposed to be doing then. so we have taken  it that he was telling us what to do now- he wasn’t.

I did a whole session on prayer, intercession what it looks like an old- new perspective. and we think prayer is talking to God and getting God to respond to us. so most of the prayer- when I learned to pray- it was God help. Then it was God help these people, god help these people and these people. I kept  a prayer list of all the people I was asking him to help every day and I kept asking him to do stuff . which is okay for children.  because dad does things for children29:26

But we are not supposed to stay children were supposed to mature and become adults. my children don’t ask me  to do the same things for them they did when they were little.  so we need to mature. so prayer is not that we don’t communicate with God, but communicating with God is a two-way conversation. not us one way having a list of things we want him to do. because my prayers were one way only. when I was growing up and when I was still in my early Christian life, my prayers were a monologue. my monologue was God, can you do this, can you do this, can you do this, will you do this, will you help these missionaries will you do this will you do this.because that was my only concept, because I never actually heard God speak to me. But when god can speak to you and you can speak to him ,that is what real communication is and it isn’t all one-sided. We do not keep  asking God for things when he’s empowered us governmentally which is why an ecclesia was a governmental. Which is why an ecclesia was a governmental gathering of people to start changing things. they were a counterculture, to effectively bring heaven’s culture to the earth and change that earthly culture whether it’s a religious cultural or a political culture or any other social culture to reflect what heaven’s culture was, which was a demonstration of God’s kingdom in love .

So yes he wanted us to engage, but your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. That was us saying to God, we want your will to come to earth from heaven. But actually he is called us to come to heaven and be part of bringing his will from heaven to earth. Not just to be an innocent bystander, of asking him to do it then sitting back and watching him do it. Because he’s doing it through us, we are his body. So if he is going to do something on earth, who is he going to do it through? Us. And if not us he will   use anybody else. There is more light in some people who don’t yet know Jesus than there are in those who say they do.  Because some people are reflecting more of the love of God who don’t say they even know God’s love. But they are more a reflection of heaven and the nature of God, than a lot of believers, who are into judgment and punishment, and God pouring out his wrath and condemning everyone to hell.31:50

 a lot of new, there are called new atheists are atheist because they do not want to know a God or believe that a God could be God, who will incinerate and punish his children forever. and that’s really, mostly the reason. Because there saying ,why would you want me to believe in that sort of God. I don’t believe in that sort of God either. so I could be called an atheist as well to that God. Because I met a different God. I have met a loving heavenly Father who loves me and has my best at heart and wants the whole world to come into a relationship with him.

 So there are many different synonyms that convey different perspectives of what an ecclesia does. the body of Christ, the house of the God, a family, vineyard, city of God, new Jerusalem, the bridal or wife of God, the assembly, congregation, flock, fold, holy city, habitation of God ,holy mountain ,spiritual house, temple of God, golden candlestick, gods heritage, the Israel of God. And they are all describing a group of people that he put it all down to an ecclesia. and then he describes various aspects of how that ecclesia functions.33:04

 The church of the religious institution of the Christian religion is not the ecclesia Jesus and Paul talked about.  and actually Jesus never came to start a religion. Christianity is a man-made idea, it is not God’s idea in the first place. All he wanted was a relationship with his people that would help more people come into a relationship with people until everyone had a relationship with him. That was his desire- relationship with us. And we set up a whole system which actually keeps people from relationship. That separates and alienates them from him rather than including them and opening up that relationship to us. As sons of God arise so will the true ecclesia of God rise up as well. Because when we rise into heaven we will see that what is currently seen as the church is not it. Which is why so many of you are not attending churches any more. And  why according to arther burk  the latest move of God is to get people out of that institution. He does a whole seminar called life after church. but the reality is God is drawing people out of that institution to bring them into the reality of a relationship free from the mediatorial coverings of men. Now some of you have heard that a long time ago. I have various friends online who are in various degrees of extricating themselves from church and  of them are struggling because they done that their whole lives and God has called them out- what am I suppose to do now? Enjoy life

What you are suppose to do is start ecclesia. A house church is just a church in a house. you have not necessarily changed what the concept of church is. They still do a little bit of worship and teaching and fellowship a little bit of this and that. it really has not fundamentally changed the nature of what they do it’s not enabled them to be a group of people who are bringing the government of God and changing stuff .so there just doing something on a smaller scale which I’m not against I’m not against people meeting together because you cannot have relationship with people unless you meet. just the way you meet should not be rigidly restricted by only certain patterns of things you do. it should be whatever God says. so go to the beach this week and have a walk together. that’s just as much ecclesia as sitting in a room and singing songs. but we’ve we have a menu of things you can do to be real church. Who made that menu, we did, God did not make the menu. and we compressed the menu into three fast songs and two slow songs, someone speaking and possibly an altar call or some sort of Ministry depending on what thing  you are. Or you come down to one person at the front doing it all and everyone just watching. Depending on what system it is. the ecclesia is not like that. and if we come into our positions of relationship with God in heaven we will start to see that what we are doing is a very very pale reflection of what God is actually calling us to do. I’m not saying it’s easy to do it because it’s so hard to to get rid of the mindsets that frame you into that. and even when you Wanna  do something different it’s not easy to get rid of those things. we haven’t found it easy. you know a few weeks ago, I said I am totally bored of all this. of just coming every Sunday, doing my bit , having a great bit of worship, which is all nice but it’s like-this is not it.  and I said to the other two bench of three, I’m really bored, we are too. What God does is he starts to make you dissatisfied , so  there is something more. And you can’t be satisfied with what you got if you are going to pursue something different. So all of a sudden I just thought , in the previous week I was happy with that. I was not feeling as dissatisfied as I was the next week. and we talked, what are we going to do.38:10

Lets ask the bench of 7 what they think about maybe something different.

let’s let’s not sing songs well you cannot sing songs or you can sing songs and is not really whether you sing or don’t sing, it is what’s coming from your spirit when you do. so we were there and everyone was struggling, I wasn’t and some people who knew what they were doing were not, but some people were like- when are we going to start singing songs. I heard  someone say that, an older lady said when is he going to start singing a song because she didn’t know how to connect her spirit without someone facilitating that through a song. so after I let it Flander for a little bit I thought okay I’m gonna say something, I went in front. When we started I saw a whole load of angels who were circling a portal overlooking what we were doing. I thought what are they doing, I said what are you doing? We are watching to see if you are going to do anything different.

Look- I know everyone is struggling, but why don’t you just let your spirit do something to engage God. We might have some music in the background, but it is about us releasing praise or engaging God in some way. It is not about the song or not song, it is about our spirit. You can engage God in a song you can engage God not in a song. you can engage God in music, you can engage God in no music. but actually you have to engage your spirit. so I just encouraged people to be a little bit freer. just allow your spirit loose. don’t think about what you doing or what you are not doing. Just let your spirit loose. So then I saw one of these angels run off or fly off, I don’t know if he had any wings or not. He disappeared. So I am looking and he comes back and brings David back with him. so David shows up, so I’m there talking to David . David had a key. I have come to give the key of David. Some people think the key of David was a musical key, it wasn’t. but it  did have a link to something which opens things up. What is the key for- he said this is the key to unlock everyone’s inner song. He was not talking about writing songs and he wasn’t talking about singing .but he was talking about releasing the creativity of engaging God in a different way. So I said this – anyone want to engage this key. so then we carried on a little bit further and people got a bit freer. now some people are still struggling because they’ve been so used to being facilitated by the worship leader or the person who was leading it that they didn’t have a way of engaging themselves. so when I engage in that realm, I’m very rarely here. it’s like I go, the music goes, I  like music, but it is like okay God is there any where  you Wanna go? So I am looking for an assignment, I want to go somewhere else in world, some where else in time ,in history or somewhere. It is like i got no responsibilities right now, I just engage and see what god wants to do. So I go around the throne room. or I go and engage in something. so actually I am not  really  in the room most of the time, I am physically there but I am not really there. and sometimes I am somewhere else in the world, sometimes I’m just engaging God face-to-face and it is irrespective of what they are  singing or not. But we are conditioned to have all these things as a part of what we do and actually there’s a different way. and it’s a way which needs to come out of the communication of the heart of God. and one week may look radically different for the next week. but how many churches do you go into, not all of them, but one week looks pretty much the same as the next week . and one different stream may have a little bit things differently. some of our content will be different from some of the places elsewhere. Because what I am  sharing will not be shared elsewhere. our intention is to engage, and we do activations, but primarily it’s the same thing. and I don’t believe God wants it to be the same thing. so I’m fed up with the same thing. so even if it is the same thing, I am going to be somewhere else. I don’t wannabe in a place, I am not saying physically, but spiritually because there is so much more out there than just singing a few songs or sharing a testimony, which is good. I am not saying it’s wrong, but there is more. And there  is more behind it, and  more at the heart of it I think we need to discover. and be open for God to reveal something which is much more from a heavenly perspective. so the individual that we are, cannot really be separated from the corporate identity. because were all called out to belong in relationship. so can I really know myself apart from relationship- no. can I really love or be loved apart from relationship- no. so God is relationship, God is love and he wants us to be in relationship with him and each other which is the reflection and experience of that sort of love. so this community that God has called us to be part of is governmental. but it’s fundamentally an expression of God’s character and nature which is love. which is why Jesus said- if the world really wants to see you as my disciples, it needs to see your love. You are going to be known as my disciples by love .so there is a heavenly part of it. Hebrews 12:23 the general assembly and ecclesia of  the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven. so there is the heavenly component of all those who have gone before us, who we can connect with and they’re all part of the same thing.44:16

 they have a heavenly role and they do observe and their surrounding us to help invest into our earthly part of it. and we can talk to them and engage with them. were not separated from  them and we have them surrounding us.so you know I love the fact the David turns up or Esther shows up or bob Jones shows up or someone shows up. some times Jesus shows up. So it is because they’re interested and they are pretty bored as well. so there are really looking for something different. They are looking for something different they want something more more genuine and authentic and more an expression of our real relationship with God individually, that when we come together there’s an exponential sense of that. rather than  we come to suck the atmosphere because we need the fix to get us through the rest of the week, which is what a lot of things is . I need to go on Sunday because I need to get through the week so I can get to the next Sunday. we set it up  to give people a drip feed for a few hours, so they can keep going. You get some people who are coming in and giving into that atmosphere and some people are just vampires you just suck out of it because they don’t really know how to give into it.

 I’ve experienced this from being in the Methodist church and being in the Brethren church from being in the  charismatic whatever. I’ve been involved  and I have seen and engaged with others who are also engaged with other different forms of what is going on and I don’t think anyone’s really satisfied. How many of you actually still attend an actual  normal church service.

 are you really satisfied with it- no. most of us have been called out of that but most of us haven’t yet found what it is actually supposed to be. and there’s millions of Christians who have left the institution but have not yet found and connected to others who are in pursuit of what were talking about- of engaging heaven and bringing heaven to earth. which is why we have to establish ecclessias which are.  So that they can connect to and call them in .

 the detox is, so that when you do come back into a true ecclesia you won’t repeat the mistakes that you did in the old church. so we need enough decontaminating from it, so we won’t make the same mistakes. so when you’re transitioning from one to another it’s really hard to do that. it really is hard you still have something that you have to try and keep going while you are trying to find something else. And it is not easy .

 it is really bringing it back to- if we have an intimate personal relationship with God ourselves then when we come together that just  exponentially increases. if we don’t have a really good individual relationship with God ,whatever we do corporately will be a reflection of what we are individually. which is why God is calling us into intimacy, why he is showing us what it’s like in heaven, so we have a different understanding of what he wants on the earth.  I am not saying this is easy.

 your church loyalty and membership was you attended the meetings. and if you didn’t attend the meetings  you were backsliding. or you were in error or you were in danger of leaving orthodoxy. all sorts of things you are put under pressure to attend the meetings.

 the danger is that they still look to you for what to do, rather than look to God. Our content is different but not the format. If it is not  different then I don’t think God will want to show up any more. even though I know he said were two or three are gathered, he will be there. and he does honor that but actually I am not sure he is really happy with it in reality.

I have engaged the father and yes we have father  type of things where the presence of the father has shown up. but a lot of people, for me the father and Jesus look the same. because the son is an express image of the father. so what does the father look like? an old white haired guy with a beard, like Father Christmas. he looks like Jesus, but I know the difference because I know the sound of their voices is different. I know their character, something different.

 what really our gathering should be is heaven on earth.  you should be engaging the throne room, we should be engaging the ark, we should be engaging the angelic realm because  this is heaven on earth. well we are in a point of trying to see what would it look like to have heaven on earth. I don’t think we are doing a really good job at it. because I think were still struggling to let go of – it has to be a bit of this or that. and actually it might not need to be any of those things .but you do have to have a totally renewed mind for it. so when we were engaging this  personally, Esther showed up a few months ago and I engage with her. what we you here to do and she said well I’m called to remind you ,your all  called for such a time as this. now I think she came because were struggling. were struggling to find out what this should look like on earth as it is in heaven. and so I think she came to give us some encouragement. hay you are called to this there is a solution actually that solution is probably knowing who you are and therefore not having to be anything else. so we are all significant in God’s heart and within his desire for restoration of all things. that is what she said to me. so I sought her out after the meeting and I went into heaven and I went to find her. Because I wanted to know a little bit more. so I went and found her and I talked to her and this is what  she said .she said the sons of God are called for this time to mature and engage in kingdom government in heaven and on earth. and we know the Scripture Esther 4:14 who knows whether you are not obtained royalty for a time such as this or that you come to the kingdom for a time such as this. well we have .so what is this time ?what is it actually about and what does God want to do and it is not what he has done before, it’s a reflection of where we are and so Esther came to say hey go for it. and she’s of all the times in history that you could have been born you been specifically chosen for now. Think about it. so I know all the struggles, but we are called and have been born in this age because actually we have what it takes to establish something new. don’t give up, how ever hard it is, however difficult it can be sometimes, don’t give up because God is in this. and God wants to enable us to do something which is radically going to change the way the world views the people of God.

 as you mature, what you thought you knew at the beginning you realise you didn’t know at all, once you got a bit further in. and a lot of people go back and start again. because all the things when I shared things in the beginning that they thought they knew actually they get a bit further on and think all the things I thought I knew that he was saying, I now realise that I interpret them through the filters that I had then. Now that I have those filters removed ,  I have to go back looking at this again. because that’s the thing, it  is a progressively revelatory thing, that for me when we look at the blog. Jeremy writes the blog from some of the things I said and he makes them sound really good much better than what I said them. and actually we are having to look at the first two or three years of that and realise that we would not say it the same now. should we go back and change it? we decided primarily other than something that we really think would be unhelpful- no we don’t. because people are still on that journey, so they still need to go through the process, where that will help them where they are, if they tried to jump in where  I am now ,they would be like- this is heresy .this is completely wrong ,but if you follow the journey and you allow God to renew your mind and transform you as you go, you get to this point and it’s just like- wow I need to look at all this again because I realise that I was seeing this through the filters that I had then. and I have them and I had them all the way through and therefore I’m having to realise that some of the things I said before, although I didn’t deliberately say them to try and mislead anybody. The  perspective of it, is slightly changed. so some of the things I would say in the first few years, I wouldn’t say them like that any more .and on my way of engaging would be much more relational now than it was then.

 so we have been chosen now and the enemies tryed to rob kill and destroy your destiny as sons of the kingdom. Because he doesn’t want you to change things. The enemy loves the church as it is. it is doing his his job for him, most of it is doing his job, giving God a bad name .all the bad press that God gets, gets through the church. That is where the bad press is coming from, because we misrepresented what God is really like. Now I know that is not very pleasant to think, but the reality it is true. why do people not want to engage a loving God, because we’ve not presented that loving God to them in such a way that they want him. so something has to change. we need to rise up and serve the purpose of God in our generation. this is what Esther said. you need to do that, I did that in my generation and I set my people free. so you need to do it in your generation. we need to get people out of the wilderness, under of all those religious systems. I have no issue about calling people out of the old into the new. and it’s like if there in churches right now that they’re being restricted and God doesn’t want them there, then I will call them out. if God wants them there, then leave them there. Because there is a purpose for them there because eventually either the church will change or they will need to leave. and some people are still giving the opportunity to change. God is still calling certain movements to change and embrace this new thing. and they are in that thing and God is actually still giving them the grace to accept that change and move it. but a lot of them are refusing that and you will find they are starting imploding. because when God sends them an opportunity like the Joshua generation . Joshua and calab gave a good report the other 10 spies gave a bad report and they died in the wilderness. and when God starts to do something and whole movements either restrict people entering in or denounce these things as wrong, then there at the point where people are now going- all those are at a point  where there must be more than this, I am looking for something more . and I have come to think I’m not gonna get it here. so I’m going to leave. and you will find some of those big movements will start to dwindle. and the people will come out from that because the sound of heaven is being released and we need to tell them. we need to get the message out there and we need to legislate for them coming out. it is like some of the legislation which I’ll share later that God gave me, specifically in this realm was to call people out of that- under the coverings of men to come into the light. and that does not mean coming under some other covering of man, it means to come under the covering of God and engage God to really know the truth. and then I think when people are  somewhat detoxed from some of these things there will be an opportunity to embrace something different. But we are trying to detox our self while were still in it. And it is really difficult to detox yourself from an environment that actually you’re still in. we need to start again. which is why were trying to frame a different foundation for what we doing because we realise otherwise will keep perpetuating the same thing, might look a little bit different, but actually it is still gonna be pretty much the same thing. and I don’t believe that is what God wants.

We were all created spirits in eternity as desires in the heart God and expressed as thoughts within the mind of God and spoken into existence for a  time such as this. so really embrace your destiny and don’t put yourself down of what is possible for God to do through you. you could be the person who changes a nation, who changes a whole nation to turn to engage heaven and engage the real God. It is like who knows . if you accept your destiny there are things that you can do beyond your imagination and beyond your thinking. so we’ve all been called to be the ecclesia of God. that’s all we are. Esther said this she said I was unprepared despite all the attention of the court it was not until I was placed in the position to step into my destiny in God that I truly discovered who I was within God’s kingdom and what I was capable of. some of you want the preparation before you will step out.  you will only get it when you step out.  that’s the problem, some of you want to think I can do this, before you step out, you won’t. you got to step out.

This is what she was saying and she said no one will ever be ready until there in the position that will test their hearts and motives and the levels of trust they will need. allowing people to try, fail, try again, is what God has done with you, so it releases the same grace to others. it’s like we don’t get it right all the time. we have to go through stages of learning a little bit, getting it wrong, learning a bit more, get it wrong, were not making that mistake again. let’s try and do something different. it’s like God is allowing us to do that. but none of us will be ready if we think we need to be ready and we will hold ourselves back .that’s why we’re not seeing ecclesia and embassies of heaven all over the place. because people are holding back. there waiting until they think they’re ready . you are  never going to be ready. you need step out.

 God has been at work from the beginning to try and bring us into a restored perspective. and of course people have been working against that and the system has been working against it and the leaven of herod and the Pharisees have been working against it. so he is taking the long view and he’s introduced things bit by bit and we are in a place now I think because the emphasis on- you can engage God face-to-face for yourself, that you’re not gonna be dependent on the person at the front, or those sort of things, that you can go and engage God for yourselves and therefore when you share that with each other there is much more of a creativity about it than there was then. none of those things were wrong they were part of the journey, part of my journey . I went through all those things of Toronto and Pensacola and all those things that essentially were God calling me into something different and calling me out of what there was. but it would have never worked if he just did it one big go.  I would have been completely lost. if I had not gone through the journey and the process in which I knew to relate to God differently. and what God was saying was- hay- I’m here, I am your dad, come and experience me. it’s fun and you can laugh. Who knew you could laugh in church. And also  make a few other noises. but it was part of the journey and I don’t look at those things and think oh, I don’t want them again. but I do recognise they were part of what God was doing so that people would realise that they could connect to him. Now he is taking it further that we can connect more face-to-face in heaven way, that enables us to bring heaven to earth like no other generation could. all the mystics of the previous generations would have never had the momentum to bring change. because they were ostracised and on the outside. so God is calling a whole lotta people to connect to the reality of who they are so we can eventually begin to come together and as foundations begin to establish something which something else can be built upon. and I believe God wants to establish groups, small groups of people who are willing to pursue relationship, engage God in heaven, receive mandates and blueprints and then begin to lay the foundation of those can be built upon. and I would say take as long as you possibly can in that stage to lay a foundation of openness honesty and transparency with each other so then you can see government emerge and then you can see God build upon it. if you just try and because the motivation in a lot of places is numbers. How many people have you got?  I do not have any people. People use to ask me that when I first started coming up here. How many people do you have, I  haven’t really got any people. How can you be a church if you haven’t any people? They are gods people. so why do you think they are mine, like co- ownership , that was the concept. those people joined you from my church, you’re stealing my sheep because I am the Shepherd – no you’re not. You are another sheep. Because we are all sheep. There are no shepherds, were all sheep , there is only one Shepherd. we may function in roles that care for each other, like a Shepherd. But we are not  Shepherds.

You only  do what god gives you a mandate to do. and don’t do it because you’re pressurised by other people to do anything. and even if those people are saying  your the answer to this problem we got. don’t believe it. listen to what God says. because if you end up people pleasing, you will end up them looking to you and your the mediator. you need to work with people who are at the same thing of -we are desiring to seek another way. not we are desiring to be sheep to follow  you. because you will not be able to do that with them because they will not be engaging themselves, they want you to go to heaven and find out what God is saying. They will want you to bring the vision. They want you to reinforce all that thing .so Esther, she said I did not see the process of something to be desired . she did not Wanna go through that purification to see the  king . whe was a Jewish girl. She did not want  to be a kings concubine. but I didn’t even think it was a good thing . the outcome was not what I was expecting. many people don’t recognise their own destiny until they are  in the midst of  it. and this is what God is saying, you may not feel ready. you may not feel equipped, you may not feel capable or have the abilities but if he calls he will give you what you need. so respond to him. I encourage you to be proactive. so God im here, I know we need ecclessias all over the place, I know we need the embassies of heaven, well who is going to start one.  Who will say god give me a blueprint. Or do you Wanna give me a blue print.  rather than  not me send someone else. I will follow someone else when they get one. well I think that is not who we really are. God wants  to take us into a wholly different things. so following the conversation I had with Esther, i need to wrap this up, not even gone onto the embases of heaven.  Following  the conversation, the father said this- son use the environment of the sons arise to accelerate the processes of my children being prepared for their sonship positions. so that’s where you are in heaven. let me call people beyond their present expectations and take them out of the comfort zone of their boats into the uncharted waters where  they will learn to swim without aids. so no buoyancy jacket, he is going to throw some of you into the deep end. but you won’t sink you because you are yoked to him. He is not going to sink. If you are yoked to him you are not going to sink. I will stretch my children beyond if you will provide the environment where there safe to explore. which is what I am trying to do, through the whole engaging God program, everything is to provide an environment where it’s safe to you to explore and see what God is doing. And then when you really catch the heart of it, so yeah okay I’m willing. I don’t know how, I don’t know what, but actually give me a blueprint and I’m gonna draw other people. because when you release a sound of a blueprint for an ecclesia, God will connect to people who are also on the same journey with the same heart and you will find that he will connect you with them .and it may take a long time but that’s okay this is not a quick fix this is a thing for the next generation. so let’s prepare for the next generation and not just look at things from our perspective now. so Esther went through a process of purification to prepare to engage the king. We’ll Jesus already made us righteous therefore worthy to engage the king. so we don’t have to be worried about all the stuff ,aboutare we worthy  are we good enough,have we got all our junk sorted- no we haven’t. but as long as were on the journey and process where he is continuing to sort out our stuff, it is okay.

 you don’t want to worry about anything.because if you are worring that is part of the problem. I present myself as a living sacrifice and he is responsible for doing what ever he needs to do to prepare me to fulfil my destiny. I’m just yielded to it. Am I  looking for problems- no. if he shows me a problem will I deal with it- yes. so  don’t be concerned about anything just get on with it in relationship and let him do it on the journey. because it’s the journey- if you start engaging with people I guarantee those people will bring some problems up in your life. that’s what happens. When we are on our own sometimes it’s really easy to hide behind the problems and not even acknowledge you got them. because you won’t be identified when you start working this out relationally guaranteed that it’s gonna create opportunities for God to use people. sister sandpaper brother rub or something. so I know Esther is still observing this gathering. Esther is investing into us discovering that we are called at a time such as this. and I think some of you are called to establish things on earth as they are in heaven. don’t disqualify yourself from that, be willing to embrace it be free to engage with Esther to engage with God if  they come. God wants  to do something new. old things have passed, new things have come .let’s embrace the new but let’s be aware that the former old things have come to an end and there usefulness is ended and accept the new things and embrace them. so that will mean new ways of praying not old ways, new ways of interceding not old ways. new ways of spiritual warfare not spiritual warfare at all . all sorts of things which will be an expression of a different way once you know your seated in heaven and have authority from the heavenly realm.

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