On earth as it is in heaven 6

I am going to finish off what I didn’t finish the last session. because I think is an important session and then the next session the next session I will do privately and give it you, I will do the video and the audio and give it you rather than doing it live because I can’t fit everything else in .so I’ll do this session and then I will do the next session but.

looking at the ecclesia and looking at how the ecclesia functions and what it is. and I Wanna to look at it from a continued perspective on that.

 so God is revealing new things in our day. the revelation that was sealed is open and I think the things Jesus wanted to teach his disciples, but they were unable to bear I think we are. and therefore the parables that we would have today would not be farming and fishing , it would be more like quantum physics and the matrix or something .so there is a sense where were in a time, we are called for a time such as this because we are connecting to things at a different level. the things Paul couldn’t express, because he didn’t have the words in a first century man we do now have. so quantum physics and things like that.

 when I first went into heaven was given a quantum physics lesson. now that would not have been the first thing I would have done when I gone into heaven if I was  God. but he knew better because he wanted me to understand how the physical and spiritual realms connect and work. so when we doing something new we often try to cling  onto was is old, because  it’s comfortable it’s familiar .1:55

why did the children of Israel decide to keep on walking round the wilderness and they carried on for 40 years when there was a promised land in front of them. so there is something which old forms of church, ministry, prayer, bring a challenge and these new fresh revelations challenge us because were so familiar and comfortable. And so all these things is not easy to get rid of. And even when you think you got rid of them, you probably haven’t. and that’s what I found. There are cycles and cycles and cycles where, I didn’t  think I was thinking in an old way and all of a sudden, oh I have defaulted into thinking in an old way.2:38

 so I had to really constantly remind myself- is this new or is this old. what is this coming from. so  Matthew 9:16 Jesus described this whole process. no one puts a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment for the patch pulls away from the garment and that worsens the tear. nor do people put a new wine into an old wine skins, otherwise the wineskin’s burst and the wine spills out and the wineskin is  ruined. put new wine into a fresh wineskin and both are preserved. now there is all sorts of connotations what that’s about.3:13

 but simply put we got to be careful when were doing something new that we don’t use the old things to go with it. and we got to be careful that were not just putting new patches on something old because were using new titles. Were all into benches of three. and that bench of three is no different from the old leadership , it just has a new name. that is not something new .and it’s so easy to use new things but actually all you’re doing is putting a new patch on something old and actually it’s not changed. you just got a few different names attached to it. or you do things a little bit different. we engage heaven, well what’s going on in earth. is it a reflection of heaven. or how do  you do it . we have a leadership which is hierarchical, it isn’t a reflection of heaven. so actually all you done is really just use different words. so we need a new wine skin , in fact we are the wineskin that’s the reality of it. it isn’t really a structure but when we come together we still come together in some way, which is what is that- so we can be an expression of new wine. that needs to be looked at, and really looking at the fact of making sure that we are not going to hold to the old or bring old things with us into the new.  and it’s like when they came out of Egypt, they carried all their foreign Gods with them. All the way through the wilderness . it is  in Acts chapter 7. They make the Golden calf, they did all that stuff and given the new thing and they still carried around foreign Gods. so when they got into the promised land, guess what they took their foreign Gods in with them. No wonder they kept going after foreign Gods and he had to keep sending them judges to bring them back out of  that old system. because they never really allowed Egypt to come out of them, they were still slaves in their own mind. so we really do need to embrace something different. and I think Jesus needs to build the ecclesia. and if he does that he’s gonna use people, all different sorts of people different shapes and sizes different colours different backgrounds- living stones. It isn’t a building which is a physical structure it is people. that’s the key.

Why did they go to Egypt? because Jacob refused to live in Bethel. if he had did what he was told and lived in Bethel under an open heaven within the angelic realm they would have never gone to Egypt and they would have never had that family completely disrupted and destroyed as it was .he refused to go and live in Bethel because he had flocks and herds and Bethel was Hill country. he went to find flocks because expediency that was his income. He  should have sold all his flocks and bought a stonemasons building or something. or just trusting God under an open heaven for provision. Abraham trusted God and God bless him. Isaac trusted God and God bless him. Jacob tried to do his own thing and lead them into Egypt 430 years. so they were never intended to be in Egypt in the first place.

the reality is God is always wanted to bring good out of everything we do, so he will always make an opportunity to redeem every situation so we can learn from it and move on. you will never do anything that stops you entering into your destiny if you’re willing to own the fact that it was a stupid thing I just did. God help me out of this or show me a different way .learn from it. you only stop if you fail .and you only fail if you don’t get up and start again. at the end of the day, God will give you opportunity to continue to embrace. because he loves you. that’s the point. no one has missed it, because how can you miss something which God is continuing to give you. you may have to backtrack or you may have to change some of your decisions. we may have to shift and move somewhere. sometimes people are in the wrong place and that’s why they’re not fulfilling their destiny because their destiny like Jacob was in Bethel. he couldn’t fulfil his destiny outside of Bethel. some people need to be in the right place, some people it doesn’t matter where they are.  but you need to know whether you’re in the right place in the right time and outworking the right season. but no one has to be concerned that you missed it and you can get out. because God is always gonna make a way for you to escape the things you done. 1 peter 2:5  you are living stones built as a spiritual house as a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus. we are a chosen race, we are a royal priesthood. this is the stuff that is our identity.8:30

the ecclesia is people who gather relationally as living stones around the heavenly governmental vision or blueprint. It has got to be something that God is establishing otherwise it something you’re establishing and if it’s something you’re establishing your asking God to come and bless you. he will bless what he’s calling you to do. He won’t  necessary bless what you want to do. So it is so important that we get that mandate and blueprint from heaven. Jesus is the architect and builds his ecclessi with people. we are the people, we are the new wineskin that God dwells in us by his spirit. so when we gather God is there and when we gather he is there in a different way than when we are on our own. because he said he will .so the kingdom of God, his rule and reign is within us and that gives us access to God’s government .we are gateways of heaven into the earth. that’s the important thing. we need to flow, if we are not flowing heaven, if were blocked, then there is no life. and why would people wannabe with people where there is no life. so we need life, we need heaven flowing, we need to experience real life ,so we can be living stones. and  being living stones we can establish the ecclesia which will expand the kingdom. the kingdom expands as we take territory and we take ground. so an ecclessia is made up of individuals who corporately are a shadow of what is established in heaven which is Gods blueprint. a shadow of heaven can only form on earth when we are in heaven. this is the thing it’s like people receive vision out of heaven but then they try to outwork that vision in their own image and created empires. essentially when you are in heaven, heaven can shine on you and through you and things can be manifested on the earth. if we live under heavenly kingdom authority we can establish things as sons in a different way. so a new wineskin ecclesia will not be a building or organisation or just have meetings, it will be people who relate to one another who have a mandate and a blueprint for restoration of something .it will be restoring something, it will have an impact where you are. If it  is not impacting where you are, either you are not doing what it is , that it says , or you are not using the authority that you been given correctly. because it should make a change and a difference. now everything will be different , not everyone is called to do what we do and engage with people who are disadvantaged or homeless or addicted or whatever .that’s a specific part of our mandate, because Isaiah 61 is the foundation of what we do. good news to the poor, binding up the brokenhearted setting the captives free releasing those who are in prision. some of those prisions are physical as well as spiritual. So that is our mandate. not everyone is called to do that, but if we were not making an impact into this community then weren’t not fulfilling the mandate we been given practically. everything must have something which is gonna bring an influence into the earth and change something, whatever it is.11:41

 so an ecclesia is the wineskin that can become an embassy of heaven. What is the difference between an ecclesia and a embassy of heaven? in some senses nothing at its core level. but an  embassy of heaven could be made up of five ecclesia or 10 ecclesia or one ecclesia. Because it could carry a bigger area than just a small area. so we need to be open to see a different governmental thing. if you look at it- I don’t like to use  city of refuge because of the connotation of a city of refuge with trappers and and defensiveness and I’m I’m sort of in refuge and therefore, because there is no expansion. but it does carry with it something of a city . well  how does a city function? it has to have all sorts of things in a city. power light food energy all sorts of stuff, water sewage. There is a whole thing that makes a city work. so when we think of a city or an embassy of heaven there is a lot of things which have to come together for that to function and replace earthly government which is not working. or replace a health service which didn’t work.  we have a health service, which is great. Some of you don’t have a health service like we do. Free at the point of charge. but if you didn’t have any healthcare what would you do if you got sick.  Well a city of refuge or a embassy of heaven is for those people who were sick to come and get made whole and to live healthily .because everyone who is living in there is not living in sickness. So there is a lot that does need to change because most of the church are sick. and most of the healing and stuff goes on to try and heal Christians , when  really we should be living in health .because we got a dad who is our healer. but there is a process of coming through, dealing with the reasons why we might be sick. because they might come from genetics they might come from other things. but ultimately God wants us to be whole and living in health and wholeness.

so God is calling people out of the old religious structures. God is calling a new generation who will accept their destiny and inheritance. God is raising up the Joshua generation, those are the ones who crossed over as forerunners and will begin to mentor the next generation. so we need storehouses to gather that next generation. and that’s what an embassy of heaven is, that’s what an ecclesia is on a smaller level. so if you take it and the principle of storehouses comes from Joseph. Joseph was brought into government bringing, dealing with the prophetic realm and what was going on .a load of good years, and a load of bad years which was prophesied. and he then took 20% of the harvest and put it into storehouses around which in the middle of those fields. so if you think of a storehouse from a receiving a harvest. think of 20% of the population of where you live and then see how many storehouses you need to take 20% of the population .and don’t think mega church because mega churches probably not the relational structure that God is going to use. so we are in barnstaple here maybe 40,000 at say 40 50,000 .that may be 10,000 people. how many churches of 100 people would it take to have 10,000 people. So it is not going to be one group of people who are gonna do this. or if there is, it  is gonna be group of people coming together. and the way they do it is gonna be different from where it is  done somewhere else. because that blueprint will be different. so we got be ready to receive a lot of people. how is that going to happen? well God will give you strategy for it or he will do it once you have a foundation that is able to bear that number of people. so what he has told me is, if we get groups of 10 who are ready to become a foundation and a bench of three and  seven. he will have 100 people to that overnight in some places. Some it might be, he will have a 100 people for a while. or some it might be 1,000 people. but we will have to be ready. For some the foundation will be take a hundred people. some  can only take 50 people. some could take 10,000 people. But we will be ready .and if you said to most churches today in the local area, we are going to give you a thousand people next week, they would be absolutely totally in panic. to know what to do with 1000 people. because they would not have the discipleship foundation to be a foundation that would take 100 people so they are not already. so God is looking for people who are ready to get ready, spend as long as it is to lay a foundation that will get ready, then we can see a harvest start to come in. there’s no point of a harvest if there is no storehouse . because it will just be wasted. do I Wanna see a harvest of people going into the institutional church? No, I would not Wanna see people going into a structure that God is gonna have to call them out of .

where would you take them? you would do whatever the foundation is. so if you have a foundation of 10 people who were relationally able to connect to heaven, relationally founding something on earth, each one of those people could take 10 people. so you have a group of 11 people who were then be equipped in the same relational foundation that could take another 10 people. or each of those 10 to take another 10, that is another hundred . so it doesn’t take very long to reach a lot of people if you have the right foundation. and in actual fact if you started even with one person and you reached say one or two people a year and then you taught them to reach 1 or 2 people a year, it takes 32 years to reach the whole world. it only takes 32 years if you double every year. so the first year there is two of you, the next year there is four of you. The next year there is 8 of you.  The next year there is 16. five years and there is only 16 people, a total failure because that’s how it would be seen. How long have you been going, five years, how many people you got-16. What are you doing wrong .the next year 32 the next year 64 , 128 and in 32 years 7 billion people. the foundation has to be right otherwise you multiply something which is not working. most people have never taken the time to lay the foundation, so you multiply – because we are all impatient. were all impatient for numbers. and so were not willing to go five years and only have 16 people well that is what the foundation will be. so if you start to do that on a scale of let’s say 10 people together, that God could add a 100 to . and then he could add thousand to. Whatever, it wouldn’t take that long. if rather than starting with one people in 32 years reaching the world. if you started with a 10,000 people you can reach the world in five years, using the same principle of those 10,000 people discipling. so this is not impossible. but we need the right foundation and that’s why the relational foundation is so needed. so our minds need to be renewed in regards to what an ecclesia can look like and how it forms and how it functions. and don’t make assumptions based on what you’ve already got. because then you will just replicate the mistakes of what we already have. so it has got to be from heaven,  mandate to establish an ecclesia must have a blueprint and every blueprint will be different. because every gathering will have living stones which are different. different destinies different aspects of ministry redemptive gifts everything like that and it’s okay to be different. in fact let’s celebrate that rather than making everyone the same. so that’s the difference in this. We don’t have  to be like anyone else , and you don’t have to compare yourself with anyone else. you just have to be who you are called to be. so each ecclesia may gather differently and every gathering may be different. so every time we meet , should it be the same ?or is God Wanna do something. may be in this season he wants us to focus on this, maybe the next season he wants to focus on that.  I am longing for the season where we go to the beach every Sunday. We all go for a walk, because that’s fellowship that’s relationship that engaging with God. It isn’t all about singing and teaching and stuff. it is about helping people engage God. people can engage God out in creation just as much as they can in a room. and we can walk and talk to people and find out much more about them thatn we can looking at their head in a pew. Because it is real-life. So it would be great  doing things like -great someone’s moved into a new house, wouldn’t it be great if we all went round and helped them establish their new home. and we ate together there, and we painted all their rooms . recently we did that with somebody’s  who moved into a big place with a big garden. So a whole bunch of us went out there. I went out there with my petrol streamer and I was cutting down all these brambles and trees and stuff. And had a great time and we all had barbecue together, because that is as much gathering to represent the love of God than coming together singing songs. so don’t have a limited menu of what ecclesia gathering could be. see it from a heavenly perspective and things may well be very different. it must be flexible, not limited rigid restricted. don’t have any assumptions. then if you don’t have any assumptions then you can listen to God afresh every time. so the purpose assigned to each ecclesia  will be different. everything is different don’t think that it is going to  be the same. We might  even have the same destiny in an area but totally different strategies for outworking it. which is why the most important thing in establishing this is to be able to have a face-to-face relationship with God where we can hear what he’s saying. if you can’t hear what he is saying, then how are you going to do it. Each eclessia will have a mandate and a blueprint  and there needs to be a foundation of 10 men or women which will eventually emerge as a bench of three and seven. that’s a pattern of heaven. father-son spirit, seven spirits of God, there may be other things that are attached to that. This is basic. the next session I was going to do which I’ll do privately and add was  about heavenly foundations. which is about benches of three and seven. and if I knew what I knew  now and when we started this back in 2011, I would have looked to engage with 10 people and look to establish a relational foundation that from that would establish government and everything else. but because we already had an existing ministries with all sorts of different charities which we set up. we couldn’t just abandon that and start from scratch, although I wish I had. but I would have probably done it from- let’s continue to do our ministries, but let’s establish the ecclesial gathering differently. and that’s what we are going to do now. We are looking for 10 people or so, to look to how do we establish a fresh foundation. We are going to do that and we are going to be out of the way of it, and look on with joy as it happens. So that is the key.

 because when you establish that process relationally God is the one who is beginning to call people and refine and purified people in the process. and therefore it is like that’s why when you build a house or you build a building you don’t lay this concrete for the foundation on the surface. you have to dig down.

 When you have a foundational bench of 3 and 7 they must work together relationally. now here because of our external focus on what we were doing, there was always a bit of an us and them.  Well  your governmental and we got to deal with the people stuff. and we were always empowering them to be governmental and there was always a disconnect. so  we need to correct that otherwise that will continue to be part of the floor that we have. so we have to re-establish a  more relational governmental foundation not just a governmental foundation or relational foundation. because one group wanted to be relational foundation and the other group wannabe a governmental foundation and they didn’t really marry together.so when you spend the time rather than saying wwell I am a bench of three you’re a bench of seven let’s work it all out. let’s actually relate, let’s engage God and let him choose who we are, inspite of our soul saying yes or no.25:30

 some people so will say no because they’ve there in fear and some people soul say yes but they won the position you are deal with that in the process is a relational process where you got be open and honest and transparent to work through all the relational things that will inevitably come to the surface so you can deal with them in a relational way so that you create a culture of honour so you can honour one another respect and honour each other’s gifts and who you really are and then everyone is benefiting from that mutually submitted place so each ecclesia needs to be the shadow of heaven on earth is gonna be heavenly blueprint and it will operate according to the order of Melchizedek in must operate according to line Oxy, and it must have a royal priesthood operating in heaven and a foundation on earth and that heaven and earth must be connected otherwise is gonna be a nasty ecclesia was gimme heavenly ecclesia gonna be both you need both to although having heavenly mandate blueprint if there’s nothing on the earth is just I just a dream in heaven so scholarly both and it needs to be governmental but it does need to be relational as well so we need to function by standing in the power of the okay vav hey that’s really what the order of Melchizedek government is so you learn to do that you have to learn to be able to engage the lion the ox the Eagle and that is not the something that most people are taught you Bible colleges don’t teach you to standing Yoda hey vav hey MBO Haitian ballet you being in his name they were teacher that innocently wanted to engage legal will be so this is something which you have to do a practice together and we do it the more you begin to discover how you will hear God and how God begins to release things are because you’re carrying what the Eagle represents the will carries the at the legislative governmental visionary perspective the lion carries the governmental kingly perspective now all of us should be all of but we do generally so gravitate to one or another and therefore when you then engage you usually bring a perspective that brings a whole picture rather than usually what happened was a senior leader would get all the vision and stuff and he would tell everyone what it was in the Neville have to try working while this is about all of us getting bits of the jigsaw puzzle so that brings a overall puzzle that you can see the picture is will carry something that we bring so administrating that is part of what an ecclesia does in and for that take place around nothing much I can do about that wealth is still going here is God so for the order to be established and function there must be agreement with a royal priesthood have this is the absolutely primary and so closely the kingly bring the agreement on heaven and then that prophetic or the oracles and legislators bring on earth that’s why that bringing heaven and earth together is so important when we do this was always going be an arc and there is gonna be that involved in the foundations we must operate beyond the veil if you don’t operate beyond the value never can really see what heaven’s perspective is so that’s a key to this Dublin you have been expertly does mean you have to be able to engage and work the process through so everything we do if you is this so many ways you can do this you you diving be engage with lots of people who’ve done this different ways you were transitioning from something altar something new group that I was working with the guy I had a relationship with in Baltimore Maryland there and they are group he he felt called to establish something so I will I saw that on him and I away was waiting to God to call them God call them an immediate so I been called to be a pastor I said is actually what God said to be sure and what you actually say that water the say then you know because he just immediately interpreted establishing something as he was gonna be a pastor is that was his framework so I said God really say so we unpacked it and it is anything that being a pastor is called and said you be part of establishing something new so so what have I think this is all well I do I said will do our blueprint no well when you see God for a blueprint suitable and I do that so is what you got a mandate already is God’s told you to establish something sizeable why you just see who else is interested in seeking God the something new so he found a group of friends who began to engage God together they got a blueprint as they engage God together in heaven that blueprint became established they related to one another and eventually a bench of three in a bench of seven in March, which is probably the classic pattern I would love to see and as I do have an example and test me about working and eventually they establish the venture 12 and they have established what all the mountains were in everything else and they have their own blueprint which is really great now others do it differently you know now we have I’ve seen in a people think they were gonna establish a bench of three and it was just never gonna happen I could see it was never can happen but you have to let people go through the process of finding out themselves it was never can happen because they were completely walking in different directions of their totally different agendas to couples who engage I engage with them at vision Canada heaven of a blueprint which I was see was from God and then okay solicitor our work will you invest us to be a bench of three am like no not doing spend the next two months talking to each other what you understand this blueprint is and what your expectations are where you think this is going within a month they contacted me and said this in the work I said now the ever would so you need to find a way of resolving how you move forward because you are actually looking at completely different directions aware this was gonna go so who actually carries the blueprint who was it given to and one couple carried the blueprint and the others didn’t so I said will use let it go and go get your own blueprint let these guys carry on with it and they did the sower other things when you establish foundations there coming from an old perspective of the senior leader now so you know what that’s like when someone wants to be the leader in a bench and they want everything to be going through them never works because there is no senior leader in the bench of three in heaven is father-son spirit in total deference and submission to one another in love so anyone who wants to be a senior leader is operating in an old model and it will never work because it’s a control system and everyone who demands obedience to them never works so this is a mutually submitted relationship so when I establish the ecclesia here is a Churchill Fellowship what was back in 1994 we are established on the basis I was called to come in and start it so I really was the visionary I carried most of the vision throughout the years most the prophetic revelation came through me and which was okay because is what happens but then it comes to will establish a bench of three I have to completely surrender any thoughts of me having any different authority to the other two of the bench I had to soak and I had to let go of it and therefore it I don’t know it is not my ownership in a gimmick completely so is not mine is God’s but if I was like we’ll will latest planted this church as I I should carry more authority than you you been here five years oh how can you carry the same authority as make or the reality is it would never work so I let it go and I I laid it down and and only part of a bench that carries mutual authority and mutual submission in that foundation and we had to work through the relationship to trust one another and to honour each other and to receive from each other and to engage God together and to learn how each of us brings things that are heaven when we engage we done that over a period of time and if you are if someone wants to control it it will never work you know and if someone own something and they think they got the greater right than anywhere else it will never work so if you get a fresh foundation mandate that really works because you know it’s coming through a group of people often some visionary don’t get some things that that’s things that those who are seeking God for vision usually get vision you that’s what happened so is usually generally someone carries more of the visionary perspective than perhaps somebody else but that doesn’t mean that they’re more important for they are actually carry any more authority so these things work out in anyway sometimes one person will get a vision and he will then swallow I do this well call other people to come and join the vision but once people are joined the vision it must be vision and not that person’s you go to people seeking God together you can are three people seeking God you can have 50 people single together is no right or wrong about how you do this that is why it’s a relational process with God so God wants us to have a key relational thing where having one heart one mind one purpose openness honesty transparency honour will come and blessing that is easier said than done because we all have stuff we all have things in our soul God at work in and in this process those things will get highlighted without that you’ve got to be willing to work through those issues in a relational way you got we willing to ask questions are one another you got we willing to speak the truth in love to each other otherwise it’s not real if there’s no problems in a bench that you have I would very that much doubt whether the relationship is very deep and you may be discouraging over the things rather than really dealing with it is working through it now the reality is we need to arise and shine that’s the point of an ecclesia minutes shining the light of heaven in the earth that will draw people to that like that it says nations will come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising is talking about other government realising that you are the real government which is why Isaiah to to is a is that about what we are in the mountain of the house the Lord will be established as the chief of the mountains and will be raised above all the hills and all the nations will stream to many people’s will come saying come let us go to the mantle is why because it’s seen and it’s visible and weary it but I have thing were raised up that far yet I don’t think were very much shining yet so most of it can be seen but I’d rather have the preparation in the obscurity of no one seeing him so that when it is seen it is very clear what it is then rushing ahead and try establish something before you really got a foundation to do so is calling this generation you been through the wilderness to become the Joshua generation who will establish these ecclesia on earth as it is in heaven we need to be operating beyond the veil we are pioneers with God occupy the land in a when I first heard about dangers are three bench of the seven I was a bit like that sounds my spirit resonated with it and Ian claim sort of presented here we are in here 2011 I was like EA was here in August by by November we decided to do it work a first-year disaster it was just like our no inner I was so wanted to work with three-piece to people who were just can be engaging God they wanted me to do it all we hear better than us know all you were you see better than us it is like care we will see this engage the last year God we engage that and establish a different foundation we been working through that but actually in reality I think we could have done it differently but we didn’t know any different unifying comes back the next year in in August 2012 and we so can we see you as the son of the government here you so we are and eveningwear we engage with can help us worry doing well we are looking at in a bench of 397 work you were really looking we help us and you on your own is why symbol I am done it I city slumped we were trying to do it within our existing Baptist Church and we had a bench of three with the existing pasta we doing in secret and all the other structures were still in place well done in lasting longer the left there not long after so even done it no one had done it and that point he so nominally wants to so I think probably we been at this the longest in our gonna re-establish the foundation as we rip off is that there still way more to main water do your well we don’t know what you don’t know until you know it and he realise my word which we know that before we didn’t so you just get on with it and look at how you can continue the journey of the process so you know it is not easy are not are not presented as an easy thing but I believe if were persevering and were willing I believe God will do something awesome through so a few years ago I was in heaven and it was actually in one of our Sunday gatherings when I was not here on someone else I was in heaven and I stepped into the four faces of God and I was in there was just like and I started to resonate you know sometimes you just get that I was feeling that I know was going on and then has like this and God placed to scrolls fiery scrolls in my hands get one for the Joshua generation one for the harvest which I’d received previously from Jesus and Bob Jones as I was there and I’m I’m vibrating violently in in heaven never really felt like that before I so any this was significant and in instantaneously all my being actually went out multiple versions of me and I stood before every governmental building and Palace around the world which is why was vibrating because I was vibrating to actually create a frequency will can multiply me so I’m literally everywhere now I was aware of this, it was like weird thinkers it’s like is simultaneously that I’m aware and I was like I was aware and I was there and I declared before every government earthly government the establishment of the Joshua generation and embassies heaven I declare there will be embassies heaven in this nation there will be embassies heaven and this area that you are governing I made declarations and I was really really violent with it like you I really did and and ever since I felt called to help establish the because it was like yes I declared it but where are they so now how many years later I’m still not seeing them but the sound is still out there the sound is still out there and it still vibrating and people are starting to resonate with it because it will entrain people into agreement if they’re willing to allow it to actually engage them now I know that just decreeing it will make it happen but someone has to do create for that frequency to me therefore others to connect so I’m still legislating for people to connect to hear the call of God to establish things from heaven into the earth so because essentially what you’re looking at is looking your natural abilities and looking at filtering that through rather than looking at what God says about you see the call is the authorisation and the mandate the matter who you are what you done what you haven’t done the call authorises you then if you then relationally continue to follow the process God will lead you step-by-step into what to do so I’m I would when people say only I got this call I’m really excited I’m gonna do this avenue that the right really I think you’re gonna find exciting is that when people say I don’t feel QuickTime feel able the two people who became the bench of three here both said to me God is called us were not gonna do it because were not able to do I said will you accept that the court yet was good enough the start that this let’s engage then let’s help you find the place where you can feel your call to do it and you can can do it so we spent 56 months just engaging relationally open that honesty transparency getting real with each other dealing with any obstacles are in the way and then they said axing we now feel that we can accept that and we stepped in heaven God gave us things are thrones’s understand empowered us invested us with authority to do but feel equipped I did know what I was doing in our so I one lousy liquid I just like I was winging it in they thought I was I was really confident is like you you know you’re doing alike if you really knew, now the full and what I had been the work so lovely test me a good result so this was like please God help then I started to legislate so in that six-month period I am legislating and calling their spirit to come to attention I’m calling to come forth and calling every obstacle to be brought into the light I’m not just passive and active I know how it was gonna work but actually I was looking to see that it would work and I was part of the process so I started to instigate the process okay I’m take responsibility here so I just said can you tell me everything you see in me with actually you think is a negative thing any reason why we might not trust me in this relationship let’s get out the table and they were like but I say anything but I just insisted, the first so then we went through a few things and quite a lot of things and more things and it was just like okay didn’t know that in see that but okay you can see that but that he may be let this look at this and then we then did the same to each other cable what about way come from in this was the motive you are why you Wanna do is why don’t Wanna do this was going on it took months with every week but we were on a journey and the result of that was good for us in that we became relational and we really trust one another but we would every governmental and very similar so we have then what we didn’t do was connect to the bench of seven in the same relational way we got on with doing what we were doing and we encourage them to get on with their do and we didn’t have the foundation of relationship between the two that was were I’ve now were going back to to do that differently everyone involved is now more wise in engaging heaven and more confident in doing the things I don’t think take as long by the set but the 10 people or more involved rather than three so as you can do it properly we will take longer in the grand scheme of things that another you it is not so much about the time it’s about the quality of what you’re doing and if you laying a quality foundation of digging deep enough to get the concrete footing is in deep then later on it will establish and and God will add to it because what are we really want to see people come into God’s kingdom Wanna see people set free we Wanna help people but were not seeing it were not seeing it because we done at the right foundation, other things in that will eventually all start to work because we know and legislate we have legislation I got a whole statute book full of legislation but people aren’t using it in the way it could be used because of other things so we have a lot of infrastructure so it’s not like were going back starting from scratch but were starting the let foundation in a relational way between the seven and three and we don’t know who’s gonna be a three we got a seven they may be the seven they may not the end of the process so you trust the process and you we handed over that process to them to begin to engage it not us so we are now gonna continue what we doing just be you are not gonna stop legislating or in the heavens preparing think of this one who I am but I’m not interfere bless them and encourage them and support them as best I Love you can work with people who can engage heaven or not learning to engage heaven because it’s the heavenly mandate loop in the you’re receiving in its heavenly revelation that you’re doing it from so is gonna be that the least that this is how we are going to learn to do this together were going to engage heaven and we can learn to see what God said so that heaven can be established upon that foundation on earth otherwise it what you do you will get will last Holy Spirit and sometimes the Holy Spirit can give you revelation words a knowledge words of wisdom that most of it is about what’s here not what their words of knowledge mostly relate to people who are here were to wisdom relate to earthly situations and we need to go beyond the Holy Spirit telling us stuff to us learning how to engage our spirit to engage the as that’s why we do in maturity the other guess the Holy Spirit are only there for babies until they mature then you don’t need Holy Spirit tell you something you can see for yourself so when you first start engaging corporately your find a whole mixture and mess of stuff why go in heaven and seeing this for someone else’s prophetic picture some of these are but it was in the hearing the Holy Spirit their not actually engaging but okay to start with you then learn learn to discern what is coming from someone spirit what’s coming from someone soul what the Holy Spirit is revealing or whether someone is actually seen the reality of something in heaven nice I resonate with it I can tell was coming from because I learned to tell the learn to tell when I was doing so it is a process that you need to follow through and you learn as you go and is a race is not a race that you have to rush through that’s the temptation of Tronic get it all established you know take your time you were true relationships take time I have release line involves in heaven love Bohm’s grace spawns all sorts of stuff you as a weapons house in heaven this film will all sorts of weapons which are not swords and spears necessary so yeah I I I want to see people with your in their identity and come into the fullness of who they are and if I can do anything from my governmental position to facilitate that I do you I I have an ambassadors role for the Joshua generation that he I take seriously and I really Wanna see people come in the darkness into light so yes you I now not seen passively just waiting for things to happen I am legislating and looking to see that established and things that but people still have to respond in a is only creating environment where people can respond so we need to come into our positions in heaven so we can prepare for this harvest so establish an embassy heaven apostolic resource centre’s habitations of God gardens God series of refuge storehouses that I was all sorts of names that I resonate with the name but I don’t necessary resonate with people’s interpretation of the name always because I recognise God is inspiring something that when I hear what they say alike that’s not it because there try to frame it from their existing reference so there are some people establishing apostolic hubs and things you are doing in a hierarchical way that isn’t it is not new it may be doing things and creating this big network of people but is not its hierarchical is all coming back to someone who is in control that isn’t it what I recognise is when as a foundation of government which is actually underneath that’s what I see this is got a hope of establishing something new I can smell an old wineskin a long way off you I just I know I I pick up the frequency of the old so I can see that sold you may be other transition that but it’s old and if you’re establishing something new in your already old you got you gonna re-examine what you’re looking at which is why I do consult with people and and help people unpick some of the things and some of what will be doing tomorrow in Nigel and Dave who in a really great they they help facilitate some of that to see you DD realise what this is how is that does that mean houses can work you is gonna be something new in a when we are in these things were living under a higher spiritual law and authority and the laws of heaven apply if you don’t know what the laws of heaven are how they can apply no is that yes there are laws that come and Jerusalem 12 of them and there are laws that come into Zion 12 and the last just this this time point coming there’s let legislation and and heavenly government which is way way beyond that so we Wanna live in an overlapping convergence of heaven and earth where it’s like we’re living in the heavens government on earth it this where we live completely feels like heaven because we created an atmosphere of heaven heaven is flowing through us now I don’t know anywhere in the world is doing we are not I love for us to get to the point where we can do it were not doing because this is something which is an ongoing bringing heaven to earth in agreement and you can bring heaven to earth agreement if you not establishing the foundation right so an embassy of heaven has citizens who are from heaven Philippians 32 our citizenship is in heaven so if we’re not living with the citizenship of heaven what citizenship are we living from earth will if we keep doing friend from the seasons will be gonna get the same DIY tree of the knowledge pathway doing it in our own man-made versions of Tronic do heaven that is on it so we got the citizens are heaven for this to work we know we been trans rescued from the domain of darkness and transferred into the kingdom his blood some that’s what Jesus is done for us but are we living in are we citizens in the heavenly supernatural kingdom living on earth but ruling from heaven this is one talking about were talking establishing heaven us embassy you do that when you begin an ecclesia but it starts to carry a wider sphere when it becomes an embassy but I don’t believe you can just establish an embassy if you don’t establish on the foundation of people in an ecclesia setting it’s just it carries a wider and more regional governmental wearing governmental perspective and it means you get access to more everlasting doors to bring heaven into the earth so an embassy is occupied by people from the nation it represents not the nation it’s this is why an embassy must be filled with citizens heaven are not citizens of Earth and in the Siena ambassador and diplomatic officials representing the interests of the origin country of origin so the English ambassador British ambassador in Canada represents not Canada’s interests but represents brings interesting Canada and operate under’s government in Canada so all ambassadors and diplomatic officials with immunity diplomatic immunity because we operate from the laws of heaven not the country were living so we might be living in the UK Canada China Australia were a living from but the reality is we need to live under heavens government and not be subject to the government or atmosphere we living in as a challenge obviously we have to navigate that which doesn’t mean that we don’t honour the government of the place were because we were told to need to respect it but doesn’t mean were the limited by and actually when it all falls apart will have a government which didn’t depend on that and when there’s no energy grid will have power that comes which is not limited on as well learn to operate in a completely different system the problem is we all suffer from normalcy which is we really expect things to be much the same as the honour not radically different this is gonna be radically different the situation in which we live is gonna be radically different things won’t be the same things will be shaken loose and things won’t necessarily function as they function now we need to be preparing to operate in a completely hostile environment perhaps in a totally different environment you know people are were being persecuted is always really hard went in anything yet not to collect doom and gloom merchants to I’m talking about us being raised up in light to demonstrate a totally different governmental system and not be affected by that so will renew and we have immunity to the things that are going on around us that’s what we’re creating we are creating an oasis of heaven on the earth which operates under heavens government heavens health heavens finances heavens power ever heaven and everything else so we don’t need the power that comes in the earthly grid any more with that happened today how many of you would know how to get zero point energy out of the quantum realm another view from the faces are looking at so there some things for us to learn to do to prepare for what’s coming and that’s why we start as ecclesia’s who start to get the relationship and start to learn how to do this on a micro scale so that then we can start to do this on a macro scale and see expand so two Corinthians 520 says therefore we are ambassadors for Christ’s overall called to be ambassadors in a were ambassadors of Christ the anointed one heaven’s anointing Paul said this in these 620 I’m an ambassador in James so even though he was in physical chains it in stopping and being ambassador heaven wrote most of the stuffy row when he was in chains it in stopping fulfilling his destiny because he was proclaiming the kingdom so ambassadors a diplomatic official the highest rank appointed an accredited as a representative in residence in one government or sovereign to another that’s how we gonna start seeing ourselves we are representing heavens government here on earth we carry a whole different perspective and a level of authority so ambassador is an authorised messenger or a representative or an agent or an apostolic delegate this is a dictionary definition of biblical one messenger minister emissary so we carry something of a different level of authority because we know who we are and were seated there that’s why it’s so important to know your now Jesus said to his disciples John 17 as you send me into the world is talking to the father I’ve also sent them into the world so Jesus was an ambassador heaven would be so that’s great he was carrying heaven he was living in dual realms he was ministering under the authority of heaven he was doing things that suspended the laws of birth and challenge them he was able the disappeared go into into through people he was able to walk on water he was able to control the weather he was able do all that some stuff and all the healing and the miracles and the raising the dead and everything else so he was demonstrating that he also was radiating light and being transfigured on a mountain so he was raised up and he was the symbol of what we are when we raised up transfigured life and he was also connected to dead people Elijah one really deadly never died and Moses did die but some people think God is body that so he was talking to the witnesses some people would say was committing necromancy particularly when you start talking about witnesses and start to let you can talk to dead people dead the spirit is alive in your engaging the spirit the did all those things he said in John 2021 peace be with you the father sent me I also send you to the commission to go into all the world and make disciples of the nations literary ashes is disciple the nations insiders make disciples converts which is what we pared it down to be were supposed to disciple the nations into the government of God as is where were supposed to do is where were supposed to see what a nation could be under the government and of God what do they do best for their own king we want no other king other than Jesus and if anyone else is King whether it be apostle profit pastor then this is never gonna work so he sent us into the world as he was sent into the world to represent heavens interest and to colonise the earth so this makes us ambassador citizens of another kingdom heaven living on earth is gateways that kingdom into this because it is a defensive thing most of them and ambassadors and in embassies in countries are representing diplomatic interest mostly governmental to keep communication challenge were not into that when we establish an embassy honour it is to colonise is a totally different principle so ambassadors we take orders and get authority from heaven were protected by heavenly protection provision comes in heaven we live by the laws heaven the economy and political system heaven that is why we must not be subject to everything that’s going on around us go see a higher picture I around so the embassy is British soil whether it is around the world is British soil British troops there is taking orders from Whitehall which is our governmental think is representing British interest and operating under British laws and culture destructive biscuits in holiness is already well there in constant contact with the home country there continually getting mandates from Brittany we should be continually getting mandates so work us with more than just representing the interests of heaven as citizens heaven we carry heavens authority with kingship to exercise government over the spheres of life that we been given so we demonstrate God’s power authority through our kingship and expand the kingdom this is not a maintenance thing it’s not a refuge that we just can keep everyone safe is our Castle the pull up the drawbridge and were safe and using a rescue us one day this is completely the opposite to that this is having a church with no walls can ecclesia is not having walls to keep people out the doors are always open for it says of the new Jerusalem which we are on earth already not coming were already here our gates are never shut so were always open the bill the coming because that’s what we want to bring people into and under the government of heaven so they discover who they are and they discover their ambassadors with a message that then they can go out and bring more people to come so we represent kingdom heaven here on earth and we live by the laws heaven the ecclesia is like an embassy territory on foreign soil and we are it and just when we gather that we are living that so where I am in my street I am the representable heaven in my street and I see my street as a sphere you have that is a sphere that I can begin to see kingdom government come into my street so I am we have no crime in my street there is currently no crime in my street I can gladly my door open and no one ever going to the angel standing outside my door you a seagull decided to come and perch on my water feature which has fishing it outside and unlike how you so I sent us into an angel you need to stand by that pond never seen another seagull it wouldn’t there because I rule in my sphere is a safe place now that mean that things don’t go on and you have to deal with things you do it from position of authority not fear I have no fear there is no vandalism can be taking my car or anything else you because I rule and leave it to chance I know that I have authority and I know how the protection heaven I know angels to assign in that so were protected by heavenly authority if you live from that perspective and we should be influenced by the earthly culture society and customs that we live under but we should start to influence and transform that’s why we got a deal with the atmosphere which will look at in the last session tonight so we are ambassadors of heaven sons of light sons of the kingdom and we are to colonise this world because we are here to do what was given the task to do from the garden to be fruitful to multiply to fill the earth subdue and to rule so we are here to fill this earth to make it a garden the garden of God on earth as it is in heaven now we can do that well take the mandate and start seeking for a blueprint and for a strategy to do that in the era that your call to do it I’m not responsible for India for places in Africa yet but I am responsible the here so I need to focus on were responsible for and not look at all the other things aren’t going right but focus on where I have jurisdiction and keep my focus on that because we can terraform the earth as it is in heaven terraform is probably not a good word if you look at the Greek word heaven which you think is all ran off is probably need to around for the earth to make it I heaven because terror really is talking about ground we can going terraform Mars and make it like I would Wanna make it like this so what this is my heaven so when we terraform Mars it was like heaven, we terraform Jupiter and all the other planets and all the other galaxies out there which is what our responsibilities for ultimately we have to have something to actually go from and take to those planets and right now would you Wanna take what we got on this planet to any other planet no way so we need to see change and transformation take place here then we can begin to expand that so we live under the kingdom authority we have a new health service is healing and health and have we have a new economic and financial services the resources come out of the treasure room heaven we have a new educational system where the new society paradise restored we have new speech new attitudes new ideals culture with new behaviours new abilities new powers heaven transforming because were coming from what we are being transformed heaven to manifest on earth this is what embassy will look like not saying what it physically looks like depending on what your blueprint is but let’s say here were gonna see us harvest and we can receive 20% of the population about now if no one else is willing to do it with us will do on our own but I’m always encouraging people to be part of this and to come and be part of what God wants to do but they don’t Wanna be interested right now will come when they realise that everything that they’re doing falling apart be like where we would be over there with you; over 10 years ago but taken in is okay so I really Wanna see that happen if there was 20% of the population here in bytes of let’s say 10,000 people that say 10,000 people how do we manage managed 10,000 people well on the same foundation as you manage 10 people that’s the key you only have to disciple people what you’ve already been discipled in if you got 10 people living under heaven you can bring 10,000 people to live and heaven now that might require if things change let’s say we need to build 5000 houses to house people to live in heaven’s government well we can get the bricks and mortar at or are we gonna call for heavens creative ability to manifest what is unseen to be seen, so Jesus did it in I didn’t get you know some people so that you are going into heaven and making mansions forces up there is a bricklayer in a doing is earthly stuff in heaven now is not imagines like that but is calling us to establish heaven on earth to do it the way he did how did he do it let there be so let there be houses that people can live in Howick manifesting in a manifest added energy becoming matter like everything manifest the energy to become matter but if you are looking at my word we need 5000 has well you get the money any money money when to put the without water we don’t have anything we can do and you will be like do start seeking the heavenly perspective that’s why we need to learn to legislate that’s why we nearly need to call things are be not as if they are declaring decree what we’re seeing in heaven so can manifest on earth so an embassy has authority which gives it authorisation to operate on behalf of heaven that is our authority we can speak on behalf of God we can the supernatural power of heaven disposal to demonstrate heaven’s higher authority and will see when Romans built its empire used to key insight to establish infrastructure and culture and you’ll see in the UK there are still Roman roads there straight they get you to places they built an infrastructure wherever he went this is how they did it they sent 300 citizens to invade a territory to set up what was called the Castro pony that we have prophetic word actually Jeremy receive the prophetic word years ago not ever the were to be Castro pony a lot what are you on about was the Castro pony is a I don’t know God just told me the tallest financing we gobbled it course we need finance as we go there and it was administrative base so what it was 300 people began to operate under Roman culture in that place and they become like the board to assimilate everybody resistance is futile you will be assimilated what we are looking to assimilate the whole of the culture of the people wherein to bring them into the culture of to bring them into their sonship and that’s what they did they had the influence which was Roman influence to bring dominion and so before they moved onto the next territory they formed lines of communication right back to run they built round and roads that meant they could always get the resources from round to bring this Roman colony even Paul was a Roman citizen because they set up a Castro pony in Tartarus that meant he was now under the citizenship of because he was there under the authority of rank as they occupied that territory they do content with just occupying and having resistance everywhere they wanted to assimilate into Roman culture which is why Israel was such a problem to them as they refuse to be assimilated which is why in the end of it they were all destroyed in A.D. 70 because they refused to come under the government of so we need to see that we need to establish a colony of heaven and we need to see colonisation is our mission you not defence but offence with going on the fence and that is not in a welfare sense that is in a sense we are going to manifest heaven and bring more and more people under the government of heaven and that’s what embassy of heaven is us can do that we just have to start where we are get a blueprint first have a mandate then get the blueprint then start to work together relationally and then start to see how God operates that become your own Castro pony into his 10 people don’t operate under the culture that you’re in when we’re looking later on looking at how to deal with the atmosphere you will never deal with the atmosphere until you got something on earth which is not operating according to otherwise you will always be subject to an under it and that will never enable you to live free from it and bring change to the atmosphere ultimately we will never see a harvest in fullness unless we deal with the atmosphere and will never deal the atmosphere until we deal with in us blogging had myself so I you there but I encourage you to seek God do you have a blueprint you are you willing to ask God for a blueprint when you get a blueprint are you willing to go through whatever it takes to see that establish relationally with others because in less people do this when messy harvest were still be living under British culture Canadian culture Australian culture and not heavens culture and therefore we will be subject to whatever goes on in these countries and that will be potentially some negative things unless we bring heavens culture and we operate under heavens government and we are not subject to it starts with our own lives are you living free from the atmosphere that your living are you living as you are operating in heaven and you’re a gateway of heaven into the earth at least around your own life so that you’re not fearful subject to all the stuff is going on own outbreaks it all know before that now this, it is just like any loves fear is fear stops us living in the fullness of what God wants to stay have because we are supposed to live by the faith of the son of God we have to drum of our own faith we just have to look into his face and faith arises faith is causes us to believe and God wants you to believe about yourself what he believes about you that’s why we need to look into his face and here is thoughts and receive that you are able to do all that I call you to do and is called you for the kingdom for a time such as this everyone of you he held back your DNA from this world until you were born you can been born in 16 5160 560,060 but you were born in this generation so you been called and chosen specifically your spirit did not come out of eternity until this generation why because your special got everyone special to God your special to this generation you Wanna be like David because David had this relationship with God which was be out of his own timeframe David’s Tabernacle oh everything is open and away stupidly went put it back into a temple because colic is the time was right for everyone else are you see above everyone else couldn’t but David had a different way of seeing things and although we messed up and that gives us hope for everyone the matter what you’ve done it and that is validated did and yet what God said about him you are here is a man after God’s own heart and he serve the purpose of God in his generation and God is calling you to be men and women after his heart and serve the purpose of his generation today on earth because your seated in heaven you believe about yourself what he believes about you arise that the sons of God arise and take their places in heaven so we can display your glory on the earth and then

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