
Thank you for downloading this teaching from freedom apostolic resourses it’s part of a library that includes audio video clips and written resources available at freedom trust.  now here is Mike Parsons  we are going to start a new series today and this new series is called preparing your destiny preparing for your destiny and this will be going back , over alot of stuff. putting some more meat on the bones to stuff so that we can all move forward together and that is a real important key.okay, so this whole message really is about for each of us enabling us to enter into the things that God has actually got for us as individuals and for the things that we need to enter in as a church. now that prophetic time table is the basis of it and these messages will really be  about the bottom two layers of that, a call to intimacy,where we are called to be a habitation of god and we have been invested with our identity and authority and the gathering and removing of stumbling block things that hinder us in moving forward in the purposes of God invested intimacy to know God encounter not knowledge is not have knowledge is not intellect you have to be smart to know God to settle during your eyes so God wants to restore our identity and authority to fulfil our destiny the revelation of the rulership mandate that you have been given by God to bring God’s kingdom in heaven to earth manifested there is a frequency or a vibration of standards out in heaven right now every time I’m hearing the Prince of God in worship I spend watching the whole compromise) see visions all the time this morning I saw lots of different visions of Jesus the fire was coming out of his eyes and his body and is a sound that is being released and this sound means something is a symbol that goes with the stand and another very similar sounding get that stand in your own spirit right here it lots of times was going to engage with God and and I think if you in the past annually seen and a film crew close encounters of the third kind enough to that sound this guy is just on by something inside him sound and I needs Mrs announcing and everything reminds that God is actually releasing a sound and image from heaven that boring abstract to our destiny and in the films guy is going to go to this place and encounter alien life God is doing is wanting to pass to encounter him and encounter our destiny and that song in that film there was a sequence of notes on everything you know it was as others have sequences there do you do to throw the coming heaven right now I can hear it lots of times I can hear that sequence of notes and that goes with it and segregation is an infinity symbol and infinity symbol represents eternity back to eternity because our destiny came from eternity and will return to eternity as a whole journey and a pathway along the way and God is calling us to the intersection where our past and our future comes together and will agree to any more about Nelson preacher harnesses that will not go that we need to stay resonating with that frequency we need to let our home Lakers are whole body is something which carries frequency and can resonate frequency it’s designed organs of our body are connected to a military centre and therefore becomes something that can vibrate with that frequency and we consider it and and experience it God is wanting us to do that so calling us back to our heavenly destiny to the mandate of the things of God called us to do and Genesis 12 it is the spirit of God was moving over the surface of the water and wrap amazing elevations of rain literally means he was vibrating management is vibration so the spirit of God was vibrating over the waters waters into the same frequency of vibration then God said let there be light so when we start coming back into the frequency of God God starts to speak and call for things from our life and we are 70% water body and we can start berries are designed to actually migrate they have a frequency every single one of them as an individual frequency of any to start to come back into the resonating frequency is a spirit of God starts to overshadow that’s what happened that overshadowing when the spirit of God came upon Mary overshadowed the same scriptural press was used vibrating frequency came upon Mary and literally Jesus was produced in her now when that frequency comes on us and the Holy Spirit overshadows earth God starts to speak to us and call us for Cornforth our destiny and who we are and brings back into the original purpose we had before the foundation of wealth that he speaks into the shadow of heaven so where everything is the shadow on earth as it is in heaven he started to speak into it with this morning about when and Solomon built a temple and they started sacrificing that temple what happened the glory cloud filled the temple as the temple was a pattern of what was in heaven on earth and God still the when online started, pattern God starts to pull them increased as the church becomes that pattern so we need to have overshadowing the spirit we come into cooperation with an alignment an agreement with we have scrolls, eternity carries a decree on a commission from God purpose and provision for our destiny lobster. This can with through it we access that in heaven is we can also access it within our heart that’s where it is when we were first formed in the spirit came into us when the first began to divide the first was brought about by the spam coming together when became our heart and it carries the record of our past body and I have a family and generations are spirit also came in and the role that destiny became part of our heart now will receive less because our spirit was not connected with God but it is there Matthew 610 your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven so God wants us connected with our destiny to bring heaven to earth what it’s about and maybe lots of things that we do elicit raising the dead Pasadena Zoroaster that is and actually our destiny is the outworking of the and the practical things our destiny something more than calling it something to administer heaven on earth that’s what was called to do with causing the same thing Jeremiah 15 before I formed you in the my knee God knew us before we were formed you in some and in very nice exterior I see my own firm substance we had a substance which was our spiritual destiny before we are physical substance and God saw it knew it we have to reconnect with it destiny to rule that is what it’s about Genesis 128 God bless them, verily God gave them and told them to be fruitful multiply fill the earth subdue and to rule that is being God’s intention destiny of the church to bring God’s rulership heaven to earth so Isaiah to to the mantle of the House of Lords be raised above all the other 19th else everything will stream to 1229 we are a chosen race we a royal priesthood will access and has access to thrones of authority and power priesthood as access to the intimate things of God where both your royal priesthood we can engage with God intimately and from that place of engagement we can bring out the authority of the claim into the earth. Manifesting I Jesus did: all the staff of the only got challenge sickness got challenge people healing bondage got challenge people deliverance everything towering over nature and the things a major got challenge that he brought a higher authority heaven is a higher authority than access and operate from the heavenly realms we can change things here on earth we need to act and change it psalm 24 seven lift that you had a you date is talking about been lifted up to be a place of authority and then we become a gateway in heaven to earth each of our lives with teach about how you listed out how we can gay and facilitate glory can manifest here on this earth through us was supposed to manifested glory on the earth Zechariah 36 look at this a little bit more future angels would admonish Josh was then festival of house nestled in the presence of God in the heavenly realms same as they are in angels with if you working my way which we do here if you prefer my Lawsons not about the 10 Commandments to principles of the laws of God’s kingdom we do that in the kingdom of God then we will also gather the house many rounds and have charge of the courts in heaven and be granted free access those was standing here that place are standing here is in heaven heavens last week I’ll encountered here were God invited me to come into the heaven heavens stand there in February next year got four months to prepare to come into that place and I knew know I really do need to prepare is detected the heavenly realms of those spheres kingdom of the earth with the atmosphere of the earth around it which was given and to rule the same and therefore the principalities and powers rumours darkness and spiritual hosts of wickedness in that area in the atmosphere which is in darkness we can bring light and dispel that darkness and is the kingdom of God the kingdom of heaven heaven heaven heavens perfection eternity everything in Hebrew culture and understanding was circular so what started in eternity comes into now and goes back into eternity that are rife will come back into the around eternity perfection will coming to bring the government of God heaven heavens will come into bring God’s heavenly domain on earth as it is in heaven were called to be involved but we need to walk in his ways and we need to understand that the kingdom of God which is in that realm and the heavens is also within us 1721 the kingdom of God is us and we have to engage with the kingdom that within asked were connected to the heavenly realms bring that were learn about that the laws house judge the courts and have access to standard stands in the place in the heavenly realms. Might seem were was the bit at their some of you already accessing this and engaging that is taught you in the new South American and that which is great and the everybody to be of the living this dimension so going about can actually enable everyone to actually learn how to do this succession you cannot have investiture and then enthronement without succession in the middle so God wants to enthrone you with authority and power is invested with you with authority identity as it stands but in the middle of something ready to go has to be a deferment of the old South strongholds mindsets belief systems familiar spirits generational spirit nature which is our DNA programming to be transformed nurture which is our environmental drum programming has to be overthrown and dethroned my live and transform, which is our experiential programming has to be transformed and God is gonna do that number I hope you are teaching similar things that will enable you to access the removing stumbling block to my life idols and things which will set us up when it’s down in town buses Hebrews about not been entangled and weighed down by every else in Hebrews 12 beggarly gathering angels are involved in this process I’ve seen is gathering angels here in this meeting since November last year and I waiting you to give them permission to engage with you to help you in the process of removing those things realise some of you have encountered some of the lot more of that seraphim angels are being released on the throne of heaven temple with goals from the altar of heaven to is Isaiah same actually so I am a man of unclean lips and a cold with a surfing came from the autumn purges lifts God is not purge… Perjure heart so we can be transformed transformation into the image of Jesus we know who we are we know how to function and was ruling in authority and in power manifested in the kingdom of heaven is in a and now we need to understand the spirit and ourselves of the other do this Genesis 17 the Lord God in the dust of the ground breezed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being a living being because the breath of life came into spirit soul body spirit was on the outside at this is God consciousness first and then because of sin change anime body soul spirit so became very self-conscious enables you can self-centred and selfish and was conscious the world was where you can get all things that God intended this to get some him from now on the sweat of our ground we became a human being we were a living doing the last became a human being and most of us become human doings we do a whole other things arise to make herself feel better to cover deals things, change that there are spirit is I know most being John seven the very eternal essence of God who is in spirit. Struggling right now could I keep seeing visions the stuff really difficult to get hold of trembling this the eternal essence of God who is spirit. Is he is spirit to source of life and light God is like is where we have God awareness have spiritual faculties and sentences that enable the spirit to function the dwelling place of God John 1423 when wind again with, spirit been a was now living being became a human being then we are born-again to become a spirit dealing John 2121 Jesus said to them again peace be with you as the father sent me I send you and when he said that he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit suggested God breezed into breath of life Jesus breezed into the disciples said receive early spirit became born-again and that life started to function again they became a spirit being remain spirit being come back become a living being which is the fullness of the things that would have had as a living being God wants to restore us and bring that back so that we are able to operate in the same dimensional authority and power that did and what would have become that he had since to do that we have to build our spirit now will look at the little bit of this each week to and and I practice it so we can start to build a spirit the first place of doing a spirit if we are not planning spirit we will not be able to overcome and dethroned the soul so we have to be strong in spirit to give God first place first first priority that the first thing we can do to build a spirit and singing towns really really important wait on the Lord and be still meditate on the Word of God can really really close adoration had to soak in the presence of God actually provide all our spirit asking Kevin James got mass Alveston the wrong way we need to ask clients eating contest and a clown call things into being your spirit persevere you don’t build your spirit in a day human muscles in the gym yesterday go in there and you have to train and train and train and train until you build muscles same with your spirit your spirit grows through exercise spiritual exercises to train and equip your spirit to grow to connect with God alone revelation and to rule your life you to persevere start and a desire to discipline and then becomes a delight most of us to up in the discipline part because discipline is not very nice is that I will have to body which was like universal ever but I have not got the discipline to go in and train myself to do it would take a lot of training I wonder spirit that strong therefore I am willing to training I spend a lot of time training my spirit hours every day training my spirit to discern the words of God and to build up my spiritual senses and I encoded in the same will be looking at that result we need to deal with the seller will need to understand what the soul is now worthless of I will be fresh mind heart self-awareness enables us to be aware of who we are as a person and an individual Galatians 516 says I say work by the spirit and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh you cannot change the soul from the outside in have to change it from the inside out the need your spirit with the Holy Spirit to flow out to change and transform us from the inside out 17s as the flesh sets it is against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh these are opposing the opposition to one another you may not do the things you cleaned or God pleases you cannot fulfil your destiny if your soul is in charge of your life just can do it so we need to see the spirit overcome the flesh the soul to be in rulership the soul actually flows through the life of the spirit which flows through the body around our lives to bring the glory of God in the kingdom around us Galatians 522 this is the fruit of the spirit within us says love joy peace patience kindness goodness faith in the strength of self-control is the fruit that grows grows this argument we can have reduced of the Holy Spirit given instance times prophecy miracle feeling almost can be given on of hands fruit has to grow therefore you have to nurture it you have to look after soil after fertiliser and it grounds these are things of the flesh Galatians 519 the deeds of the flesh are evidence evident possess seen on the outside of us in our behaviour there are a variety purity sensuality idolatry sorcery and materials supplied jealousy outbursts of anger disputes dissensions actions and viewing drunkenness cruising things like these those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God so it’s really obvious the stuff that we have to overthrow in our lives and must replace that with the through the spirit which grows the inside out we cannot change those things by ourselves we have to surrender them to God and allowed God spirit to transform changes from the inside out with surrender values will work well societally forms as those who belong to Christ crucified the flesh and its passions and desires if we lose both spirit by the spirit this is something Jesus did great we sang that song this morning about the class and they will that word about looking to the cross have already been crucified with Christ past tense when he died we died we have to live in the good of that I coming through the cross then we can start living by the spirit and not the flesh we can then work out in our daily lives by the spirit and not the flesh because the flesh profits nothing has no eternal value and it has only negative values here is the spirit that has value Galatians 220 Mrs the Scripture and I encoded meditate on the Scripture) your spirits your living this I have been crucified with Christ is no longer I who live Christ lives in the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the son of God who loved me and gave himself up for me so I’ve been crucified past tense I no longer live my flesh but Christ lives he now rules in the narrow layout were I live by the faceless God is and MySpace is his face that I’m operated by the love me and gave himself up to me they 1721 the kingdom of God is immunologist go through the things us so we can get handle on how they were the spirit spirit and a father-son the Holy Spirit within us the kingdom of glazing us the seat of God’s government of heaven is Narciso’s is in subconscious mind the garden which would been talking about engaging God in our heart rivers that flow from heaven those who are spirit so far garden and to the world knowing the scroll of destinies enough as started their we have to engage with and react understand how these things function in so we can work with them is a nice picture that an outline of the body so within us there is our heart and in within our heart is a scroll but that’s our subconscious mind is the seat of God: that is within us is in our very literally a place in the inside of us where our conscious mind and then we have spirit nowhere is our spirit spirit man lives in a membrane which goes over the brain and and spinal column where I know that won’t I was enquiring about it is festering and then God starts speaking about it because membrane is not connected to the blood spinal column and that member maybe brand has no connection to your blood which is really important because the blood supply carries the record of your DNA in past generations and it needs to be purify and cleanse changed so your spirit is not connected directly to your blood supply is connected to your heart and present in your spirit what we are talking about in Revelation 320 and adoring not thousand which is where the father and son and the spirit are within your spirit within my spirit we have to let them out, first himself upon us with open that door and we have to let him out every day into our spirit now that spirit therefore is within us and connected to the seat of government in our lives when we are growing in our relationship with God and we invite God to come in and sterilise he occupies that seat of government in our lives as we grow and mature he gives us more and more access to that seat of government so and eventually we are speaking with him in their heavenly places the kingdom of heaven was us so we are also seated there in authority so are spirit therefore says in in Corinthians and one Corinthians 717 617 says that he is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him furthermore we are surrendered to become transformed into his image will become one spirit with him and we start to rule together us for the kingdom is about ruling together that seats within us and as we open up the door God comes and sits on that seat so that seats within our spirit now then we can him into our heart so we were invited him to come and change us and transform us so comes into our heart and we can start to reprogram our heart and the blood in our heart with the DNA of God forward taking communion is to be reprogram with the DNA of God to bring the life of God in us so then that goes hopeful are hard to a brain and transforms our thinking renews our minds goes round the body and back to the heart that he think about where does it go naturally goes dual rams and picks up oxygen so in the physical sense in the spiritual sense our heart needs to the life my spirit go surrender body to transform our life and go back to the spirit the more of the heart plasma look of the heart and another patient as we do that and as of our life is on that throne in the kingdom of heaven comes to manifest roundup rivers of living water and anointing and power start to flow out to us was that working Israelis keep his nose and rule which started in government just appear to have those things interrelate to know nothing were a lot go back into it by to help you prepares your destiny and all out there today is an overview Jeremiah 17 I look at the heart of the heart desire so literally is really really important to get hold of the heart because the heart is the the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked and who can know it so that need transforming 327 as he thinks in his heart so is he as our will determine how we live as a person so it’s really important that the highest program by are spirit the word of God not nature or nurture with the trauma that happened to our lives Matthew 1234 the mouse about which so we are, to be speaking spirit have authority to call things intervening is really important that our hearts are closer what comes out of our mouths the flow of the life of God, is 23 what your heart with all diligence from it flow the springs of life life comes from within our heart as it started with the river of life in the spirit can be fed from the world around us Matthew 1319 is the word of God the kingdom and does not understand that the evil one comes and snatches away what been sewn into his heart out of the sewer is talking of the soil heartstrings of its own there it was stones we also. When you got rid of a “will produce an abundance of group we be really careful sewn into our hearts Proverbs 1312 hope deferred makes the heart sick to their things disappointment in our lives because we’ve not fulfilled our eternal destiny that brings sickness to our heart and God wants to restore healing desire fulfilled the tree of life I want to draw from the tree of life within the garden of God is still in the garden of God we can access it today our hearts need you right Hebrews 412 the word of God is living active sharper than any two-edged sword piercing as far as the division soul and spirit both joints and marrow enable to judge the intentions of the heart Samaha had thoughts and intentions we need to be able to know what is motivating us we can only be motivated by Jesus was by the things God was doing learn how to do that Jeremiah 3133 I put my law within them and Omaha I will write it to let the 10 Commandments talking about the Lord of the kingdom and the principles of the kingdom I will be the garden they will be my people that really important what’s written in our Psalm 37 fraudster like yourself or someone the Lord and he will give you desires and secret petition petitions of your heart I want the desires of my heart to be the desires God has which is written in my scroll I do not want it to be desires that shaped me and my past generations or from the experiences of life are one it to come from the scrolls in my heart therefore I need my heart transformed and changed from my desires become his designs Psalm 23 one Lord is my Shepherd I shall not one he makes me lie down in green pastures needs neither side quite waters intimacy of relationship we can have with God he restores my soul restores my heart he restores it brings it back into its original purpose in tightening path of righteousness the things are God’s written about me the time to outwork he needs according to those parts but we have to engage with God and allow them to restore our soul this picture which is and heaven, scrolls written in heaven given to being present describe how we can start operating in the kingdom of God starts with the glory of God presence on the inside of us to be open that door first Love slows out spirit and developed our spiritual senses and then flows out through our soul and transforms our soul mate flows out through our daily ultimately bringing a manifestation of the Transfiguration where the light of God’s glory will shine through us we will be looking at this and I will help you and encourage you how you can work through so our soul gains what Abbe was spirit gets first thing discuss so great are so great was the started in our soul we need conscience reason and imagination conscious mind our subconscious mind emotions and I will what are they are conscience is about hard is our protector and I director the God and a guide so are conscience will keep us from wrong things and directors to good things reason reason the voice of reason is not that we reason and try working out with intellects this is been able to translate and interpret the words of God spoken to us to understand and to explain God’s word as he speaks to us. The eyes of our heart and imagination absolutely clearly we develop our imagination our Western culture and education system is trained of our imagination our imagination was given to us by God so we can see what he was doing efficiency dreams heavenly realms in that place in our imagination the eyes of our heart we have to see them growing and developing now are hard our subconscious mind emotions and although I mind is where the storage programs or our memories were God and belief systems are stored inside the hard drive of a computer everything is stored there motives lease values look into this and much more detail in the future emotions aware our responses and our feelings are removed in our guts we get those gut feelings are where where persistence and courage can come from also stubbornness and rebellion and look at the positive things boldness and insurance come as I will transform and this is where those things are flowing with the life of God and transform at the moment most like that so we have to steer transforming process everything terms and builds up to one thing what will we choose to do everything within our soul points that to our conscious mind and what will we choose to do will choose to do what Jesus would do the choice will we choose to do what Jesus will do all we choose to do what our own flesh tells us to do to take place we need to be flowing in the Holy Spirit next week will look mill bit more about the spiritual senses what those are as I finished off with a couple of pictures that so the sum this up this is what we will arrive when we were born again Wellstone had naturally various flesh would you got most of those natural needs through spirit which was going to God separated therefore Jeremiah 213 says my people are connected to easels a facility can be the fountain of living water to a few for themselves systems broken systems that can hold no water because were separated from God are so had no option but to try and fulfil its needs so drew those needs from the world acceptance security significance and purpose will have a built-in need those things from the world as a result of that damage takes place in our soul in our heart her pain rejecting securities you disappointment your blessings are in our then we have again and suddenly we got access spirit alive to God now and which started acceptance purpose security from him but was it from the world we go it alone so we have to transfer where we draw our revelation when we get our experience of acceptance and love on to be doing in the world around us to God is on the inside of us and now we start looking inwards to God not outwards to the world as we do that is were transformed restored in our soul and God deals with that damage

In the world and then we can start to manifest our body the things that flow from the spirit literally transfigured below looking at that as our spirit were born again got the father and the son of the spirit in us the glory of God in us we have a spiritual senses that start to get developed with to know God’s life to the homely rounds which enables that to be multiplied into outwork tomorrow’s then ourselves senses start to get developed and then we start to manifest land of the glory God deliverance works Jesus miracles supernatural things healing great work signs and wonders what’s left of the François lives as a blockage is a blockage between our spirit in the early rounds because no one ever taught we go there that most people so you can go there is a blockage is a blockage between our soul and spirit because our soul is used to being in control is easier blockage between us so and body. In God’s eyes were transformed these blockages get removed spirit and soul start to work together with start to feel God’s love not just know God is really important we start to access the heavenly round leads again all the manifestations of God’s kingdom through our lives around us in the world to transfigured to even express God’s love is okay to know the need to file and need to express it around and basically that the sums it all up new the DNA of God is in our spirit access to the fountain of life directors to our destiny we got word dwellingplace of God through relationship spirit managed to produce the fruit and the do come through the garden of our soul so actually our whole life is manifesting God’s glory we got access to the kingdom of God within us and the kingdom of God in the heavenly round and a slow start to move in our life gets transformed really is in your information now the key to business things with practice you have to practice to train your senses you have to practice how you transform yourself Hebrews 514 the solid food is for the mature, true because you practice you have your senses trained so we have to train our spiritual senses we have to train ourselves senses to be connected up with the kingdom of God in heaven to outwork on earth so we’re gonna do that over the next few months are trying our senses within a train ourselves senses and we can actually see transformation take place because you are investing with authority you have to come into that place of succession to you can be enthroned to bring God’s kingdom to heaven from heaven to earth so have to dethrone the soul that is not easy process but you can do it with do it because we are supposed to be able to do it with God and the spirit working together now biggest failings as we need connection with the Holy Spirit to be able to do this so we need to be baptised in the Holy Spirit need to be on speaking terms because times is a major flow of the life of God which is in us and it builds up an environment around us which explores the presence of God so God comes and still is that presence sole operator people today if you races are not connected with your destiny you do not know God then God wants you to know him by experiencing encounters if you’ve never known God by experienced encounter are encoded, the fundamentals you if you are not baptised in the Holy Spirit and you’ve not spoken in times I encourage you, to the front ministry came with pray with you because we need to get you in that place we will spirit can be built up as your spirit needs to engage God so that your soul can be transformed to the kingdom God be manifested through solar do that the opportunity come if you like the to come can impress anything else to blame’s great was singing about feeling and looking to Jesus you need physical them again ministry to make your to ministering to the physical you’ve been blessed by this teaching from my house come and visit our website freedom they will find a whole range of resources God’s forgiveness and to raise up Joshua generation will enter into the promises of God say you can’t that Joshua generation is God calling you partner with like to invite you to connect with us on social media to find us on Facebook Twitter and Google plus and on us sons of freedom. Resource centre here to help you and others find and fulfil your debt and

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