Opening our spirit

Revelation 3: 20Behold, (this is a word used to express strong emotion, calling attention to something, Look!) I stand (to cause to be in a place or position, to position oneself)at (Of place)the door( an entrance, way or passage into), and knock( occurring right now, strike loudly at the door for entrance) : if any man hear( an action subject to a condition,  to listen to someone and pay attention)my voice, and open the door, I will come in(motion into, enter) to him, and will sup (to eat or dine,  a feast, a celebratory meal, something that provides a great deal of pleasure) with him, and he with me.

God is knocking on the door of our spirit, wanting to come into us and live His life through us. God is knocking loudly, can we hear his voice?

 Why is God knocking loudly? Because this is His will, the will of God is for us to open our spirit to Him, to invite Him into every area of our life.

God’s will does not automatically happen; we have to say yes to the will of God. Your will be done today in my life on earth as it is in heaven.

 The will of God is first of all, every day that we open our spirit to Him, so that our spirit can partake of His divine nature. The will of God is a state of spirit, the flow of His Spirit into our spirit manifesting His nature.

It is God’s will that we open our heart to Him every day, so that we can be aware of Him inside of us. And this is a choice that we have to make every day, if we want to experience His will for our lives.

 How do we open the door of our spirit? We open our spirit through our will.

Our will is the switch of our spirit, that which opens our spirit or activates our spirit. Our will is moved by the desire of our spirit to know the Lord. We will to know and experience God, which causes our spirit to open up to God.

So we open our spirit to the lord through our will, we will to know the lord and experience His presence.

We open our spirit through our voice, we pray in tongues becoming aware of our spirit speaking and drawing from the Holy Spirit. We pray in English inviting the Spirit of God into our spirit to commune with us. Lord I open my spirit to you this day to fill it and move through it.

We open our spirit through the focus of our spirit.

 We focus our spirit with an intensity to know, and to experience the Lord. The focus of our spirit connects with the lord, releasing the life and energy of the Lord which begins to flow into it.

We are not passively filled with the Spirit. There must be intensity in our spirit reaching out to commune with the Lord.

What happens when we open our spirit to the Lord? He fills it.

Our spirit is like a sponge, it has to be opened so that the flow of the eternal life of God may enter it. When the life of God enters our spirit, our spirit becomes aware of it, or senses it.

Our spirit absorbs God until it is filled with God. It is through the infilling of the Spirit, that our spirit becomes aware of God.

Our spiritual senses are activated through the infilling of the Spirit as our spirit becomes aware of God. The senses of our spirit are activated in our awareness of God.

Our spirit has senses; it has the ability to sense God, to perceive God, to feel God, to experience God. It is through our spirit’s senses that we become conscious of God.

It is all about sensing, feeling, and engaging with Him: and then we begin to be changed from the inside out.

The entrance of Gods Spirit into our spirit awakens the senses of our spirit as our spirit becomes exposed to God’s Spirit. As our spirit is aware of God’s Spirit it takes on the same image that the Holy Spirit emanates, and then our spirit reflects it.

The lordship of Jesus Christ is first of all over our spirit. We surrender our spirit for the Holy Spirit to be lord over it, to be the governor over it; we yield our spirit to the Presence of God, we are yielding to the influence of the Holy Spirit.

Opening the door of our spirit is surrendering our spirit to the Holy Spirit to be Lord over it; the Holy Spirit then starts to engage our spiritual senses and flows through them.

Once our spirit becomes aware of the presence of God, then we yield our spirit to the presence of God inside of us.

So the surrender of our spirit to the Holy Spirit is a partaking of the Holy Spirit. Our obedience is a partaking of the divine nature, which fills us and motivates us, so that we are moving in the flow of the eternal life of God in us.

So we surrender our spirit to the Holy Spirit to govern. And then from the inside the Holy Spirit starts to engage our soul, He engages our conscience, our reason, our imagination, our emotions, through the flow of His Spirit.  All we are doing is yielding to the flow of His Spirit and He will do the changing and the transforming.