Opposition attaches to what you don’t remove

In order to give us a brilliant future, the father must eradicate our past. When we do not cooperate fully in the present, we leave gaps in our obedience that the enemy will manipulate.

Are you holding on to grudges, offences and betrayals? When you think of people who have wounded you, is there still resentment, bitterness, or a desire to be vindicated or proven right? How strong are those thoughts and emotions?

If you are harboring unhealthy feelings then the enemy is still beating you up. What joy for him to prevent you from moving on in the Spirit. How much pleasure you give him by not experiencing God fully. Imagine how delighted he will be if your woundedness cripples someone else besides you. If your freedom is not full then maybe the enemy is still linked to you.

What are you going to do about that? The antidote is forgiveness, blessing other people and renouncing your own disobedience. The root of the word forgiveness means to send the force and power of the offense away from you, it no longer exists in your experience.

The enemy wants to demoralize you.

Demoralization is a strategic attack against your morale.

Demoralize means to corrupt morally; to lower the morale of someone; to deprive people of spirit and confidence; to throw into confusion; to divert someone from a chosen path; to undermine an identity.

It is to cripple; daunt; Deject; Depress; Disheartened; Enfeeble; Rattle; Undermine; weaken.

What is the opposite spirit that we are to move into- Cheer; Comfort; Encouragement; Hearten; Inspire; Reassure; Support; Increase; Strengthen; Uplift; Favor; Prosper; Enlighten.

Partner with the Holy Spirit or empower the enemy? It is your choice.

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