Our conscience gate

Our conscience is a part of our soul, not our spirit. Our conscience has been developed from the outside in, and has to be renewed from the inside out.

The life of God flows out of heaven into our spirit. Our spirit has certain senses, which become abilities, which become gateways for the life of God to flow through into our soul.

Once we experience the presence of God, we experience His nature in it, and then we can learn to tune into it. We can tune into the fruit of God’s Spirit by our will once we have experienced it.

Our spirit can sense the nature of God and His presence contained in the river of His life that flows into our spirit, when we learn how to commune with God in our spirit.

We open our spirit to God in love, our spirit senses the love of God- this is a two way flow. We draw near to God, He draws near to us. We sense the love of God in our spirit towards God, what we receive from Him will flow into our spirit and we can sense His love in it.

We yield our spirit to His Spirit and we ask Him to search our heart, this activates the fear of God gate in our spirit, so that we can see things with an awareness of His holiness in it.

The life of God flows out of heaven into the fear of God gate in our spirit and then into the conscious gate in our soul so that our conscience can become conformed to God’s conscience.

The Spirit of God has to cleanse our conscience, to heal it from past wounds and renew it through the mind of Christ flowing into it.

The conscience is a part of our soul that we inherited from our parents through the first Adam. Our conscience is the product of conditioning. It has been conditioned by nature- D.N.A. programming; we have within our genes an awareness of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil-self awareness apart from God. Our conscience has been conditioned by-nurture-environment programming- what our natural parents and those around us have taught us and also by trauma- experiences in life especially bad ones.

What is a conscience? A conscience is not always the creative attitude of God that is pure. There are people of various cultures who have a dedicated conscience for certain ideas which seem right to them.

The early Polynesian people had one conscience. Japanese and Chinese people had another conscience. In fact, suicide was an honorable act in the Japanese culture; if someone had been humiliated, he could commit hara-kiri and die honorably.

There are customs and beliefs in people’s background that differ. Our conscience can develop according to our associations and our own experiences.

The various tribes and nations and cultures in the world each have their own standards and ways of doing things. Some practices that are considered to be sin in most Christian countries are thought of as acceptable, or in some cases even honorable, in other countries.

People are also very different in their attitudes and ways of thinking. In some mid-eastern countries, the relationship that exists between many husbands and wives would be considered criminal here.

Heb 9: 14How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot (without any deficiency whatsoever) to God, purge (to cleanse) your conscience (the soul as distinguishing between what is good and bad, prompting to do the former and shun the latter) from dead works to serve the living God?

Religious people have a highly developed conscience developed by their belief system. When they hear something contrary to what they believe they immediately reject it, not realizing or being able to discern the thoughts and feelings in their conscience do not have within them the nature of God.

Through the opening, cleansing, renewing and restoring of the gateways of spirit, soul and body we become a gateway of heaven into the earth so that we can reflect  the nature of God and enter into the living works and see and participate in the restoration of all things.

Our conscience must be cleansed from dead works so that we can enter into living works, but first He must open our eyes to see the dead, foolish things that we do which do not help at all—the motions we go through which are nonproductive, noncreative, which do not produce the nature, the righteousness and the witness of Jesus Christ, which are not bringing forth the Kingdom into the earth.

Our labor can either be a dead work of duty and ability, or it could become a living work. If it is a living work, it will amazingly reproduce His life in others and also in us.

God is not impoverished by what He gives us. By the law of the Spirit, we are not diminished by what we give. But if we give of ourselves until we are worn out and almost break down, then we are working in a dead sense. We must be anointed and have the flow of the Spirit in our life because it is in the anointing that we give that will bring life back to us again.

When a person has a conscience to dead works, they have little awareness of what is really taking place in the kingdom realm of God’s Spirit. They are locked into the soulish, religious realm.

Deeply religious people have difficulty hearing an anointed message that is really of the Lord, because their conscience has been conditioned to instantly reject it because it is contrary to their belief system.

When the soul is locked in with a conscience to dead works, it is difficult to break it. When people are not conditioned by a religious pattern, it is easier to lead them into the kingdom realm of the Spirit.

The Lord said to the Pharisees: “The harlots and the publicans will go into the Kingdom ahead of you” (Matthew 21:31).

To walk in the living works, we need to be thoroughly saturated with the quality of spirit we want others to be exposed to. “Beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, we are changed into the same image from glory to glory” (II Corinthians 3:18). We constantly seek to pull back the veil and push away the clouds. We do not want to be merely religious; we want the living works to flow.

 As He transforms us and changes us, He will make us vessels of honor in His house (II Timothy 2:20–21). He will bring us forth to do His will, as we seek His face with all of our heart, but not out of our fleshly religious striving and dead conscience.

After we go through a number of changes in our life, the enemy has less access to throw worries and pressures and harassments upon us. Then an awareness of freedom grows. The day that we start thinking free is the day that the mind of Christ has come to us. Freedom starts with our spirit, and then it goes into our mind. As our soul begins to experience this freedom, then the mind of Christ prevails in our thinking.

As long as our conscience is bound to dead works, we do not come into the clear mind of Christ: revelation does not come to us clearly; we are always striving to please the Lord; we are always a little bit guilty.

Our conscience is not a bad thing, it is God given. Our conscience is to bear witness to the Holy Spirit. But without the inflowing of the life of God into it, we experience a self awareness separate from God, usually demonic in nature.

People think they are serving God, but in reality they are manifesting a spirit that is contrary to God, they do not know what spirit they are of.

The Spirit of God draws all people to Himself. But the religious conscience pushes people away from God. The religious conscience persecutes, because it is locked into dead works, yet it thinks it is doing the will of God. The will of God is first of all a state of spirit, the Spirit of the Lord.