Our destiny

No matter how fulfilling our life may be, may have been, or could be, there is nothing in this world, or natural life that can fulfill the deepest need in our heart, because we are from another world or dimension.

Our life on planet earth is but for a moment, during our life on earth we experience good times, but also bad times. We can experience such trauma and lack of fulfillment that we even wonder if God exists. We see so much pain and suffering in this world, why? Why God, why God, why me? Why do I have to go through this?

Life is so short, and even though some people have very fulfilling lives on this planet, they eventually grow old and die. Basically human life seems very meaningless and without purpose, unless we realize our destiny.

Why do we even exist?

The bible teaches us that God (YHWH) is love, light, Spirit and a consuming fire. God exists in a realm called eternity, where there is no time. God created the heavens and the earth, but why?

God has spoken everything into existence. He created the time and space realm, or the natural realm. God said let there be light, and it is still expanding. But everything God has created, still exists within him, he is bigger than his creation.

So why do we exist? (I am talking about born again believers), Because God wanted to have a family. God is Spirit, and God has created all different kinds of spirits. But none of these spirits were created in His image. He really cannot have fellowship with them; it is like a human trying to talk to a fish, about the closest you can get is communicating with a dolphin, like flipper-remember that T.V show? I used to watch it when I was a kid, but then again, I am 62 years old in the natural, maybe it was before your time.

Gen 1: 2 And the earth was without form (from an unused root meaning to lie waste) and void (is a state of total chaos)
; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit (A feminine noun meaning spirit, wind, breath) of God moved upon the face of the waters.

God is a family- Father, Mother, Son. In order for God to have children, He had to become a human being. You are not going to really understand the Bible, unless you understand seed-line. Gen 3:15 is the first prophecy, and Satan has tried to destroy the Woman’s seed, throughout history, up until the cross, where he killed Jesus. And on the cross-Jesus cried out-It is finished! Gen 3: 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Gen 1; 26 And God (ʾelōhîm-Plural) said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.

What is the image of God?

Heb 1: 3Who being the brightness (apaugasma- only used here in the New Testament-root 1 out of 2 to shine)) of his glory, and the express image (charaktēr-only used here in the New Testament-the exact representation of the object whose image it bore) of his person.

Jesus is the seed of the woman, the last Adam (in his death) and the second Man (in his resurrection), the first born (Rom 8:29, Acts 13:33, Psalm 2:7) of a new race of beings, the sons of God.

We have a primary and a secondary destiny. Our primary destiny is to become, our secondary destiny is to do.

So what is our primary destiny?

Romans (YLT) 8: 29  because whom He did foreknow, He also did fore-appoint, conformed to the image of His Son, that he might be first-born among many brethren; 30  and whom He did fore-appoint, these also He did call; and whom He did call, these also He declared righteous; and whom He declared righteous, these also He did glorify.

Romans (YLT) 12:1  I call upon you, therefore, brethren, through the compassions of God, to present your bodies a sacrifice–living, sanctified, acceptable to God–your intelligent service;
2  and be not conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, for your proving what is the will of God–the good, and acceptable, and perfect.

Jesus was the lamb slain before the foundation of the world; the Father put us in Christ before the foundation of the world. All the works of God were finished before the foundation of the world. God has foreordained the time we would be born into this world, to fulfill a certain destiny.

When we were born from above, the seed of God was conceived in our spirit, which is Christ in us the hope of glory. The seed within us is divine; it has the potential to grow until Christ is formed with us.

Ephesians 4:13 Till we all come in (motion into) the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge(clear and exact knowledge) of the Son of God , unto(motion into) a perfect(fully completed growth, full age) man, unto the measure (a measure of capacity)of the stature(maturity) of the fullness(full measure, all the divine attributes of God’s nature perfected in us) of Christ;

The seed of God in us produces fruit, which is the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22). There are listed nine different words, but I don’t believe it is a complete list. These are divine attributes, not human attributes.

22But the fruit (karpos-litterally means fruit that is plucked
probably from the base of harpazō
this word is to seize, “to snatch or catch away, of Paul in being “caught” up to the third heaven- 2 corn 12:2, of the man child caught up unto God and his throne-rev 12:5, of Philip being transported physically-acts 8:39, of what religious people call the rapture 1 thes 4:17)   of the Spirit is love (agapē-divine love, the love received from being in the Lord’s presence), joy (chara-divine joy, the joy received from being in the Lord’s presence root-chairō-to rejoice)
peace (eirēnē In the OT the equivalent word shalom – meant wholeness, soundness, hence health, well-being, prosperity. I believe this word is talking about when a bone is broken in two, and then put back together where it becomes stronger than any other part of that bone- the bone has come to peace ,longsuffering,( makrothymia a self-restraint of the mind before it gives room to passion or action, it is patience in respect to people) gentleness (it is a grace which persuades the whole nature, mellowing all which would be harsh and austere, it is descriptive of one’s disposition and not necessarily the acts of goodness), goodness (character energized expressing active good), faith (conviction of the truth, the Lord opening our eyes to see, or our ears to hear him in the spirit, it  is the acceptance of divine revelation, which results in his faithfulness operating in our lives,  the character of one who can be relied on)23Meekness (it is a fruit of power, a condition of mind and heart, it is the opposite of self-assertiveness and self-interest, it is not occupied with self at all, submissive of injury with patience-without resentment), temperance (self-control -the virtue of one who masters his desires and passions, esp. his sensual appetites, temperance-moderation in action, thought, feeling): another attribute of God is patience, this has to do with circumstances

When we experience the fruit, we are caught up into another dimension, the presence of God manifest on the earth.

We have to contend for our destiny, God called me to be a teacher, which is a secondary thing- what I do.

Everything of God is continually expanding. The fruit of the Spirit should continually be growing in our lives. We need to learn how to love people. God will make sure he puts someone in our life that it is impossible to love on a human level, where we are going to have to have more of His love.

But some people we have to love from a distance, the time is too short, to be continually harassed by someone who has a wrong spirit.

In the meantime be faithful with God’s faithfulness, if you are a father be the very best you can be. If we are a mother, be the very best you can be. If you are a husband, be the very best you can be. If you are a wife, be the very best you can be. If we are an employer be the very best you can be. If you are a employee, be the very best you can be. So on and so forth. We are the light of the world. We are an ambassador of heaven. We have to become the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT.        

This is your primary destiny, and we become through the grace of God, through the faith of God. May the Lord reveal this word to your spirit.

I believe Enoch, Paul, and John, Stephen and the list goes on were caught up because of the Love of God being perfected in their lives.

ISAIAH 53:10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.

Isaiah chapter 53 is a very familiar passage of Scripture that is prophetic of the crucifixion of Jesus. Notice verse 10. It says that He (Jesus) shall see His seed and this will cause His days to be prolonged in the earth.

Jesus never married, He had no natural children, yet Isaiah 53:10 tells us He would see His seed and prolong His days on the earth through this seed.

Psalm 22 is a messianic Psalm, meaning that this Psalm is prophetic of the crucifixion of Jesus and His redemptive work on Calvary.

Note verse 1 – the words which Jesus would speak while He was hanging on the cross: My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?

Then verse 30 says this: A seed shall serve Him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation.

In the days of Jesus, it was a shameful thing for a man to die without having any children to carry on his family seed. Yet the Bible says that Jesus would see His seed. In Mathew chapter one it states that there were 42 generations from Abraham to Jesus (Matt 1:17). However, if you carefully count the generations as described in Mathew 1, you will find that there are only 41, not 42 generations. There is a missing generation; where is that generation?

Psalms 22:30 gives us the answer: A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. Then, Psalm 22 goes on to say: PSALMS 22:31 31. They (this seed) shall come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that he hath done this.

 A seed will be born and it will be accounted to Him (Jesus) for a generation, and this seed, this generation of people, will declare what the Lord has done; they will declare salvation to the entire world.

This 42nd generation is about to come forth in the earth in its fullness. There is a seed coming forth in the earth which Satan fears for this seed spells the demise of his rule in the earth. Psalm 102 gives us more insight into this: PSALMS 102:13, 16, 18, 28 13. Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come. 16. When the LORD shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory. 18. This shall be written for the generation to come: and the people which shall be created shall praise the LORD. 28. The children of thy servants shall continue, and their seed shall be established before thee.

This tells us that a day is coming when God will favor His people in a special way. The coming forth of this generation, the 42nd generation, has a set time. The whole of creation is waiting for the coming forth of this seed, this generation, in the earth. There will be a generation of people on the earth in these last days who will truly manifest the life, power, and nature of Jesus.

This generation, the seed of the Lord Jesus, will move throughout the earth in such power and glory, bringing a living Christ to a dying world. They will prolong the days of Jesus in the earth; the world will again see Jesus walking this earth in His seed, His sons. The best is yet to come.

First prophetic word- Gen 3: 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

God said-from Eve’s seed or genealogy would come forth a man who would destroy Satan’s rule and power in this earth. This word was over an ancestral line.

This word terrified Satan and a huge portion of Old Testament Scripture centers on Satan trying to stop this word coming to pass.

Satan would do anything to stop this word from coming to pass. He had to stop this word, to stop the seed being born, a four-thousand year battle.

Satan was a murderer from the beginning (John 8:44), he entered into Cain and killed Able, to stop the word from coming to pass.

Now Seth was born. The name Seth in the Hebrew means a substitute. Now we have the Sethanites and the Canaanites, Two lines in the earth.

Now we understand why Joshua was commanded to kill all the Canaanites.

Now Satan has to kill all the Sethanites. How is He going to do it? So he tells his angels go overshadow the women (Gen 6:1)- the result-half Angel half human-Giants.( Gen 6:4)

Now God has to destroy the whole human race-flood (Gen 6:8)

Now In fear of another flood, Satan enters the sons of nimrod and they build the tower of Babel (Gen 11:4) So God has to scatter them.

Eventually, we come to Abraham whom God calls- come out of Babylon.(Gen 12:1 )

This instantly meant danger for Abraham. So, Satan makes Sarah barren. Abraham intercedes and God heals Sarah. Now Isaac, the child of promise is born.

So Satan makes Rebecca barren .Isaac intercedes for his wife and God heals her. (Gen 25:21)

Now twins are in Rebecca’s womb. Satan is going to cause Esau to be born first-Who God rejects, and he changes the rules Jacob will inherit the birthright and blessing. The elder never served the younger!

Jacob grows to be a man with a tribe of about seventy people. So Satan decides I will kill them all with a famine. (Gen 41:56)

So God decides to use Joseph to save them- The word he gave Joseph tried Him until it came to pass.

So along comes Moses- So Satan decides I am going to kill all these Hebrew babies, and gets inside Pharaoh (Ex 2:1)

The next crisis came in Egypt with Moses .Pharaoh decreed that all Hebrew male children must die, and in doing this the whole nation would disappear within two generations. It was obvious that Satan was becoming desperate to block the prophetic word given in Eden.

Many years later the Word comes Gen 49: 10 The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come.

So the seed of the woman is going to come through Judah.

So it starts with David, Satan gets inside Saul and tries to kill him.

Well, that did not work, So Satan decides I will kill all the kings of Judah.

The kings of Judah became an endangered species. So God Hides Joash (2 Chr 22:11The whole line was wiped out except for one baby.

I Forgot about Rahab and Esther, but finally the seed of the woman comes down to an engaged girl called Mary( Luke 1:35)

So Satan gets into Herod is going to kill all the male babies from 2 and under.

ISAIAH 53:10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.

Verse 10. It says that He (Jesus) shall see His seed and this will cause His days to be prolonged in the earth.

Jesus never married, so he had no natural children, yet Isaiah 53:10 tells us He would see His seed and prolong His days on the earth through this seed.

Psalm 22 :30 says: A seed shall serve Him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. 31. They (this seed) shall come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that he hath done this.

In the days of Jesus, it was a shameful thing for a man to die without having any children to carry on his family line. Yet the Bible says that Jesus would see His seed.

In Mathew chapter one it states that there were 42 generations from Abraham to Jesus (Matt 1:17). However, if you carefully count the generations as described in Mathew 1, you will find that there are only 41, not 42 generations. There is a missing generation; where is this generation?

This generation of male and female sons, will proclaim what the Lord has done; they will declare salvation to the entire world.

Who is this 42nd generation is about to come forth in the earth in its fullness. We are if we qualify-The Love of God perfected in us.

There will be another 3 ½ Year ministry of Christ in the earth-The man child caught up to the Throne, and Satan and His Angels cast out of the heavenly places.

There is a seed coming forth in the earth which Satan fears for this seed proclaim the end of Satan’s rule in the earth.

This tells us that a day is coming when God will favor His people in a special way. The coming forth of this generation, the 42nd generation, has a set time.

The whole of creation is waiting for the coming forth of this seed, this generation, in the earth. There will be a generation of Male and female sons on the earth in these last days who will truly manifest the life, power, and nature of Jesus Christ.

This generation, the seed of the Lord Jesus, will move throughout the earth in such power and glory, bringing a living Christ to a dying age. They will prolong the days of Jesus in the earth; the world will again see Jesus walking this earth in His seed, His sons.

Will you be a part of this company? You were born for such a time as this. It is your destiny.