Our Father

Our father who art in heaven- What is he really like.

As our Father reveals himself to us, it transforms our life. Revelation is a personal encounter with God. It is an awareness of God’s presence that lifts us up into another realm. It is the unseen realm of his kingdom, our Father who art in heaven.

Revelation is God revealing Himself to us in personal encounter so that we may know what He is like. This word knowledge in the Greek is called-Epignōsis- it is a deep penetrating knowledge where we are participating in it, we are personally involved in it. It is powerfully influencing and motivating us to respond back in love- to the love of God that is penetrating into our lives.

Ephesians 1:17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give (to impart) unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation (eyes to see, unveiling of the Spirit) in the knowledge (intimate experiential knowledge, insight obtained by penetrating knowledge giving exact full knowledge) of him;

When God reveals himself to us he imparts himself to us. The unseen Father, who is Spirit, enters our spirit and flows through it into our soul, so that His thoughts enter into our mind, His feelings enter into our emotions, motivating our will to respond, so that we can choose to receive what He is communicating to us.

When God reveals himself to us we experience his presence. We are actually experiencing the realm of his Spirit which is a different dimension.

It is the awareness of His presence that is the door way into heavenly encounters. It is through the infilling of His Spirit that we become aware of the unseen realm. Once we become aware of his presence, we have to learn how to maintain it, it is called abiding. Through our focus, we can go deeper and deeper into the heart of God.

The Father is not who religion or culture makes Him out to be. Our Father is not an Old Testament angry distant deity who needs appeasing with animal sacrifices.

Animal sacrifices were a type to reveal the cross. The sin was transferred to the animal, so that the animal would die and not the person. The wages of sin is death. They did not torment the animal, animals are killed every day and we eat them.

Sin was removed from the person in type. They were to partake or eat the Passover lamb, and then death not torment would pass over them.

When Jesus died in the time realm the veil in the temple was torn, so that in the new covenant we literally experience what is on the other side of the veil.

In the Old Testament when the priest went through the veil, if he was not sanctified he would die. In the New Testament we go through the veil to get sanctified. All change, all transformation comes through exposure to God in the holy of holies, the other side of the veil.

We are to eat or partake of the provision of the lamb, and then the divine nature of our father enters into us transforming our lives.

 The Father is not watching us, waiting for us to get something wrong so He can punish us. The Father is not a cosmic child abuser who killed His son to satisfy His anger and wrath.  

The Father is not a torturer who will be tormenting His children forever because they did not do things His way. The Father is not a parent who abandons, disinherits and disowns His children when they choose to ignore Him. The Father is not a parent who turned His back on His son Jesus on the cross but one who went through it with Him. He never turns His back on us, but goes through with us whatever we are going through.

Our father- He is the father of all spirits, but as we experience the conception of His D.N.A within our spirit, we begin to relate to Him as a little baby would to his natural father.

In the natural when a little baby is born, he or she can only see a few inches in the natural world and its brain begins to be programmed from the outside in.

In the spiritual we learn to see and hear from the inside out. As our Father communicates to us he imparts himself in that communication.

So the first thing we are going to experience is His love for us, which will impart His faith into us so that we can begin to trust him and be at peace.

Experiencing the love of God is called first love. It is the most awesome experience a person can have, it imparts our identity to us- we are a child of God by birth. The very identical life (D.N.A) of our heavenly Father is placed within our spirit in seed form.

Our spirit begins to cry abba-father, daddy. The Holy Spirit leads us to the Father, and the love of the Father begins to heal us of our natural father wounds.

What blocks us from the love of the Father is the D.N.A. we receive from our natural parents, unless we had an awesome father, but even the best cannot compare to our heavenly Father.

What also blocks us is the image of God that religion, the world and culture portrays.

The Father is not a parent who has favorites amongst His children, who has chosen some to be with Him forever and others to be separated from Him and punished forever.   We cannot  manipulate our father to give us anything we want by trying to please Him with our good behavior, or by throwing a tantrum until he gives us what we want.

The Father has been misunderstood and misrepresented by religion to be someone who He is not. We can see the Father in Jesus who is His express image and likeness and we can come to the Father experientially for ourselves by entering in through Jesus the door.

 Our father is a loving caring compassionate dad who deeply desires for all His children to be in an intimate love relationship with Him. His desire is only to constantly bless us, and is behind the scene working to make even our bad decisions turn out for our good so that we may come into our destiny, his heart’s desire for us.

We are the delight of his heart, the apple of His eye.   The Father is a loving parent who will never force His children to do anything but is persistently-passionately patient, tolerant, and kind and is waiting with joyful anticipation for our return into the process of sonship.

 The Father has a love for all His children that will never end, will never give up and will never fail and become separated from His children.

The Father is passionate about all His children. He is patiently working in them and waiting for all of them to return to an intimate loving relationship with Him.

The Father is our dad and is always available for us. He is never too busy for us and is omnipresent so that we can encounter him every day. He never leaves us, always wants the best for us, and is always interested in even the littlest details of our life.

He is always waiting for us to jump up into His arms. Our father, our dad is the most wonderful, faithful, trustworthy, patient, kind, good, loving, joyful, peaceful, fun and awesome Father who is always sharing His heart and thoughts with us, we just have to learn how to tune into Him.

In this generation our father is going to change the image of himself portrayed by religion through the rising up of his male and female sons.

The arguments of those who do not know him face to face will not be able to resist the wisdom and love being released through his sons- all they will be able to do is Nash their teeth.

It is only through personal encounter with the Father himself that the destruction of our mindsets will begin to take place.

The love of our Father does not torment or punish. Our Fathers love is kind and bears all things .His love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, Love is patient and is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.    Love never fails.

We are coming into the time called perfect love when we shall begin to know all things, but this knowledge is revealed only as we enter into the realm of God’s Spirit.

Romans 8:35,37-39 Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

Anything that contradicts love is a contradiction of our Father’s character. Any image that portrays our Father as anything other than love is a perversion of the truth, it is a lie.

The love of our Father is a consuming fire. If we will enter that fire now, that fire will become a light so bright that it will expose anything in us that contradicts love. We shall tremble in the fire of God’s love as it transforms our life.

The judgment seat of Christ is something we can experience now in this life. It reveals all our works, exposing motives and burns up that which proceeds from the self-life so that we can enter into the living works and manifest Christ and reap our  reward seeing the Spirit of God moving upon people and transforming their lives.