Our growth in God

John 3: 6That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

 To enter into an intimate relationship with God, It is absolutely necessary that we be born from above. Unless our spirit is born of His, we have no common life. When we were born the first time, we received a human life from our parents. We were born a baby, and we began to grow and become aware of our human existence. That which is born of flesh is flesh.

That which is born of Spirit is spirit. We must be born a second time, we must be born of God. When we are born the second time we receive a divine life from our Heavenly Father which is called eternal life. The seed of God is conceived in our spirit, the D.N.A of God. We are born a baby, and we begin to grow and become aware of the life of God and develop in it.

 The life of God grows inside us, as we learn how to tune into it, as we learn how to become aware of it, as we learn how to appropriate it, how to abide in it and move in it.     

Just like we received a human life from our parent’s, we must receive a divine life from God the Father. We receive the life of God through the word of God.

The word of God is living. It contains His eternal life and spirit. When God reveals His word to us we experience the life and spirit that is contained in it.

When God reveals His word to us, He commands light to shine in our heart, it is the light of His life, our spiritual eyes and ears are opened. The entrance of His word produces the light of His life. To see in the spirit is to experience His life. Revelation is the inflow of His Spirit opening our eyes to see things through His perspective.

Our spiritual sight starts out by our perceiving the unseen realm. It becomes real to us as the revelation gate in our spirit opens and we begin to be aware of the thoughts and emotions of God flowing into us. This is the kingdom of God within.

As revelation begins to flow into our spirit, then as we learn how to open the imagination gate in our soul we begin to get pictures on the screen of our mind.

As we begin to experience the different gateways of spirit, soul and body where they are open and flowing which takes time to develop, we can come to the place where we can actually begin to see the unseen realm around us, this is the fruit of being born again, where we become grown up or a fully mature male or female son of God.

There are basically four stages of growth with God mentioned in the bible. We begin a baby and grow up into a fully mature son. The lord relates to us differently in each stage of our growth, just like a natural father relates to his natural children as they are growing up. We have a relationship with God in each stage of our growth. He relates to us when we are a baby and we carry this relationship with us into the next stage of our development.

There are four main words in the Greek describing our growth in God and each word means something completely different in our relationship with Him.

As we grow up to be a fully mature son, we are still going to be a much loved child. We will always have things that we are learning that we have never done before, so we look to the Lord for help. In each new situation we start out as a much loved child, and we go through the different stages in the development of growing in each situation.

In the development of our growth in God we will still feel like a child in the new things that we go through. We feel like a child in the context of who God is for us in this situation.

There are four main stages in the Greek of our growth in God. The first one is the baby stage; the word baby in the Greek is Nepios. We are a baby until we come off of milk. The next stage is called Paidion, and this is like a young infant or little child. The Teknon is the older child through adolescence, going through youth to a young man. The final stage is Huios which is a fully mature son.

When we are a baby we are totally dependent, we do not know how to do anything in the spirit, so we have to learn how to see, how to hear, how to talk, how to walk with God. A walk with God is our participating in the divine nature so that all our activities are the result of the Spirit of God living and moving through us.

When we are a baby, every day is about receiving something. To grow up into his image we are going to have to receive a lot from God. Every day we should experience new revelation, and impartation. Revelation must not be just knowledge in our mind, but something that we absorb in our spirit and soul so that we experience the divine nature. To be conformed to his image and to move in his fullness requires growing in the divine nature and receiving the gifts of His Spirit, then the seven Spirits of God.

To move in his fullness and abundance, we are going to have to be given a measure of the fruit and abilities of His Spirit to begin to move and develop in. Every day we have to receive something from God and we have to receive it consciously. It has to flow into us, where we become conscious of it and then it has to flow out of us to the world around us. God likes to give us something every day so that it begins to builds up in us.   

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