Our hearts pant after him…. Psalm 42:1

God gave a baby a cry that his parents cannot resist. How often during the night has a parent thought, “I’ll roll over and go to sleep and let him cry it out.” That thought does not last very long! The baby’s cry penetrates. It goes through you. It condemns you. It makes you feel guilty. It makes you feel like the most selfish person in the world for not getting up and taking care of the needs of that little one. That baby’s cry prevails over everything.

“If a father has a son who asks for bread, will he give him a stone? If he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If he asks for an egg, will he give him a scorpion? If you, then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him” (Luke 11:11–13). Like a parent who is a sucker for a baby’s cry, God says that He will take care of our needs. Christ told us about the widow who tormented the judge and finally got some action, and then He said, “How much more will your Heavenly Father avenge His own elect who cry day and night unto Him? I tell you, He will avenge them speedily” (Luke 18:2–8). Can you cry? The cry has to be mingled with an agony of spirit, something that comes up before the Lord. Like a newborn babe, can you cry unto Him?

Express the honest hunger of your heart. When you suppress it, when you deny it, in time hunger disappears. People who have been fasting for some time have no hunger. There is no gnawing, no yearning; it just stops. Even though we may be fasting from food, we are not on a fast from God; we yearn after Him. Our hearts pant after Him like the hart panteth after the water brook (Psalm 42:1). We come before the Lord and we cry, “O God, meet us. Meet us.” Let there be that yearning after the Lord. God will meet this hunger, because He is our Father. When we cry, it reaches Him. Do you remember what He said to Moses? “Moses, the cries of the people have come up to Me.” Slaves, weeping under the lash, thought no one heard. But He heard them. “I have come down to deliver them” (Exodus 3:9, 10).

Cry to the Lord. Believe Him to meet you. Are you bogged down in your problems? The Lord allows problems to see if they will be so important that they will distract you from your hunger for Him. The man who really succeeds is the man who says, “My problems are secondary. They are absolutely way down the list compared to reaching through, breaking through to God.” Do not look for an answer to problems but for a walk with God. Seek for it with all your heart, and you will break through.

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