Our spirit does not live in time

Our spirit lives in the realm of eternity. It came out of eternity, and it will return to eternity. Every person’s spirit will return to eternity. It will return to God who gave it when a person dies.

When a person gets born from above their spirit becomes divine, and an offspring of God by the virtue of God’s DNA planted in it. When our spirit is born from above then it is now seated in heavenly places in Christ, this is a different realm than eternity.

Eternity has no time, so it is hard to describe. I call it the eternal now. It is like a circle never ending. In eternity before God created the heavens and the earth, God thought of us, he first imagined us and had more thoughts about us than the sand. Then He spoke us into existence.

What happens to a person’s soul when they die is another story. The salvation of the soul is a doctrine in the Bible, but no person really teaches it.

Our soul is our will, our emotions, our mind, our imagination, and our conscience. There are a lot more that reside in our soul like personal ambition, and self-esteem. Each part must be saved, must be renewed, must be transformed. But all I hear is people talking about the renewing of the mind.

I do not really hear people talking about how their emotions got transformed, or their conscience, or how about their will?

I believe most martyrs got their will transformed. Their will was set whether they live or die. They had no problem laying down their lives. The moment they die they are in Heaven. Jesus struggled with it because of the sin of the world he experienced on the cross.

If you ever cast out a devil and can tune into the filth of the thing, it would totally disgust you. I could never imagine what Jesus went through. Sure, his body went through torment, but what about what he experienced in his soul, so that we do not have to. We can experience the opposite. We trade our sorrows for his joy, and the list goes on and on.

I got my emotions transformed, I can tune into the peace of God in a second, IF I tune into the Holy Spirit, and I do that by stepping into my spirit which is in another dimension. I can tune into all the fruit of the Spirit, but it takes practice.

I got my conscience transformed, I do not experience guilt, shame, or condemnation. But if I mess up, I must immediately tune into the opposite spirit, what does God want to become in my soul at this moment.

I am working on my imagination; my soul must experience what my spirit is sensing. This is called seeing in the Spirit.

My will is definitely not transformed, I am not willing to be killed this second for the Lord. What about you?

I know my mind is not transformed, because I am receiving revelation from the Lord. And today I learned that my spirit does not live in time.

I used to believe you have to grow your spirit, that it starts out like a baby and has to grow into an adult. You must build your spirit by speaking in tongues. But if I start praying in tongues for hours my mind is hearing it, and then I start getting more revelation. So in actuality my soul is getting built up.

My website is like my bible school, I got like 2,232 messages on it, which I use to help me in the ministry but then I must edit it. What I believe today, I might not believe tomorrow.

My son is working on my church website, which I am going to get him to change the platform, which is called a theme, so that it looks professional.

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