We are a triune (consisting of or being three in one) being. One part of our being affects the others. The most important part of our being is our spirit. We are never defeated, unless we are first defeated in our spirit.
Our spirit first has to be awakened; this is called once for all enlightened. Our spirit is awakened through contact with God and becomes God conscious as His Spirit enters it.
The awaking of our spirit is the joining of our spirit to the Lords and is called first love. As our spirit becomes conscious of the Lord, we become conscious of His nature which is love. We become aware of His Love reaching into us and embracing us.
This is a personal encounter of God not only accepting us but His desire to make us His own. We experience total acceptance-God loves you-it touches our emotions, we feel His embrace, joy unspeakable, full of glory. The result is tears of joy, a broken spirit held in the arms of God, no feeling of separateness, but life we never experienced before.
1 Corinthians 6: 17But he that is joined (the-definite article-the joining) (continuous repeated action- root-glue, to glue, to stick, to cleave) unto the Lord is (occurring now-to be) one (to indicate the singularity of something) spirit.
In the joining of our spirit to the Lord the conception of His seed, (His D.N.A) takes place within us.
The life of God has been deposited in our spirit; this life must be activated or moving in us for us to be aware of it. Our spirit is the part of us that contacts God. When our spirit is right it is communing or fellowshipping (participating in a common life) with God, it is drawing upon the provision of Jesus Christ. When our spirit is right it is being strengthened with might by the Holy Spirit in the inner man.
When God joined Himself to us, He joined Himself to our spirit. The result of this union is the fruit of the Spirit (the divine nature or the attributes of God). Faith is resident in our spirit; it is a product of our spirit and not our intellect.
Revelation knowledge gives us the ground (foundation, reason, and basis) of our faith, but our faith is a result of our spirit fellowshipping with God’s Spirit. The reason our faith is not working is because our spirit is not communing with God.
Joy is something that emanates (to come from or come out of) from our spirit. We are joyful because we are in right relation with the Spirit of God. Happiness has to do with what is happening in our life, it has to do with our circumstances. If we cannot keep our spirit in tune with God, negative circumstances will wipe us out. But if our spirit is communing (to experience a deep emotional or spiritual relationship) with God, nothing can steal our joy.
The fruit of the Spirit is the result of a right spiritual condition. These are all products (the result of, something that is created) of our spiritual life.
Gal 5: 22But the fruit (that which originates or comes from something, an effect, result) of the Spirit is love (affection, good will, benevolence, seeing the need and meeting it), joy (gladness, the cause or occasion of joy), peace ( harmony, security, safety, prosperity, tranquility) longsuffering,(a self restraint of the mind before it gives room to passion or action) gentleness (it is a grace which persuades the whole nature, mellowing all which would be harsh and austere) goodness (character energized expressing active good)), faith (conviction of the truth, the Lord opening our eyes to see, the God given ability to trust his word, which results in his faithfulness operating in our lives)23Meekness (it is a fruit of power, it is the opposite of self-assertiveness and self-interest, it is not occupied with self at all, submissive of injury with patience-without resentment), temperance (self-control -the virtue of one who masters his desires and passions, his sensual appetites, moderation in action, thought, feeling)
Ephesians 5: 17Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. 18And be not drunk (continuous intoxication) with wine, wherein is excess; but (on the contrary) be filled (command continuous, to fill, supply abundantly, to spread through with an influence, wholly occupied) with (intimate union, remaining in place, rest) the Spirit; 19Speaking (continuous, utter sounds) to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; 20Giving thanks always (at all times)for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; 21Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
The will of God is first of all a spiritual condition. We are commanded to be continually filled with Spirit. A command is a directive; it is an imperative (absolutely necessary). The operating instructions of how we are to live.
We are commanded to be continually filled with Spirit. The definite article-The Spirit- is not in the original manuscript, so this is not talking about Holy Spirit. It is talking about the life of God or the presence of God which is spirit. The life of God flows out of heaven activating our spirit and then flows into our soul and then out through our body into the atmosphere. The life of God flows from the inside out.
Our soul is in the middle of our spirit and body and is the imperative part, because the soul gives us self-consciousness. Our soul is the part of us that gives us the awareness of what our spirit senses, so that we have no self consciousness apart from God.
Our soul becomes kind of a switchboard to interpret what the physical senses receive, as well as what our spirit senses receive.
If the life of God does not flow out of our spirit into our soul we cannot participate in the life of God. The life of God has to flow into our soul. When the life of God flows through our spirit into our soul, we are then filled with the Spirit.
Revelation flows through our spirit into our mind as spontaneous thoughts from God. Love, joy and peace flow through our spirit into our soul, so that we feel the emotions of God. Spiritual images and pictures flow through our spirit into our imagination. The life of God flows through our spirit into all the gateways of our soul, so that we are conscious of the spiritual dimension of God’s kingdom.
Our soul experiences the life of God our spirit senses as it becomes filled with the Spirit.
As we learn to locate and become aware of our spirit, we have found the key to rising above anything that would hinder or come against our experiencing God’s fullness and blessings for our life.
Our soul has been conditioned from the outside in, and has to be transformed from the inside out. As the life of God begins to permeate our soul, it becomes cleansed, healed and restored to its proper condition, the servant of our spirit, and the means by which heaven enters the natural realm.
As our soul becomes renewed we are enabled to bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ within us, through the continual inflow of the Spirit.
The life of God flows out of heaven, the unseen, spiritual realm of God’s Kingdom into our spirit, but sometimes becomes blocked by what is inside of our soul.
Outside of our spirit in the physical brain of our body is a programming that we have received from the outside in through being brought up in a physical-material world. Our soul has been conditioned from the outside in through our body and the natural world we live in.
Thoughts come into our soul through our body and the natural circumstances that we find ourselves in. When these thoughts are flowing into us from the outside, they block the inflowing of the life of God through our spirit from the inside.