Part 4 – inner relation of the spirit, soul and body

Chapter 12 – inner relation of the tripartite being

Our entire being: spirit, soul and body are intimately related and all its parts.

We are the temple of the spirit in our integral composition. Therefore, the way the natural body is assembled similar to how the spiritual is put together.

 Colossians 2:1 – vainly puffed up in his fleshly mind, and not holding fast to the head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with increased that is from God.

Each one of the components of the spirit has its equivalent in the soul. These to connect with the body through joints and ligaments, which either transfer the life of the spirit, or death through the unregenerate soul.

When we study the soul, we discussed these interconnections and how the ligaments between the spiritual and natural mind are a troll feed as long as the soul does not regenerate.

We also saw how the heart is divided into 2 ventricles, one of the spirit one of the soul, and how they function.

We will now see much of the condition of our spirit, as well as the soul, will have a great influence on the body and will determine its condition.

Science has understood a part of this, and refers to diseases that have no pathological explanation as psychosomatic. That is, they do not find a single external agent such as a virus or bacteria or organic atrophy, which causes the sickness.

The world and its philosophies have also understood that a healthy mine produces a healthy body. New age tries to harmonize the body with the universe and with the earth. Oriental religion state that there is a relation between the spirit of man and his physical condition. These are all fragments of knowledge that man is tried to understand and his fallen soul. The truth is only the creator of our tripartite being can give us the complete picture through the Holy Spirit’s revelation.

When our spirit, united with God, has the supremacy to govern over our being, the soul is flooded with the life of God, the same as the body. This leads to a life of peace and perfect health. In the same way, the soul with its deformities and conflicts also has an effect on our health.

Let us now see how our human body is affected by the condition of our invisible being.

1 – the process of sickness

Why Adam and his wife are in the garden of Eden, sickness and death did not exist. As a matter of fact, when God told them if they ate from the tree of good and evil they would die, this was an unimaginable concept to them, since they did not know what that meant.

When the first man and woman lost their garments of immortality, which are Christ, there spirit not only fell into a dormant state, but it was exposed to darkness. They were thrown out of the environment of light and out from the protection of God, and entered a dark world where death and Satan had dominion.

They experienced the loss of a loved one and saw a dead body for the first time when Cain slew able. The fear of death entered their hearts in that moment, and enslave them to the plans of their adversary.

Hebrews 2:14 – inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, he himself likewise shared in the same, that through death he might destroy him where the power of death, that is, the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

A – sickness that comes from the inside

All sickness begins with the condition of the spirit. Adam lived in perfect health up until the moment with death entered his spirit. From that point on, organs began to DK, age and a trophy until he died.

Notice that mortality and sickness did not enter through a virus or through natural causes, but through the spirit of man, which lost his state of perfection, united with God.

That is why it is so important to be born again and take the time to be in communion with God, so that life in its strongest form can invade our bodies once again.

First Corinthians 15:21 – process by man came death, by man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.

1 – darkness needs the soul to sicken the body

The fall not only affected man, but also the earth, which suffered the effects of the change in spiritual government. It was filled with curses and darkness, and even its aspect change, filling itself with thorns and thistles. I believe even the colors changed and became dull and earthy. This goes to show that the natural world is affected by the spiritual world.

Satan, who is the defeated Prince of lies and deceit, leads darkness and death. Darkness is by definition the absence of light, and as a result, has no substance. There are no atoms of darkness or anything that can physically measure it, like energy and light are measured.

Spain relies on tricks to penetrate the physical world, and man soul becomes very useful to him for this end.

God gave man the power over life and death in his tongue, which speaks what he determines and believes.

Proverbs 18:21 – death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

When a spirit receive salvation and has been partially awakened by the seat of life, it still has a great amount of death and iniquity which has to be purged.

That is why we see so many faithful and sincere sons of God who are still fighting for their health. Being unaware of the truth does not exempt us from the consequences. As we saw when we studied the inheritance or spiritual genetics, iniquity is transferred from the spirit to the soul and then into the body.

Psalm 109:18 – as he clothed himself with cursing as with his garment, so let it enter his body like water.

We clearly see in the Scripture how something spiritual, like a curse, transforms into actual physical matter, which, manifest in the body.

Isaiah 59:4 – no one calls for justice, nor does any plead for truth. They trust in empty words and speak lies; they conceive evil and bring forth iniquity. They hatch vipers eggs and we’ve the spiders web; few eats of their eggs dies, and from that which is crushed a viper breaks out.

We also see the work of iniquity veiling the understanding of the people in the Scriptures; even believers, who take justice into their own hands, bring judgment on others, and trust more in man, his solutions and signs, then they do in God.

To conceive evil does not necessarily mean committing a crime; everything that does not come from the heart of God and is not aligned to his will is evil. Does God not say Scripture that our righteousness is like filthy rags – Isaiah 64:6?

Unfortunately, the majority of people have settled for crumbs from heaven, when God has given us all the bread of life to live by him.

All of this evil produces asked eggs, which translate into tumors and cancers. They weave spiderwebs that contaminate the entire lymphatic and immunological system. People run to the doctor in search of answers so that he can provide them a chemical remedy for something that has its origin in the spirit, or in the soul.

As we saw earlier, iniquity comes from the spirit and directly contaminates the natural mind and the heart within the soul. Once it settles on the soul, it enters as negative energy through the lymphatic, nervous and endocrine systems. the endocrine system controls the glands and the hormones in the body and is the chemical factory of her body.

 For example, let us look at a iniquity resulting from racial hate. The soul receives this hate from the spirit and translates it into racial imagination and thoughts. The natural mind sends these signals to the brain, where the pituitary and hypothalamus glands release negative amino acids throughout the body. These amino acids are secretions that penetrate into the bloodstream and get to the cells where they sicken or destroy them.

People filled with hate, resentment and bitterness will find that their kidneys, liver and spleen, the filters of the body, will be gravely affected.

Others that do not let go of their pain and cannot forgive or are stingy will suffer from arthritis. Their joint start to deform, reflecting the spiritual condition of someone that retains his pain or his possessions.

The body reflects the conditions of the spirit!

Blood diseases are directly related to blood shedding, wars, abortion, blood covenant in witchcraft or Freemasonry and homicide. This could all be a part of the spiritual inheritance from our ancestors that is not been purged from the spirit.

Cardiac problems have to do with unresolved emotional suffering.

Respiratory problems have to do with spirits of darkness; these are made out of an Aries substance controlled by the prince of the power the air. Air gives us life and is rather related to God, or to what we depend on. These diseases are related to idolatry in witchcraft, dependence on man before God, religious attitudes and spirits that take the place of God in our soul.

Cancer consists of rebellious cells that multiply and refuse to be a part of the organism as God created it. This is obviously linked to rebellion and a desire to be independent and self-sufficient. It is also linked to divisions and to building one’s own kingdom and not the kingdom of God.

God states in his word, that bones dry up due to sadness and iniquity. Obesity not only comes from over eating, but from a spirit that accumulates possessions. In a lot of cases we see these people’s closets filled with clutter they will never use. They leave warehouse is to continue storing things they do not need, and this is the message they are transferring onto their own body.

We can continue breaking down disease by disease in search what they mean in the spirit.

Observe people’s faces. As they age, they begin to transform into the image of their own spirit. Those that practice witchcraft have the face of a witch. Mean people look evil. All sin is made visible sooner or later in the body or in the person’s appearance.

2 – health comes from within

On the other hand, health, which comes from the flow of life within the seat of communion, takes the same route to restore bodies.

God is the life, transmitted to all spirits, because we are all his. He is the father of all spirits. He is always transmitting his vital energy to the spirit of Everyman and from there to the soul and body otherwise we would die. So whether our spirit is dormant or away, or whether we are believers or not, we will receive our health from him.

Even doctors know that a positive attitude, a desire to be healed in the faith to believe it, helps the recuperation process. On the contrary, a nervous and fearful person that always thinks the worst will aggravate the situation.

In the following illustration we see the spirit in the central figure, transmitting health to the nervous and lymphatic systems through the mind of the spirit in the hearts valve. This same single comes from the brain and penetrates the endocrine system as well as the glands in the zone of the brain. Then life transmits positive thoughts of health and the mind of the soul. The mind of the soul will then transmit them to the brain, where the nervous system will then send the signal to the endocrine system. Once the impulses received in the glands, they will produce positive peptides or amino acids that flow through the bloodstream and get to the cells to regenerate them.

3 –plexuses, glands and lymphatic nodules

In order to deeply understand the process of sickness and health that comes from within, we will analyze several important components. The spirit and soul connects to her body through 3 main systems, which are all interconnected. These are the nervous system, glandular or endocrine system and the lymphatic system.

8 – the nervous system and its plexuses

There are certain areas in the system where there is a great concentration of nerves, which science has referred to as plexuses. When we hear this word we automatically think of the solar plexus so commonly used by those involved in new age. However, this is not an esoteric term, but rather a biological word. Further, there are others like the cardiac plexus, the aortic plexus, sub mucosal and others.

Some of these plexuses are linked to the center of emotions in the heart of the soul. That is why we feel our heart hurts when we experience a strong offense or the loss of a loved one. We have also experienced butterflies in her stomach when we are very excited or we withdraw inside of us when we feel fear. All of this has to do with the conglomeration of nerves that are connected to our soul.

Further ahead we will see how some of these plexuses are true spiritual doors to the kingdom of God and also into that of darkness.

B – the lymphatic system

The lymphatic system is the body’s energy conductor. The anointing of God flows through it from the spirit to all the organs. It is, so to speak, a network of highways through which God’s light travels throughout our bodies.

These avenues are blocked due to iniquity and the death substances it produces, as well as the toxins we consume.

The lymphatic nodules are like small bags that are found all long the lymphatic conduits and are joined to some of the nerve plexuses into the glands of the in endocrine system.

One of the most important lymphatic glands is called thymus. This one regulates and controls the flow of energy. It corrects the imbalances as soon as they are detected to obtain the utmost balance of energy in the body. This gland connects directly with the mind of the soul, being the first organ affected by mental stress.

The lymphatic system also breaks down toxins turning them harmless before they enter into the bloodstream and into the liver and kidneys. It can also cast them directly out from the body, through perspiration.

The lymphatic conduits are found just underneath the skin and the lymph is the transparent liquid that loses when we have a wound. The lymphatic glands are located in the neck, the underarms in the groin and often swell when there is an infection.

Further ahead when we study the process of sickness that comes from outside, we’ll see how the lymphatic system plays a very important role in our health.

C – the endocrine system

This system is our body’s pharmacy. The fundamental pieces of the system are hormones and glands. Serving as chemical messengers of the body, hormones transmit information and instruction among the cells. Even though many different types of hormones circulate through the bloodstream, each type is designed to only affect certain cells. The glands are responsible to produce hormones and amino acids and transfer them to the lymphatic system into the bloodstream.

The endocrine system is linked to our soul and is one of the systems the enemy longs to control. The suppression of certain hormones or the lack thereof will affect our mood. This is something very enticing for the enemy to use to bring out certain behaviors that will lead him to victory over a particular soul.

It is very easy to observe the mood swings of a woman Durning menstruation. Many become depressed, others become angry, and some become very sensitive being offended at everything.

I became a very happy woman when God taught me how to separate my endocrine system from my emotions by simply making a declaration: in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, a voluntarily separate my emotions in my heart from my endocrine system. It will never again control my mood. Since then, my emotions have never been affected by hormonal change.

B – sickness that comes from the outside

Not all sickness comes from the inside. The Prince of darkness, whose objective is to steal, kill and destroy, sends diseases to afflict and kill man.

Some people think that God sends diseases to deal with them, but that is not the nature of God.

Jeremiah 29:11 – for I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

James 1:17 – every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

Suffering Job lived in a time very different from today. At the time, Jesus had not yet taken our diseases on the cross and Satan had not been cast out of his position as the accuser.

Jesus paid an immeasurable price so that we could live in perfect health, not to send us sicknesses, which are part of the kingdom of death.

Hebrews 2:14 – in as much then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, he himself likewise shared in the same, that through death he might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil

Is to God become sick because of what he determines to believe in his heart.

1 – the attack begins in the spirit of man

Nor to get to the soul, the devil must penetrate through the spirit since he is a spiritual being without a soul.

The first thing he will do is send a certain disease in the form of oppression and darkness over an area of the spirit – see the following illustration – see figure 40

Up until that moment it is nothing but alive from darkness and has no substance. However, the lie has a certain amount of power in the way it operates causing man to believe it.

The oppression sent to the spirit, acts as a symptom in the body, which begins to manifest as discomfort or pain.

Once the body receives a lying signal sent in the form of illness, the mind accepts them. More than likely, the person will go see a doctor, who will confirm that what is being felt, Israel, and that indeed the person has a sickness.

Fear comes down into the heart, which believes this beyond a reasonable doubt, and the tongue, which has the power to give life or death, confesses the disease.

In that moment, what started out as a lie in the spirit realm manifest into actual matter in the physical body, and truly seconds the body.

The first attack has been successful and now the devil sends in his second onslaught: to destroy the body through chemical medication, which is full of side effects.

The damage will first be against the defense system, which is found within the lymphatic system. The lymph – lymphatic liquid – and the lymphatic nodules will be filled with chemical toxins, which will inhibit the production of antibodies. The lymphatic system is the dumpster of the body and its function is to eliminate toxins so that they will not affect the rest of the organism. Once the organs are weakened by pharmaceuticals they are unprotected, and the assault of the devil within be without mercy. To put it simply, the offensive strategies to do away with the Army of defense that God placed inside of us, which is in fact very powerful. Once the guard is brought down, the chemicals will block the excretion of toxins through the sudoriferous glands – sweat glands. This will create an environment prone to sickness in the entire organism.

The lymphatic glands produce a substance called lymphocytes, which is the body’s defense mechanism. These reach all tissue becoming the primary defense against sickness.

The ancient Greeks considered the Thymus gland extremely important, and called it thumos. In Greek it means: soul, or life, because it is situated in the center of the chest, close to the places where emotions are felt in very close to the physical heart. An active and healthy thymus gland contributes to good health and a strong immune system.

2 – oppression and pain

The devil uses weapons and instruments of torture to bring oppression and discomfort to our bodies. He sends them to the spirit the same way he sends sickness.

These manifest as sharp pain located in particular parts of the body; generally in the neck, shoulders, the waste in the head.

Ephesians 6:16 – above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.

Isaiah 54:17 – no weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue, which rises against you in judgment, you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from me, says the Lord.

People generally try to treat the pain with pain killers, massages or natural remedies, but these are useless or of little effect, since the problem originated in the spirit.

Doctors, finding nothing inert diagnosis is, call this fibromyalgia, migraines, etc. and fill people with drugs.

In the illustrations, play some instruments of torture that are used, which we have identified one praying for people or for our own bodies.

There are presses with which the devil squeezes the header back. He also use sarcophaguses and belts with nails, daggers, hooks, collars with spikes, asphyxiating masks, and thicker spiderwebs which he places in the frontal and nasal passages, shoes with sharp objects inside of them, and animal traps, etc.

Even though this sounds terrible, the truth is they are very easy to treat. The eyes of our spirit are equipped with the ability to see these weapons that are launched against us. The more we exercise this the easier it will be to see them. Once we locate the weapon, remove it as if you were seeing it physically. Keep in mind that certain knives have very sharp teeth, which we cannot just remove in one yank. The same goes for hooks.

If you don’t see this clearly, asked Holy Spirit to reveal what weapons are used and then removed them.

3 – Jesus paid for our sickness

It is important that everyone who spirit has been born of God knows that he paid the price for all sickness and that we can all live in perfect health. Sometimes there will be attacks since the devil hates us, but we do not have to submit come to them.

James 4:7 – resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Exodus 15:26 – and said, if you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his sight, give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I’ll put none of the diseases on you which I’ve brought on the Egyptians. Prime the Lord who heals you.

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