Pregnant with promise

Prophecy is mostly an act of conception. The word enters our spirit and grows in the secret place of our heart.

Promises are designed to possess us for the purpose of God. When we study the word and pray over it, we become charged with a reality from another dimension.

Prophecy connects us with the next stage of our identity and intention. We must make the necessary adjustment in lifestyle to house the new life that is present.

Prophecy makes us pregnant. Prophecy introduces us to the next upgrade on God’s agenda. Renewing our mind means we must learn the Holy Spirit’s pleasure and enthusiasm in canceling out our old belief about ourselves.

When Samuel prophesied over David about becoming king, outwardly his circumstances did not change. He still looked after sheep and ran errands for his father. In his heart, however, everything was different. David’s ascent to the throne began with that prophecy (1 Samuel 16: 12-13).

Throughout all the cycles of development that David endured in the wilderness at the hands of Saul, David never forgot that moment with Samuel-the memory of oil being poured on his head and Samuel’s words over him, the conversations with his family afterwards, the Presence of God being upon him and going with him.

David pursued his destiny to its place of fulfillment. He behaved like a king before he was crowned. We develop our true identity in the secret place in our heart before God. Later, what is hidden becomes manifested. What is established in the secret place can never be disturbed by circumstances, people, or events. The external must have always submit to the internal place of God’s presence.

Mediocre people are always disturbed by the exterior world. An undeveloped inner life leaves us at the mercy of doubt, fear and anxiety. We lack drive, passion, and initiative. Maturity is derived from the inner man of the spirit, never the outer man is soul.

We must unlock the potential of the promise. To do that effectively, we must release our God-given imagination. We must see in our mind our next upgrade in the Spirit. This is not a time for earthbound logic. Reason cannot call up faith in its fullness. We can talk our way into responding but still not set foot on the water outside of the boat.

We must internalize the place of promise in the same way that a woman would rejoice over the news that she had conceived. In the process that follows, she begins to make decisions and adjustments that are in line with her newfound condition. She works in partnership with the new life that is forming.

It is possible for us to abort the word before it has really taken hold. Not responding to God’s Word will always kill life. Unbelief is easier than faith because it only demands denial. When we believe a word, we must do something about it. We must act in line with its purpose. We must take that internal development full term and see something birthed in actuality.

There are many similarities between childbirth and seeing prophecy fulfilled. Prophecy establishes the burden of the Lord for our life and destiny. We must carry it all the way to fulfillment. We labor to bring forth our calling, anointing, and ministry. It is necessarily hard. Life under the anointing is not for the faint of heart. We will be plunged directly into the conflict between the two kingdoms. We become targets for the enemy, difficult people, wicked people, and those who are supposed to be on our side! (1 Corinthians 4: 9-13, 2 Corinthians 11: 23-33).

We need a powerful inner life if we are to walk as heroes of faith. People have begun well in the Spirit but relinquish their inner life to the flesh. Their ministry becomes stillborn before it has a chance to be fulfilled. All our preparations for ministry occur in the busyness of life.

At least let us distinguish our training in faith, maturity, and character. Let us learn the partnership of faith and proclamation. Let us develop our persona in Christ above our normal personality traits.

Being pregnant with promise allows us to enter the dynamic place of alignment with purpose. Take responsibility for your prophecy now!

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