Preparing for destiny

Our destiny is to rule and reign with Jesus Christ. It is called the pathway of responsibility. But first we have to learn how to walk on the pathway of relationship or intimacy.

There were two trees in the garden eastward in Eden, The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and the tree of life. Trees are symbolic of people. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil represents the god of this world Satan. The tree of life represents the last Adam, or the second man, the Lord Jesus Christ, the first born of a new race of beings.

The trees also represent pathways we walk on. the tree of life is following the Lord Jesus Christ. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, is following the enemy, even if we are not aware of it.

Genesis 3: 23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. 24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep (to watch over ) the way (path, journey)  of the tree of life.

The tree of life is a pathway; it is a journey, an adventure. It is a walk with God, a walk in the Spirit.  It is a pathway of intimacy and dependence upon God and a pathway of responsibility, where we become co-heirs and co-laborers with God, sonship. The pathway of relationship establishes in our life our identity. And the pathway of responsibility establishes in our life our destiny.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is a pathway. It is living unto ourselves; it is a life of independence, where we make our own choices of what we want to do with our lives independent of God. It is the pathway of self. It is also the pathway of all religions, of dead works, where we try in ourselves to be a good person, or try to cover over our short comings.

To enter the kingdom we have to go through the flaming sword, so that we can walk on the path of life. God is a consuming fire; it removes everything that is not like Him. And he assigns angles to help us in the process of transformation.

Transformation is the process of being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, which is sonship.

We are being called to intimacy. God wants an intimate relationship with us, so he has to remove the things inside of us that interfere with that intimacy. The Lord wants to gather and remove stumbling blocks within us; these things hinder us in moving forward in the purposes of God.

When our spirit becomes alive unto God it receives the D.N.A of God so we have a new identity. We begin to discover who we are in Christ.

We are called to be a habitation of God, so that we know God by personal encounter where we experience Him inside of us. It is not head knowledge, it is not intellect, we don’t have to be smart to know God- we just have to give him our life, to surrender and yield to the moving of His Spirit inside of us.

God wants to restore our identity, so we can fulfill our destiny. God see’s us different than people do. He doesn’t see what is wrong with us, but what is missing of himself in us and is restoring that.

There is a fire that comes out of Jesus’ eyes to cleanse us. The English word in the bible is wrath, but it also means passion. It is the passion of his love to remove from us anything that hinders the intimacy of love.

God is releasing an image from heaven that is drawing us back to our destiny. God wants us to encounter him and encounter our destiny.

Our destiny came from eternity and will return to eternity but there is a whole journey and a pathway along the way.

God is calling us to the intersection where our present and our future come together and it is called convergence, where heaven meets earth, where who we are in heaven becomes a manifestation on the earth.

God is calling forth our destiny, bringing us back into the original purpose he had before the foundation of the world.

We have a destiny scroll, a book that has been written about us, the things that he has prepared for us to walk in. And as our lives become patterned after his image, as we come into our identity, then we can begin to fulfill our destiny.

That scroll has come out of eternity, it is inside of our spirit and it carries a decree and a commission from God, the purpose and the provision for our destiny.

Matthew 6:10 says your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

God wants us connected with our destiny to bring heaven to earth. We cast out devils and heal the sick and do lots of other things but that is not our destiny. It is just the outworking of some practical things that we do on earth, but our destiny is something more than that.

Our destiny is a calling, it is administering heaven on earth, this is what Adam was called to do and we are called to do the same thing.

Jeremiah 1: 5 before I formed you in the womb I knew you, God knew us before we were formed in the womb.

Psalm 139:16 your eyes have seen my unformed substance; we had a substance which was our spiritual identity before we had a physical substance. God saw it, knew it and we have to reconnect with it. Our destiny is to rule.

Genesis 1:28 God blessed them, talking about Adam and Eve. He told him to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and to rule. This has always been God’s intention. It is the destiny of the church to bring God’s rulership from heaven to earth.

Isaiah 2:2 the mountain of the house of the Lord is to be raised above every other mountain, and all the hills. And everything will stream to it.

1 Peter 2:9 we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood. Royalty has access to thrones of authority and power. Priesthood has access to the intimate things of God. We are both, we are a royal priesthood.

We can engage with God intimately and from that place of engagement we can release the authority of the Kingdom into the earth so that we can say that the kingdom is at hand.

When Jesus came all the works of the enemy got challenged. Sickness got challenged as he brought healing; bondage got challenged as he brought deliverance. All the things of nature got challenged because he brought a higher authority. Heaven is a higher authority than earth. If we access and begin to operate from the heavenly realms we can change things here on earth. But we need to learn how to access it,

Psalm 24:7 lift up your head oh ye Gates. This is talking about being lifted up to a place of authority and then we become a gateway from heaven to earth.

We need to learn how we get lifted up, how we become Gates, so that the King of glory can manifest here in this earth through us. We are supposed to manifest his glory on the earth.


Zechariah 3:6 the Angel of the Lord admonished Joshua saying thus says the Lord of hosts. Joshua was in the presence of the Lord in the heavenly realms, Satan was there and Angels were there.

If you walk in my ways, this is what we do here on earth.

If you perform my laws, this is talking about the principles or the laws of God’s kingdom not the 10 Commandments. When we learn how to do this then we can also govern the house in the heavenly realms and have charge of the courts in heaven and be granted free access from those who are standing there.

The kingdom of the earth with the atmosphere of the earth around it was given Adam to rule, but because he didn’t the enemy is occupying it. The atmosphere which is in darkness can be displaced as we begin to learn how to walk in our destiny. But we need to walk in his ways, and keep his laws.

We need to understand that the kingdom of God which is in that realm in the heavens is also within us. Luke 17:21 the kingdom of God is in us. We have to engage with the kingdom that is within us, so that we are connected to the heavenly realms which are outside of us to bring that rule to earth.

We can keep the laws, rule the house, judge the courts and have access to stand as sons in places of authority in the heavenly realms. We need to learn how to live in this dimension.

God has invested us with identity, but we cannot have enthronement without succession in the middle. There is a process of transformation that we have to go through.

God wants to enthrone us with authority and power. He has invested us with identity as his sons but first we have to overcome through the inflowing of His Spirit the things inside of us that prevent us from growing into full adult sons.

There has to be a dethronement of the old, the self, the soul, the old life, Strongholds, mindsets, belief systems, familiar spirits, generational spirits and so forth.

Our soul has been programmed from the outside in and has to be renewed.

Nature which is our DNA programming from our natural parents, going back to the first Adam has to be transformed.

Nurture which is our environmental programming from our natural parents and upbringing, being conformed to the world has to be overthrown and dethroned from our lives and transformed.

Trauma which is our experiential programming and all the negative experiences we have had has to be transformed.

If we are not strong in spirit will not be able to overcome and dethrone the soul. The first thing we have to do is give God first place, first love, and first priority. This is the first thing we can do to build our spirit.

If we want to build our spirit we need to ask the Lord, help me build my spirit. Our spirit grows by exercise. We need to be doing spiritual exercises. If we want a spirit that is strong then we have to be willing to train it. We need to spend a lot of time training our spirit, hours every day. We have to train our spirit to discern the words of God and to flow and build up our spiritual senses.

We need to deal with the soul. We need to understand what the soul is, it is self-awareness. The soul is what enables us to be aware of who we are as a person and an individual.

We cannot change the soul from the outside in. We have to change it from the inside out. We need our spirit with the Holy Spirit to flow out to change and transform us from the inside out.

We cannot fulfill our destiny if our soul is in charge of our life. We need to see our spirit in union with the Holy Spirit overcome the soul and flesh, to be in rulership. Our spirit needs to be joined to the Lord and in ruler-ship so that our soul becomes one with our spirit through the inflowing of God’s Spirit and then that life can flow through our body to bring the glory of God and the kingdom around us

There is a door in our spirit, Jesus says behold I stand at the door and knock. God will not force himself upon us, we have to open the door and we have to let him out every day into our spirit. we don’t not want imprisoned in us where our spirit is not aware of Him. Our spirit is connected to the seat of government in our lives.

When we are growing in our relationship with God and we invite God to come in and fill us. He occupies that seat of government in our lives. Now as we grow and mature he gives us more and more access to that seat of government, so that eventually we are seated with him in heavenly places in our experience.

The kingdom of heaven is within us. He who is joined (continuous action) to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. So the more we are surrendered to the Lord and become transformed into his image the more we become one spirit with him and then we start to rule together. This is what the kingdom is about, ruling together.

The seat of government is within us and as we open up the door, God comes in and he sits on that seat, that seat is within our spirit.

Then we can invite him to come into our heart or soul. We invite him to come and change us and transform us. So he comes into our heart and we can start to reprogram our heart, and even the blood that is within our natural heart with the DNA of God.

This is why we take communion to be reprogrammed with the DNA of God to bring the life of God in us.

It is possible to grow our spirit, so that our soul is transformed through the continual infilling of the Spirit, and then it can outwork into our body so that the aging process is changed through the D.N.A of God.

As more of His life is on the throne then the kingdom of heaven comes to manifest around us. Rivers of living water and anointing and power start to flow out through us. We start to walk in his ways, keep his laws and rule and we start to bring government.

The heart is our soul. It is very important for us to get hold of our heart because our heart is the key. The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked in its natural condition and who can know it. So our heart needs transforming. As a man thinks in his heart so is he.

As our heart thinks will determine how we live as a person. It is really important that our heart is programmed by our spirit and the word of God. Not by nature or nurture or trauma that has happened in our lives.

The mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart. We are called to be speaking spirits, to have authority to call things into being. It is really important that our hearts are pure so that what comes out of our mouths is a flow of the life of God. Watch over your heart with all diligence for from it flows the springs of life. Life comes from within our spirit into our heart as it is fed with the river of life from the Spirit. Or it can be fed from the world around us.

Because the senses of our spirit, soul and body were not alive to God and fully developed we were not led by the Spirit so we missed out on God’s perfect will for our lives.

There are disappointments in our lives because we have not fulfilled our eternal destiny. That brings sickness to our heart and God wants to restore and heal it.

Desire fulfilled is a tree of life; we want to draw from the tree of life. The tree of life is still in the garden of God, and we can access it today, but our heart needs to be right.

Our heart has thoughts and intentions and we need to be able to know what is motivating us, so that we can only be motivated like Jesus was, by the things that God was doing.

The word says God put his law within us and on our heart he will write it. This is talking about the law of the kingdom and the principles of the kingdom.

It is very important what is written in our hearts. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. We want the desires of our heart to be the desires that God has for us, which are written on our scroll.

We don’t want it to be the desires that have shaped us and come from our past generations and the experiences of life. We want our desires to come from the scroll that is within our spirit.  Therefore, we need our heart transformed and changed so that our desires become his desires.