Preparing for destiny 2-1

From the place of intimacy, that secret place inside of us where we learn how to commune with him, where we begin to know him and love him, it is from this place we are to surrender our lives to him. so that we can allow him to transform and change our lives.

As we learn how to get the life of God flowing in us, the lord will remove from us everything that is a hindrance or a stumbling block so that he can raise up a Joshua generation who will lead the next generation into their inheritance.

Joshua and Caleb were the only two who received their inheritance, the rest died in the wilderness, even Moses was not permitted to enter the Promised Land.

The Promised Land represents first our heart. Land is a type of our heart. Where everything within it, that is not like God is displaced, where the fruit of the Spirit can grow unhindered, so that we can experience heaven on the inside of us and be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. We are to be a habitation of God’s presence.

The Promised land represents all the promises that God has spoken over us coming to pass.

The Promised Land also represents the kingdom of God coming upon the earth, where we co labor with God to displace the Fallen angels over our city and to cleanse the atmosphere around the earth, the kingdom of the world or the kingdom that is in darkness, of the demonic spirits that are now operating in it.

We are the ones that are destined to be ruling in these heavenly places, that determines what is happening in the earth. If you can change the atmosphere that is over a city, then you can change that city.

All darkness is, is the lack of Government. And we are the sons of light that are to bring the government of God into these areas.

Joshua and Caleb were those who took the children of God into their inheritance. God wants his children to have their inheritance. The word root of the word sin means to not share in our inheritance or destiny.

Our inheritance is God. Any area of our life that we are not partaking of the divine nature, we are partaking of something else, and this is what sin is.

God dealt with sin on the cross, so he is not dealing with our sin. He is dealing with our righteousness, he is dealing with our new nature. He is offering us himself, and as we learn how to partake of Him, then he fills that area of our life with himself, so that we come into our inheritance.

As we partake of the divine nature, through the inflowing of God’s life, our spiritual eyes and ears open and that which is not like God is transformed.

The seed of God or the life of God is now filling that area of our life and we cannot sin. We are not going to partake of something that is less than him. The thought itself is foolishness.

But we must have the mind of Christ. It is called repent which means, together with Gods mind. His thoughts are flowing into the consciousness of our mind so that we are not tempted by a thought, desire or emotion that’s source is not him.

There are things coming that we must be ready for, so that the Authority and the supernatural power of God will be operating in our lives. We are called to be like Jesus, we are to operate as he operated, he brought the kingdom into the earth, and he calls us to bring the kingdom.

We have been invested with authority to fulfill our destiny. We need to wake up and take hold of who we are as the sons of God.

Jer 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, God knows us, he knew us before what happened here on earth. In heaven, in eternity God knew us, and he consecrated us and appointed us for a purpose, for a destiny, to fulfill.

Psalm 139:16 God’s eyes have seen our unformed substance, before we are even formed in the womb, he knew us.

Everything about our lives was written in a scroll, a book, everything that has been ordained for us has been written, we need to find and see that scroll. Our destiny is always been to rule to bring heaven to earth.

Gen 1:28 God blessed them. Be fruitful, multiply, subdue the earth, and rule. Our destiny is to bring the rule of heaven to earth so that we transform not just this planet but also our universe and everything beyond that.

Psalm 24:7 lift up your heads oh ye gates. It is talking about us being lifted up to that place of rulership and authority where we become a gateway for the King of glory to come in and fill this world through our lives. This is what God wants to do through us. That we would be a channel of his grace and power, mercy, everything that he is in heaven, we would manifest that here on earth.

Zechariah 3:6 Angel the Lord admonished Joshua, the high priest who was standing in the presence of God in the heavens and said if you will walk in my ways and if you will perform my laws then you will also govern my house and have charge of my courts and I’ll grant you free access among those who are standing here. This was about a progression of relationship and levels of authority that would bring us into our sonship. This is the picture of the heavens that it describes.

We are operating on the earth and between us and the heavens is the atmosphere of the earth where there are a hierarchy of ruler’s, principalities, powers rulers of darkness in that atmosphere. But we do not have to go through that atmosphere to access the heavenly realms.

As we walk in his ways here and we recognize that the kingdom of God is within us and that we are connected to the kingdom of God realm in the heavens. We can start keeping the laws and principles of the kingdom and bring administrative righteousness and justice into the earth. We have to learn how to be lords, Kings, and sons in that level in the heavenly realms and therefore within us so that we are understanding who we are and what our identity is.

And then we can start ruling the house.  This is Our own house but also the house of the Lord. Then we can start judging the courts.

The kingdom has foundations of righteousness and justice. It is God’s people who are eventually going to judge angels and fallen Angels and we have a right to bring judgment to change things in the world. And eventually to have access to stand among those who are operating in the heavens of heaven’s.

Once we start doing that we will move those hierarchy of authorities in the atmosphere of the earth and we can start to rule. Ruling in light, ruling in love, ruling in righteous power. And when we start operating there, the influence that we have in heavens will be manifested here on earth. God wants us to understand and to access those realms. Quite a number of us are now accessing these realms in the heavens. God wants to see everybody have their full identity.

Then we’ll start to bring the kingdom of God on the earth. Not just in us but through us so that we start to shine with the glory of God and start manifesting just as Jesus did the rule of heaven on earth. That will deal with sickness, disease, poverty it will start to deal with the things the enemy has done to Rob God’s people and the world of their inheritance and it will start to get restored.

Therefore, to have an investiture, the next thing before you have an enthronement there is succession. If we are going to be invested with the power of the kingdom then we have to de-throne the things that are ruling in our lives, our self, our soul, me myself and I. There is no place for me myself and I ruling, if we want to see the kingdom of God flowing through our lives. We cannot get in the way of it; if we do we will spoil it or block it.

Therefore, we need to be dethroned.

Therefore, nature which has programmed us in our DNA from our past generations needs to be restored and renewed.

Nurture, which is environmental programming which we had in our life, our upbringing and things around us needs to be restored and renewed.

Trauma, which is experiential programming, the things that have programmed our lives so that we respond in particular ways needs reprogramming.

We need to be transformed and restored to our original eternal condition. This is what God wants to happen here, not just in eternity but here. Because what happens here will determine what we do in eternity. Once time is finished.

In our spirit there is the father, the son and the Holy Spirit dwelling. They are knocking on the door wanting to come out and to occupy the seat of government in our lives. And as they do that, then they can come into our heart, where our scroll of destiny is and begin to transform us.

As we do that, then the glory from heaven starts to flow through our lives.

Basically, everything that happens in the kingdom happens from the inside out.  

If we try to change ourselves from the outside in, then we will be trying to change ourselves by our self. We need to allow God to change us from the inside out. Therefore we need to learn how to surrender, to surrender ourselves, to surrender to the presence of God on the inside so that the presence of God on the inside flows through our lives transforming us.

In our spirit there are different senses or different actions of the spirit that we need to let the glory of God flow through and activate.

The activation of our spirit is the sense of our spirit being aware of God. Our soul is aware of life in our spirit.

It is the Holy Spirit coming through those gates those doorways in our spirit that will come out into our soul and as they come out into our soul they will hit blockages and oppositions and things which have blocked all the gates in our soul because things have come from the outside in.

So, things we have seen, smelled and heard, have tasted and touched will have affected our soul. And if we try to change them by the things that we see smell taste and touch from the outside all we will be doing is reinforcing what they are, operations of the self.

Our five physical senses are gateways into our soul, in which the spirit of the world has conformed us to its pattern. Through those gateways the spirit of the world has come into us and filled us with the essence of his being. We were filled with lust, and pride.  We have been programmed from the outside in.

But if we allow the Spirit of God to flow through us from the inside out we can be changed. Our spirit becomes aware of the presence of God, and his love flows into us. and because he loves us we can begin to trust him and allow him to work in us. We can be transformed as we allow God to actually do it.

Transformation is living by a different live source. The life that flows out of heaven and fills our entire being. We have to be aware of this life, allow it to work in our will. The life of God flows into our will creating desire and power. We have to allow this life to heal our emotions, and renew our mind.

The senses of the spirit are called gates, gateways of the spirit. The fear of God, reverence, prayer, hope, faith Revelation, intuition, and the first love gate or heavenly gate.

The first ones have to do with Fellowship, the presence of God in us. Learning to identify and know God by experience of who he is. First love gate, fear of God, reverence, prayer, worship .So that we learn to Fellowship and trust him in that place within our spirit.

The others have to do with Revelatory things, where God reveals himself through us. Revelation, hope, faith, intuition. So there are things where we see things of the kingdom, we see the kingdom, we hear his voice, we see what he’s doing and he gives us visions and dreams and revelations of what he wants to do. Without the first the second doesn’t really function.

Fear of God – we need to understand that within us there is the all seeing all-knowing omnipresent God, omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent.

He is in us, and this is an awesome thing, to actually think that God who has created the whole universe has actually chosen to come and dwell with us. So that we become his habitation.

Therefore we have to prepare that habitation for him to dwell. The all-consuming fire of God is actually on the inside of us. This is not fear as in I am afraid of God because if we know God’s love we don’t need to be afraid of him but it is a fearful thing. It is an awesome thing. God wants us to know that awesomeness of his presence.

Reverence – it is the sense of honoring and respecting God, so that we would do nothing that would bring his name into disrepute or dishonor. We would do nothing that would dishonor him.

We allow the life of God to flow through the reverence gate in our spirit so that everything we are and do brings honor to him.

If we are struggling in an area of our life our reverence gate is not working.

The reverence of God needs to be flowing into our spirit so that there is a flow of honor in our life motivating and controlling our attitudes, the things that we say and do.

We begin to honor the people of God; we begin to honor the attributes of God and the abilities or gifts of God so that they begin flowing in our lives.

Prayer – prayer isn’t getting on our knees and putting our hands together and saying certain words, and finishing it with amen. It is about a two-way relationship of communication where the Spirit of God, where the mind of Christ where the heart of the father is flowing through us in a relationship.

Prayer is a flow of God through us; it is the Holy Spirit praying through us. It is not self praying to God, but God praying through us.

Prayer is a relationship; it is a two-way communication. It is God speaking in us and through us. It is our asking him questions, and just talking to him.

Prayer is two way communication. This is why praying in tongues is so important because praying in tongues is our spirit praying and communicating with God and we can do this without ceasing through training. We are going to learn how to keep our spirit active.

Hope – that sense of where visions and dreams and opportunities are flowing. And God shows us his will.

Faith – Harmony, Concord, understanding, knowing where we come together in agreement with God. When he starts to flow through that, when he starts to show us what he wants to do, we start to operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the power of God as it flows through us.  

Revelation is inspiration, light, counsel, and wisdom flow. We have to activate these senses, they don’t automatically switch on. We need to be hungry and thirsty and desiring them.

Intuition – that gut feeling, instincts that we get, it is the Holy Spirit the father revealing his heart to us flowing on the inside.

And there is a heavenly gate so that we have connection with the heavenly realms and a consciousness of what is going on in heaven. We can have all of these things wonderfully working but without one other thing it doesn’t mean anything. And that is worship.

Worship is not singing songs worship is a state of complete obedience to God, it basically is lying down and surrendering and coming into total submission to the will of God for our lives on a daily basis.

On the basis of all the other things that are flowing into our spirit they lead us to saying God I choose to surrender myself to you. And this is what God wants us to do. It is the opening up of the door, for the Lord to fill us with all of his fullness.

We need to build our spirit, if we are going to connect with God these spiritual senses need to be exercised and they need to grow. Just like we were going to a gym to exercise physically, running or cycling, we need to exercise the spiritual things that we have on the inside.

Those gates need to be opened and flowing, the life of God needs to be flowing through them. We cannot do this without some effort. No one gets big muscles without effort.

It takes effort to develop spiritual senses. We cannot do it by just hoping, we have to engage.

The first thing we do is give God first love, first Place and first priority. It will never work unless we give God the right of having first place in our lives. Then all the other things, praying in tongues, waiting on the Lord, all those other things work. If we don’t give God the first place then all those other things will be a struggle, because there will be no flow of the Holy Spirit through the first love gate, just a trickle. We have to give God the priority of our lives in order to build up our spirit.

Mark 12:30 – you shall love the Lord God with all your heart with all your soul all your mind and all your strength. There is no room for half-heartedness in this verse. It is all, or it doesn’t work properly.

This is why God wants all of us, he wants us to surrender ourselves to him, so that we can experience abundant life.

Jer 29:13You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart. If we think well it be very nice to know God sometime then we won’t find him.

We have to pursue him; he is a lover who wants to be pursued. And he wants us to pursue him with all our heart. He draws us so that we will run after him.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. so much of what we do is through our own understanding and God wants us to trust in him with all our hearts. And when we trust him with all our hearts we are allowing him to lead us, to guide us, to direct us.

Luke 9:23 Anyone wishes to come after me he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. This is how it works. Deny yourself, take up the cross which is his death and victory and follow him. Only when we do this shall we fulfill the destiny that he has for us. We have to prepare our soul, our mind, our heart that area which is our self awareness.

Before Adam sinned he had no self awareness apart from God. Satan offered Adam and Eve self awareness apart from God and they took it. And in taking that then now everyone is responsible to sort themselves out until we get our relationship with God back.

When we come back into relationship with, then  we have a choice – walk in the spirit and you will never fulfill the desire of the flesh. So how do we walk in the spirit?

When we become a Christian and the Spirit of God is in us there starts a wrestling match for control of our lives. The flesh wrestles against the spirit. The flesh sets its desire against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh so that these are in opposition to one another so that we may not do the things we please. This is a challenge.

We have to deal with the flesh and deal with the desire of the flesh so that we can walk in the spirit. Who is the real you?  Is it our soul or our spirit?

If our spirit is born again, it has a yes in it to the will of God, but if our soul-flesh is active we find that we are not doing what we really desire, so the real I is our new born spirit, but our soul is use to being in charge, so our soul has to lose control, in order for it to be transformed. We have to lose our soul in order to find it.

What are the things that we want to do coming from? So that we may not do the things we please. Is it me, what I please, myself or is it what God pleases. We need the real me who was created before the foundation of the world on the throne of our life to bring ourselves into line and that takes time and it takes a process of transformation.

We have a spirit being and a soul being. When our spirit entered our body our soul was created and became an eternal being, before this it did not exist. Our spirit was eternal existing in the heart of God. But our spirit entered a place of darkness being surrounded by our soul and body.

When our spirit is regenerated, it has to grow and develop through the infilling of the life of God, so that our soul can become rightly related to our spirit and no longer act independently.

Acts 17:28 in him we live and move and have our being.

Gen 1:26 Let us make man in our image according to our likeness we are made in the image of God we live in him and yet we need to engage with him.

Our soul is made up of our sub-conscious mind, the conscious mind, emotions, will.

Everything flows from the inside out. as we give access to the Holy Spirit and the father to fill us and to sit on the seat of the government of our lives, then through our soul and our body can be expressed the fruit of the Spirit, the character of Christ.

Fruit does not automatically appear on a tree. It needs to grow, you have to have leaves, flowers, then you start to get fruit and then the fruit grows. It takes time for fruit to grow through our lives.  

Gifts are given and they can operate instantly because they are a gift. We are given something we can use. So the gifts of the spirit can operate instantly but without the fruit of the Spirit they can be dangerous. Because they can be operated in the flesh and for selfish reasons.

The glory of God, his manifest presence is in us .God will not allow his glory to be manifested out of us until there is a holy life for it to flow through. Our soul must be sanctified.

It would be really dangerous if the glory of God started manifesting through us, through an unholy life, for us and the people around us.

All these things have to be expressed from the inside out- flowing out. The truth will be who is on the seat of government in our lives. Is it our soul or is it our spirit and God. This will determine whether we are going to change or we will stay the same.

We have our spirit and our conscious mind and between the two is this area of the subconscious, we call it our heart. Now in that area there are memories, our beliefs our values, lies, truth, mindsets, they are all within our heart, Jesus described it as soil. Which had lots of things sown into it.

This has come through our DNA nature, which is from our parents, that sets up defense mechanisms and coping mechanisms and patterns of behavior that come from what we believe.

Also, nurture takes place, we’ve had a whole lot of experiences of life when we are being brought up which trained us to operate in certain ways.

Now all those things also get connected with familiar spirits that are assigned to our life who know us and they lie to us and they try to get us to operate from our false belief systems.

Now when Revelation comes from the word of God from the Holy Spirit, things can start to change. Now what happens is all those things on the inside of us manifest on the outside in the way we think.

So, things like our reactions, our attitudes, our responses, fear, worry, all those things come from the inside and manifest in our minds.

So when God comes and we have an opportunity of surrendering to God what happens is that he can deal with familiar spirits. We have to deal with the things that lie to us and challenge us and then start dealing with those things so that everything starts get transformed.

Our behavior patterns start to come from the Revelation of the truth of God’s word of who we are. Our mindsets are based on the truth of who we are, our attitudes, the ideas that flow into our mind, suggestions, directions are flowing from the inside out.

The problem is, if we don’t deal with all those things on the inside we are going to continually have triggers which trigger how we think from the outside in, and that is where the conflict takes place.

Our mind has been programmed to think from the outside in. we are sensing what is happening on the outside which cause us to respond a certain way. When things on the outside are contrary to what we want, they trigger certain responses in us, and we behave a certain way.

When we are living from the inside out, we are communing with God aware of his presence on the inside of us and the things that happen on the outside do not affect us the same way because our awareness of God on the inside is greater. So we can deal with them differently and respond in the spirit, and develop triggers that cause us to go deeper in the spirit, to go deeper into the heart of God.

God is on the inside of us, the kingdom is on the inside, and Eden is on the inside of us. Eden means pleasure. Every encounter with God is accumulative.

Things on the outside, beautiful things, like a beautiful baby, the beauty of the natural creation, good food and the list goes on and on trigger an encounter we had with the presence of God, and we are in the presence, we are in the spirit.

All the natural good things in life, things that cause natural love and joy, trigger the love and joy of God which is on a deeper or higher level. A trigger is something that brings back a memory of an encounter with God, so that we can revisit it. or a trigger is something that causes our awareness of God to increase.

Even the bad things that happen outside of us can cause us to go deeper into the heart of God, Because God becomes our only source of real life and joy. If we do not experience the presence of God in us, we are going to feel empty. As we learn to live in this place even pain can be a friend, because it pushes us deeper into the center of his being, because if we are aware of the presence of God nothing really matters the same anymore.

We go through experiences that bother us and cause us to respond negatively. But through these experiences we learn how to look to God through them and as we come out of them we have more of God in our lives. If we had that same experience it wouldn’t bother us the same way anymore.

So if we experience pain or misunderstanding we don’t want it to stop until it has done its full work, because our focus is totally on the Lord.

This type of pain is real pain and it is coming from the outside in. it may be persecution, rejection, insecurity or overcoming an addiction or habit, a number of things, but it pushes us deeper into the heart of God, where we experience him, and we grow spiritually because of our contact with God as we are going through it.

God is causing it to work out for our good, he is not the source of it, but he is with us as we go through it, so that it no longer has any power over us, and we come to the place that we rejoice always. Because no matter what happens, we are enabled to also live in a different realm, the kingdom realm of the spirit. and our spirit will eventually grow to such an extent that we can supersede the natural realm through understanding the spiritual laws of the kingdom of God where we come into a maturity that Jesus walked in.

He walked in an intimacy with the Father where No person could touch him physically unless the father and himself allowed it, he could disappear, he could speak, and people would fall over. He could read people’s minds. He was aware of what was going to happen before it happened. No sickness could touch his body; he could walk on water and control the weather. He could levitate, and trans-relocate, but everything he did was in union with the Father.

Until we come into maturity, we need to learn how to hide ourselves in him.

We have to be willing to allow God to transform us from the inside out. Our soul has emotions; emotions are on the inside and deal with our esteem, our worth, whether we feel loved, security acceptance and value. All those things operate within our emotions.

Now as a result of unmet needs which means as a child or in relationships we did not get what we should have got which was love security and acceptance encouragement and all those things, we end up with low self-esteem or disappointments in our life which result in feeling insecure, rejected, being dependent on other people, codependent relationships to try to meet the needs that we have got because we are full of unmet needs.

Because God has not been able to meet our needs, we look to the world, and we get hurt. Guilt shame all that stuff takes place from the things that happen in our soul, they are emotions.

Then there are loads of unhealed hurts, things where people have hurt us, let us down, caused pain in our life and as we have not learned how to forgive because of unforgiveness, they set up anger, bitterness resentment all those things in our emotions. They are all emotional things.

Those emotions can completely rule our lives if we let them. So we have to deal with them. So we have to bring forgiveness. They affect what goes on in our conscious mind and they trigger things all the time.

Our behavior doesn’t just happen our behavior comes from the things that are on the inside of us and God wants us to be restored and changed and have those things renewed. So the strongholds and all the things there get dealt with.

We also have a will, now our will operates and if we sin or are in rebellion or stubbornness our will is damaged and effectively becomes a barrier to what God wants to do.

And this sets up things like unbelief, in-decision, control, doubt, fear, lots of things in our life. As we deal with them God wants to replace that with humility, confidence, patients, boldness, courage, determination, perseverance, self-control which is a fruit of the spirit.

So all those things can happen if we allow God from the inside out to transform our life.

We need the Holy Spirit to search our heart in detail in these things because we need to know how we operate; we need to know what’s going on the inside of us. We need through the Holy Spirit to peel back the layers in order to see what’s going on deeper down. This is okay as long as we don’t try to change ourselves from the outside in, because it will be a battle that we will lose over and over again.

Because if we focus on the problem the problem gets bigger. We focus on the solution and the problem gets smaller because we will see that in Jesus nothing is impossible and there is nothing in us that will stop God from doing it if we surrender.

How do we prepare our soul? Gal 5:24Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh. We have to see the flesh crucified with its passions and desires.

All the sin that we commit is an indicator of our need for God. Because we sin to try and make ourselves feel better about ourselves which is an indication of how much we need God.

If we struggle with lust is because we desperately desire intimacy and God is the best thing that we can find in terms of intimacy and love.

All that happens inside of us therefore we have to surrender. If we live by the spirit we need to walk by the spirit. gal 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the son of God who loved me and gave himself up for me.

Are we willing to love God and give ourselves up to him?  Just like Jesus loved us and gave his life for us. We have to surrender and give ourselves up to him to change us and transform us and conform us to the image of Jesus so that we become like Jesus here on earth.

We need to see if there is anything in our past, so that we can deal with every blockage in every area of our soul. Through the years of our life we have developed blockages in our soul.

We have to start working through the things that are in our life and allowing God to change us.

The first love gate is the key because all of us have emotional damage through relationships, parents, spouse, family friends or authority figures which cause us to lack trust.

We put barriers up to protect ourselves and when it comes to letting those barriers down and letting God come in and actually be in control of our lives we are often afraid to let go and let God be in control. So we have to deal with those things.

Unmet needs will affect our soul desires and motives. Unhealed hurts will affect our emotional desires and motives. Unresolved issues in our lives will affect our trust.

Now we have to surrender and allow God, and if we have problems we need to work through them. We need to forgive people who have let us down and disappointed us. We need to be willing to repent and to renounce the things that we have done to meet our own needs and to protect ourselves.

There are things that we need. We all need acceptance, love, and affection, value, worth, approval, significance, affirmation, and identity and purpose security safety. These are all needs that God has built into us. They are all needs that he wants to meet in us himself. He doesn’t want us to try to meet those needs through the flesh.  

All of us have met those needs through our flesh, all of us has been damaged, all of us need to be transformed and find God’s love.

So, we have to work through these areas, our conscience, our imagination, the reason, the subconscious mind, emotions, and will.  We need to work through each one of them to deal with things that were blockages in stopping God from flowing through us and work through our lives.

We may think this is really complicated and this is hard, no it is a choice. Do we really want God’s presence and God’s power in order to manifest the kingdom of heaven on earth or do we want to carry on living the way we have always lived.  

We have a choice whether we are willing to go through this process and allow God to change us.

So, to deal with our conscience, our conscience because of sin and rebellion gets dulled therefore we have weaknesses, patterns of sin, normal acceptable behaviors according to the world, which are not normal and acceptable to God operating in our lives.

We have to be willing to own them. We cannot argue with God in this process. if we do we will lose the argument and it will be much harder to be transformed. We have to learn how to own it, confess it, repent of it and renounce it.

If God shows us it, we are not going to argue. Yes we have sin areas in our lives, weak areas in our lives and God will show us patterns of sin when we go through this process. That we are going to have to own.

Yes we have acted like that. We may not realize until God shows us. But we open up our heart and we ask God to show us what is going on inside of us.

And in doing this we are enabled to repent and renounce those things and our conscience becomes really sharp. We apply the blood of Jesus to our conscience. We receive forgiveness and cleansing .we refuse to feel guilt shame and condemnation. This is something the enemy brings.

Every one of us needs to know that we are righteous, because God has made us righteous. And then reverence can flow through that conscience gate and guide us and direct us in everything we do every day.

But if that conscience gate is damaged, blocked, affected by sin, it will lead us astray. We need to have our conscience transformed.

Reason, rationalism, skepticism, cynicism, denial, projection , our mind will fool us into putting the blame on somebody else and not dealing with what is going on in the inside of us. This is what we do.

We might have words, ideas, philosophies, doctrines in us that need changing, familiar spirits, religious spirits operating in us, behaviors cycles that we recognize, we need to own it. We don’t argue, we give up fighting for the flesh, and we surrender to the spirit.

As we renounce doing that, defending our soul-flesh. We apply the word of God and the truth and then the mind of Christ will start flowing through us. The thoughts of God will start flowing through us. Revelation and faith will flow through us.

Imagination – everyone us has seen loads of negative images. we have to deal with them otherwise the enemy will bring them back and will pollute our imaginations and we won’t be able to see a flow of Revelation and images and visitation that we want in the heavenly realms and in this realm.

TV, films, games, magazines, books fantasies, life itself whatever we seen that is negative we need to get rid of it. We need to own it. We own everything we saw as sin, we repent and renounce it and we paint it out with the blood of Jesus. Then we no longer have any of these images in our memory they are completely gone.

It is like having a filing cabinet in our mind that has a bunch of folders in it with little tabs and say something and when we look in their there is nothing in it.

We can remember the things that happen in our lives but we can no longer remembered the details of it because they are gone they have been cleansed.

So, all those images are completely wiped out of our minds, out of our memory.   

If we have things that we are plagued with in terms of images then we need to put it under the blood of Jesus and paint it out so that it is no longer there. We can have purified memory and a cleansed screen so that we can see visions and have dreams and have revelation from God flowing.  

The eyes of our heart opened and enlightened. A flow of hope and a flow of Revelation, visions, dreams. Visions and visitations in the heavenly realms because our imagination is clean, and cleansed, we need to actually do it.

The same thing with our subconscious mind all the memories, the words, vows, curses, all sorts of stuff, every trigger, a coping mechanism, a defense mechanism, we need to own it, repent of it and renounce it. We apply the blood of Jesus and that soil of our heart will be dealt with, the hardness will be dealt with, the stones and the weeds and we will get a flow of revelation knowledge from God that will flow through our subconscious and trigger the right things and we will be moved by the things that move God.

The same thing for our emotions, all the hurt, the trauma, the betrayal, the abuse, disappointments, pain, rejection.

We have to admit we’ve hurt other people just like we’ve been hurt. If we are having anger or withdrawal or depression, these are all things because of undealt with emotions that we either turn in or we turn out.

All these mechanisms we need to own them, repent, forgive, and release all the hurts, repent of everything we have done to hurt others. Renounce it and we start to get a flow of God’s heart, of intuition, of being moved by what moves God. We have to be willing to surrender and let God deal with it.

The same thing with the will. If we have been stubborn and rebellious, willful, or controlling we have to own it. Fear, doubt, unbelief, in decision, if they are operating in our life we have to own it repent of it and renounce it.

And in that process, we apply the truth of the blood of Jesus and God will start to work things in us, patience perseverance, persistence, courage all these positive things.

To get a flow of worship, a flow of obedience in which we are out working the truth of God’s word.

We need to make some declarations of our willingness to allow the Holy Spirit to transform and to change us to show us what’s going on inside of us so we can change.

We don’t want to pray these prayers or make these declarations unless we are willing. Because God will put the squeeze on us like we have never known if we are not willing. It’s better not to say this if we don’t mean it.

If we mean it and we truly want to change then we need to make some declarations. We are giving permission for God he will listen to what we are saying and the authority that we are giving him and he is going to start to move.

There will be a release of the angelic operating in our life. seraphim angels with coals of fire and other angels the gathering angels to remove the stumbling blocks from our lives.

Father, I choose to give you full permission to do whatever it takes to change me and transform me into the image of Jesus. I give you full permission to remove all stumbling blocks from me. I give you full permission to use whatever means you see fit to purify refine and restore me to my original eternal condition.

Father, I choose to deny myself. I surrender control my life to you. I give you my conscience. I repent and renounce of everything that has damaged my conscience. I ask you to purify and restore my conscience direct and protect me through my conscience by a flow of reference and the fear the Lord.

Father, I choose to deny myself and surrender control my life to you I give you my reason center I repent and renounce doubt unbelief rationalism, skepticism cynicism and denial I ask you to cleanse me of all false doctrine philosophies and ideas I ask you to renew and restore my reason. Use my reason to interpret your thoughts and to understand your ways.

Father, I choose to deny myself and surrender control my life to you I give you my imagination I repent and renounce of viewing any image that has polluted me I ask you to plot out every negative image with the blood of Jesus purify and restore my imagination restore my screen vision and Revelation.

Father, I choose to deny myself and surrender control my life to you I give you my heart my subconscious mind I repent and renounce of all strongholds negative beliefs and values systems, vows, words curses doctrines triggers coping and defense mechanisms I ask you to cleanse every negative memory purify restore and reprogram my heart with your truth, values and my destiny.

Father I choose to deny myself surrender control my life to you I give you my emotions I repent and renounce all un- forgiveness bitterness and anger I ask you to purify and restore my emotions use my emotions to feel your heart guide me through intuition.

Father I choose to deny myself surrender control my life to you I give you my will I repent renounce of all sin rebellion stubbornness willfulness control fear doubt unbelief in decision I ask you to purify and restore my will restore my courage and perseverance and boldness, use my will to enable me to do your will through obedience and true worship.

Father, I choose to follow my eternal destiny into Lordship kingship and Sun ship. I choose as an ambassador to ad minister the rule of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. display me as a son a light on the earth I choose to do the works of Jesus and the greater works. Father I ask that you release the gathering angels to operate in our lives to remove all stumbling blocks to restore, to heal, to make our lives whole, to bring us back into our eternal destiny and purpose I release the serifine angels into our life’s to bring the coals from the heaven of the altar to purify our lips to purify our hearts in every way so that we are conformed to the image of Jesus I released the anointing of your presence during the next few mounths to transform our lives to change us into the image of Jesus so that we can be Jesus here on earth manifesting the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

Each day we need to surrender ourselves as a living sacrifice to allow you to change us. We give up all efforts to change ourselves and we allow you to change us from the inside out as we surrender.

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