Preparing for destiny 3

What does it mean to prepare for destiny? It is preparing for what God is preparing us to do. God is preparing us for the age to come. If we keep partaking of the bread and the wine we might be like Enoch who skipped death altogether or Elijah who skipped death altogether and ends up in the presence of God.

Maybe Jesus will come in our lifetime, and we won’t die physically but would go with him into the age to come. But the reality is the 100 years we might get prepares us for eternity.

What we will be doing in eternity will be determined by what we do here in this time. God wants us to be faithful and he wants us to fulfill the destiny he has prepared for us in this time so that when this time and space is wrapped up, we will be able to enter into what is called the age to come. Eternity.

We have come out of eternity, and we go back into eternity and how we go back into eternity is determined by what happens here and now. It is truly important that we allow God to transform us and change us so that we are ready and prepared for what is to come.

We are going to be like Jesus and Jesus created galaxies. If we just learned to be like Jesus we will be able to create galaxies. There are whole lot of things that God wants us to learn and understand.

We have been invested with authority. Jeremiah 1:5 – before I formed you in the womb I knew you and before you were born I consecrated you and I have appointed you. This is true for every single one of us. We have been consecrated we have destiny it came out of eternity and it will go back into eternity and it is really important in this time that we allow God to do what he wants to do.

Psalm 139 your eyes have seen my unformed substance that was our spiritual substance unformed in eternity and in your book or your scroll are written all the days that were ordainded for us. Everything that was to do with this time and eternity has already been written and agreed with spirit to spirit in that time now we have to work it out.

Our destiny has always been to rule to bring heaven to earth that has always been God’s intention that this realm would become like the realms of heaven where he is, where he dwells. And eventually he comes to dwell with man when we are all back together and in the purposes of God.

Genesis 1:28 – then God blessed them, and he said to them be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it and rule over it. This is not ruling over people it is ruling over the environment to bring the blessing of God. So every single person can enter into the blessing of God that he has prepared for them.

Psalm 24:7 – lift up your heads oh ye Gates. It is a description of the authority that God has given us that when we are lifted up into the place of heavenly rule.

Then we become a Gate so that the King of glory can come into this world through our lives. So God’s glory, his manifest presence can come and be seen through us. But we have to be lifted up and we have to become heads, the people who have the authority to rule.

Zechariah 3:6 – describing Joshua who was the high priest in the presence of God and Satan was also there. So this is in the heavens and basically there is a series of steps which bring us into a place where we start to fulfill our destiny.

Walking in the ways of God on the earth. Performing the laws and the principles of the kingdom in the heavenly realms. Governing the house, having charge of the courts, and having free access among those who are standing here. This was in his presence and a much higher realm.

We are seated with Christ in the heavenly places. It starts off with eternity, and eternity is linked to this present time. We came from eternity and we will go back there.

The kingdom of God is in us and we are called to walk in his ways here in the earth. The atmosphere the earth around us is populated by the things which are in darkness, principalities powers rulers darkness of spiritual host of wickedness. They are in the realm that we should be occupying and having authority over.

Eternity-perfection-heaven of heavens-heaven-kingdom of heaven-kingdom of God-kingdom of earth.

We cannot do that from here we have to do that from a higher realm which is in the kingdom of God in heaven. That is where we keep the laws, and we learn to be sons and Kings and Lord’s.

And then in the kingdom of heaven we learn how to start to rule in authority, the house of God which is our own lives and the house he has prepared for on earth. And then we go to judge the courts and then access to stand in the heavens of heaven.

Now as we do that we can change the atmosphere the earth. Whoever influences the atmosphere of the earth will influence this physical realm and we need to have more influence so that we can start ruling in light ruling in love ruling in righteous power and God is preparing us to be able to be those people who access these realms in the heavens and rule as his sons.

Jesus is the King of King and Lord of lords we are the kings and the Lords that he is Lord of. And he wants us to actually take our place so that the kingdom of God will come on earth. Jesus taught his disciples to pray this. Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. So we have to bring heaven to earth and it is through us and our lives because we are his body here on earth and he is called us to do that.

For there to be an enthronement and rule we have to have a succession. So the old rulership has to die. Prince Charles cannot become King Charles until Queen Elizabeth dies.

If we want to succeed in bringing the rule God from the heavens there has to be a dethronement of self. There needs to be sacrifice, surrendering. We go back through the whole our life dealing with the soul dethroning it.

Nature-D.N.A programming

Nurture- environmental programming

Trauma-experiential programming

Restored to original eternal condition

There will be more for us to do in that area, but there has to be a dethronement of self. The soul, me myself and I. If we want to bring the rule of God we cannot do through the flesh. Everything that is programmed us through our nature the DNA from our parents from the past generations that stuff needs to be deprogrammed.

Everything that we have been programmed by our environment through nurture, how things have happened to us through our life that needs to be reprogrammed.

Everything that is programmed us through trauma. Experiences that we had which are negative, needs to be reprogrammed.

God wants to completely change us into the image of his son. To restore us to the original eternal condition that he had for us. It is absolutely possible. Jesus made it possible for us through what he did on the cross.

From the inside of us were (God’s glory) his presence is in our spirit we are to open the door to surrender our spirit to him to be Lord, then he starts to engage our spiritual senses and flow through them, as We give them to him in surrender, and then from the inside he starts to engage our soul, our conscience our reason our imagination our subconscious mind emotions choice will, From the inside out.

We just have to surrender; he will do the changing and transforming if we let him and eventually until the glory of God flows through our spirit soul and body out to the world.

So rather than everything affecting us from the outside in. We start to affect everything around us from the inside out. As we manifest the glory of God’s presence just like Jesus did when he was here on earth. But we have to open the gates we have to get them open, we have to get them surrendered so that our conscience can be directed by reverence and the fear of God and prayer.

Our reason center can come through faith. And all the flow of the life of God comes from the inside of us out.

But the choice is ours whether we surrender or not. So there is a process. There are various prayers and declarations we need to make. We can use these prayers and declarations to change and unblock our conscience, reason, and imagination, Mind in all those areas. Every day, we use them every day.

We need to learn how to build up the spirit because if our spirit is really feeble and weak because it’s never really been used, then our spirit will find it difficult to rule. And if our soul is really strong because it has been used to being in charge it will rule over our spirit.

Our spirit needs get strong so we have to learn how to build up the spirit. Then we need to allow God to refine and restore the soul.  The restoring and the refining of the soul is a process that we have to co-operate with god in.

We need both of them flowing together. It is no good trying to deal with the soul if the spirit is in strong. It’s no good having a strong spirit if our soul is still battling and in charge. We have to deal with this.

We become spirit soul and body not body soul and spirit. Originally Adams spirit was in charge; his soul was not connected to the outside world but through his spirit and his relationship with God. There was no self-awareness apart from awareness of God, And Gods spirit. God wants to restore this to us.

We have to give God first place first priority first love. This is the first thing.

The second area of building our spirit is praying and singing in tongues. The most important thing in training our senses to engage the heavenly realms is learning how to pray in tongues without ceasing.

We should pray without ceasing this means all the time 24 hours a day. 24 hours a day our soul can be directed by our spirit because our spirit is connected with God and is praying without ceasing in a constant flow of Revelation through it.

So we can learn how to pray in tongues on the outside. We can pray out loud in tongues. We can train our spirit by praying in tongues connected with God. When our spirit is praying, there is a contact with God. And we can pray in tongues on the inside. Our spirit can be praying in tongues while we’re speaking to other people. We might not be able to do this at first we can only pray tongues outside or in our head we are not able to do two things at the same time.

We can train our senses to actually pray in the spirit in tongues all the time. We are told to meditate on the word day and night. How do we meditate when you are a sleep? Because we can get our spirit and train our spirit to be awake, while our body is asleep.

We have to learn how to commune with God in our spirit when we are falling asleep. Our spirit can be active in our sleep, or our spirit can be asleep when we sleep.

It is called the night watch in Psalms. It talks about in the night watch we can meditate day and night. In that night watch we can meditate and we can be awake spiritually and engaged with God.

We might just start out by praying in tongues out loud for an hour in the morning. As we do that our spirit starts to get stirred and stirred and then we learn how to pray in tongues on the inside. So that when we are talking to someone and listening to them we can be praying in tongues, So that there is a flow of Revelation.

Waiting on the Lord and meditating on the word builds are spirit.

Pursue love but yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts this means we need to desire them earnestly, eagerly have to be really important to us. If our spirit is not important to us it will still remain week and ineffective. We have to go to the gym and begin to work out in our spirit. If we want a spirit which is like Jesus’ spirit able to do all the things that he was able to do here on earth then we have to train our spirit there this means we go to spiritual gym.

Tongues is spiritual gym. We are using spiritual gifts as a spiritual gym. It builds our spirit up. the more we use something the stronger it becomes so the more we pray in tongues the stronger that becomes.1 corn 14:5 I wish you all spoke in tongues. Paul thanked the Lord and he spoke in tongues more than ye all. This was how important Paul valued the gift of tongues.

The spiritual language that we have maybe a language of man may be a language of Angels it’s a language we were given to communicate with God. One who speaks in a tongue edifies himself he builds himself up he strengthens himself .if I pray and a tongue my spirit prays but my mind is unfruitful and that is exactly how it is supposed to be.

We have to put our conscious mind in the rightful place, which is below the spirit. What am I pray when I pray in tongues?  Actually were not supposed to know with our mind trying to figure it out, we are not to lean on our own understanding. Our spirit is supposed to engage and our spirit is supposed to know. As our spirit is engaging and perceiving, a flow of thoughts will come spontaneously to our mind from our spirit, not the other way around.  We are learning how to live in our spirit and not our soul. We are living as a spirit being and not living in our mind.

When people live in their soul they are always talking and always thinking. They will be thinking about their past and talking about it. or if outward circumstances are troubling them it will affect their thinking and their mind will go down pathways of thinking not inspired by God.

When we are living in our spirit, our spirit will be reaching out to God to abide in him. Our spirit will be embracing God. Our spirit will be reaching out to be led and directed by god. Our spirit will be tuning into the fruit and abilities of the Spirit of God. Our spirit will be joining itself to the Lord becoming one spirit and our soul and body will come under God’s leadership through the eternal life of God flowing through it.

Jude 1:20 You beloved building yourselves up on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Spirit. So praying in the Holy Spirit, where our spirit and the Spirit of God are joined together in prayer through tongues, where our spirit is being build up. It builds us up in our faith. It strengthens our spirit. We need a strong spirit; we need our spirit to be able to rule to be in charge. But to do that we need to use it.

So, we pray in tongues while we are meditating. When reading the Bible we pray in tongues. We pray in tongues while we’re doing everything we can possibly do, even when we’re speaking to somebody else we can be praying in tongues.

Praying in tongues while we are ministering to people. We are getting a flow of Revelation. praying in tongues when we are seeking God for Revelation and direction. Because it is a flow of the words of God containing the thoughts of God that are flowing through our spirit.

Praying in tongues keeps us connected to God who is on the inside of us so that his truth is flowing into us whether we are conscious of it in the moment or not.

God is omniscient he knows everything. So if we need to know something where is that going to come from? It is going to come from the Revelation that flows from his omniscience. The fact that he knows everything.

He is omnipotent, he is all-powerful so we can be connected to his power so his power can flow through us to change things around us.

He is also no Omni present. So if he is Omni present in the spirit then we can see things outside of our physical domain. We can see things in other parts of the world, we can see things that are going on in the heavenly realms because he is everywhere. He is in all things so we can be connected to him.

This gives us a massive advantage to live but we have to be connected and we have to be flowing and are spirit has to be strong in charge and ruling and not our soul.

Tongues keeps the flow of the life of God coming. The more we are praying in tongues the more the spirit is filling us moving us leading us. The rivers of living water flowing from us because our spirit is open and allowing the spirit of God to flow out through our life to touch people around us, just like it happened for Jesus.

We are here to be Christians, little Christ’s. the anointed one- it was a description of Jesus’s calling, to be anointed by the Holy Spirit to fulfill the purposes of God.

Isaiah 58:11 – you will be like a well watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring. The issues, the flow of life come from within our spirit out through our lives. So we need to build our spirit up, we need to pray in tongues as much as we possibly can.

We do not need to engage the left side of our brain to pray in tongues. It’s a right brained activity of creativity, it does not come through thought. It comes through the spirit, it is projected onto the right side of our brain, that is where the projection of our imagination is, it’s on the right side, the creative part of our brain. that is where visions can be projected from the inside out. from our spirit onto the imagination so that we can see visions, see things of God and have visitations of God. Praying in tongues is key.

We also need to deal with the soul, so we need to deal with our flesh. So, this is where the spirit needs to be strong to lead us and direct us and guide us in our everyday life so that we won’t carry out the desires of the flesh. because the desires of the flesh are not good. And we have to accept that.

We tend to think while there’s a bit of good in there somewhere. In our flesh there is nothing good. If our spirit is flowing from the Holy Spirit and the purposes of God for our life and our destiny, our flesh will try to get in the way and block it.

The flesh tries to block the spirit. Our flesh has to be brought into line. The spirit is against the flesh, they are in opposition to one another, so that we might not do the things that we please. The flesh pleases itself. Our spirit desires to please God. There is a massive difference between the two. Pleasing our self and pleasing God are two completely different things. If we please ourselves we cannot please God. We have to realize this is the truth.

John 5:15 I am the vine, you are the branches. Abide in me bears much fruit, without me, apart from me you can do nothing.

We are either filled with the Spirit where his Spirit is moving in us desiring and doing, or we are living independently of him, apart from him.

The Spirit of God flows into us producing fruit.

Nothing of any eternal significance can be done apart from the spirit of God. Apart from him who is in our spirit flowing though our life.

John 6:63 It is a spirit who gives life the flesh profits nothing. We like to think that we can do something. We find it hard to stay still but we need to learn how to wait upon the Lord and trust him so we can let him do what he needs to do to prepare us for what is to come.

We wait upon the Lord and all we see is darkness. We find it hard to be completely still before God. We want to know what is going on. God says will you trust me and just stay still and let me do what I need to do to prepare you for what is to come.

God doesn’t need our assistance just our surrender. Proverbs 3:5 Trusting in the Lord with all your heart and leaning not unto your own understanding. We have to die to that area of our life. We have to realize that we do not trust god as much as we might think.

Humanism is independence from God. It is doing things without God. Everything in dealing with the flesh is dealing with humanism and independence. There is nothing good to comes from independence. We need to die to self, that means self-centeredness. It is difficult because we are the center of what goes on in our lives. but it has to flow from the spirit not the flesh.

Selfishness is wanting to put self first before everybody else. Jesus did come to be served, he came to serve. Completely different attitude. My life is here to serve, not to be served. We are so use to be self-centered, life revolving around us.

When we get married life does not revolve around us as a single person anymore. We have to think about somebody else. And learn how to live together.

When we become Christians we enter into a relationship with God where we are no longer first. He is. Our spirit will not get generated unless we say Jesus you are the Lord of my life. We need to die to self importance, self-promotion self-control. Everything of self doesn’t work. Self-reliance self-sufficiency self belief, I believe in myself. There is nothing of the spirit in that. We have to believe in who God says we are, not what we can do in ourselves.

Anything that has self-attached to it is negative; this is what we need to surrender.

We cannot have any self-righteousness, self-help, self-expression, this is what we need to surrender. Self gratification, self-indulgence. I’m going to make myself feel good. We use substances to make ourselves feel better. Self-indulgent – food, shopping, whatever it is that self is involved it needs to die. Trying to make self feel better. It needs to go on the cross. The cross is not a pleasant place. When Jesus faced the cross his soul was in anguish. He literally sweat drops of blood. He was in so much anguish.

He looked into the cup of God’s wrath and in it was every sin we’ve ever committed. Every negative thought, every sickness that has been on our body. All the sins that was committed against us.

The flesh died with him. Self-respect, self-esteem, self worth. If our respect comes from what we’ve done in the flesh. if our self esteem comes from me and what we can do it is not good. We want our esteem to come from how God sees us, to come from heaven. We have no self worth, of what we can do. Our worth comes from the value God places on us. We are born of his D.N.A, we are his offspring. Our self image is not how we view ourselves it seeing ourselves through God’s eyes. If we were able to see ourselves properly the way God sees us it would transform everything about our lives.

We must present our bodies as a sacrifice, living before God. For destiny to be outworked. This is what worship is, surrender and obedience to God. We come as a priest to present ourselves at the altar. We lay ourselves on the altar as a living sacrifice to Jesus who is our high priest.

We have to get a hold of the Revelation of this, because this is what God wants us to do every day. This is a daily thing. Presenting ourselves to God on a daily basis. We present ourselves to God so that he can use us. So that he can transform us and change us. When we present ourselves as a sacrifice whose does the changing? The sacrifice or the priest? The priest does, the sacrifice is just laid on the altar. The priest deals with it he prepares it. We just have to give ourselves to God.

By faith we can enter into the holy place in the heavenly realms which is a tabernacle where there is an altar.

We don’t lay ourselves on the brazen altar; Jesus was laid on an altar of sacrifice once and for all.

We come to what was called the altar of incense. When they placed something on it, it caused incense to rise up to God as a fragrant aroma. When we give ourselves to God as a living sacrifice literally the smell the aroma the fragrance of our life goes up before him and he loves it.

We have to lay ourselves on that altar and then allow him to deal with us.

So, by faith we come in surrender. Heb 10:19 we can enter the holy place because of the blood of Jesus. In the holy place was the altar of incense which is now moved into the holy of holies. We don’t come by own merit, we come by the blood of Jesus. The blood cleanses us from all sin. So we are clean to be able to come into his presence. Jesus is our high priest, and he prepares the sacrifice, our life that we give him.

Exodus 29:16 – you should kill a lamb – RAM and cut the RAM and pieces and wash its entrails and its legs and put them with pieces and the head on the altar. This was all done by the priest it wasn’t done by the sacrifice. The sacrifice was just given.

They split its throat and drained the blood, it really was dead, he couldn’t get back off the altar. Because it was dead. They chopped off its head, they skinned it, they split it open and they had a special curved knife that would split open the backbone right down to reveal the bone and the Marrow. Everything had to be open, before God. And they washed all the inner organs. And they cut off the legs and that was what the living sacrifice was. That is what we have to be prepared for God to do to us. – Daily. As we surrender our lives to him.

What happens – we come into the tabernacle by faith and we surrender to Jesus our high priest who then starts to prepare us the first thing is the throat was slit and the blood drained out. what does that represent Luke 9:23 deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. Whoever wishes to save his life will lose it whoever loses his life for my sake he is the one who will save it.

So we are surrendering our life to God and exchanging his life for ours. This is what the sacrifice meant. Exchanging life. Romans 6:11 – consider yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you will obey its lusts. Do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin as an instrument of unrighteousness but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead. So we are giving ourselves as a living sacrifice, it is a living, we carry on living in the spirit, because the flesh dies. And then our members can be presented as instruments of righteousness so that God can use us for his kingdom purposes. Because we are not in the way anymore.

So they chopped off the head, the head is the decision-making part of our life. We have free will to choose what we do with our life. God is given every one of us free will. We do not want free well. We surrender the power of choice. When we surrender free will, we find an increase of God desiring in our will. God’s desire becomes so strong that our food becomes to do his will. it is the only thing that feeds us.

We want to surrender free will as quickly as we possibly can. Because every time we choose free will we always do something which is against the purposes of God. Because that’s our flesh choosing to do what suits us rather than what suits God.

So by having the head chopped off it’s basically saying not my will but yours be done. This is what Jesus said all the time John 5:30 – I can do nothing of my own initiative (free will) as I hear I judge and my judgment is just because I do not seek my own will(free will). But the will of him who sent me. This is what being a sacrifice is. It is saying I only want your will for my life. John 4:34 – my food is to do the will of him who sent me. It was like his very food the nourishment of his life was to do to will of God who sent him and to accomplish God’s work and not just what he would want to do in his own flesh. It is the same for us. If we are willing to surrender ourselves daily on that altar we are saying I’m not going to make decisions today you lead me guide me direct me.

Ephesians 4:15 speaking the truth in love we grow up in all aspects into him who is the head, into Christ. We grow up into the head, another words God starts to be our head and therefore his government can rest on our shoulders – his body. So we can start out working Isaiah 6:6

The third thing was they stripped the skin off so it was completely naked and transparent. The flesh was completely exposed. Skin is a covering of the body. So we cannot come before God presence with self-righteousness we cannot come before him with defense and coping mechanisms we have to allow them to be stripped off so that the true self can be revealed Matthew 6:33 – seek ye first his kingdom and his righteousness. We cannot come with righteousness of our own seek first the kingdom of God – his rule in us and then through us. Therefore we are seeking his righteousness his way of being, the fruit of the spirit, his way of doing, the power of the spirit flowing through us therefore we are under authority and we are exercising authority and it is not ours it is God’s. And then we can expect God to add everything we need in our lives because he will provide for everything according to our destiny. But not according to our flesh. So if we want God’s provision we need to be doing God’s will. And he will provide.

And then they split the body opened right down to the bones and revealed the Marrow Hebrews 4:12 the word of God is living, active and powerful, sharper and any two edged sword and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit. Both the joints and the Marrow able to judge the thoughts and the intentions of the heart. This is what we are saying when we are being opened up, look at everything that is on the inside of me divide everything which has originated from my soul and from my spirit and therefore purify and cleanse me so that my heart is pure. We are allowing him to do that because we are opening up our heart. So we open up our heart for God to reveal it and cleanse it everything on the inside and our spirit is separated from our soul.

Hebrews 4:12 for the word that God speaks is alive and full of power making active operative energizing and effective, it is sharper than any two-edged sword penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life soul and the immortal spirit and of the joints and marrow of the deepest parts of our nature. We are allowing God to open us up to show us the deepest parts of our nature to cleanse us, to purify us and restore us. Exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and intentions, purposes of the heart. This is what we are doing when we are surrendering ourselves as a living sacrifice. We are saying God you can do all that and because he loves us he will change us from the inside out so that we are more like him.

The last thing was that the legs were chopped off symbolic of our daily walk surrendered and obedience to what God wants to do in us. So that we now walk by faith and not by sight. We are walking according to his will and not ours we are only doing what we see the father doing and the father in us is able to do all his works through us this is how Jesus lived every day. And he wants us to live every day like that. to live for him but to do that we have to surrender. We cannot do it in our own strength we cannot do it by the flesh we can only do it in the spirit. And God wants us to surrender this is how Jesus stated John 5:19 – truly truly I say to you son can do nothing of himself. Unless it is something he sees the father doing whatever the father does these things the son also does in like manner.

Galatians 2:20 I Paul talking we can all put our name in this I. I have been crucified with Christ. So when Jesus was on the cross bearing our sin and everything else we were crucified with him. I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who lives but Christ lives in me. Now the life which the Christ then I live. It is no longer just me it is Christ and I because he is living in me and together now that life that we live is live by faith of the son of God. It’s not even our faith it is his faith we live by because he loved me and gave himself up for me. Jesus died on the cross and surrendered his life so that we could have full abundant life. Every day we need to present ourselves as a living sacrifice before God. Surrender and allow him to prepare us, to change us to transform us from the inside out to deal with our soul so that our spirit can flow in the life of God.

We need to be willing to daily deny ourselves and allow the spirit and the life of God to flow in us and change us. Jesus needs to prepare us so that the life of Jesus can flow through us so that everything that is come through nature can be transformed everything that is come through nurture can be transformed everything that is come through trauma can be transformed so that we live our life flowing in the spirit and in the power of God bringing the kingdom of God from heaven to earth. Living as a manifestation of God’s presence here on earth so that his light would shine through us. As he gave his life for us we choose to give our lives to him daily as a living sacrifice to fulfill our destiny and the purposes of God, now in this time so that in eternity we can be fulfilling all that God has for us to do. We need to present ourselves every day so that God can use us every day.

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