Preparing for destiny 6

Thank you for downloading this teaching from freedom apostolic visuals it’s part of a library that includes audio video clips and written resources available at freedom trust./his Mike Parsons

Those of you last week, I shared basically the prophetic stuff that God had given us for this year. if you  haven’t read that it is on the website and the prayers that we prayed on there as well and also the the same section in the article section of the member section is the prophetic review of what international prophetic ministries are saying and how that fits in with what we are doing this year. I want to continue today read actually you can reading cells on the website so just continue with and how preparing ourselves destiny and were preparing themselves according to this prophetic timetable and we are getting ready and prepared for the shaking coming to the systems of the world were ready to bring in a harvest of labourers and to train as labourers supernatural ministry to bring in a final harvest and last week we looked things are a silly as we an increase taking of the world system increased darkness in the world light increase manifestations glory of God signs and wonders presence of God’s people on earth manifesting increased number of regional apostolic centres God is raising up centres to bring apostolic blueprints and train people in the supernatural realms of heaven increasing number of life of ministry being released across the body and increase manifestation of the people who live according to Matthew 633 speaking first the kingdom everything else can be added to their lives we will see a raising of the Joshua generation God spoken to us at this year last week we looked okay if we can move forward need to do and we still need to let a negative pass let go of the sin that entangles and hinders let go desires and directions in the flesh the waist down and grabbed hold of our destinies and God run the race ahead with perseverance and press on towards those destinies the fullness of those who last week message to do that we have to build up our spirit and of the restoring and refining spirit soul and body come into alignment can manifested glory on earth and beyond through his sons of light and that manifestation is what were looking see the whole of creation German singers 900 creation belonging am waiting the manifestation of God’s fully on the earth happen there needs to be a deferment of me myself and I abdication sever the very nature that we have will be reprogram that the things that have happened to us through nurture environmental programming will be reprogram the things happens through experiential programming for will be reprogram and God is in this process of restoring us to the original eternal condition that we were created in and that is our eternal creation our natural creation that would been looking at this picture spirit soul body and seen the wants to manifest as we open our our lives to his glory on the inside through us through the gates of spirit soul and body and how into the world around us and will look at more about over the next couple of weeks later how to present ourselves spiritual sacrifice a living sacrifice God in heaven and we learn how to look at the things in our heart look at how we react to it things around us and so our lives can be purify and refine we can restored in our soul looking at the spirit to look to frame tones and giving God first place and looked at waiting on God and still and a few things we will look at the next few weeks it already is just everything soaking we really need to learn how to soak that means to just rest in the presence of God and do nothing my is really easy is in the last three months to inhibit month has been teaching me to rest in his presence and do nothing and I found it really hard and I’ve heard a lot of his voice in a dark place under the shadow of his wearing anything which is really difficult when you desire to see things because training in teaching me just a way to quieting your mind not going into political try and think of themselves as you just Wanna fix your eyes and focus your attention Jesus and this brings our spirit gates are spirit that engage in our mind and our emotions neither things are spirit is engaging with God and when our spirit engage with God starts to grow. To develop and it starts to actually discern the presence of God and how to engage with that presence and then in that place we can worship and adore him my worship is not singing is the attitude of surrender and attitude obedience of obedience the actual word is vowing down or God and God wants us to do that and in that place in our position we can then listen and receive revelation and if we practice these things are spirit will grow stronger and stronger and spirit will be able to engage more clearly and more easily with the spiritual realm and us in the heavenly realms around us we can engage with the presence of God in Stephen face-to-face and meet with him and I spent a month in the garden with God learning to trust him as another month and the dancefloor of his presence learning to allow him to transform me and now in the soaking room and that soaking room is is not just this is freshly. The presence of God and God starts to actually using things been able to rest and anyone it is to rest in the presence of God in the dancefloor it was to wait on God and having renew my strength and and those in that is been so different from what I was expecting in the spirit of time God spoke to October and told me to do this and so my personal time with God is been spent focused on those places and in preparation for the bridal chamber singing against today about wanting can wait to come into the marriage ceremony is a feature thing that God’s people will come into fullness individually all of us are called into the bridal chamber of intimacy where we actually truly experience the presence of God I have been on the outside of that I’ve been into the darkness that surrounds that place because if you read the word God when God inhabits to connect the throne of God in the garden of God we can God face-to-face actually a place where is the canopy of darkness is within and I begin that darkness are not infinite and I know is invited me in February to come into that place and so on impala fast 21 day water fast in February in which I just give myself the presence of God to come into the bridal chamber and to experience God’s presence prepared a marriage covenant document contract an agreement got 40 things on it of the things I’m expecting at God in that contract the Jewish marriage when the two parties came together with their parents agreed what the expectations of marriage their expectations each other the right expectations thousand and they come to an agreement God wants us to have a marriage contract with him in which we hold him accountable the things of his promised us in our lives encourage you to to actually produce one on that I 40 things one of those things are my dreams and visions which include 20 things so many that I can the during this period of time in the presence of God God is restricted what I can do is to ministering not see ministering as much taking as they register is hardly bad he wants this time the me and he wants me to surrender to him must of been a place of coming to a place of humility but that build our spirit and I know God is taken me through his paces as a when we met went evenings with met to engage God the garden of our heart and in the future God wants to take through different places last week we looked at the see progress receive rest is one of the most important things we can understand if were to engage God’s kingdom in the rounds and to outwork it here Matthew 1128 to me you grow weary and heavy laden and overburdened and I will cause you to rest I will use and relieve and refresh ourselves take my yoke upon you and learn from me learn of me and gentle and humble in heart you will find rest release and is in refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet for your and God wants us to engage with him in that place when I went to heaven before I wonder major things are God Jesus spoke to me face-to-face was this and he gave me an exposition of what this meant told me what is the gentle and humble in heart release to take on his yoke and time we will embrace what I would be weary and tiring why would feel heavy laden I said that last week this is a timeless your breath of taking on the yoke and being join to Jesus when Jesus feel the service ourselves Jesus is the powerful direction which we have to plan move and Jesus will carry the weight that so we learn trained in discipleship to gentlemen heart to know our full strength and to surrender it and to be humble in heart to know our true identity and surrender it we looked at that mostly last week where my weary and heavy laden verdant right because I’m tired trying to start and take with life myself that’s what wears me out doing things are minds and I responsibilities nine the makes me feel heavy and pertinent because Jesus is supposed to carry the weight things in my life that those things last week to live in a state of rest regardless of what’s going on around our lives that makes the difference between someone is a Christian and someone who isn’t we can live in a state of rest the schools of lies to everybody how we react to them and responsive them will determine how graphs kingdom is manifested through us and will clones to live of the school turn which can have 200 miles an hour winds going do the spirit which everything is absolute completely peaceful there is no wind no movement of air at all that is where we are called to live Jesus never promised that we would not have federal election that he promised that we would be read out at said he promised there would be seven around us he said I need you my peace I give you my jewellery and not and with the joy and peace and God we can have the seat of rest in us and is in the eye of the storm all the time we have to learn how to do it is not automatic we learn Jesus was example when she was asleep in the don’t was crossing the lake integrates raise up and his disciples were panicking already told and side was asleep in the back of the boat and they were panicking when he woke her Jesus was the example he brought peace he said be still and the wind ceased in another version says he rebuked the storm because the school was demanding because of relate was very demoniac Jesus was gonna come and set free the only did not want in that region because many have someone in that region strong Jesus was stronger we need to to live in peace and joy our relationship with Jesus and are circumstances many sometimes fear down depending are circumstances joy and peace comes out of our relationship with God we need to live with an attitude of gratitude and thanksgiving that will keep us in the eye of the school is a choice gratitude and thanksgiving is a choice we need to move in an attitude of praise reducing always the time to go through the scriptures associated with these things once we know and you need to praise is a choice living bring sacrifice of praise is a choice so only sacrifice of praise sacrifice it consistently so actually I’m not doing so good things are going on around me I still use the praising I choose to acknowledge him goodness is mercy his love and in that his powers manifested could I live in the storm excusing to true trials and tribulations as drawing an opportunity for growth and transformation that is a choice whenever anything happens we have a choice in how we react to and respond to it we can use to do it God’s way we can choose to do our own life as a choice we can choose to sit in that place of rest and live in the eye of the storm Jesus peace and we can say peace because what Jesus did is called us to do so when Jesus said to the storm we need to take authority live from the place where we can and change the situation around us you cannot change the situation around you when you’re going to hundred miles an hour caught up American Buffalo place of peace you can change and stop the storms and change the circumstances of things going around we have to do it from the see of rest address is the kingdom of God within it’s a manifestation of the fullness of the government of God will us to bring revelation to the world around us of God’s kingdom that’s what the seal wrestling we live from the see of rest of the world sees a manifestation of God’s kingdom of rest is the place of your gallant to bring kingdom authority into life and come and everything to be subject to the realm of God’s kingdom that’s what Jesus did when he lived on he commanded everything to be subject therefore you had power of the nature you have parables over Demons you had power and he manifested he told about us into the mountains and telling them to move that was the power of the kingdom to bring everything into subjection to God’s will and purpose of this work recipe training that we have to go through and I believe many of us are in that place of training right now is to be if we are on the throne of our lives and within that throne contains our destiny the scroll of our destiny there is no see rest of government because we are in control so through that place of resting government has to be an application we have to abdicate was developed control of our lives that was thrown so Jesus is Lord and then Jesus thrones to the Lord and there is a process of training he uses trials and troubles and tribulations situations to teach us to overcome and to grow and to manifest his kingdom through those situations the first thing you want to do is to learn to be a servant see anything Jesus higher going to live Jesus actually is that we gone our so when we are Pharisees obedience was higher and he will then travel to occupy the throne and the seat of government the servant that the works of God is also training to be a steward a steward has the resources and responsibilities seriously and doesn’t alone higher level of authority and his training us to be a steward of the resources that he’s given us to our lives and then he wants us to come into friendship friendship comes from relationship but through obedience is will see and during this process we start to learn the ways of God Zechariah 3 talks about the ways of will start to learnokay first thing abdicate the throne of my life to the logic of Jesus Jesus talked about the kingdom of God in the new Testament it talks about the lordship of Jesus that you same thing Jesus being Lord process of training for raining Romans 517 close to receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness world rallying in life through the one Jesus Christ brain is working as from the throne over their sphere of influence kingdom they rang notice those people were getting married have to receive of them to fare for through own strength is done through receiving grace and the gift of righteousness Revelation 510 you have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God and they were raining on the earth talking about God are right into into the kingdom authority and being a priest or guard Jesus was example of your servant Matthew 2026 is not this well among you know was this is not the natural way but revolutions to become great among you shall be your servant everything in the kingdom starts with an attitude of servant heartedness Jesus have that attitude mark and 45 you understand of man did not come to be served even though he was and creator of everything back to serve and to give his life a ransom for many years our example he came to serve John 1226 if anyone certainly must enemy and rare I am talking about the relationship you had as God father Jesus and son that was a relationship with you I am now my servant will also be in that relationship if anyone certainly the father will honour him so when we ourselves and we bow down obedience to serve him the father will raise without raise ourselves we have shown, so we are and rule over people who don’t find control and manipulate situations we bow down humility we surrender our lives to him who will train us to be at to be overthrown secure on a throne and you know how to use authority correctly you will abuse authority and God wants us to use authority correctly to bring blessing to other people bring blessing into the world he will honour us Jesus is our example obedience to do the works that directs that’s what Jesus did Hebrews financial he was a son he learned obedience from the things which he suffered the things Jesus went through in his life he learned obedience we learn to obey through difficult things and through the things that happen having Jesus do their John 519 Jesus answered and was saying to them truly truly I say to you the sunken do not then himself that was what it was to know absolute strength and completely surrender their strength to God that was been gentle in heart was about the son can do nothing unless it’s something he sees doing the these things the sun also does invite manner Jesus learn to allow God to work through him John 1410 do not believe that the father was in the the words take you I do not speak of my own initiative the father abiding in me does his work this is the training to know that were habitation of God’s presence and God would work through us as a child his glory and power and kingdom if we surrender John 1412 truly truly I say to you is in me works that I do he will also do and greater works than these he will do because I go to the father is just doing a servant is learning to be a servant and do the works of Jesus to practice for five we do not preach ourselves this is talking that in the new Testament we preach Christ Jesus as Lord is monoprints they were bracing themselves everything anything preaching Jesus is Lord and ourselves actually servant Jesus a answer is a whole message in his own right in the old Testament when was sold into slavery going to servant after seven years they could go three many of them chose not to go three and they become thoughts: Ben servant; conflict they chose chose not to and they put them up to the door post and the world through that and through laser and I have a ringing area symbolic of that they were bond servants servants you chose to surrender their freedom to their master and I hope describes himself significance to 5 says whoever who already existed in the form of God is talking about Jesus did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped to himself taking on the same bond servant and being known in the likeness of men been found appearances and he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death and death on a cross Jesus totally humbled himself and surrendered his authority and power to the ground could use in God’s kingdom purposes he was a bond servant and God is looking for those who are willing to become bond servants so Petronas to be stewards stewards have responsibility and resources Matthew 25 one talks about the power of a parables Matthew 25 talking about responsibility in the kingdom heaven be compared to 10 virgins took their lamps and when I had to meet the bridegroom were foolish five were prudent other words five of them took their responsibility seriously and five of them didn’t when the spirit of and sit at nowhere with them first round says I do not knowing that was Jesus’s response I do not know you didn’t mean that they weren’t in relationship with him just man they were not like Jesus did not recognise himself in them because they weren’t operating according to good stewardship Matthew 2514 really well-known parable just for is just like a man about to go on a journey took about Jesus called his own servants and entrusted his possessions to them we have been entrusted with God’s possessions Jesus went back into heaven to one both five talents our talent was in part money now express apparent means which is quite useful in this illustration actually did me and I have managed to another two and to another one Peter according to his ability must have and destinies in God which God will give us the resources to fulfil the resources may be different depending on what are called and destinies verse 16 immediately one would receive five talents went and traded with them we will be looking at what trading means in the here and not what you necessarily think God gives us the ability to trade and to use things to produce fruit the he gained five more talents the same would receive to talents going to mark he received one where the and the in the ground and his massive money days not being a responsible steward hiding what God is giving us even highly unresponsive things like I’m not word not good enough I can do this could of my past we can use all sorts of excuses why we don’t fulfil our destiny in God that is why knows what is called us to do the things expects us to use those things for his glory verse 19 a long time the master of those servants came and failed accounts with them best have to sell the account of our life in the kingdom before the judgement seat of God I’ve been there I know is not a place you Wanna go you Mr and not use the resources it goes correctly one who received the five talents came up and bought five more the master said you interested five talents to meet you against five more talents is necessary to well done good and faithful servant God wants to train us to be faithful with what he’s given us you were faithful with a few things in charge of many things into the joy of your master has to be faithful with what gives gods given and he will entrust us with more that’s a principle of stewardship now this is talking about in this age and in the age verse 26 is master answered and said to him you wish an amazing seven you were to apply many bank and on my arrival I have received my money back with interest that takes away the talent from him and do it was 10 to everyone who has more shall be given and he an abundance of the one who does not have even that would suggest has to be taken away throughout the Christmas servant into outer darkness the place will be weeping and gnashing of teeth not talking about how talking about place in the outer courts in the heavenly realms important that we have good skills 1016 10 and faith in a very little thing is faithful also in much God tests us gives us opportunities any tests us to see whether regrettably with the things he’s given us those of us who are looking for things in terms of the kingdom whether it anointing the finances whatever we need to be faith with the little things he says us it’s like God is not connected us huge international doing ministry were not prepared to place of the stick around us and sit on his God tests us and gives us opportunities to grow was unrighteous and very little thing is unrighteous in March, was testing us and asking us to be faithful 1917 he said good servant because you been faithful in a very little you can be in authority over 10 cities when were faithful and learn to be a good steward there is authority that comes with that one Corinthians 41 lamb and regard us in this manner as servants of Christ this was talking was an apostle who wrote most of the new Testament is attitude and a servant of Christ and a steward of the mysteries of God things that God reveals when he went to heaven and had a face-to-face encounter in heaven and had revelation shown and given to him saw himself as a steward would wisely use those resources to bring blessing to others in this case moreover is required a steward that one be found trustworthy God is looking to whether you can trust us with many things in Jesus little things to start with one Peter 410 each one has received a special gift in in serving one another as stewards of the manifold grace of God God wants us to be good stewards of what he’s given us a small those things the finances if we cannot be faithful to trust on ties offerings and is not is an awful lot more when we are with the little he will entrust us with much is that everything belongs to God with just a steward everything that we got our resources home every possession we got most of God remain Jesus Lord everything that we possess became seriously was used to when you us to do something the way it will test the attitude that we got in our objective yes to give something as precious away God wants us to see whether were faithful give us progress spiritual natural I we faithful in using with the garden ability spiritual natural relationships everything that we have advanced to God and God wants protesters will be spirit faithful stewards it belongs to him and we need attitude belongs to him: eight when ever he wants and will test the sewer rat it is truly something of us and it’s like sometimes of those things that he knows infections in our hearts the wants to test our obedience whether we willing to surrender everything to him and his friends then had a place of relationship and the price of Revelation that stewards don’t have an God wants us to be friends John 1513 says Graham I have has no wonder and then one laid down his life for his friends you are my friends if you do what I command you again friendship and relationship counsellor obedience when we surrender is able to bring us into a place of intimacy and fellowship in Revelation where he will reveal things to us John 1515 no longer do I call you servants for the sorrow does not know what his master is doing but I have called you friends things that I have heard from my Father I have made known you to friendship brings with it revelation intimacy sharing intimate things and God wants an intimate relationship with us he wants to entrust us with insider knowledge and information to the world around us which gives us an advantage and favour of God on us if were not willing to be servants and stewards were not likely to be good friends to be able to be trusted with those intimate things of Revelation he wants to reveal to us for in this process of training this is our works Jesus is Lord we learn how to be a servant and do the works of God he then starts to entrust us with more resources and responsibility and we learn to become a friend in which we get more intimate relationship and revelation the rise of God then as we learn in that process to engage with the Holy Spirit and voice of the spirit and to learn the things of the spirit Jesus becomes higher in our lives Jesus is King he then enables us to be Lord rules in authority and power was start to administer the principles of the kingdom then the Holy Spirit is there to lead us to Jesus don’t never things of himself doesn’t promote himself but leads us to Jesus then Jesus came to the point where God as Father in our lives which is a higher revelation of authority and we can things so we start to administer soon as I 11 authority Lord into the details think of of the rings there was a loner go under in the team and they have different levels of authority and God is the same for us so we can house and then Jesus the last remaining just in relationship with him Jesus always leads us to the father and then as we get in that relationship the father will then offering the sons and sons (a whole different level of authority and power and you lords and things this is a process and a journey of training starts with surrender I willing to be a servant if I’m not willing to be a servant I will never be a son of God is looking for that surrender so we can the courts are heaven and operate in realms of authority that most of them injuring top but because of the spirit coming in the world God wants us can live from the the storm and living authority and power as his teens and sons and administer the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven we need to bring alignment into desire of God engagement in the purposes of God we hence ourselves apart to yield to his Lordship surrender to his government in our lives internally equipping centre engage those external things that they change and take on the reflection of the internal authority God’s kingdom within us his kingdom is within us and we can cancer can us and transform Jesus into chaos all the time please we discover now and practice overestimated in practising stepping into the presence of God and stepping out of his presence and engage with him need to learn how to do that type you practices you Wanna start to bring faces surrender and sound underpass we can take a step a step back and then as we speak these words together with practice entering the see of rest take a step forward as Father I thank you that you have no way for me to come into your presence by faith they step into the realm of your presence and as you to forgive me for not fully surrendering the absolute government of your kingdom in my life today Jesus I will earthly with desire abdicate the throne of my heart you can sit yourself is Lord of lords not knowing to move and trigger things over my life I surrendered my seat of rest mountain throne with its domain and government into your hands I do of my heart I give you every day my spirit soul and body today by faith I thank you you are seated on a throne of my life is Lord me Jesus to surrender to your lordship and to counter that place of maturity to assume responsibility for the seat of government in my life as man I step into this earthly dimension bring you to this ram to teach you how to administer your kingdom government the world around me Mrs need to practice stepping in our the presence of God in your own time of God’s can become an interesting you learn to make prayers with your own personal things to do things that God is doing in your own life as we surrender to his Lordship he will train us to be a lot and anything and then a son fully bring a manifestation of God’s kingdom as it is in heaven on earth through our lives man/and to put on the website seated look at those present things that yourselves you’ve been blessed by this teaching from my house come and visit our website freedom trust.all with/place they will find a whole range of resources God has given us and to raise up Joshua generation will enter into the promises of God say you can’t that Joshua generation is God calling you partner with like to invite you to connect with us on social media to find us on Facebook Twitter and Google plus and on us sons of this a couple of freedom apostolic resource centre here to help you and others find and fulfil your debt

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