Preparing for your destiny

      We are being called to intimacy. We are called to be a habitation of God. We have been invested with our identity and authority. The Lord wants to gather and remove stumbling blocks within us; these things hinder us in moving forward in the purposes of God. Investiture, intimacy, to know God by encounter not knowledge. It is not head knowledge, it is not intellect, we don’t have to be smart to know God- we just have to give him our life.

      God wants to restore our identity and our authority, so we can fulfill our destiny. We need a revelation of the rulership mandate that we have been given by God to bring God’s Kingdom from heaven to earth. To manifest it.

      There is a frequency, a vibration, a sound that is coming out of heaven; there is a sound that is being released. There is a fire that comes out of Jesus eyes and body, to cleanse us. There is a symbol that goes with the sound, infinity symbol. We need to get this sound in our own spirit. We can hear the sound when we start to engage with God. It is like close encounters of the third kind, this guy is being drawn by something inside him, a sound, an image, he sees a mountain, and everything he sees reminds him of that. God is releasing a sound and an image from heaven that is drawing us back to our destiny. In the film this guy is drawn to go to this place and encounter alien life. God wants us to encounter him and encounter our destiny.

      We can hear a sequence of notes and it has a symbol that goes with it, and the symbol that goes with it is an infinity symbol. And infinity symbol represents eternity back to eternity. Our destiny came from eternity and will return to eternity but there is a whole journey and a pathway along the way. And God is calling us to the intersection where our past and our future come together.

      God is calling us to the intersection where our present and our future come together it is call convergence, where heaven meets earth. Where the intercession of heaven becomes manifest on the earth. Where who we are in heaven becomes a manifestation on the earth.

      We need to start resonating with that frequency. Our body carries frequency and can resonate to frequency. All our organs of our body are connected to our auditory center and our body becomes something that can vibrate with that frequency and we can hear it and feel it and experience it. God wants us to do that. It is calling us back to our heavenly destiny. To the mandate of the things that God has called us to do.

      Genesis 1:2 says the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. And that word moving – hovering actually means that he was vibrating. Movement is vibration. So the Spirit of God was vibrating over the waters bringing the waters into the same frequency of vibration. Then God said let there be light. When we start coming back into the frequency of God, God starts to speak and call forth things from our lives. We are 70% water, our body. Our bodies are designed to actually vibrate. Our body has an individual frequency but it needs to start to come back into the resonating frequency as a Spirit of God starts to overshadow us. That’s what happens with the overshadowing. When the Spirit of God came upon Mary he overshadowed Mary, the same scriptural verse was used. A vibrating frequency came upon Mary and literally Jesus was produced in her. Now when that frequency comes upon us and the Holy Spirit overshadows us and God starts to speak to us and calls us forth. He calls forth our destiny and who we are and brings us back into the original purpose he had before the foundation of the world. He speaks into the shadow of heaven, whenever he sees a shadow on earth as it is in heaven, he starts to speak into it. When Solomon built the Temple, and they started to sacrifice in that Temple, the glory cloud filled the temple. Because the Temple was a pattern of what was in heaven on earth, and God filled it. When our lives start to become that pattern, God starts to fill them and increase them.

We need to have that overshadowing of the Spirit. Where we come into cooperation with him, we come into alignment and agreement with.

We have that scroll that has come out of eternity and it carries a decree and a commission from God, the purpose and the provision for our destiny.

      We can access this in the heavenlies and also access it in our own hearts, because that’s where it is. When we were first formed, and the spirit came into us, when the first cells began to divide, the first cell that was brought about by the egg and sperm coming together when in and became our heart, and it carries the record of our past, of our DNA, of our family, and generations.

But our spirit also came in and the scroll of that destiny became part of our hearts. And we lost that because our spirit was not connected with God, but it is there.

      Matthew 6:10 says your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, God wants us connected with our destiny to bring heaven to earth. We cast out devils and heal the sick and do lots of stuff but that is not our destiny. This is just the outworking of it and practical things, but our destiny is something more than that.

Our destiny is a calling, it is administering heaven on earth, this is what Adam was called to do and we are called to do the same thing.

Jeremiah 1: 5 before I formed you in the womb I knew you, God knew us before we are formed.

Psalm 139:16 your eyes have seen my unformed substance; we had a substance which was our spiritual destiny before we had a physical substance. God saw it, knew it and we have to reconnect with it. Our destiny is to rule. This is what it is about.

 Genesis 1:28 God bless them, talking about Adam and Eve he told him to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and to rule. This has always been God’s intention. It is the destiny of the church to bring God’s rulership from heaven to earth.

 Isaiah 2:2 the mountain of the house of the Lord is to be raised above every other mountain. And all the hills. And everything will stream to it.

1 Peter 2:9 we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood. Royalty has access to thrones of authority and power. Priesthood has access to the intimate things of God. We are both, we are a royal priesthood.

We can engage with God intimately and from that place of engagement we can bring out the authority of the King into the earth so we start manifesting like Jesus did. When Jesus came all the stuff of the enemy got challenged. Sickness got challenged as he brought healing; bondage got challenged as he brought deliverance. All the things a nature got challenged because he brought a higher authority. Heaven is a higher authority than earth. If we have access and operate from the heavenly realms we can change things here on earth. But we need to access it and we need to change it.

 Psalm 24:7 lift up your head oh ye Gates this is talking about being lifted up to a place of authority and then we become a gateway from heaven to earth.

We need to learn how we get lifted up, how we become Gates so the King of glory can manifest here in this earth through us. We are supposed to manifest his glory on the earth.

Zechariah 3:6 the Angel of the Lord admonished Joshua saying thus says the Lord of hosts. Joshua was in the presence of the Lord in the heavenly realms, satan was there and Angels were there.

 If you walk in my ways, this is what we do here on earth.

 If you perform my laws, this is talking about the principles or the laws of God’s kingdom not the 10 Commandments. If we do that in the kingdom of God then we all also govern the house in the heavenly realms and have charge of the courts in heaven and be granted free access from those who are standing here. That place of standing here is in the heavens of heavens.

 Mike had an encounter where God invited him to come into the heaven of heavens and stand there. He had four months to prepare to come into that place.

      The kingdom of the earth with the atmosphere of the earth around it was given Adam to rule, he gave it to Satan. The principalities powers rulers and darkness and spiritual host of wickedness are in that area in the atmosphere which is in darkness but we can bring the light and dispel that darkness.

 Then there is the kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven, heaven, heaven of heavens perfection, eternity. Everything in the Hebrew culture and understanding was circular. What started in eternity comes into now and then goes back into eternity.

      Our life will come back into the realm of eternity. Perfection will come in to bring the government of God. Heaven of heavens will come in to bring God’s heavenly domain, on earth as it is in heaven. And we are called to be involved.

But we need to walk in his ways. We need to understand that the kingdom of God which is in that realm in the heavens is also within us. Luke 17:21 the kingdom of God is in us. We have to engage with the kingdom that is within us, so we are connected to the heavenly realms to bring that to earth. We have to learn about that.

We can keep the laws, rule the house, judge the courts and have access to stand as sons in the place in the heavenly realms. We need to learn how to live in this dimension.

      You cannot have investiture and then enthronement without succession in the middle. God wants to enthrone us with authority and power. He has invested us with authority and identity as his sons but in the middle there is something where the old has to go.

There has to be a dethronement of the old, the self, the soul, the old life. Strongholds, mindsets, belief systems, familiar spirits, generational spirits, nature which is our DNA programming has to be transformed. Nurture which is our environmental programming has to be overthrown and dethroned from our life and transformed. Trauma which is our experiential programming has to be transformed. Removing stumbling blocks from our lives, idols, things which will trip us up, weigh us down, and entangle us.

Hebrews 12 – not being entangled and weighed down by sin. There are going to be gathering angels which are involved in this process. The Angels are waiting for us to give them permission to engage with us to help us in the process of removing those things from our lives.

  Seraphim Angels are being released from the throne of heaven, the Temple with coals from the altar of heaven to purge our lips. Isaiah said on man of unclean lips and a coal with the Seraphim came from the altar and purged his lips. God is not just going to purge our lips; he is going to purge our hearts, so that we can be transformed. Transformation is the image of Jesus. So we know who we are we know how to function and we start ruling in authority and power manifesting the kingdom of heaven on earth. We need to understand our spirit and our soul to be able to do this. 

      Genesis 1:7 and became a living being – living soul because the breath of life came into him. The spirit was on the outside that was his God consciousness first. Then because of sin that got changed around and it became body soul and spirit. Man became self-conscious, self-centered, and selfish and world conscious.

 The world became where he got all the things God intended us to get from him. We had to get them by the sweat of our brow. We became a human being, we were a living being we lost that and became a human being and most of us become human doings- we do a whole lot of things to make ourselves feel better or to cover up to deal with things God wants to change that.

Our spirit is our innermost being. Is the very eternal essence of God, who is spirit. It is a source of life and light. It is where we have our God awareness; we have spiritual faculties and senses that enable the spirit to function. It is the dwelling place of God- john 14:23

       When we are born again we become a spirit being we started out a living being we became a human being and then we are born again to become a spirit being

 John 21:21 Jesus breathe into them and said receive the Holy Spirit. So just as God breathed into Adam the breath of life Jesus breathed into the disciples and said receive either the Holy Spirit. They became born again and there spirit life began to function again and they became a spirit being.

We do not want to remain a spirit being we want to become a living being. Which is the fullness of the things that Adam would’ve had as a living being. God wants to restore us and bring that back so that we are able to operate in the same dimension of authority and power that Adam did. And what Adam would’ve become if he didn’t sin. To do that we have to build our spirit.

      If we are not strong in spirit will not be able to overcome and dethrone the soul. The first thing we have to do is give God first place, first love, and first priority. This is the first thing we can do to build our spirit.

 Praying and singing in tongues is very important, learning to wait on the Lord and be still, meditate on the word of God, learn how to soak in the presence of God through praise and adoration. If we want to build our spirit we need to ask the Lord, help me build my spirit. You have not because you ask not, or asked in the wrong way.

We have to confess and declare and call things into being. We have to call forth our spirit we have to speak it out, persevere; we don’t build our spirit in one day. We have to train and train and train, until we build muscles. Our spirit grows by exercise. We need to be doing spiritual exercises. We have to train and equip our spirit to grow, to connect with God, to flow in Revelation and to rule in our life, we have to persevere. It starts with a desire it takes discipline and then it becomes a delight. Most will give up in the discipline part. If we want a spirit that is strong then we have to be willing to train it. We need to spend a lot of time training our spirit, hours every day. We have to train our spirit to discern the words of God and to flow and build up our spiritual senses.

      We need to deal with the soul. We need to understand what the soul is, another word for soul in the Bible is flesh mind or heart- it is self-awareness. The soul is what enables us to be aware of who we are as a person and an individual.

Walk by the spirit and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh.

      We cannot change the soul from the outside in. We have to change it from the inside out. We need our spirit with the Holy Spirit to flow out to change and transform us from the inside out.

 The flesh sets its desire against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh. They are in opposition to one another, so that we cannot do the things we please or God pleases. We cannot fulfill our destiny if our soul is in charge of our life. We need to see the spirit overcome the soul and flesh, to be in rulership. The spirit needs to be in ruler-ship so that the soul actually flows through the life of the spirit which flows through the body around our lives to bring the glory of God and the kingdom around us

      The fruit of the Spirit grows in our life and the gifts are given. We can have the gifts of the Holy Spirit given in an instant. They can be given through the laying on of hands but fruit has to grow therefore we have to nurture it, we have to look after the soil we have to fertilize it and it grows.

 The deeds of the flesh are evident because they are seen on the outside of us in our behavior. Those who practice the works of the flesh will not inherit the kingdom of God. It is obvious the stuff we have to overthrow in our lives. And we have to replace that with the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit grows from the inside out. We cannot change those things by our self effort we have to surrender them to God and allow God’s Spirit to transform and change us on the inside out as we surrender.

      How does this work? Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh and its passions and desires. If we live by the spirit let us walk by the spirit. This is something that Jesus did. We have already been crucified with Christ past tense.

When he died we died but we have to live in the good of that by coming through the cross. Then we can start living by the spirit and not the flesh, we can then walk it out in our daily lives. The flesh profits nothing, it has no eternal value and it only has negative value here. It is the spirit that has value. The life which we now live in this body we live by the faith of God, by the faith of the son of God. It is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me we operate by his faith. The life that we outlive, we live by the faith of the son of God. It is not even our faith, it is his faith that we operate by.

      Luke 17:21- the kingdom of God is within you. The Spirit is in us, our spirit and the spirit of the son the father and the Holy Spirit are in us, the kingdom of God is in us, the seat of God’s government of heaven is in us, our heart is in us- our subconscious mind, the garden is in our heart there are rivers that flow from heaven that flow through our spirit that flow through our garden and out to the world the scroll of our destiny is in us. There is lots of things inside of us, that we have to engage with.

 We have to understand how these things function within us so we can work with them. Within our heart is a scroll that is our subconscious mind. There is a seat of God’s government that is within us; it says in our belly, it is literally a place inside of us. We have our conscious mind, and then we have our spirit.

Our spirit man lives in a membrane which goes over the brain and down our spinal column. That membrane is not connected to the blood. The spinal column and that membrane over our brain is not connected to the blood. There is no connection to our blood supply, which is really important.

 Our blood supply carries the record of our DNA and past generations and it needs to be purified and cleansed and changed. Our spirit is not connected directly to our blood supply. It is connected through our heart.

      There is a door in our spirit, Jesus says behold I stand at the door and knock. There is a door which the father and the son and the Spirit are within our spirit and we have to let them out. God will not force himself upon us, we have to open the door and we have to let him out every day into our spirit. We have to let God out into our spirit. That spirit therefore within us and is connected to the seat of government in our lives.

 When we are growing in our relationship with God and we invite God to come in and fill us. He occupies that seat of government in our lives.

 Now as we grow and mature he gives us more and more access to that seat of government so that eventually we are seated with him in heavenly places.

 the kingdom of heaven is within us but we are also seated there in authority. He who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him.

So the more we are surrendered to the Lord and become transformed into his image we become one spirit with him and we start to rule together.

This is what the kingdom is about ruling together .the seat of government is within us and as we open up the door God comes in he sits on that seat, that seat is within our spirit.

 Then we can invite him to come into our heart. We invite him to come and change us and transform us.

So he comes into our heart and we can start to reprogram our heart, and the blood that is within our heart with the DNA of God.

 This is why we take communion to be reprogrammed with the DNA of God to bring the life of God in us.

So then that goes out for our heart to our brain and transforms our thinking. It renews our mind it goes around the body and back to the heart.

If we think about where does it go naturally it goes to our lungs and picks up breath oxygen.

So in the spiritual sense our heart needs to draw life from our spirit and then he goes around the body to transform our life and goes back to the spirit for more. And this is what the heart does. As more of our life is on the throne then the kingdom of heaven comes to manifest around us. Rivers of living water and anointing and power start to flow out through us. We start to walk in his ways keep his laws and rule and we start to bring government.

      The heart is our soul. It is very important for us to get hold of our heart because our heart is the key. The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked and who can know it. So our heart needs transforming. As a man thinks in his heart so is he.

As our heart thinks will determine how we live as a person. It is really important that our heart is programmed by our spirit and the word of God not our nature or nurture or trauma that has happened in our lives. The mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart.

We are called to be speaking spirits, to have authority to call things into being. It is really important that our hearts are pure so that what comes out of our mouths is a flow of the life of God. Watch over your heart with all diligence for from it flow the Springs of life. Life comes from within our heart as it is fed with the river of life from the Spirit. Or can be fed from the world around us.

      Anyone who hears the word of God of the kingdom and does not understand it the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown into his heart. The parable of the sower is talking about the soil of our heart, the things that are sown there. There were stones and weeds and all sorts of stuff. When you get rid of all that stuff it became good soil and produced an abundance of fruit. We have to be really careful what is sewn into our hearts. Hope deferred makes the heart sick.

      Because the senses of our spirit, soul and body we not alive to God and fully developed we were not led by the Spirit so we missed out on God’s perfect will for our lives.

There are disappointments in our lives because we have not fulfilled our eternal destiny. That brings sickness to our heart and God wants to restore and heal it. Desire fulfilled is a tree of life; we want to draw from the tree of life. A tree of life is still in the garden of God, and we can access it today, but our heart needs to be right.

‘The word of God is living and active sword piercing as far as any two edge sword piercing as far as the division of souls and spirit both joints and marrow.


And is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.  Our heart has thoughts and intentions and we need to be able to know what is motivating us, so that we can only be motivated like Jesus was, by the things that God was doing.

 The word says God put his law within us and on our heart I will write it. Not talking about the ten commandment, but about the law of the kingdom and the principles of the kingdom. I will be their God and thy will be my people,32:18

It is very important what is written in our hearts. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires and the secret petitions of your heart. We want the desires of our heart to be the desires that God has for us, which are written on our scroll. We don’t want it to be the desires that have shaped us and come from our past generations and the experiences of life. We want our desires to come from the scroll that is within our heart.  Therefore we need our heart transformed and changed so that our desires become his desires.

Psalm 23 1:1 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside quiet waters. this is talking about intimacy of relationship that we can have with God. He restores our soul, he restores our heart, and he brings it back into its original purpose. He guides us in paths of righteousness, the things that God has written about us that we are to outwork. He leads us according to these paths. But we have to engage with God and allow him to restore our soul.

The diagram of spirit, soul and body describes how we can start operating in the kingdom of God. It start with the presence of God, his glory on the inside of us. as we open the door of first love, it flows out into our spirit and develops our spiritual senses and then flows out to our soul and transforms our soul and then flows out through our body, ultimately bringing a manifestation of the kingdom of God.

      How can we operate in the kingdom of God? – Starts with the glory of God, God’s presence on the inside of us .as we open that door of first love it flows out in our spirit and develops our spiritual senses and then flows out through our soul and transforms our soul and then flows out through our body ultimately bringing a manifestation of the Transfiguration where the light of God’s glory will shine through us.

      What are the things in our soul? And we need to look at, our conscience, reason, imagination, our conscious mind, subconscious mind, emotions and our will.

Our conscience is the ears of our heart. It is our protector and our director, it is a guard and a guide .our conscience will keep us from wrong things and direct us to good things.

Reason – the voice of reason this is being able to translate and interpret the words of God that are spoken to us. To understand and to explain God’s word as he speaks to us.

Our reason has been given to us by God. It is not leaning on our own understand, trying to reason then us with our intellect without the influence of God’s Spirit. It is not that we reason and try to work it out with intellect.

 Our imagination is the eyes of our heart. it is a key that we develop our imagination. Our imagination was given to us by God so that we could see what he is doing. Through our imagination we See visions, see dreams, see the heavenly realms in that place of our imagination, the eyes of our heart. The senses of our heart, the eyes of our heart, we have to see them growing and developing. We have to begin to see through the eyes of our heart, what the father is doing.

Our western culture and education system has trained us out of our imagination.

 Our heart, our subconscious mind, our emotions and our will. Our mind is where the storage programs are, our memories, the word of God, our belief systems are stored there. it is like the hard drive on the computer. Everything is stored there, motives, beliefs and values.

Our emotions are where our responses and our feelings are. Where we are moved in our guts we get these gut feelings.

Our will is where persistence and courage can come from, also stubbornness and rebellion. Boldness and endurance come as our will is transformed.

This is where all of those things are to be flowing with the life of God, and transformed. At the moment most of them are not like that. So we have to see a transforming process. Everything builds up and comes up to one thing. What will we choose to do?

Everything within our soul points up to our conscious mind and what will we choose to do? Will we choose to do what Jesus would do. This is the choice. Will we choose to do what Jesus would do or will we choose to do what our own flesh wants or tells us to do. For this to take place we need to be flowing in the Holy Spirit.

      What were we like before we are born again? We had a soul, our heart had natural needs, it had a body of flesh which it got most of those natural needs through and had a spirit which was dead to God, Separated.

      Jeremiah 2: 13 my people have committed two evils, they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters. They built for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water. Because were separated from God our soul had no option but to try and fulfill its needs, so it drew those needs from the world. Love acceptance security significance and purpose we have built-in needs for all those things. But we have gotten them from the world as a result of that damage takes place in our soul and our heart, hurt, pain, rejection, insecurity, fear, disappointment, guilt, shame, all those things are in our heart.

Then we get born again and suddenly we have access, our spirit is alive to God now and we start to get acceptance, purpose, and security from him. But we also still have it from the world and also from him.

So we have to transfer where we draw our Revelation and where we get our experience of acceptance and love from. From what we used to be doing in the world around us to God who is on the inside of us.

Instead of drawing it from the world around us, we have to draw it from God who is on the inside of us.

Now we start looking inwards to God not outwards to the world. As we do that, and as we are transformed, as we are restored in our soul then God deals with that damage. we don’t need that stuff in the world and then we can start to manifest in our body the things that flow from the spirit. We can be transfigured.

 As our spirit become alive to God, where we can begin to sense him. We now got the Father and the Son and the Spirit in us, the glory of God is in us. We have spiritual senses and they are starting to get developed. we start to know God’s love. We get access to the heavenly realms which enables that to be multiplied and outworked in our lives.

Then our soul senses start to get developed and that we start to manifest around us the glory of God, deliverance, the works of Jesus, miracles, supernatural things, healing, greater works, signs and wonders all that stuff starts to flow out through our lives. But there is a blockage.

There is a blockage between our spirit and the heavenly realms, because no one ever taught us we could enter them, that we could go there. Most people say you cannot go there.

There is a blockage between our soul and our spirit because our soul is used to being in control.

There is a blockage between our soul and our body stopping God.

As we are transformed these blockages get removed. Our spirit and soul start to work together. We start to feel God’s love not just know about God’s love. We start to access the heavenly realms which lead to all the manifestations of God’s kingdom through our lives around us in the world. To be transfigured. So we can express Gods love. It is ok to know the love of God, but we need to feel it. And then we need to express it around.

It is important to be able to assess the heavenly realms, so that heaven can be manifested upon the earth. Where the kingdom has come night, and healings, miracles and signs can take place.

We need to be transformed so we can express God’s love. It is okay to know and love of God but we need to feel it and we need to express it around.

 The new birth, The DNA of God is in our spirit, we have access to the fountain of life. we have access to our destiny. we are a dwelling place of God. through relationship are spirit now needs to produce the fruit and the gifts come through the garden of our soul so actually our whole life is manifesting God’s glory. We have access to the kingdom of God within us and the kingdom of God in the heavenly realms. And as those start to move, then our life gets transformed.

The key to this is practice. We have to practice in order to train our senses. We have to practice how we transform our soul. We become mature because we have practiced. We have our senses trained. We have to train our spiritual senses, we have to train our soul senses to be connected up with the kingdom of God in heaven to outwork on earth.

 We are going to train our soul senses and see transformation take place. We have been invested with authority but we have to come into that place of succession so that we can be enthroned, to bring God’s kingdom from heaven to earth. We have to dethrone the soul. This is not an easy process but we can do it. we can all do it because we are suppose to do it, with God and our spirit working together.

One of the biggest things is that we need a connection with the Holy Spirit in order to do this, so we need to be baptized in Holy Spirit and we need to be able to speak in tongues. Because tongues is a major flow of the life of God which is in us. It builds up an environment around us which draws the presence of God, so God comes and fills that presence.

As we surrender our lives to the lord, as we are receiving revelation from the Holy Spirit on how to do it. We become a shadow that the Holy Spirit can come upon.

If you have not connected to your destiny, if you do not know God. Then God wants you to know him by experience and encounter. If you have never known God by experience and encounter you can experience and encounter him today. If you have not been filled with the Spirit, we will pray for you.

 Our spirit needs to be build up, and this is done by our spirit engaging God, so that our soul can be transformed. So that the kingdom of God can be manifested through us.

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