Promise and Proposal

Encompassed in a love story that was spoken of in ancient times. 

Promised through a blood covenant with an Iraqi who was a friend of God.

As Abraham yielded to the promise in faith.  God Himself walked amongst the pieces of broken flesh.

Sealed with the most precious Blood covenant of the Lamb. Jesus body was likewise pierced for us.

The glory of Union. We also gained Life and promise through His Blood.

With this Divine union, came a flood of His Favor. His glory displayed through our lives.

Zechariah 2:10-12 calls for the daughter of Zion to rejoice and be glad for a future time “when the Lord will dwell with His people… When nations will be joined to the Lord.”

Joined to this Holy God whose Name the Jewish people daren’t write down or speak in its entirety.  An awesome and unapproachable God suggesting His people be joined to Him is just unfathomable.

The Israelites were terrified by His proposal. However a skip along the timeline, reveals Davids dear heart that was fixated on God.

He dared to push the boundaries and to believe for the future time of union.

This became David’s reality and his faith brought thousands of other worshippers into it through his tabernacle of high praise. He became an earthly shadow of the heavenly substance.

When God proposed, it was in the tradional Jewish way, asking that Zion would be His most treasured possession. Covering and purifying her in redemptive grace. To empower her to co rule with Him. Shattering the paradigm of understanding Who He is. Truly remarkable and so great are His ways.

Now we, His Bride, are stirring from a deep slumber. Slowly awakening albeit blurry eyed from the religious tranquiliser that has dulled hearts and blinded vision for so long.

But the Bride is waking with a longing for her Beloved. An irrepressible hunger that can not be satisfied in 2 dimensional religious programs and reheated preaches. 

She will seek Him until she finds Him. Just as in Song of Solomon 3:2-4. Having experienced His love, she will not stop until she has found Him.  Even if that means venturing outside of the familiarity of the city streets and squares, outside of her comfort zone. Her “safe” carnal reality. When she finds Him (v4) she holds Him and will never let Him go.

So, this passion and uncompromising faithfulness is a response to the love that our Bridegroom was consumed with as He hung on the cross.

This is the Promise and the Proposal – His infinite Love – our portion for eternity 

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