Prophecy 10

There is a Word that is to come unto the people of the Lord in this day, and how shall that Word come forth? Shall it be born of a fleshly enthusiasm in thine heart? Shall it be born in the midst of thy cries unto the Lord in trials? Nay, it shall come as a Word from the Most High. It shall come as a Word that shall light upon thee to bless thee. For all that the Lord shall bring forth shall not be a product of thine own enthusiasm; neither shall it come forth because of thy desperation. It shall come as a Word from the Most High. It shall come as a Word from the Lord that shall create within thee that which is yet lacking.

Look not and say, “I have not enough strength; behold, I know not the way to go,” for the Lord thy God shall speak His Word and it shall be a light unto thy path (Psalm 119:105). He shall bring forth His Word and it shall be as a sword in thy hand (Hebrews 4:12). He shall speak, and behold, thou shalt see how that the enemy shall be affrighted and they shall flee from before thee (Joshua 1:5).

If the enemy hath seemed to be too great for thee, it has only been for the moment, for the victory shall come unto thee that shall cause thee to prevail over all the power of the enemy. For it is in His authority that the people of the Lord shall stand. It is in the power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that thou shalt prevail. Therefore, lift up thine heart with expectation and be glad. Look not upon the circumstances or the scene that passeth away. Day unto day the same unchanging scene shall not be the cause of thy hope nor the cause of thy fears; but behold, thy dread shall be the Lord and thy fear shall be the Most High (Isaiah 8:12–13). And as thou shalt fear the Lord, there shall not be wanting any good thing to thee (Psalm 34:9–10).

As thou shalt fear the Lord, thy feet shall be established upon the path (Psalm 40:2). Be not filled with fear for the things that thou shalt see, the things that thou shalt hear, even the things that thou shalt feel and the presence of the enemy in assault against thee. None of these things shall be the deciding factor in the battle, for greater is He that is in thee than he that is in the world (I John 4:4). And mighty is the hand of the Lord who hath declared Himself the God of battles, who has said unto thee, “Thou shalt not need to fight in this battle; only stand still and see the salvation of the Lord” (Exodus 14:13–14). Behold, thou shalt not say, “It is too late,” for thy God shall move in the season appointed. Thou shalt find that the timing of the Lord is a perfect thing. He that created the heavens and the earth and He that created time by the Word of command, is He not able to master time and give thee dominion over it? Therefore, thou shalt arise in the spirit and thou shalt redeem the time (Ephesians 5:15–16; Colossians 4:5, KJV).

Though the days be evil and though they seem to take away from thee even the opportunities of life, yet the Lord thy God shall redeem thy days. He shall prolong them in grace. He shall fill them with His blessings; and thou shalt know how that the Lord thy God has spoken that thou shalt arise as His people in a day that He hath appointed (Psalm 110:1–3), and thou shalt walk before His face in a path that He hath made for thee to walk in. Thy hand shall perform the works that He hath before ordained that thou shalt perform (Ephesians 2:10). Behold, the heart of the Lord hath planned it. The eye of the Lord hath seen it afar, and He hath written thee and engraved thee upon the palms of His hands that He forget thee not forever (Isaiah 49:15–16). He is the Lord who hath chosen thee to be His people (I Peter 2:9–10; John 15:16). He hath redeemed thee from sin at great price (I Corinthians 6:19–20). He hath brought thee into His righteousness that thou shalt have fellowship with Him (I John 1:3) and thou shalt walk with Him (I Corinthians 1:30; II Corinthians 6:16–18). He hath made thee colaborers with Himself (I Corinthians 3:9). Yea, He hath made thee His very heirs (Romans 8:17), that thou shalt be His heirs and thou shalt inherit the things He hath before prepared for thee to walk in. Therefore let thy heart be glad, and let it sing before the Lord that the Lord hath reached down to the poverty of our spirit and He hath enriched it. The Lord hath chosen the poor of this world and made them rich in faith and heirs of the Kingdom which He hath promised unto them (James 2:5).

Behold how many are the promises of thy God, and they are filled with power. Behold how many are the thoughts of the Lord toward thee, and behold, they are great (Psalm 40:5). For His thought toward thee is a thought of love and blessing. Behold, the sun may cease to shine, and behold, thou shalt find that the earth may pass away; but as thou shalt trust in the Lord, thou shalt abide forever. For the world passeth away, and the lust thereof, but he that shall do the will of God abideth forever (I John 2:17).

Oh, thou art a people sustained in the hollow of thy Lord’s hand. Thou art a people that are dearly beloved of Him. Can a mother forget her child? Yea, they may forget, but the Lord shall remember thee forever (Isaiah 49:15–16). He shall not forget thee. He shall hold thee in pity and kindness; and that which He hath brought forth, even the beginning of the work of His hands, shall He forsake it? Nay, but He shall perfect that which concerneth thee. He shall bring to perfection that which He hath begun within thy life (Psalm 138:8).

These are the days that the Lord thy God hath created. They are days of clouds and gloominess that bring foreboding to the earth, but behold, they are the herald of the coming of the Lord (Zephaniah 1:14–15). For the Lord thy God shall not hold His peace. Yea, He shall not see the righteous forsaken. He shall not see abandoned that which He hath put within thine heart to hope for and to believe for (Psalm 37:23–25).

The Lord thy God shall bless thee. He shall inspire thee. He shall bring forth the thing which He hath caused thine heart to believe and to hope in. Has the Lord created a hunger that He should torment thee with it? Hath the Lord thy God caused thee to covet earnestly (I Corinthians 12:31–14:1) and to desire His gift of grace that He should look upon thee with disfavor? Yea, hath the Lord looked upon thee that thou should hunger and thirst after the things of thy God and that it should be an emptiness to thee and that there should be no attainment? (Matthew 5:6.) Yea, thou hast known the heart of thy God, that He hath created within thee the will and He shall create within thee the performance of it (Philippians 2:13, KJV; Romans 4:21). He hath created within thee the hunger, and He shall bring forth the satisfaction of it. He hath made thee to thirst after Him, and He shall bring forth that which satisfieth thee and maketh fat thy bones in the day of visitation (Matthew 5:6; Psalm 103:4–5).

The people of the Lord perish for lack of knowledge; yea, the multitudes perish for lack of understanding (Hosea 4:6). But the Lord saith unto thee that thou shalt speak until the knowledge of the Lord shall fill the earth as the waters cover the sea (Isaiah 11:9). Thou shalt see that the people of the Lord are drawn to their destruction, and they wither as plants before the face of the Lord for there is nothing to nourish them. There is no understanding of the riches of His grace. Behold, there is a passing aside of the Word that He speaks because none perceive it. There is none that understand it, and they are turned out of the way of understanding and their way has become unfruitful before the face of the Lord (Matthew 13:13–15).

Thou shalt pray for them that the Lord shall rain upon them wisdom and knowledge and understanding. Thou shalt pray for them until the Word of the Lord shall run swiftly, and they shall be revived that are faint in heart (Psalm 147:14–15). Yea, for there is no capacity to hear. He that formed the ear, can He not also create understanding for the heart? Behold, where there is none that seeth the way of the Lord, shall He not create an eye to behold it, and the eyes of understanding shall then see the way of the Lord to walk in it? Where there is no strength (Isaiah 40:29–31), and behold, where there is no way to walk before the Lord, shall He not give might unto them that are weak and to them that are ready to fail? Yea, He shall give increase of understanding and He shall undergird with strength, lest that which is weak shall be turned out of the way, and that which is devoid of understanding should walk in the way of folly (Hebrews 12:12–13).

Cry ye unto the Lord with all of thine heart. Seek His face. Cry unto Him until the Lord shall have mercy (Jeremiah 29:11–13). Pray one for another that none shall perish from the house of the Lord. Judge not wicked judgment in thine heart, for who is worthy to stand before the Lord? (James 2:12–13.) Yea, how shalt thou stand, save that the Lord shall give thee grace? How shalt thou know the way to walk, save that the Lord give thee understanding? Save that the Lord hath opened thine heart, would thine heart be able to worship the Lord? Behold, unless the Lord had rebuked the rebellion from afar off, would ye not have stumbled and fallen, and the judgment would have overtaken thee? Therefore, thou shalt look unto the weak one and thou shalt recover him out of the snare of the enemy (Jude 22–23). Thou shalt look upon the one that is weak and thou shalt bear his infirmities. The strong shall bear the infirmities of the weak (Romans 15:1; Galatians 6:1–2). Thou shalt see him that is without understanding, and thou shalt cry unto the Lord for him for wisdom; and the Lord shall visit him. Yea, the Lord shall visit him with grace and give wisdom to his heart.

Oh, pray ye unto the Lord, for there shall be no walking in the ways of the Lord without the wisdom of thy God. Behold, there shall be no walking in the ways of the Lord without the strength that the Lord bringeth forth (James 1:5–8). Shalt thou say, “I will do what the Lord wanted me to do”? Thou knowest not what His will shall be. But if thou shalt cry unto the Lord, He shall make it known (Romans 12:2). First there shall be within thine heart a desire to walk in it; then there shall be a revelation of it that thou mayest perceive it clearly, and then there shall be an anointing of the Lord that thou mayest be strong to do that which thy heart hath seen to do (Luke 11:9–13).

Behold, rejoice in the Lord, for from the beginning until the performance thereof, it shall be by the mercy and the grace of the Lord. He shall show thee; He shall move within thee to will to do it, and then He shall move within thine heart to perform that which He setteth before thee (Philippians 2:13). Blessed is the Lord. There is no understanding of this in the way of man’s thinking, but it is the Lord who thinketh not as man thinketh. It is not man’s thoughts that are like unto the Lord’s thoughts (Isaiah 55:8–11). His ways are known only by those to whom He would reveal Himself. Thou shalt see Him move and not perceive it; thou shalt behold His hand in action and not know why it is brought forth; but if thou shalt open thine heart and trust the Lord with all of thine heart, He shall make plain unto thee the path to walk in. Yea, let not this be a marvel and a wonder to thee; but let it be a thing to be received that the Lord, the God of all grace and mercy, is the One who hath called thee, and He shall enlighten thee. He shall strengthen thee; He shall lead thee in the way that thou shalt go (Psalm 32:8).

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