Prophecy 11

This is a Living Word born out of Psalms 125, 34, 35 and 37.

Behold, there is no want to them that trust in the Lord, but the Lord causes them day unto day to be satisfied with His goodness. He taketh even the evil that befalleth them and turneth it into victory. Behold, He taketh that which warreth against them to devour them and maketh it a source of sweetness; and they find even as Samson of old that out of the eater has come forth meat, and they have fed upon the goodness of the Lord (Judges 14:14). That which would have cast them down the Lord has used to build them up. Behold, the Lord has established His way, for though the Lord hath wrought humility in them, it has been in order that He may exalt them in due time (I Peter 5:6; James 4:10). And though He hath made them meek and poor in spirit, He has caused them to possess the Kingdom (Matthew 5:3, 5). Oh, rejoice in the Spirit of the Lord, for marvelous are His ways and past finding out. Behold, how He taketh those of low degree and exalteth them to do His will (Luke 1:52; James 1:9).

Yea, the Lord is with thee as you fear the Lord and trust in Him. For the enemy desires to defile thy way and to consume thee, yea, even to swallow thee up that thou shouldst no more be the favored of the Lord. Yet behold how the Lord shall frustrate all the devices of the wicked one, and He shall cause the traps that are laid for thee to be sprung ere thy foot shall touch them. He shall cause him that diggeth a pit for thee to fall therein himself (Psalm 35:7–8) and the tongue that rises up in judgment against thee thou shalt condemn (Isaiah 54:17). Yea, those that rise up against the righteous, do they not perish by their own counsel? (Job 18:7.) For the Lord taketh the wicked in their own craftiness. Be thou without guile and without deceit, and walk humbly before the Lord.

Yea, be not given overmuch to think about thine own welfare or thy place in the land, for the man that trusts in the Lord shall be established in Mt. Zion, which cannot be moved (Psalm 125:1). The Lord is with thee to bless thee and to give thee a place and a heritage forever. Blessed are they that trust in the Lord, yea, that swerve not in their confidence in the Lord. Trust ye in the Lord with all thine heart, for it is good for a man to humble himself before the Lord, and to make the Lord his boast (Psalm 34:2). For they that trust in the Lord shall be established forever.

For the bows of the enemy are broken and his arrows are scattered, and thou shalt look for his defense and there is none, for the Lord shall take his armor from him. The Lord taketh the wicked man that cometh against thee, and behold, He spoileth him and he is not. Behold, consider him as but a wind that passed over and left no harm. But thou shalt look unto them that trust in the Lord. Behold, even their words are like rocks in a foundation. Behold, their words build. Behold, the righteous speak by the anointing of the Spirit and their words cause those that are fallen to rise to their feet and the slain shall arise and take new life. When thou shalt trust in the Lord with all thine heart, the devices of the wicked shall not succeed against thee, but the Lord shall make thy words as strong words in defense. Behold, thou shalt arise in the Spirit of the Lord to pray, and thy prayers shall be heard, and the words of thy mouth shall bless and shall be mighty to establish the will of the Lord.

Therefore, fear not what the enemy shall do unto thee, and fear not those that are greater than thee in number. Yea, fear not him that would bring wicked devices to pass, but trust in the Lord, for the Lord knoweth thee. Yea, the Lord hath thy name written in the palm of His hand (Isaiah 49:16), and He considereth thee diligently that thou art His own handiwork (Psalm 139:14–16). Behold, thou hast been brought forth by His Spirit and thou art born of Him. Shall that which is born of God perish? Shall he be overcome by the wicked one, or shall the Lord establish him? (I John 4:4; I John 5:4–5.) Yea, He that hath begun this great thing in thee, and He that hath caused HIS Word to come unto thee that thou shalt live, shall He not finish that work? Shall He not perform it? (Philippians 1:6.) He that is the author of thy faith, shall He not also be the finisher of it? (Hebrews 12:2.) Therefore, rest in the Lord and put thy confidence in Him. Yea, trust in the Lord; for they that trust in the Lord shall surely be as Mt. Zion, which cannot be moved but abideth forever.

Yea, I have seen a strange thing in the earth that the people of God do fear him that rises up with wickedness in his heart to curse the righteous. Behold, blasphemy is found in his mouth and the name of God does he take upon himself to blaspheme and to curse the righteous (Daniel 7:25; Revelation 13:5–6). Yea, consider even how fear is found in the righteous; but fear not the curses of the wicked, saith the Lord, for the curse shall not come. He that hath pronounced blessing upon thee, is it not life evermore? Shall the enemy arise to curse thee? Nay, for the Lord has spoken a blessing unto Zion and it hath lighted upon them that trusted in the Word of the Lord, and it shall abide evermore. It shall be as a canopy of righteousness that covereth him that trusts in the Lord. For the Lord hath spoken a blessing upon thee that hath come down like the rain of heaven. Yea, it hath come as a precious thing unto thine heart. Therefore, rest in the blessing of the Lord. Fear not him that would curse thee, for behold, all of the curses of the enemy shall fall upon their own heads, but they that trust in the Lord shall dwell in the blessing of God.

O thou that are trusting in the Lord, when the evil one cometh against thee with a sword to devour thee—and behold, he would sever thee, he would cut thee low—thou shouldst diligently consider that were thy roots in the earth, he could easily sever thee; behold, he could cut thee down. But thy roots are not in the earth but in Heaven. For the Lord thy God is thy vine, and thou art the branches (John 15:5); and though the enemy would seek to sever thee, who shall separate thee from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ the Lord? (Romans 8:35–39.) Are not thy roots in the eternal God? Is He not thy refuge? Does He not hold thee up? Yea, though the enemy would come to cut thee asunder, shall not the Lord sustain thee? (Deuteronomy 33:27.) For remember that thy roots are in Heaven. Yea, thine anchor is cast within the veil and thou hast a hope that is sure and steadfast (Hebrews 6:19), for the Lord shall sustain thee and keep thee. Though a multitude should rise against thee, yet the Lord shall be thy defense.

Yea, if thou wert the children of this generation, if thou wert the sons of Belial, and if thou wert begotten of the wicked one, thou shouldst have reason to be anxious, and thou wouldst have occasion to have great concern and anxiety in thy heart. Yea, were judgment written against thee by the handwriting upon the wall, thou wouldst have reason to tremble and thy knees should smite one upon another. But behold, thy God hast not seen thee as such, but He hath seen thee as His own dear children. Therefore, hath He sheltered thee. Therefore, hath He protected thee.

Yea, tell me truly, O thou that dost look unto the Lord, hast thou reason to worry and reason to be anxious, when thy Lord loveth thee? Hath He cast thee down for all of thy transgressions? Hath He forsaken thee though thou hast failed the Lord thy God many times? Nay, as thou hast looked to the Lord, thou hast had rest in His grace and His mercies because thou art begotten of Him. Surely love hath followed thee, goodness and mercy hath attended thy way, and the Lord hath been mindful of all of thine infirmities. And as a father pities his children, so the Lord hath pity on them that fear Him, and He hath delivered them from all their oppressions (Psalm 103:2–3, 13).

Yea, the Lord is with thee to help thee. Hast thou reason to worry? Hast thou reason to be anxious? Yea, should thou not cast thy cares upon the Lord? (I Peter 5:7.) Trust in Him with all thine heart, for the Lord is concerned for thee, every one.

Yea, diligently consider it, whose house thou art and whose church thou art. Wert thou called after the name of man as those that rise up to follow after the words of man? Yea, then ye should have reason to doubt and to have fear in thine heart, but thou art followers of the living God, and it is the Words of thy God that thou dost embrace. By the Spirit of the Lord art thou led to follow Him in all things. Therefore, thou should trust the Lord and cause thine heart to rest securely in Him. Yea, quiet thyself and fret not in any way, for the Lord shall sustain thee, and the Lord shall encourage thee, and the Lord shall cause thine heart to rest in His mercy and grace.

Yea, the Lord does stir His people that they have faith before Him. Yea, the Lord would have thee to stir thy faith and not to waver, but thou should be steadfast in faith before Him (I Corinthians 15:58). He that is steadfast before the Lord shall be found faithful and shall be rewarded by the Father in Heaven.

Read Psalms 125, 34, and 35.

In the midst of all the earth thou shalt know of a surety the difference between him that trusts in the Lord and him that trusts Him not. For thou shalt see that which befalleth the wicked, and thou shalt see how the Lord preserveth the righteous. Then thou shalt discern the difference between the Lord’s and those that are not His (Malachi 3:18). Thou shalt look unto the Lord, for surely evil days are in the land and behold there shall be great want, and there shall be great need; and famine shall overtake many, and thou shalt perceive how that it shall be a time of fearfulness and trembling upon all the earth (Luke 21:11, 26). But because of all this thou art not to fear, for the Lord shall deliver the righteous out of all their temptations (II Peter 2:9), and He shall make a way for them. For surely the Lord doth prepare the earth for the harvest, and He doth bring man to the end of his own way. Diligently thou shalt apply thyself to know wisdom and thou shalt discern how that the end of all flesh is come. Thou shalt understand why the Lord hath brought thee to these days, for thou shalt go forth with the sickle in thy hand and reap the harvest. Thou shalt perceive how that the Lord has prepared the hearts unto whom thou shalt speak, and the Word in that day shall be as a sickle that reapeth the grain (Mark 4:26–29). For the Lord shall cause thee to go forth bearing precious seed and great shall be the harvest that springeth forth before thine eyes (Psalm 126:6). O little flock, thou wert born for this purpose, but it shall not be in days of peace and prosperity that these things shall come upon the world. For as the world is brought to an end of an age then shalt thou go forth with the treasures that thou hast. When the world is lamenting its poverty, thou shalt go forth with the riches of God. Yea, when men are sorrowing and mourning that which has befallen them, thou shalt go forth with rejoicing for what the Lord hath done for thee.

Thou shalt not fret thyself as those round about thee do. Yea, fear not their fears nor be terrified with their terrors, for the Lord is with thee to preserve thee and to make thy way right before the Lord. Thou doest not well when thou dost fret thyself as do the workers of iniquity, but thou shalt do well when thou shalt trust in the Lord, and know that they that trust in the Lord shall be established. For behold, the Lord shall be with them, and God shall feed them. He shall sustain them, and He shall be a protection and cover over them. Yea, He shall be a pavilion in which they shall hide, and He shall be a shield to protect them from the blast and fury of the wicked one (Psalm 31:20; Isaiah 25:4).

Read Psalm 37.

Upon this land He hath brought a fear to the hearts of men, and behold, they have heaped up treasures and have not found them sufficient to satisfy their fears. They have made a multitude of weapons and behold, they are not able to safely trust in their weapons. They have built a high tower, and they tremble behind their high tower. For the Lord hath delivered them to the fears of their own heart. Behold, the wicked flee and no man pursueth (Proverbs 28:1); and behold how they do run in the day of calamity, even before the evil befalls them. But it shall not be so with the children of the Lord, for they shall not be given to fears, neither shall they be afraid of shadows. They shall not fear when the evil report cometh unto them. And although a multitude should encamp against them, yet their hearts shall safely trust in the Lord (Psalm 27:3). Oh, rest thou in the Lord, for these are not days of terror unto thee, but these are days of rejoicing. Look up, lift up thy heads and rejoice, for thy redemption draweth nigh (Luke 21:28). It is the day in which thou shalt embrace the Lord thy God and all the promises He hath spoken unto thee. Thou shalt hold fast every faithful Word He hath spoken (Titus 1:9). Thou shalt not turn aside, for He is faithful that hath declared His Word unto thine heart (Hebrews 10:23). He has declared things that have caused thine heart to marvel, yea, that have caused thee even to stagger, so great have been the promises of thy God (Romans 4:3, 20–21).

But marvel and wonder not at them in unbelief, for thy God shall set them that He hath chosen aside unto Him self (Psalm 4:3), and He shall cause them to walk in purity. He shall justify them, and He shall glorify them. He shall cause them to be established when others have failed.

Behold, when the strong man hath utterly fallen, and the youth is faint and weary, then thou who have waited upon the Lord shall find thy strength renewed, and thou shalt mount up with wings as eagles. Thou shalt run and not be weary, thou shalt walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:30–31). This is the heritage of the Lord, for their strength is of the Lord. Their righteousness is of the Lord. He sustaineth them in their need for a testimony unto men, for all the ends of the earth shall behold this marvelous salvation of our God.

For our God maketh bare His arm to reveal Himself to the ends of the earth, and to reveal His mighty salvation (Isaiah 52:10). He shall make known His mighty acts unto them that have blasphemed His name, unto those that have regarded Him not, even unto those that have not known His name shall He be revealed. For the Lord shall reveal His power and He shall be manifested in His glory. For behold, the hour is come that the knowledge of the Lord must go forth, and the Word of the Lord must be published to the ends of the earth.

Oh, thou remnant, thou little flock that hast rejoiced in the Word, wilt thou not trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean wholly upon Him? For great days have come upon thee? O Zion, days which the prophets and the apostles desired to see; and behold, thou shalt see them. If thine eye shall be open thou shalt see them, and if thine ears shall be unstopped thou shalt hear of them, but beware lest thine ear be heavy and thine eye shut so that in the midst of all these things thou shalt hear and not hear, thou shalt see and yet not perceive, and these days shall pass over thy head and thou shalt not be mindful of the days of visitation that have come from the Lord (Matthew 13:14–17; Luke 19:44).

At the time of visitation the Lord hath brought unto thee precious things, and hast thou regarded them not? Yea, despise them not, for these are precious things, and this is a precious season that God bringeth. It is the choice time, the time of harvest, the time when thy God shall cause the rain to descend upon His heritage, when He shall bring forth the precious fruit of the earth unto Himself (James 5:7). Rejoice because He hath brought this Word unto thine own heart. Yea, rejoice because the days of thy restoration have come, O Zion, and thy God doth build thy walls strong again. He shall walk in the midst of thee and thou shalt be His people and His inheritance, and His glory shall rest upon thee (Isaiah 60:1, 18–19).

Behold, the day cometh when the very Word that the Lord shall speak shall judge men (John 12:48), and thou shalt wonder at it, for thou shalt behold that it is not man that doeth this thing, but the Word that cometh from the Lord shall shake people. Behold, some shall confess with their mouth that they walk in confusion because of the Word of the Lord that cometh unto them, and they have no ear to hear; they have no heart to understand the Word. Thou shalt consider him that has turned out of the way, that ceases to walk with thee, and thou shalt find he hath hardened his heart, and he has shut up his heart against the Word that cometh from the Lord. But they that shall hear the Word of the Lord, they that shall regard what their God is speaking unto their heart, they shall flourish, yea, they shall flourish as the cedars of Lebanon. They shall lift their arms unto heaven as the trees, and they shall drink in the rain of heaven. They shall not cease to grow, behold they shall stand stately and tall as the trees of righteousness; the planting of the Lord shall they stand (Psalm 92:12–15; Isaiah 61:3).

Open thine heart unto the Lord and let the Lord speak unto thee for in this hour the Lord shall speak. Thou hast seen the days of writing of books. Thou hast beheld how man has spoken God’s Words, and how often those words have been without power! They have been but a letter of the Word that hath killed and not given life (II Corinthians 3:6). Behold, how men have taken the Words that God has spoken and they have made their sermons. They have built their doctrines. They have built their temples from the Words that God has spoken. Yet there hath been no life in those words.

But the day cometh when thou shalt be epistles of Christ (II Corinthians 3:2–3). His Word shall be written upon the fleshly tables of thine heart, and the Word shall be made flesh in thee. Thou shah live by the Word. Thou shalt speak the Word, and the Word that cometh from thee shall be thy life, and thy speech shall be a Living Word. This shall be the epistle that shall be read and known of all men. The time cometh when even he that would not open a Bible shall read the Word of God in thy life. He shall hear the Word from thy lips. He shall behold it, for the Word shall be made flesh within thee, and thou shalt walk in the things that God is doing. Oh, rejoice that such great days are come. For behold what a mighty edition of the Word of God is published in all the earth. It is written upon the hearts of men, and God shall cause thee to understand His truths. He shall write His laws upon thine heart and into thy mind (Hebrews 8:10–12). Yea, He shall make a covenant with thee that He shall remove thy transgressions from thee. He shall blot out thy sins (Psalm 103:12; Isaiah 44:22). He shall no more regard the thing that hath defeated thee in thy life, but He shall remove the stumbling block from thee, and cause thee to arise and walk in His will forevermore.

Behold how the exhortation of the Word and the preaching that hath come unto thee hath stirred thine heart, and behold how thy will was stirred within thee to arise and seek after the Lord. But thou wert not able to enter into these things. For thou shalt not be able to lift thyself up; thou shalt not be able to stiffen thyself to resist all of the opposition that cometh against thee. But the Word of the Lord shall be a strength unto thee; and when the Word of the Lord is spoken unto thee, then shall come righteousness, then shall come victory unto thee. For the Word of the Lord shall create, yea, the Word that is breathed upon thee shall be righteousness and truth. Thou shalt be sanctified through the Word; thou shalt be purified by the Word (John 17:17; Ephesians 5:26). For behold, once the Word of the Lord did come that drove out man from the Garden of Eden. Behold, once did the Lord speak a Word, and He pronounced His judgment and man was banished from Him. But now doth not the Lord speak another Word unto thee that shall bring thee to walk with the Lord and talk with Him. Yea, by the very Word that He speaketh unto thee, He shall create ears to hear. He shall create thee in Himself that thou shalt walk before Him and commune with Him, and thou shalt know that He is thy God and thou art His people (Jeremiah 31:33–34).

Behold, the man that is moved by love shall be blessed of the Lord, and the Lord shall continue to feed him. Therefore, it is important unto thee, O flock of God, that thou shalt keep thine heart open unto the Lord, and keep thine heart open one to another. Thou shalt not judge or criticize thy brother. Thou shalt not rise up to accuse thy brother, but thou shalt love him and pray for him. For behold, this shall flow through the whole Body; and the Word that cometh to the open heart shall create a fountain, and it shall go forth also unto other hearts (Ephesians 4:16). So shall we see the work of the Lord established.

For the Lord saith, “I do not intend that this Word that is spoken shall die out upon the ears in this room alone and be forgotten, but the Word that I am speaking I am buryng in the hearts; and it shall come forth again and again, even when thou art not mindful of what has been spoken.” The Spirit of the Lord shall draw it from the fountain of thy soul, and thou shalt speak forth words of life unto others (John 7:37–38).

For the Word shall not return void. Behold, the Word shall not be made null and void because of the weakness of men’s flesh, but it shall be a Living Word that shall go forth. Behold, the Word of the Lord shall accomplish the purposes of the Lord in the earth, and it shall return unto the Lord with a precious harvest. Behold, all things for which the Father hath sent it shall be accomplished. So shall the Word of the Lord bring forth fruit in all the earth (Isaiah 55:10–11).

Yea, rejoice for it is the Word of thy God that shall stir the bones in the valley. It is the Word of the Lord that shall bring flesh upon them. It is the Word of God that is spoken that shall cause them to rise up an exceeding great army to do the will of the Lord (Ezekiel 37:1–10). For the house of God lieth waste, and behold, the people of the Lord are scattered and divided (Haggai 1:9). Behold, each rises up to build a kingdom unto himself, and they walk diverse ways one from another. But thy God shall speak unto them a Word that His people shall be one. Yea, He shall speak unto them a Word, a glorious Word, and it shall bring their hearts together that they may do His bidding as one soul.

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