Prophecy 2

Shall the Lord perform miracles within thy circumstances? Nay, this shall not be the victory; instead He shall perform the miracle in thee, until men shall say, “What is this miracle that God worketh in this hour?” And they shall say, “Behold the children that the Lord hath brought forth—they are the miracles of the Lord.” When they shall look about in that hour, they shall not speak, “Behold the wonder of His Word,” but they shall look at men that breathe and men that live and men that speak, and shall say, “Behold the epistles of Christ read and known of all men.” It shall be the miracle of what He hath wrought in thee—the miracle of what thy God hath become in thee—that shall be the miracle which shall turn men’s hearts.

The day is upon thee when thou shalt no longer be discouraged or dismayed because of a circumstance, for thou shalt have great confidence in the Lord that is coming forth within thee. For the Lord within thee shall be thy miracle; the Lord within thee shall be the open door for thee; He shall be the path. Behold, the Father doth not bring forth His Son within the temple of thine heart that He should be put to open shame—that He should be trampled underfoot or that He should be defeated before the onslaught of the enemy. Behold the kingdoms of this world shall not prevail against the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom within thee, for the King dwelleth within. Therefore prepare thy heart to walk before the Lord, for thou shalt be the miracle of the Lord in this hour.

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