
Rapture is not just a doctrine, it is an experience. I am not talking about having our body transformed but those who have been caught up into heaven. Many have experienced heaven in their spirit, also in their soul through visions and trances. But those who have been raptured have been taken up in their soul or their body, or they don’t know if they’re in the body or not. But it is like a violent love storm, once it starts, it cannot be stopped.

The carnal mind opposes such a thought. But it is a desire of my heart, so I am doing some study on it.

It is a result of being filled with the Spirit, so if you have never been filled with the Spirit, it sounds like a false doctrine.

We have to learn how to practice the presence of God which will begin to open this door.

In His presence is fullness of joy, it is God’s desire that his joy would be in us, so that our joy would be full. We have to learn how to drink of the Lord until we get drunk or intoxicated by His Spirit.

Once we get drunk in the Spirit, it opens the door for us to experience it again and again. It can actually happen at any time, because things can trigger it.

We cannot cling on to our dignity, we don’t want to allow our intoxication to get into the soul-flesh realm, but keep our focus on the Lord. Heavens dignity and earthly dignity are two different things, religious people oppose this joy. But it is the doorway into the kingdom realm. You can see a person overwhelmed by God and in the natural people think it is shameful look at them. We have to want to be filled with God no matter the cost, even if we are misunderstood.

As we learn how to host the presence of God, it will lead into being in the Spirit, where our spiritual eyes will be opened.

We have to be so hungry and thirsty for God that we don’t care anymore what other people think because the value of his presence, the value of his love has gone so high it becomes the only thing that matters.

The mystic way is the way of love, it is the way of lovers, it is the bridal company, it is the dove company, wanting to be filled with the fullness of God, to be with him where he is, to see him face to face.

For your sweet loving is better than wine, that is the mystic way, it is the way of lovers, it is the way of people getting inebriated  and intoxicated on the fatness of his house, on the fatness of who he is. They have learned how to feast upon the Lord.

As we learn how to enter into the mystic realm, we are positioning ourselves where we can be hijacked, the Lord just catches us up into His presence in the heavenly realms.

Eden means pleasure and pleasure is the gateway into heaven. We have got to make the choice to eat and feast on his presence and enjoy him. To enjoy him we have to learn how to build triggers into our lives that trigger joy.

Knowing the depths of Jesus Christ is not just a method, but is a lifelong attitude of being enveloped by God and possessed by him

It is never a problem to want to be satisfied in the lord, the problem is being too easily satisfied, so we have to learn how to keep the feast.

When we worship we have to feast. We glorify him by drinking of his fountain. He is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. God is inviting us to come up here.

The mystics of old are the people that moved God, because they loved him. The biggest way you can love him is by receiving his love, letting him intoxicate us. God is infinitely happy and he is created us with a capacity for joy that we have to learn how to tune into .Our capacity for the joy of the Lord is expansive.

To be raptured we have to enter into the ecstasy of knowing the Lord. It is being out of ourselves, lost in the presence of God, where we are no longer here upon the earth.

What we have to do is a thing that the mystics called centering. Where we keep recollecting him, we set our will to experience him, to be aware of His presence.

It starts out with a tiny bit of his presence, and we keep drawing on it, we don’t ignore it, we draw on it, we keep it coming through our desire and focus. We continually practice turning our affections and our heart towards him, and back towards him if we are distracted.

We bring our mind under the government of our spirit.

God wants to be wanted. He looks for love and he drinks that love and enjoys it as much as we do. He enjoys us enjoying him.

Practicing the presence of God consciously is the beginning of the trance realms. The drunkenness leads somewhere. The intoxication gets stronger until we get numb and we can sometimes go into a full trance where we can hardly move.

We have to tune into the rhythm of heaven so that we are on the frequency of heaven .In the early stages we can easily be distracted. We go from the centering into the prayer of quite where, it is like we don’t want to talk any more it just seems pointless, talking seems an effort. The prayer of affection is not about our words, it is affection and love.

The prayer of affection is where we love and are being loved and then we come into full union where the cup starts to be so full of God that our mind starts being filled with the thoughts of God, we are starting to see God.

We have one drink too many and we begin to get filled with God and we go into mystic union and then we go into ecstasy. In union we are beginning to see God but we can still pull out of it.  We are getting Revelations, but someone or something could still pull us out of it, but we’re full.

The presence is getting stronger and stronger and we can’t do anything about it. We can feel it coming and we cannot pull out of it, we fall into it and we are caught up into the heavenly realm.

Rapture happens when we enter into the Alpha state of meditation. But there is also a physical rapture that will happen at the last trump, in which we have to be ready, the bride has made herself ready.

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