Refreshing is a constant

The promise of God is that we’ll have internal rivers of water flowing into everlasting life-John 7: 38. The goal and blessing of our life is that we live in the powers of heaven. On earth as it is in heaven was the prayer of Jesus- Matthew 6: 10. Our spirituality and what we can expect from the Lord is defined by such statements.

We take our cues from heaven not the world around us. We are in the world but not of it-1 Corinthians 1: 20-31. The world has nothing to teach us about the Kingdom, the Kingdom orchestrates our lives. As citizens of heaven on earth we live in the attitudes and designs of an altogether different realm. This is a domain that is undefeated, contains no negatives and it is uniquely powerful in all aspects of the Christ life. Crucially it is a Kingdom that does not include dryness in any form.

In Christ we are always more subject to refreshing than dehydration. Heaven has never been dry, thirsty or parched. The very nature of the Christ life is overflowing with renewal and refreshing, life keeping water. Revival is not concerned with an evangelical event but a company of people living in the fullness of the river of God-Ezekiel 47: 9. Everything lives where the river flows. We live lives of fullness, abundance, renewal, and restoration. We stay fresh, invigorated, and revived. We know how to abide in the active, energetic, unwearied presence of God.

The physical land around us may be arid and dry but we have water in the wilderness-Psalm 107: 35.

Our spirit remains in the presence of God and overcomes the dryness of our soul. We have water in the desert, which is a synonym for ongoing wealth and abundance of life, and riches. To live in an Oasis in the desert is the very symbol of power. Everyone must come to those who have access to life giving water. Everything lives where the river flows.

We will never be thirsty again if Christ is the very source of our life. Never means under no circumstances are we vulnerable to the dryness. There are no occasions where the well runs dry as we abide in the fullness of Jesus Christ. In Christ we can never make allowances for failure or defeat. Instead, we are encouraged to a fullness of expectation. There is a favor upon us that belongs to His Majesty. Heaven adores Jesus and gladly pours out refreshing on all those living in his Name. We are refreshed forever by His Presence.

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