Relational learning

In this message I am not going to be quoting scriptures, that takes a lot of time, I have to many things the Lord has mandated me to do, so I have to redeem the time.

In my walk with God, He is always asking me questions. I am learning Christ.

When you enter a personal relationship with someone, have you noticed that you ask one another questions. We’ll it is the same way with the Lord.

So, here are some questions the Lord may ask you. Our primary destiny is to be conformed to the image of the Lord, to become just like Him. So, when you learn how to walk with him, he will order your circumstance, giving you opportunities, to appropriate His divine nature.

We are entering into a time of accelerated growth, because the days are short. We have to  get prepared for the coming move of the Spirit, because the Lord will be adding so many to people to the church, to the kingdom, that we will have to disciple them. The Pastor’s of churches will not be able to do it, we have to do it and they are going to become just like us, God help us to grow up quickly!

Thus saith the LORD-Do you believe what I believe about you in this situation?

Did you know that My plan is to make you as amazing as Me – How about we use this difficulty to upgrade your life?

The Father says, Jesus took away everything that was wrong about you.  Therefore, I can only see what is missing from My Presence in you.  Would you like to ask Me for what I see, that you need?

I love impossible situations says the Holy Spirit, why don’t you let me into yours?

Beloved, if faith works by love, then surely you need an upgrade in My love for you so that you can believe properly?  Why not ask for that?  What can you believe for today ?

When will you learn peace?

Your circumstances can never define you.  They can only describe the upgrade that belongs to you in Christ.  What does that look like for you in this situation?

I am making war on all your negativity – whose side are you on?

Jesus has dealt with your sin once and for all.  He that is dead is free from sin.  I am only establishing the righteousness of the new man of the spirit inside of you.  Would you like to join Me by changing your focus?  What are you learning now?

I put Christ into you so that I could treat you like Him; what would that look like for you in this circumstance?

Your life situations are the classroom that I use to teach you about Myself, the Kingdom, and your place in it.  What is the lesson in this circumstance?

In Christ, you have found favor in My eyes.  Would you like to ask Me about the favor set aside for you in this present scenario?

Is your mind hostile towards Me, or are you open to learn?

In the Kingdom, every problem comes with a promise and a provision attached to it.  Using the problem wisely, what can you see now, and move towards, that was not possible before?

You can only love Me because I always first love you!  Would you like to receive some more of my love right now?  I adore you; I am Passionately in love with you, I want to be your lover, will you be my bride? Ask me for some more of my divine love with a smile, I want to pour out My Spirit upon you.

All of Heaven is attracted to Jesus in you.  That means Christ in you is a magnet for blessing.  Would you like Me to teach you the Law of the Spirit of Life that is in Christ Jesus?  Are you ready to come up higher into a more intimate relationship with Me?


Who/What do You want to be for me now?

What does this situation mean for our relationship? What must I do to partner with You?

Because Jesus is actually living in me, how would He handle this situation?

If Jesus were looking out through my eyes how would He see this situation?…this person?…this battle?

How would the Holy Spirit turn this problem into His opportunity?

What are you growing in me at this time?

How does this situation upgrade my position in the Spirit? Who am I becoming in Christ?

How is the favor of God working to my benefit through this situation?

If I believe what God is saying to me now, what are the outcomes for me at this point in my life?

If God believes this about me, what are the implications for Him in walking it out with me?

Is a new level of faith and favor opening up to me in my relationship with you? What am I to believe You for in this opportunity?

What aspect of God’s goodness is challenging me at this time, and where do I need that to show up in this situation?

Which Fruit of the Spirit would be most beneficial for me in: this situation? With this person? For this part of the journey?

What new freedom must I explore now?

What is God’s truth in this situation setting me free from? And what new freedom must I explore now?

What is this situation making me unlearn?

What new truth/belief is God replacing in my life?

What promise and/or provision does this situation point me towards?

What new mindsets/lenses should I be viewing this situation through?

What is this situation teaching me about my destiny? About who I am? And about who I want to become?

Father seal this Word upon the hearts of those who read it. Give them a burning desire to come up higher in their relationship with you. Amen, let it be so!


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