Repent as Sons

Our whole concept of repentance is changing. God is imparting to us the mind of Christ, the mind of sons and this will be a dynamic change for us.

 When David sinned against the Lord by committing adultery with Bathsheba, getting her pregnant and then killing her husband to try and cover it up ,he was convicted of His sin through the prophet Nathan.

2 Samuel 12:9 ‘Why have you despised the word of the Lord by doing evil in His sight?

The expression of his repentance in Psalm 51 reveals that David did not leave the presence of God to try and get his heart right; instead, he engaged God in a relationship as his friend.

David stood in God’s presence and said, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me” (Psalm 51:10-11).

David recognized that he could not change himself. Only God could change him and renew a steadfast spirit within him.

Repentance as we know it in the Church often includes the concept, “I’m bad. I’m horrible. I have this old nature in me.” When you think about repentance this way, it is almost like a worship of your old nature. But David did not have that. Instead, he cried, “Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit” (Psalm 51:12).

Our old man has been crucified with Christ, we are a new creation and this is how we approach God as sons, as friends.

I want the Lord to open a door for us to walk into a different reality of what it means to repent, of what it really is to have this deep exchange with God. Where He blots out our sin and replaces it with His nature.

 I want us to experience what Yeshua (Jesus) did. He did not have to repent because he never sinned. But He had to stand before the Father in the realm of the spirit, to experience the glorification which he had with the Father before the world existed- John 17:5.

Yeshua learned obedience by which he suffered (to experience through the senses) and was made perfect. He was glorified through death on a cross. The Father is honored by this process.

To stand in His presence and experience the provision of the cross where by one sacrifice we have already been perfected so that who we are in heaven is manifested on the earth through transference.

That to me is real worship—to stand before our Father in a personal relationship with Him and experience transformation. Anything else is blasphemous because it refuses God by trying to perfect ourselves.

We are transformed through beholding His Glory-2 Corn 3:18

Once you see sin, you recognize that you can draw the opposite from God of what you just did. That becomes the solution and is the proof of true repentance. A broken spirit says, “I will stand in Your presence.”

It takes a contrite heart to be able to come to God and aggressively engage in this level of a relationship. God does not want anything from our initiative that tries to make ourselves better.

Instead, we come to Him and declare, “You are the God of Glory. There is nowhere else in the universe that I can receive these qualities because they only exist in You! I am coming to You this minute and worshipping You as God because You have the willing Spirit that I need.

You have the joy that restores the joy of my salvation.

You have the steadfastness that makes me stand immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58).

This approach changes everything in our relationship with Him. It is going to be so simple because all we have to do is come to Him where we experience the reality beyond the veil.

Jesus prayed that we be with him, where I am (occurring now) that we might behold His glory-John 17:24

This is entering the glory realm.

This is what it means to be born again, we see the kingdom and we enter the kingdom which is beyond the veil-John 3:3-8

Transformation, change, only happens in this realm. The veil into the Holy of Holies has been rent, but we have to learn how to enter in.

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