
On this journey of life, we have choices to make in terms of how we are going to show up. What will we reveal to others about God, and about our relationship with him? We can choose, for example, optimism or discouragement. We can choose to become positive by using our will properly or to become negative through allowing malaise or simple laziness.

Discouragement creeps up on us, and we often fall into it before we even realize what is happening. This is the result of not actually living in the mind of Christ. Earthbound living is inherently pessimistic, and we must be on our guard at all times. In my own walk with the Lord, I am dedicated to remaining positive. It is better to say, I am quietly hopeful, then it is to say I’m really down right now.

This is more than a change of language; it is a change of Outlook. I live in quiet hope which has become a solid buttress against the enemy. If the enemy cannot even overcome your low place, he has no chance against the rest to you! Quiet hope is the place where I set my feet to stand effectively in the course of life. I’m not despondent because I choose joy as a vehicle for life and living. My capacity to rest in the Lord is founded on quiet hope. In heavens terminology, hope is always seen as a confident expectation. Faith is the beginning of trust which leads us to act of hope.

Hope does not allow the enemy any place to lie to us. It allows no deception. It refuses a negative. Despondence and discouragement never get a foot in the door of our heart. It is a solid defense that opens us up to all that God has purposed. Hope believes implicitly in the nature of God.

From trust we enter hope, through rejoicing. We trust in who God is for us. We give thanks and position ourselves to receive his blessing, promise, and favor. When trust and hope combine, we become vulnerable to Revelation. Trust and hope produce peace, which guards our heart and mind. We are not overwhelmed; we are positioning ourselves to overcome. In our trust we smile, worship, and give thanks. We hear God speak, and faith comes by hearing.

Faith is the capacity to step out without caution. Faith is the empowerment to step into an unsafe place – in the natural – because you have permission from the Lord to go there. Faith is not a risk; it is an assurance built on hope. It is a cycle. Faith leads to trust, which releases an experience that produces knowledge which develops hope… A confident expectation of God.

Resilience is living in the middle of that cycle. It is the ability to withstand any shock that comes our way. Rest and peace are the best shock absorbers on earth. When things began to go against us, we need to recover quickly and reposition ourselves in God. resilience is about much more than recovery.

It is concerned with developing an unbeatable lifestyle. It is about resolve. It is the discipline to agree with God, abide in him, and simply to overcome because we don’t run. David was resilient. My heart is fixed oh God, my heart is fixed. Psalm 57 is a great dialogue about overcoming through resilience. Though everything is against David, he demonstrates faith, trust, and hope. The combination of these attributes makes him resolute in his respect and glory of God. he calls up the glory of God (verse 8) because to him God’s glory is the major issue.

Resilient people exalt the Lord through their lifestyle. They are not mindful of the enemy, evil people, or desperate circumstances. They are focused on who God is for them. They are aware of circumstances but are too much in awe of God. Resilience empowers us to live peacefully. It Enables us to have such a place of rest that we ignore the enemy completely. Jesus said of his own experience, the prince of this world has come, but he has nothing on me – John 14:30. David’s version is to confess that he is steadfast.

To be resolute is the beginning of boldness. We live a life that is learning to abide in consistency. Our resistance to the enemy is built on our submission to the Lord. The enemy must flee from a resilient life, or he will lose more than he ever hope to gain – James 4:7.

A resilient life makes the enemy cut his losses and run for cover. When we live in Christ, there is a natural contending against the enemy that occurs unconsciously through our lifestyle. Everything we do for God is automatically against the evil one. Though not specifically directed, it offends him, disturbs him, and makes him work that much harder. Warriors make life tough for the enemy. The Lord has infinite resources; the enemy is limited to earth. The Lord has abundance; the enemy has a budget.

His main modus of operation is intimidation, hoping that Christians will not show up for the fight. Intimidation is a necessary budget item in hell. A lying, deceiving spirit is dispatched a fool people into given up. In this way, territory can be gained without expense being incurred.

Resilient warriors are more expensive to fight – not just because the enemy has to commit more resources to the battle, but also because he could lose more than be bargained for in the conflict. In order to overcome Elijah he had to commit huge resources of 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of Ashera (Jezebels people). 1 Kings 18 tells the story of Elijah initiating the conflict and the enemy losing the hearts of an entire nation.

Resilient warriors have a boldness, determination, and unshakable quality when they step into the conflict. They want to inflict pain and confusion to the enemy. A Friend when flying into Australia many years ago, was aware of the warfare around a conference. Between landing on the runway and the plane arriving at the gate, he was afflicted with a mouthful of ulcers. It hurt him to eat, drink, and breathe. Talking was difficult, so he talked more than usual. He prophesied more than normal, and he had healing meetings for anyone who was sick. He did not consider himself to have a healing ministry at that time, but he knew the principle that was present in this particular conflict. That was: where the stress is, the anointing is always present. The attack was against his voice, so he had an anointing present on anything he said!

He saw more people healed in those meetings than at any time before or since. He had more words of knowledge and more faith to call out sickness because of the attack on his voice. Resilience receives stamina and strength from the nature of God. He is a great encourager. He loves to strengthen us. It is our joy to be like him.

When we fail to understand the nature of the kingdom, we only have our church culture to sustain us. Drawing strength from people around us is good, but not the best. Jesus is our source for all life; people are a bonus. When God resources through people, they are an exceptional gift to us. I have a number of people who are a part of God’s provision for the ministry, and they are quite outstanding friends. However, I need to hear God for myself primarily, and people are his confirmation. Occasionally, of course, that works in reverse too, which is wonderful.

The father is undaunted and amused by the enemy. He laughs at him. We shelter in the father’s conviction and steadfast confidence. resilent people are intentional. They have a fixed purpose and the permission from God to go with it. To stand, having done everything we can do in partnership with God… Is actually an enjoyable experience. The father supplies us with his own armor so that we can stand firm against the schemes of the devil – Ephesians 6:10 – 17. Resistance is inbuilt to a life of awe in the Majesty of God. Warriors are resilient because they live in the strength of his might.

Assignment – what steps do you need to take to avoid negativity? How much of your culture assists you in developing the right mindset and lifestyle before the Lord? What aspects of your spiritual language needs to improve and develop? In regard to hope, trust, and faith; what is the Lord upgrading for you in these areas?

Commission – take steps to ensure that you are constantly encouraged; it is your inheritance in Christ. How can you enter, occupy, and be used in joy, courage, and confident faith? Develop a lifestyle that is joyfully resilient by receiving the steadfast love of the Lord. Relax. Sit quietly and allow the Holy Spirit to share his own desires and plans to encourage you.

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