Restoration of all things 13

MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 13 1 We have the Holy Spirit of Truth in us and with us as our guide We have Jesus, the way, truth and life, in us and with us to disciple us We have our loving Father in us and with us to Father us into sonship Agape love should be what we use to measure and test everything against If you don’t resonate with anything on the journey, park it and continue to pursue the truth with God directly There are many things that I don’t yet fully understand cognitively but that does not necessarily make them wrong There have been many things that I was convinced were true that I now realise were merely man’s opinions and ideas The 4 streams of thought that are converging into one mighty river are: · Mystic sonship · Realised eschatology · Universal reconciliation · Energy frequency healing We are going to cover Energy frequency healing in the next few sessions Restoration includes personal wholeness Energy frequency healing is being restored in this transition period to help us be made whole Energy and thought expanded consciousness will use the revelation of frequency and quantum physics If we are going to function as mature sons we need the mind of a son and to think like a son ‘As a man thinks in his heart so is he’, therefore we need to think like a son of God to be a son of God Thinking motivated from our eternal identity and destiny Rom 12:2 Do not allow current religious tradition to mould you into its pattern of reasoning. Like an inspired artist, give attention to the detail of God’s desire to find expression in you. Become acquainted with perfection. To accommodate yourself to the delight and good pleasure of him will transform your thoughts afresh from within. The current religious tradition has diminished the true intimacy of face to face relationship to an intellectual assent to the truth but with no true mystical experience Christianity has become reduced to an intellectual, traditional, orthodox prison for the mind The restoration of all things is not Our ultimate desire but it is the way Our original intention for oneness can be achieved. Once all things are restored, then the journey continues into the ages to come; and My sons can become ascended fathers who can be like We are. Restoration first begins with the truth of who We are unveiled. Love, in Perichoresis and Trinitarian truth restored, leads to inclusion being revealed as a consequence of love’s passion and zeal for relationship with our children. In an encounter with 2 friends I saw the power of benches of 3 operating at a high level of authority This is the place of ascended sons who carry the oracles of the Father’s heart The sons are being prepared to engage the oneness of the eternal to carry the Father’s heart I saw many threes standing in the middle of the council of the 12 ambassadors of the ages who were on their thrones, dressed in golden garments. MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 13 2 Each three were represented by a golden ring of brilliant, radiant light and on each ring were smaller rings. The three rings interlinked and became joined and united but there were areas where 2 overlapped and 3 overlapped and where there was overlapping, some of the smaller rings were included. I saw other rings join each of the smaller rings until they were cascading down like long strings, like energy conduits. During that encounter I saw a counterfeit cosmic bench of 3 fallen ones They were powerful; and I was apprehensive but not fearful I quickly sought the Father for a mandate to engage them, which He gave I engaged them on a fact finding mission to ascertain what they were responsible for I was surprised that they were fearful of us discovering our identity and authority concerning life and immortality I engaged them with love and respect I was not intimidated by them and I was not hostile towards them as I felt compassion I communicated through the frequency of love and withdrew Son, the cosmic benches are key to the next season as they will provide the government for the dimensions that need to be restored. Engage the fallen ones with honour and reveal My love for all My creation through your love. The 3 high level fallen angels are opposing the knowledge of immortality Son, fear of death partners with fear of knowledge to keep My children in bondage and stops them taking their responsibilities for creation Fear keeps creation groaning in isolation where fear of intimacy and oneness completes the viscous circle of fear’s authority over My children. Only face to face intimacy can break the power of fear from My children; but fear of the God that religion has created keeps them at a distance. MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 13 3 Son, only Our perfect love can cast out the fear that is keeping My children from their destinies. Fear of death has kept My children from enjoying life and limited them from knowing the truth of immortality which is their inheritance Son, there is no greater goal in this season than carrying the oracles of Our heart for restoration. I engaged the cosmic trio with respect that surprised them and I felt that they were off guard and confused. I shared my desire for their restoration and asked how our last encounter had affected them. They were disarmed and had lost their intimidating atmosphere; they said that it had confused them. I expressed the Father’s love and used the crystalline sceptre to reveal the truth of mercy that triumphs over judgment. I asked them to remember what it was like in the beginning but they had darkness over their minds. I decreed that the light of truth and love would penetrate the darkness over their minds. I expressed again that I desired their restoration and that I have forgiven them. These three are a different level of authority than those I have engaged before and it will take some time to break down their resistance Son, you have a mandate for frequency ministry using the bowls and the Rife-generated frequencies but you must be prepared to go deeper into sonship frequencies and to see how they affect the dimensions. Sonship generates a love, joy and peace frequency from rest that has the capacity to cross the dimensional matrixes The hope that is produced by love’s light can begin to bring balance to creation and answer its groaning for freedom. Son, learn to generate freedom frequencies from your rest that has been produced at the higher levels of consciousness. Son, I am continuing the deconstruction process to expand your consciousness in regards to frequency and the quantum fields. You will need to connect with the elementals that are connected to the unified quantum fields of the physical realm; and then go further, to engage with the elementals of other dimensions to manage frequency restoration. The elementals were designed to balance the force; grace energy that exists as strings within the fabric of all things. They are connected to sonship’s frequency of love’s light and their function has been diminished by mankind’s fall from Kingdom governmental position. Son, you can produce Rife frequencies that balance creation in preparation for restoration of the fallen ones and dimensional beings by bringing the elementals into resonance with sonship. I legislated to release these frequencies I release the frequency of sonship to the dimensions: the hope of freedom. I release the frequency of the Oracles of the Father’s heart to the angelic realm and to all who are in the consuming fire. I call forth restoration to creation. I call to the elementals with the frequency of sonship to respond to align with restoration. MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 13 4 I call for harmony between the sons of God and the world. I call for harmony between the world and the dimensions. I call for harmony between the sons of God and the spiritual realm. I call for the restoration of all created things and the freedom of creation from its bondage to corruption. Son, the hope of restoration is the frequency of sonship that resonates with the Oracles of Our heart. The children of God must become mature in their sonship and take responsibility for creation in all its forms. That means all created things, across all of the dimensions, and reconnecting with creation through the elementals. Only by resonating with the oracles of Our heart will love be the motivating force strong enough to free creation from its slavery. Son, engage the creation stone and from that position, converged with the eternal now, release the sound all creation is longing for. Son, release the frequency of love’s passion, burning desire, intense joy, deep compassion and overwhelming love as the oracles that are the glory of your sonship. Son, the freedom of the glory of your sonship is the frequency that creation is longing to hear. The groaning of creation can be entrained to the frequency of hope heard within love’s oracles. Son, the dimensions are calling; those fallen sons are calling; the spirits of Our children are calling; for their souls in the consuming fire. Raise up those willing to hear and answer the cries of creation as sons to know their true identity and take their places of heavenly authority. The circle of the deep and the Ambassadors of the ages need to be aligned. Teach the sons to administrate the times and seasons to facilitate change. Creation itself is beginning to respond to sons arising; now the elementals will need to be engaged if this momentum is to continue. Son, you need to listen to creation’s groaning and connect with the elementals associated with the sound frequency you hear. There are some of Our children who are more sensitive than the sons and more connected to creation; listen to them but do not accept their conclusions. The issues that are indicators of creation’s groans are: climate change, sea pollution, protesting movements, fires and forests, seismic activity, and others that you will resonate with. Son, you will generate a higher frequency of love’s light when you engage the dimensions with the oracles of Our heart. I will give you revelation of which frequencies represent the oracles. Each of the five key precepts of the oracles has a specific frequency range that can be generated by the hearts of the sons of God coming to places of maturity. Those five key frequencies are arranged on a pentatonic scale and can be directed specifically through music and Rife frequencies that resonate in and through expanded consciousness states of being. MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 13 5 There are different creative ways of generating the frequencies that represent the oracles: the bowls, Rife machines, tuning your bodies’ and minds’ energy fields in rest. Son, start by using meditation for rest to create altered states of reality that connect dimensionally for restoration through the oracles’ frequencies. Then you can produce Rife frequencies that can be focused dimensionally through quantum entanglement through Our sons’ presence dimensionally. Sonship becomes the conduit for the oracles of the Father’s heart as the five frequencies are activated within their hearts. Son, your being drawn to the Rife frequenciesis Our desire being realised in oneness, and your willingness pleases Us greatly. Now pursue the shift to align the oracles of restoration with the energy creative streams to form a unified approach. All these things were out of my comfort zones as I am not a musician. Son, look at the fives in Bible and in creation to gain more insight into the pentatonic form, as this will be a key to being able to focus energy into specific targets that you have mandates for. We have 5 senses, 5 toes and also 5 fingers we engage with In the Bible, five is mentioned 318 times According to the Bible, there are 5 big mysteries in this world, which are represented as the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the Creation and the Restoration. This is grace in action through the hand of God Number 5 is usually considered to be a symbol of goodness and grace of God. When we multiply this number with itself, we get 25 as a result, which is considered to symbolize the grace upon the grace. John 1:16 For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace. 1 Peter 4:10 As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. James 4:10 But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” Grace is God’s blessing, His enabling power to equip us in our sonship mandate James 4:10 But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” We should never confuse God’s grace with merit, because merit is only for worthy people. There are phrases in the Bible that are repeated 5 times, emphasising the grace of God. Jesus had 5 wounds while he was on the cross. The number 5 symbolises the number of the universe and also the number of the divine’s will. The number 5 is not only the number of the divine grace, but it is also a number of balance and harmony that should exist in your life. The biblical meaning of number 5 is sometimes related to the weakness and impotence of a human as opposed to the limitless grace of God MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 13 6 David picked up 5 stones The Number 5 in Hebrew symbolises the idea of saving, to be saved, or to be rescued. Starting with the middle letter Mem which represents the world. It is God that saves or rescues us from the world The tabernacle, whose design was given directly by God, contained five curtains (Exodus 26:3), five bars (Exodus 26:26 – 27), five pillars and five sockets (Exodus 26:37) and an altar made of wood that was five cubits long and five cubits wide (Exodus 27:1). The height of the court within the tabernacle was five cubits (Exodus 27:18). The anointing oil (Exodus 30:23 – 25) used to consecrate the furniture of the tabernacle has 5 ingredients given directly by God The proportion ofspices used in making the oil were a multiple of five 5 kingdoms in Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream The present fifth kingdom of God was established in those days of the fourth kingdom 5 Greek and Hebrew Words for Love I meditated on the pentatonic scale as it related to the 5 oracles of the Father’s heart Passion, Burning Desire, Intense Joy, Deep Compassion and Overwhelming Love These are directed towards all God’s children and all creation Pentatonic scale 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 444Hzis higher, uplifting and good for releasing tension. 432Hz is lower, calming, and good for grounding and peace. A C D E G A pentatonic scale is a musical scale or mode with 5 notes per octave. In most pentatonic scales, all the notes harmonise – making it very easy for you to play because there are no ‘wrong’ notes. You literally can’t make it sound bad! The pentatonic scale is the most intuitive scale, it is the foundation of improvisation, and examples are found in almost every culture. Major: 2-2-3-2-3 Minor: 3-2-2-3-2 Minor Pentatonic Scale Oracles A 444 Hz Passion C 528.01 Burning Desire D 592.67 Intense Joy E 665.25 Deep Compassion G 791.12 Overwhelming Love Major Pentatonic scale oracles A 444 Hz B 499.5 C# 592.67 E 665.25 F# 791.12 MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 13 7 There are many words of truth that the Father or Jesus would speak over you As I speak and release those words through the sound frequency of the bowls, the words will go beyond your mind and penetrate your soul and spirit I am going to use the frequencies and the vibrations the bowls make to release the intentions of God’s words spoken over us Embrace and resonate with the truth that is released The 5 oracles of the Father’s heart Engage the frequency Be entrained to wholeness. Engage the frequency Expand your mind and consciousness MODULE 12: THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS PART 2 SESSION 13 8 Relax; do not strive, just rest Close your eyes Slow down your breathing to the rhythm of YHVH Breathe in: Hei, breathe out: Yod, breathe in: Hei, and breathe out: Vav Be still and know that I am God I am love, I am joy, I am peace You are my beloved son/daughter in whom I am well pleased In whom my soul delights My desire is for your blessing My desire is for your health My desire is for your wholeness My desire is for you to enter rest I am love, I am light, I am spirit, I am fire I am joy, I am peace, I am good, I am kind, I am patient, I am faithful, I am merciful and My grace is abundant and overflowing I am is in you and around you; and you are in I am I am embraces you heart to heart: resonate with my thoughts about you You are special, unique and chosen I am loves you I am accepts you I am affirms your significance I am affirms your sonship I call forth your identity as a son within the Joshua Generation I call forth your cherubic nature within the Order of Melchizedek I call forth your royal priesthood I call forth your position as an oracle and a legislator I call forth your identity, position and authority as a son of the living God Minor Pentatonic Scale Oracles A 444 Hz Passion C 528 Hz Burning Desire D 592 Hz Intense Joy E 665 Hz Deep Compassion G 791 Hz Overwhelming Love Copyright ©2020 Freedom Apostolic Ministries Ltd., a not-for-profit company registered in England. All rights reserved. Company number 10359676. Registered office: Freedom Centre, 1 Howard Avenue, Barnstaple EX32 8QA, UK.

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