Restoration of all things 3

When our spirits resonate with truth we will discover that there are many wonders beyond those specifically mentioned in the Bible. We are walking with God on a relational journey to discover more about Him and ourselves and what our role is in restoration. We have the Holy Spirit of Truth in us and with us as our guide We have Jesus, the way, truth and life, in us and with us to disciple us We have our loving Father in us and with us to Father us into sonship. Agape love should be what we use to measure and test everything against. If you don’t resonate with anything on the journey, park it and continue to pursue the truth with God directly. There are many things that I don’t yet fully understand cognitively, but that does not necessarily make them wrong. There have been many things that I was convinced were true, that I now realize were merely man’s opinions and ideas. The 4 streams of thought that are converging into one mighty river are: Mystic Sonship, Realized Eschatology, Universal Reconciliation, Energy Frequency Healing. We are going to cover the other 3 streams in these messages. The mystic stream has been our focus. We are looking at the Universal Reconciliation or Christian Universalism or Apokatastasis. The restoration of all creation, including everything that has been made. Does this include all heavenly and dimensional beings? Restoration of our creation mandate, which I believe includes, restoration of other dimensional beings and dimensions. Restoration of the fallen ones or fallen angels. Restoration of Elementals and sentient creation. I am going to take you on the wildest of extreme journeys to discover WHO I AM really is. The 5 oracles of My heart that you have begun to experience are just the first baby steps on this adventure that will explore deeper places within I AM. I AM manifold and ‘multi- everything’ with no boundaries in dimensional time or space; I AM that I AM and all that exists, is but the smallest string and fractal within Me. I AM is at rest within all things and all things will come to be at rest within I AM. “That is the inevitable conclusion of I AM that I AM. All things live move and exist within I AM and therefore all things will be restored to the limitlessness of My loving desire. The more extremes you experience, the more you will begin to understand about Our limitless, abundant, effulgent and overflowing love, expressed in ultra-grace and mercy.

The illusions and delusions of the DIY religious systems are but the feeblest attempts of the finite mind to understand the infinite and are going to be annihilated by love’s agenda, discovered in face-to-face restored innocence. “The whole way that the good news is presented has been twisted and perverted by Leviathan to become bad news that undermines the reality of My character and nature.”

The Third reason I believe fallen ones can be restored: is the testimony of others and myself. If you choose to do this then his position of power and influence will be released to operate within both your local and wider spheres.

Son, there are two others that will need to be restored. These three will form a powerful bench of three over the atmosphere to cooperate with your blueprint. This was a process that I did not rush to embrace but throughout 2019 the Father reminded me of my responsibility towards all of creation. I went through a process of transformation by the renewal of my mind.

Son, when the foundations are reset and true openness, honesty, transparency are in place and deception removed then you can engage to restore Destiny Robber. Our atmosphere must be conducive to restoration, so there may need to be some preparation. Restore the light out of darkness so the scales of deception and darkness can be removed, and the pre-fall position and function be re-established. This is restoration of relationship and position, not redemption from man’s lost identity.

Son, offer only My love as light to bring restoration to those who were deceived by the light bearer. Son, administrate the light of love into all areas of darkness to restore the relationships lost through deception. Son, it is time to deal with Destiny Robber; others are not capable of dealing with it and are not ready to deal with their own lives. Let Me show you the way to use love’s light to restore those in darkness back into the light of love and truth.

I took my place on the Freedom mountain; I transformed into pure light and I began to radiate a frequency that drew the being in, closer to the light. It was circling inward towards the light until it stood before me. I sensed the tension within that it felt, being close to the light, and I released another frequency within the light of hope. I entered into a dialogue: I said ‘I forgive you.’

‘You cannot forgive us. The sons have decreed that we cannot be forgiven.’

‘I choose to forgive you.’ ‘No, I cannot be forgiven.’

‘I choose to release the Father’s forgiveness to you. I decree that you can be restored.’

‘No, we have been told by the sons of God that there is only destruction for us.’

I sensed and began to feel a wavering, so I released another frequency within the light of love. I extended the light of my being to overshadow the fallen one with love’s light and I released another frequency, the call to be restored. I sensed deep sadness and loss, and a new desire began to rise; so, I reached out with love, and I looked deep into its eyes and called forth its destiny as a being of light and reminded it of its pre-fall position and glory.

The scales began to fall off its body and light started to emerge from within. I sensed joy returning, so I called forth its destiny to be restored and its position to be restored. I looked deeper and saw it begin to emerge from the deception into the light of truth, and its beauty began to come into view.

I called forth its passion and fire and proclaimed forgiveness and sensed the relief and heaviness lift. I recommissioned it and ascribed to it a new name, the freedom destiny restorer.

It rose into the air and exploded in beautiful light, filled with joy I sensed heaven’s celebration. I released it with the freedom to access all our mountain spheres I released it to inspire the Joshua Generation to come forth out of the deception of the wilderness darkness into the glorious light of inheritance.

Son, it is time to deal with the other two fallen ones who have been assigned against your blueprint. They have heard the testimony of Destiny but think it is a trap and are being deceived. I took my place on the Freedom mountain and transformed into radiant light; and I called for Bondage and Disharmony to come into the light. Slowly circling, the two distorted dragon-like beings came into view and stood before me in the light of love. I declared their forgiveness and released them from their debts.

‘We do not believe you: this is not possible.’

I repeated my declaration and in the name of YHVH offered them restoration. I sensed their feelings and a glimmer of hope. I repeated the offer and extended My light around them in love so that they could feel love’s light, filled with mercy and grace. The scales of darkness began to fall off and light began to burst forth until the two radiant beings of Freedom and Harmony emerged. I offered them their position within the kingdom and within the sphere of our blueprint; they accepted with rejoicing. I felt a strong bond as Destiny came to join them in the light and the bond was complete. There was an overwhelming feeling of excitement and joy and a celebration of restoration. I felt the angelic realm rejoice as a brother is restored from darkness to light Col 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. 16 For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things have been created through Him and for Him. God’s original intention in creating the spiritual beings was for Him.

Col 1:19 For it was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, 20 and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven.

Are there other beings that can be restored? Are these beings from other dimensions or from our universe? Are they the ETs, the aliens of Sci-Fi movies? I have been on a long journey to discover the truth of these realities. In 2015: You have begun your quest well; now I add another quest. Here are the terms. You are called to embark on a journey to uncover the ancient paths beyond the throne of grace into the sapphire cube on the pavement of ultimate knowledge to release the truth of inter dimension travel and engage the dimension beyond, beyond. This is where the mysteries that many are seeking for can be found. But those seeking have not yet developed the level of intimacy through relationship to be trusted. Will you accept this quest to unveil the ancient mysteries?

Yes, l accept. Your reward is the deeper truth that will be opened, and its treasures will be darkness restored into the light. Beyond, beyond needs preparation within My voice in the matrix of My thoughts and the essence of My heart. Deeper and deeper into the fabric of the vibrational frequency structures. Within wisdom’s bosom, Prudence awaits you to fully engage the navigational instruments that have been given to you. I embraced the ability to travel and engage inter- and multi- dimensionally. Beyond, beyond, weaving eternity into the fabric of space time in true sonship.

Son, feel and express My eternal heart to reflect My image: be My son. I have called you and have chosen you, son; you are to carry the essence of My eternal precepts in full governmental array. The dominion of all the spheres is the destiny of all My children. Let the Lion begin to roar order, to release heaven’s frequency into the earth to shake the fabric of the religious structures and systems created from the poison fruit of the DIY tree through following the wrong path.

2016: I engaged beyond, beyond in dimensions of blue light; inexpressible joy and overwhelming knowledge flooded my mind, creative patterns and plans, blueprints of creative orders where our universe is but a dot within the creative mind of God.

l stood within the cube and was totally overloaded with a truth so pure, so wonderful, that it can’t be contained within the finite structure of the physical mind. Restoration truth and knowledge which was too much for my un-deconstructed mind. 2016 was when my deconstruction process really began in earnest, Encounter after encounter of cognitive dissonance produced the deconstruction of my conscious and subconscious beliefs and transformation by renewing my mind.

My spiritual consciousness has been expanded to engage love’s true revelation and expand my soul’s consciousness. All the Manifested sons of God will need an expansion of consciousness to experience the divine nature.

July 2016 Son, legislation is coming at a new level. I am opening new spheres of government and new dimensions that can be accessed by those who will to fire walk with Me. Son, walk the firestones and these new revelations and experiences will open up.

During 2016 the Father showed me there was a place beyond the throne of grace where there were portals of light that looked like revolving doors. I stood there on and off for months, unable or unwilling to step through the slit. There was obviously more deconstruction necessary. Eventually I stepped through the slit; and my mind could not fathom the experience, so I withdrew. I asked the Father why I could not understand, and He said I could not understand independently of Him. The Father said: The beyond, beyond is near and will soon be here in a new reality. Allow your mind and your consciousness to be expanded beyond all that you presently know and have experienced. Oh, the wonder of You, the overflowing, lavish abundance of Your nature, the very essence of existence! I wish and desire with desperation to know you more and more deep, closer more intimate in the beyond, beyond. Then I saw that this is not a place, but a state of altered and expanded reality, the renewal of my mind from heavenly and eternal perspectives. June 2017: As I lay down in green pastures with the shepherd of my soul, I rested in His love. A love that knows no boundaries, that will stop at no obstacles; a love stronger even than death, which is now no barrier. I found rest for my soul, as I rested in what my shepherd has already accomplished for me, and my soul found restoration outworked in union as a consequence of intimacy. The closer I got to the deeper knowledge through experience, the more I changed and was transformed into the truth that I now rest in. My whole being rested in the peace of mystic union of shepherd and sheep, yoked together in oneness. My mind being renewed by truth in this union of minds, becoming one mind with the mind of Christ. My conscience cleansed by the washing of the living water of the Living Word who whispers gently to me. My imagination purified by the truth of my identity, free from its limitations and restrictions; activated to the endless possibilities that my consciousness could now envisage. My reasoning is filled with unfettered, undistorted thoughts, flowing from the conversations of heart-to-heart cardiognosis, facilitated by emotions healed and restored by love’s passion and desire. My will surrendered in abandonment to the ideas flowing from the union of coheirship, where heart and purposes mingle beyond time and space, free from linearity and awash with redemptive zeal. My choices inspired by the cosmic potential possibilities of creation’s restoration to completeness, wholeness, through perfected sonship. I am that I am experienced in intimacy’s embrace. I am my beloved’s, and He is mine. Joy overflowing in the dance of rest, where I am in my garden, on my dance floor, in the soaking room and in the bridal chamber; held, embraced tightly, secure, safe in His arms of love. I saw the beyond, beyond stretching out, unfurling, unravelling, from my place of pure rest. What was- was, the eternal now, infiltrating imperceptibly through what is, to establish what will be. Restoration is the what will be, because it already exists within the eternal now of the Father’s heart. Timelines reconnecting, merging into restored streams of consciousness; the force of love’s desire overwhelming the linear barriers of history like a tsunami or sandstorm of inevitability. The victory of the cross casting its shadow through all time and space, announcing freedom and emancipation from all fallen realities.

November 2017 Son, come and walk with Me. We walked to the waterfall and entered the cave of assignments. We met Enoch, who handed me a scroll. Son, this is the most difficult task that you have been given, so you are free to decline.

What is the task?

Son herein lies the difficultly, the task can only be known after you have completed it.

Father, I accept the task.

Son, walk with Me. We are at the place of beyond, beyond; there were 3 portals of light. The Father beckoned me to step through the central portal, but I hesitated.

Son, this is where you get to trust Me. I stepped into the light and sensed myself travelling or transitioning before coming out into an anteroom of sorts, with many things I did not recognize.

There were 3 races or types of being attending, communicating with each other as if in a silent conversation. They turned to face me, and the tall, rather regal-looking figure spoke. We need your help: we have been calling for help but no one has responded until now.

Have you been sent? “Yes,” I replied, “but I don’t know what for.” “

We need a son of God who knows his identity and is authorized to act dimensionally to bring reconciliation and restoration to our races. “We have been enslaved, entangled in a web of deception and lies that has restricted our ability to see the truth. “Can you remain here and teach us how to know the truth?”

“Who are you?”

“We are the representatives of the Daktarians, Eluvians and Simarians,” they said, in ways I found difficult to connect to.

“Who enslaved you?”

“The darkness who was the light.”

“Who are you?”

“Ravias, Grahktan, Periases – we are the ambassadors.” “What do you want of me?”

“Tells us the story.”

“What story? “

“You know, the true story, the love story.”

“We know of your sonship and the place the sons have within the story, but we are veiled to the origin, having been deceived.

I have the task to radiate the hope of recollection that will cause desire for the harmony of union. The union of soul, spirit and body within the heart of the Father’s intent, reconnecting with union of earth and heaven; that is the spark for reconciliation and restoration of all within the seen and unseen realms and between dimensions and the races divided.

The books of the library of heaven are filled both with history and possibility and I have absorbed restored truth and perspective. I continued and felt wisdom imparted for future missions in the restoration process. The desire and passion for restoration had increased and the limitations began to fall away as the possibilities became probabilities within my mind. I sensed the knowledge of the ancients and the abilities of old are being restored.

Son, now do you see beyond?

Yes, Father, I see and I volunteer.

Son, you are called and mandated to engage the truth seekers throughout history and see them restored.

Son, you are also mandated to engage the dimensions to free those who are trapped and crying out with groans of bondage.

Son, engage the dimensions for their restoration from the bondage that they are in. Step beyond where you have been comfortable to go and feel My heart for those who are in captivity.

Remember your mandate from Isa 61 to set the captives and those who are in prison free. My son died to reconcile the whole cosmos to Me, so don’t think less than the whole that the cross accomplished.

I engaged the tree of life and ate the fruit and realized that the nations associated with healing are not limited to this dimension, but life and freedom is for all nations and all families across all dimensions.

Rest is the key to restoration and revelation. Start to focus on your breathing, slowing it down, and start thinking of the name of God YHVH. Breathe in deeply and exhale slowly- Yod. Breathe in Hei and breathe out Vav. Repeat: in Hei, out Yod, in Hei, and out Vav…

Invite love, joy and peace to flow in you, fill your spirit and soul, and flow through you to create an atmosphere of rest around you.

You are in a safe place. Start to think of an open heaven and set your desire upon it. Steps like Jacob’s ladder leading up to heaven. Hear the invitation to come up here. Shift the focus of your mind. Walk up those steps to the door. Now step through the veil into the kingdom realm. Jesus is standing in the doorway. Present yourself to Jesus, your High Priest, as a living sacrifice. Let Him take you by the hand. Ask Him to reveal restoration and the oracles of the Father’s heart. Ask Him to take you into the eternal now. Ask Him to take you to the fire stones.

Jesus, please take each person and show them what they need to receive the mandate for restoration. Go wherever He takes you.

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