Rethink your assumptions

Assumption (a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof):

If all our thinking has brought us to a place that we do not like, it’s time to acquire some new thoughts. Our thinking always leads us somewhere. It’s our responsibility to ensure that our thinking is compatible with God’s great heart towards us.

Thinking produces an acceptance, whether true or false. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he in life (proverbs 23: 7). It is vital to check out our own self-worth before the Lord. If it is good, then we will live in a place of effortless rejoicing. If the giving of thanks requires some effort, it is our thinking that must be adjusted.

In grace we are all empowered to think highly of ourselves. Indeed, it is impossible to be in Christ and not think from a high place of appreciation of all that God has done and is doing inside of us. It is the launching pad for true worship- “The acceptance of ourselves in the beauty of Jesus”. If one of our Lords names is wonderful, and we are in him, it is appropriate to have a sense of wonder about ourselves and what God is creating in us.

We are encouraged not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think (Romans 12: 3).

Firstly, it is given in the context of not conforming to the worldly way or religious way of thinking about things.

When Paul says be not conformed to this world in Rom 12:2: he is referring to the god of this world, Satan which is a religious spirit always finding fault in the church and influencing you to think you are better than other Christians.

Secondly, it is given in the context of a mind renewal being the basis for a radical life transformation.

There is a lot of permission in that paradox. We simply must find the true place of acceptance in God’s vision for us.

Thirdly, how we think is meant to prove the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God.

Fourthly, we are not told how high we are supposed to think of ourselves! We are told to think according to the measure of our faith!

Sons Arise! is the cry from the Father’s heart to unveil, reveal and release His children into their full and glorious identity and inheritance as mature sons of God, the Elohim god-like ones.

If we cannot discern the difference of who we are in Christ and pride, we have a lot of growing up to do.

Thinking creates expectation. If our thought life is poor, our possibilities in life are greatly reduced. The assurances of God create a love and a trust that empower us to explore the nature of God and discover our true identity.

As our identity begins to unfold, our sense of anticipation is quickened. It leads us to a new belief about ourselves and a fresh belief that moves us into a great expectation of God.

The Holy Spirit is brilliant at moving us from theory to practical experience. The truth creates a fresh experience of God because it always leads us to encounter. Without experience in our relationships, we cannot possibly grow beyond the initial connection. All relationships grow by encounters and experiences of one another. What is true in the natural is true also in the Kingdom. There are no ongoing encounters outside of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

When we rethink our assumptions, it is the work of the Holy Spirit to empower our conclusions into an embrace of truth that sets us free to accept who we are in Christ, and step into the freedom that he is creating around us.

There is a new space opening for us in the life of Christ. The next phase of our growth begins with some new thoughts about who we are now and who we are supposed to become next in Christ Jesus.

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