Return to innocence

Holy holy goodness such an honor to be here. Such an honor to be a administrator of his presence. a that an honour to know  him . Lord direct right now.

so thankful that the Lord brought my brother in the spirit. been such fun to ask him to bring ,that whole realm is just  something really unique that that happens. it’s like heaven plugs us in and then. these frequencies of God’s love just impacts us.

 jesus your the substance of our existence oh God. Your  so wonderful lord, you have ravaged our hearts. Pursue us  in your love. by your Grace you have lifted us up before your face,  drawn us into heaven’s kiss , there you have armored us  in intimacy Lord ,there you have shown to us our invincibility father, in the safe place of being before your face beholding you in all wonderment. God thank you father thank you for the generosity of your face, thank you for the light of your countenance. we thank you Lord thank you Lord. thank you that you absorbing us even now into those deeper places of your divine essence. we welcome that expansion Lord. we welcome the expansion into the heights and the depth and the breadth of your great love .I have some good news as well because the the guys that were not here like last night, in the before that we were together. in the what was congratulations because you can join us in the years to come. The lord says he wants to download and infuse all that was imparted then, into this session. so I don’t quite know how he is going to do that. but it’s kind of interactive. so you know it’s okay just let  my words wash over you a bit. what’s ultimately really important is just that his spirit speaks to  you like heart-to-heart. He is going to be teaching you in spite of my fumbling in language and stuff. so just open your heart to him and allow holy spirit to minister to the depths of your heart and to reveal and manifest the sweetness of who he is to you personally . because he speaks to us all differently right . so you might hear something completely different to what I actually say. that’s okay because you will be receiving what he wants you to receive. and if something just is a bit stretchy and a bit out there you can just put on the shelf . you’re free to believe what you choose to believe hallelujah hallelujah,

 swimming around now in honey. movies place thank you Lord thank you choose to be me this to the side of the big bad that marks hidden when he prefers it that way you know that don’t mind really just maybe to the side of their baby this way that would be awesome here because have moved over the second funny that thank you holy holy thank you Lord when thank you Jesus thank you father thank you Lord

thank you that you holy spirit settling on our hearts Lord . we just surrender surrender all that we are. all that we feel that we are able to surrender right now Lord. we give that to you father. we surrender self,we surrender ego, we surrender all that would stand or hinder between us and your beautiful gaze. all that would stand between us and us pressing into the depths of you ,thank you Lord , for those veils  of mystery in which you hide yourself. thank you thank you for the dimensions of your heart. thank you Lord that you are unfathomable yet you still invite us into know you. thank you Lord thank you know

 he is his just reaching into hearts now as you are surrendering those places. it’s okay, sometimes he does this beyond your own consciousness, beyond what you are even aware of. is not rest a beautiful thing, he is Lord of the Sabbath. and as we come and find our rest, then he finds his resting place in us .it’s actually rest that transposes the eternal into the temporal. it is on the still waters of our soul that his image can be clearly reflected.

 sometimes when I go a bit too far in I forget to come and talk up and I am kind of not in the meeting . im here but I am not here. and that’s when I forget to project my voice, so kind of  give me a little wave, if I’m someone else.  If I get to quiet, I will come back. specially to you.  I said a bit earlier about the veils of mystery that the Lord hides himself in. and it’s through those veils that he invites us in to know him. in the undisguised places ,in the places where he can be totally vulnerable where God can be God and we can be us. so as we open our hearts up in invulnerability to him, it’s like he draws back, creates a vacuum and then invites us into that place, so we can actually know him in the dark cloud of his presence. but it might not be for everyone, it’s for those that want to press in to know him, to truly know him, no matter what it takes. and I’ve really been just desireing that because it  comes out of that desire, that place in your heart where  your just desiring him in all of his fullness. Where your surrendered where you’re offered up as a living sacrifice before him as a fragrant offering. And it is in that place that the lords just really been revealing some of the sweetness of who he is and sometimes i only just glimpse that and it absolutely messes you up. because sometimes we have a glimpse something like that in this realm. we can only compare it to things and even that seems to just really belittle it. can’t even  fully espress what describing. Now as we push in to know him beyond the dimensions. even the few ones , the dimensions that I mentioned earlier. whenever those as well. and one of them was functionality, how we can come to the Lord just with our works with our formalities and what we do, so we sometimes just we know the Lord in the dimensions of his heart according to functionality. to get the job done. other times we just know him externally, we know him through the  things physically, what we are doing around us. maybe in the ministry team, we pray for people maybe we share the gospel and its in the physical realm externally we know him. We know him internally, the still small voice .we know him in the journey, the heart journey, the interior heart journey in which he is really been stretching us, even during worship, did you feel him stretching you, in those internal dimensions of his heart, as your hearts aligning with his. and then to go beyond that if you really Want a person to know him, beyond just that in simplicity. and the simplicity of walking in that internal knowledge of him is awesome okay .if you know him in any these aspects , your  walking in salvation and that’s beautiful and glorious. but there’s the deeper depths, the deeper dimensions of his heart that we can, if you so desire can dive into.

 another dimension of his heart is the essence. that’s just to know him as God. God in you, god through you, to become his expression. to know him as the divine essence with there being no separation, to know him in union, to know him intimately just as Adam did when he walked with him in the garden. when he walked in the breath of God .10:00

and we can be restored we can we can be reunited in him in that place of oneness. because of the price that Jesus paid on the cross. he has reunited and restored us to that place. and when he did that, he restored us back to a place of innocence. and it’s the innocence of his love that is just incomprehendable. it is the way that he loved, as if he’s never ever been hurt, as if he’s never been let down, as if he’s never been rejected it’s just his innocence. It is his childlike innocence and wonder. in which he freely gave himself and offered himself for us. and he still welcomes us into that place even if and when we run in the opposite direction. It is his purity of the innocence of his love that just completely unravels me.

 he showed me recently an avalanche and it was an avalanche of his innocence and it was displayed through his goodness. I saw it coming through him as the living word. that’s what he has deposited to us .that’s what he is downloaded to us. this avalanche of his innocence, this beautiful completion of his love, a demonstration of his goodness to mankind. that we would mirror his expression in our uniqueness. to be found in his love to be found in that same purity of his love . sometimes he does this  thing with wordplay. thing happened since I met Greg actually does messing around with words. so that talking to me about innocence and I was getting really wrecked and then he started talking to me about incense,

oh incense, smoky glory. You know in revelation with the incensed bowls of the prayers and the saints and incensed speaks of our lives, about our intimate engagement with him . and  prayer is a fountain of relationship. so it’s the conversation of our heart with his. And our lives form that incense, that pleasing fragrance to his nostrils, but do you know that incense comes at quite a high price. it was quite an ordeal for them to even make it. back in the day the priest used to to cultivate and grow the specific spices and plants and herbs. and likewise in that journey, in that relationship of intimacy we are growing these plants, the spices in the garden of our own hearts. it takes real specifics in even preparing it. even the word incensed in Hebrew think it’s cataract or something totally mispronounced it. It actually means to bind together. so our lives are to be interwoven entwined in in intimacy with him as our lives are offered up as that incense. as our lives are offered up and burnt in the fires of his love. I saw the risen Lord once and he was in the garden and I asked him. Why did you reveal yourself  to Mary like that in the garden. Why did she think you’re a gardener .and he showed me what he’d been gathering. He had been gathering the incensed for the preparation for the altar in heaven14:03

that is whey she thought he was a gardener because he had his hand full  of  spices and herbs and stuff. Because his  blood had  already been shed. Now he was offering up the insence.  One of the ingredients in the incensed in the original preparation, one of the ingredients wasn’t even kosher. it was made from I think was an animal musk or something. so one of the items in the very incense that was offered to the Lord wasn’t kosher. So how does that work? Did god get it wrong ? he  was pretty specific in how he wanted the incensed to be made. but why did he have something that wasn’t even clean. it was because the good smells of all the other things would actually consume and actually bring the un-holiness of what wasn’t kosher. all the goodness of of our relationship with him can actually draw the un- kosher, the yucky the yucky areas of our lives to make it clean so our lives when their walking in intimacy with him and their burn on the fire, the altar of his love then it can make that which is not clean- clean. so lives are to be entwined with him and thus they can be changed, thus we can be transformed from one into another. From foul to sweet sweet smelling. It was through the shedding of his blood of the perfect sacrifice that cleanses us that heals us. so cleanses our flesh, he cleanses our DNA as we appropriate his blood through prayer as a priest. because we kings and priests right. i was talking about the kingly role earlier. but we are kings and priests. and so it is through this that he cleanses us from all carnality. from the carnal thinking that affects our bodies and enslaves us to the temporal realm limiting us to physicality. And he has called us beyond that, he has called us as spirit united in his spirit to transcendent and to expand. and he is restoring us back to this, he is restoring us back to innocence through the incense. it with a purity of heart and knowledge of his absolute goodness. It says we trust him that we can go into the deeper depths of knowing him. we know his goodness through salvation of course. we see what he has rescued us out of .and he is drawing us to himself , by the power of his blood, he is drawing us to himself by his great love. but sometimes our souls are left with these carvings. left with the carvings and the scars of traumas .we know that we saved, you know that we are healed and  set free and stuff but still we we can sometimes walk around in a bit of a mess and with a bit of a limp sometimes .because we still have those carvings and the evidence of what happened to us, the other traumas, whatever it was, the rejection or guilt or pain. and pain latches onto these memories and it cripples our journey and it taints the beauty of our innocence like a shadow that stalks us. and of course it’s possible to remember how far he has brought us out of. but it’s actually the familiars in our consciousness that needs to change. that’s what needs tuning, that’s what needs changing isn’t it.  thats what needs to be brought onto the altar. and now that turning and that changing , that’s basically repentance. that’s when you are choosing to turn away from something. it says you changes, it says you turn, your bringing that memory, you’re bringing that trauma, you’re bringing that carving of the agony or whatever it is that happened, as you’re turning  your bringing that to him, your bringing that out of this realm into a higher plane. To a higher place of existence , your  bringing that before him and then it loses its power. it is brought into the light. and you know something that really helped me dealing with those things, was just to trust him. because sometimes we don’t even Wanna face them, let alone like bring them before him. like some of its shameful .and sometimes these aren’t even things that would Wanna talk about freely with other people. because of the pain and the grief that we still feel from them. and it’s those reminders that keep us closed in like sackcloth’s of shame. but that’s not his  desire for us, that’s not how we are going to be displaying the uniqueness of his beauty and perfection of his love. So we start to allow the Lord entry into those memories. Even if we cannot let anybody else in at that time. I would let the Lord in, I would let his searing fire pierce deep within my soul .and his fire would pierce deep within the carvings. and I found that over time his blood and his fire had reformatted my scars. so that they became art. at times he would place people in my life that you know, that were trustworthy and I could journey out healing and process stuff with. his light then shines through these areas, through these carvings, through this artwork . we are reformatted.

 then his light shines through those places now. his light shines through those carvings, so that they become living scars. those places that were once storehouses of pain are now factories of forgiveness. because when you allow light into those places, you become. you share in the joy of overcoming. you become a conveyor belt of joy. Joy it is the overflow, the overflow of the saturation of knowing he is. just knowing that he is. he has done and he will do even greater things. this is how our souls gradually get restored, back to the truth of who we are, back to the truth of our existence in him. who we were before in the beginning. You know our reactions to situations are sometimes challenged following this. There is always the little testers, the tess. once you overcome it is wow. And then there is a little test. we always get tested, we are always tested in community. he sends dear souls our way that also have scars. maybe in different places and perhaps unbeknown to them, so that they trample away through our lives , with an abrupt word here and there, a sarcastic comment. how easy it can be to see the shortcomings in others.  while our own triggers have been given a little workout. Lord restore us to your avalanche of innocence. restore us to the place where we have never been hurt.  and I got stuck in this avalanche , i mean you do, when you get stuck in an avalanche, your not going anywhere are you. I was like that and then it was… it was This goodness, absolute innocence and purity of his love. and I was undone because it was in that place, that the Lord invited me and he welcomed me, behind the darkness of the mystery of his hiding. he invited me into his name in that place. and it was like nothing I could even compare it to. it was like this childlike wisdom. It was childlike but yet it was from before the beginning. Lord thank you, thank you for the promise of your presence, thank you Lord. and as we are working through our scars, as well as allowing our scars to glow. it’s okay if we have trust issues, the one person we have  to work our trust issues with is with God. Because he is the trustworthy one, it doesn’t matter if you can’t trust other people, that’s totally fine. Jesus knew he couldn’t trust people but he still loves them. And he chose who he let in as well. he chose Judas knowing full well that Judas would betray him and would be messing around with the finances and stuff. he chose Peter knowing full well that Peters was going to betray him and let him down. But he still took Peter with him up to the mountain. We  can still love even if we don’t trust. but as we expand our hearts, as we allow his expression to be expanded through our hearts, that’s where our trust in him goes to another level, it takes us beyond ourselves. it takes us beyond ourselves and it starts to give us, okay another wordplay here. in a sense,  in a inner sense. I did a conference back in September in the states with a guy called  Kirby de Lanerolle , he is an amazing guy my goodness, he ministers in a whole other level. he lives on the frequency of the word of God. so you know when Jesus said  I have bread that you don’t know of, like he is just living like kirby often doesn’t have to eat or drink. he run a marathon once, like Kirby’s a land a role, he  is like at breath arean.   he doesn’t need food for energy or anything. National Geographic has done documentaries on him. but it’s because he’s found his source, his supply is  from heaven and the something he said , one funny thing he said, he said Jesus is the ultimate superfood. Because he was explaining at different ends of the scale, you know you could have somebody over here that hasn’t, you know like he was  before he knew Christ, he  was like smoking gambling drinking or whatever. So you could be at this end of the scale, and at the far end of the scale you like born again believer completely you know. he said so here you could be eating meat, here you could be eating vegetables. so he saying about where you’re getting your energy from, where you’re getting your source of supply from. If your here you’re completely addicted, completely caught up in carnality and the things of the world. Here you are kind of living,here your eating at McDonald’s every day. you know who you’re kind of eating a bit healthily, still having a stake quite a few times a week and here you’re just on your I do know you can of like polio raw food and stuff up here. but what he said that really grabbed me was that he said no matter where you are, your still basically you’re using the innocence of something in order to give you life. so whether you’re eating the innocence of say a cow or in our McDonald’s, or fish or whatever or if you’re eating innocence of the that’s what that’s what your your feasting on. He just learned how to tap into this place here, where your feasting on the substance of the living word. and he will eat if he feels like it, if he feels like a poached egg or something , he will say I am going to  have a poached egg next Wednesday. because the Lord has taught him  about patience as well. it’s like it is not about being attached or supplied or energised by this realm, but from heaven, from our abba. so anyway my point being now Kirby said that your body has a brain, your soul has a mind and your spirit has a conscience. so sometimes we put those things to one side, and we just think oh gosh, it is often Holy Spirit that speaking to us through a conscience, so that we know that’s kind of not the right thing to be doing, or we just get that inclination to bless somebody or you know the Holy Spirit often flows through our conscience. our body and through the brain. and our soul is our mind and the way we are rationalising our intellect. So our conscience is where we are living in the spirit and united in his spirit and that’s in a sense. So our innocence can be found in his innocence, so God speaks to us through our consciences right. and revelation pours into our hearts and then it flows out through our soul. if our consciences are seared then we no longer hearing his voice. we stop hearing him when he is trying to pull us into walking in the right way, walking in his ways. If our concsiouses are seared , it just means we just kind of keep going our own way. you know the secrets of the Lord are with those who fear him .when you have depth of relationship with him, when you know him, when you truly know him, it  is through this that you have this respect and this reverence for him, that’s where the fear of the Lord becomes your delight. just in the buildup of these meetings I just been feeling that weitht and the awe  of the fear of the Lord, but with it comes such a joy. Because it is the joy of walking in his ways, it’s the joy of knowing him, living in the overflow of his goodness, where it’s not like a fear where you want to run away in terror because he is intimidating you, trying to control you .but it’s actually a delight and a fear  where you’ve just seen the enormity of his goodness and there’s no way you’d ever Wanna turn away because you’ve seen the truth. It is like king David said, I have seen the consummation of all perfection. I have seen the consummation of all perfection . let us becomes your expression Lord, let us become the expression of the bliss of your delight Lord . let us rejoice Lord may we become your reflection, the reflection of your brilliance may we become today Lord may we become who you are already, but who we didn’t see before father.

 maybe get a little bit deeper now who are we already ? because if we are seeing him, who he is already ,but we have seen that way before. what if we start to see us, how we are already, but we just haven’t seen us that way before. getting a bit scared, because I don’t know if I can share it now. okay so that’s light. there’s mysteries here of light. Okay

 so as we begin to awaken to the truth of our existence. when we begin to awaken to who he is in and through you. then you begin to get aware of his existence. we begin to recognise that, and every part of our being begins to recognise that. every strand in our DNA begins to recognise that, recognises this true source of our supply. and when we begin to awaken to his frequency of love resonating in every particle of existence. that which supersedes physicality, then we vibrate with him in his heartbeat we become his song. we become the visible frequency of creation, of light and more light. because he hasn’t stopped creating .in the beginning there was the spirit moving over the waters . virbrating.  in the beginning in the beginning was when light becomes solid matter. light became solid matter because it was observed. scientists have proved this. when they when they they shown that lights, photons they there at their just wavelengths but the moment there observed they become an atom like some particle that you can measure. just because it knows you’re looking at it. so if his eyes on the Sparrow, the creature out in the fields, with nobody looking at it. who is there to observe the Sparrow, we’ll he is because he is observing creation. we find our existence in him because he is observing us . because we are the substance of the light. when he said like become, because he framed the world by his words. and we are the light of the world. and we are the wavelength of the frequency of his light in solid form within the dimensions of this earth, within physicality. but it doesn’t mean that we have to be limited to that, it just means that we are wavelengths operating at a different speed and then we are seen physically here just because we are slowed down. and people wonder why we  sometimes disappear, change form. because were not limited to this, because were being found in the frequency of his love.

 just like Jesus did when he walked through a wall or when he would walk on water. he could walk through the crowd of people trying to push him off a cliff. Jesus wasn’t limited to physical form. as he is so  are we in this world. it’s not as Jesus was, as he was praying for people on the streets and healing them  that’s awesome . of course we demonstrate and we become his expression like that. but as he is, as he is now. What is Jesus like now? this is the invitation for the sons to come up into the truth of our existence. because there’s more. this is all part of the expansion, it is just that there’s more. Even if anything it this just awakens a spark of desire, just to say Lord I am willing. I am terrified but willing. because it’s through our hearts, our hearts are the Gateway to eternity . he has placed eternity in our hearts and he wants to be found there. because his heart resounds pumping pumping his lifeblood through his body . because he has United us in oneness. He has united us as one, we are synchronised in his body .his blood was what was shed in that sweet covenant. his blood  is what United our heart in his heart. so often we have little awareness of what’s going on in our hearts. Our lives are based on information and not an intimate knowledge of who he is . actually when our hearts are circumcised, when he  says to rend your heart not your garments, it’s actually about our hearts, naturally become this mystical door through which God walks through. he steps through our wounded heart and then invites us to walk with him, so that we lay down our life to receive his life. that’s the pattern and nature of covenant. he chose us and we’ve chosen him. we no longer have to be dependent on the physical reality or even the physical body. Part of this invitation is inviting us into supersede and to break and our tie and our dependency on the flesh, of anything that would constrain or restrict him from being him, being Yahweh in and through us. the revealing of the perfection of his love is revealed like a higher superior frequency that cycles us into that place, where people like Kobe don’t need to eat and other people disappear or shifted from different places and stuff . you know our consciousnesses is like computer coding. Have you ever seen like with a website, when you’re putting in some computer coding. if you put in one little digit wrong and then you go to load the page it just looks like garble. that’s what happens to us are not found in him, when we haven’t given him full access, when he becomes the truth of our code. when he is our source code, then he displays us. it’s a holographic and of course we take care of, and we honour our physical bodies. But our life source is actually in a different realm. our life source is in him. we have to be found in his all-ness. We have to be found in his completion United in the divine imminence, united in him there, that revealed here. he is looking for his dream home and it’s you . I have been speaking so much about the heart, because it’s from the depths of our own heart, the depths of our own souls. It is from our heart that proceeds the mysteries, it’s out of the heart the mouth speaks. That is why it is so important to be finding him as the habitation of our heart. so  that his mysteries are brought forth from there, from the unseen into the scene. and I know addressing the heart can be uncomfortable , it can be a bit Squamish I know. but it’s a low road, it’s the low road of intimacy and actually requires complete dependency .king  David was always crying out, help me God ,revive me god, I need you God with my whole heart. David was continually petition the Lord, he was so dependent. he was royalty and yet he was so dependent. David knew how to be vulnerable with God. David knew how to go to those vulnerable places of his heart. and David knew God in God’s vulnerability. God resists the proud but to the humble he gives grace. of course we face adversity in situations that challenge us. situations that are totally beyond our control. But you know brokenness actually removes layers and forms characters in there. There is such a sweetness that comes when you just come through a season of  brokenness when you come to the end of yourself .when he’s stretching you into that expansion of being completely beyond your own ability.42:59

 others are such a sweet fragrance the incense of your life right then it so pleasurable to him to Lord Mayor lives without sweet fragrance to you as an amazing have a nostrils actually does it just transitions you to a different place you can smell something and it will just take you somewhere can take you to memory accesses a place in your brain actually bypasses your conscious thought really clever actually sets the only one of the senses only one of the senses that wasn’t defiled in the for because they saw the fruit didn’t they name touched it they listen to the serpent that was the nostrils than sense of smell that was the only one that wasn’t defiled in the course it was a nostrils that is when Jesus breathed his disciples we come back Lord awaken the depths of our desires Lord you desire is a silent cry of longing that comes from our souls all of your heart all of your mind all of your strength desire goes beyond language and this really touches the father touches him in the deep place of his heart because it reaches out and into him and it mirrors his love because he loved us first we all know that Scripture trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight or smooth in those who souls cry out with that silent longing there the ones that pursue those veils of mystery through which the Lord hides himself those are the ones that receive the reward of is with him the desire to see him in truth to be desire to see him undisguised and to make ourselves vulnerable to meet with his divine vulnerability when we are willing to die to all that we could possibly lay hands on or control or manipulate when we become dead to the temporal alive to the eternal I had some profound encounters I was shown and the martyrs in heaven as I see one time last a few times each time of been left bawling my eyes out because of the the glory and the radiance sits on their face and the honour that surrounds them in heaven incredible is the face of the martyrs they only gaze into eternity and they shine with victory because they carry the image of the eternal in the incorruptible we really do they reflect the brilliance of his face in when we found inflamed by his love, consumed on the inner altar of a heart then than we really do we change we change in matter and then we displayed in his love we feel the atmosphere as that love we can find our existence in his omnipresence is how we can start decreeing speaking into Paris whilst we here in Sydney because we light is looking for his home his desires for a home is in it is desirous for home home-made of living stones home-made of living stones that refract his brilliance through hearts that yielded and surrendered to lives that have been inflamed by the fires of his love thank you Lord gives the Lord such pleasure is so often you can have your home you can have it any way you like but it’s often on the things that aren’t even functional that you take most pleasure in so often we are looking to function and to please the Lord with all the functional things that we think the Lord would really take delight in the toilet seat wouldn’t me we think the Lord really take delight in you know new kitchen gadget that actually what usually take most pleasure within your home is the completely non-necessary items that certain bars that somebody gave your painting on the wall or is looking for a home is looking for a home where he can really be he can be vulnerable is looking for transparent house is looking for transparent house that he can fill and illuminate with his light one that will display his glory to the cosmos is looking for those that would be passageways of light those that would reveal him those that are dissolved in his eternal substance Lord may we be your divine solution Lord Legaspi chocolate on the pillow in the guest room or must be those things that bring such joy to his heart know we are his habitation within physicality within time and space previously we made it all about the physical realm we tried building really impressive churches we tried to put up smoke machines and tried to put together all these man-made systems to try and squeeze God in all of his entirety into into a little carnal thinking even mentioning heavens reality or even the word mystics quite offensive to some Christians in a summer often in a well-meaning but never tried to build a really posh house here whilst their hearts lie dry and style heart should be supple a heart should be yielded and filled with the oil of his presence expanded by his love into his greatness knowingly boundaries father forgive us for putting boundaries and limitations up Lord wow father take us beyond that we would see the reality of the divine law that we would receive your clarity through our own perception that we would Stu truly see Christ in us the hope of glory God with us God in us God through us God revealed a manifest around us as transparent house emanating your glory is a process of building a house is often you know there’s all the digging of the foundations when you just think is this big muddy mess ever can be anything times of being a bulldozer of just having to plough you a thriller the rubble face in the dirt allowing your way through not quote why offer what we will have seasons like that right distrusting that one day you’ll come through you know break upon brick sleepers precision then you begin to see something a substance taking form then you begin to see the wiring in the plumbing and plastering and then you come to the fun part then you come to the decorating the beautifying the dreaming begins to become reality you know us in our lives and the simplicity of our lives were a microcosm of the cosmos to share this encounter quickly and then there because I Wanna give you a glimpse into what we could be stepping into his it relates to sunset and met with the Lord in the dark cloud of his presence and I was taken in through the lightnings into the shining atmosphere visitation he enveloped me in the clouds invited me I was taken into the overshadowing feathers of the father I was in such all who use I went there with no demands or expectations I just went there for who he is you no fear of this dark cloud is only triggered by that which is still identified within the earthly and temporal those that draw into me in the dark cloud of his presence that very stirring of desire you can be showing the mystery of some ship when I was taken into that place he allowed me to see out of his eyes and and I began to see a scenario in a in a completely different nation began to teach me by seeing as he sees and I saw me walking into this poor slum or village it was enacted in the Philippines or somewhere like that it was it was the slum and the father began to show me the often the way that we’ve been we framed up how we would walk into a situation like that according to the earthly or temporal we would walk into that slum and with Wanna display him in signs and wonders that would be our best solution right with think if we go in there we perform signs and wonders then in a then we could we could meet their needs right then we could we could pull a lot of loads of lives at the atmosphere and feed a whole bunch of people and that would be awesome but the Lord wanted to show me high way of doing this through some ship so we conversed about it and he showed me what it would be like to walk in their with wisdom and understanding and how that would transform the place as I began to see that I saw that there was red light districts and they were instantly transformed by the fear of the Lord and by his goodness I saw the sound and the song of joy release that would transform a line of dead and barren trees in order to bear fruit I saw war zones becoming life filled and abundant I saw the simplicity of love and the depth now in my gaze which was his gaze looking through just as light becomes a solid object just because it’s observed would have we truly see things as sons will truly see things as he sees would have walk with wisdom and understanding we are able to walk in the frequency of his love and see whole areas transformed to walking that radiating frequency of who he is has not promised us the nations from inheritance time for transformation been setting the bar way too low need to know who we are seeing out of his eyes through our eyes promised Abraham they would make his name great name that is great is a name that comes with influence and influence makes way for you to walk into your inheritance for faithful with a small and were given to steward the celestial inheritance and this flows through being found in the dimensions of his heart will be here but we not hear it interesting when you look at the dimensions of the arc in the in the in the temple in the holy of holies is that 20 cubits by 20 cubits by 20 cubits the Ark was 2 1/2 cubits but the maths just doesn’t work out the Ark was there but it wasn’t there it was there but it wasn’t there the Ark of his presence there and it wasn’t there me to exist within realities which exist in him here but not here we can be is house on the earth we can be his expression within physicality here but not here may hearts be the result is the altar the see of his mercy is looking for his dream home and it’s you even read this can finish with a little key some Colossians that their hearts may be encouraged being knit together in love and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding to the knowledge of the mystery of God both of the father and of Christ in whom hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge sits all in him maybe be found in him thank you so much for opening your hearts to him encourage you just to lean into that expansion allowing to continue stretching you enter this be found in his existence allow that love song of his hearts are invite you in to be entwined with that in sense has been such an honour to be able to go so deep as well side really do thank you for the for not resisting him or or something that might seem a bit out of the box thank you just for being like just opening your hearts to him are a good bunny importation govern you or your show host Sean. The homes just as well serious hilarious transformation whole areas transformation, whole areas would be hilarious transformation hilarious transformation, suitable bodies what why belting up a bill away consider what why belting up a bill is a good song gives we can weaken the bill’s popsicle small small small to partake of this world original current little something else the relatively my total complied with the beginning of complied with the aim. Skipping rope skipping right through the beginning of the board, just be in Christ and Christ in the body, slow body rubber doesn’t have to be still hearts on the globe hopping so leading in Unicode. Has a life of its own pool hilarious transformation whole areas transformation this is the key this is the key for whole areas transformation this is the key club on the way but with the club we are honouring seven spirits of God father-son hose/warning markers while “I dislike is likely going to this generation thanks you was rigorously hilarious transformation whole areas transformation the new community new whole areas transformation transformation shock out I could do all areas all all all all areas transformation word to do good to pull from the rubble bubble bubble bubble bobble all wall for struts and reassure are may be taking some to Paris what do you Portugal Lisbon sub your Motorola planets will scroll your scroll your diary is going the right now the spirit because you your human sometimes go your heart goes whole areas transformation just to see there is hall the areas transformation are area hilarious hilarious our Guardian hilarious since hilarious it’s hilarious that God shows such seeds showhouses choose as you me you saw the area since hilarious since hilarious when you choose me is Charles the area hilarious transformation are where you areas To the Divine Joke It’s Hilarious Are the Shoes You Choose Room Shoes Are Wall to Bring Transformation the Whole Areas Transformation Law Areas Transformation I’m Not Kidding Are You Year Is the Joke Use the Joking Yeah We Bow down to the Joking the Joking We Bow down to the Joking It’s Hilarious Transformation While We Bow down We Bow down to the Job You Yeah Are Were There You Illumination with Tuolumne Step Another Source Would Come with Come with Come to the End of Ourselves Wall like This Little Bunny Rubber, You Would Still, to the End of Ourselves, the Source Saw More Calm We Have Cromwell, Cromwell, All Area Small Areas…/The Hunger Was Get Hungry for Hall Areas Areas Hunger Hung Not Installed Your Floors but Ordered Lord of the Lord Floors at Your That You’re Sure That Lord Paul Areas Paul Areas Paul Areas Hall Areas Whole Areas Whole Areas Are Hall Areas Are Pall Mall All Get Hungry Hungry Hungry Hungry That’s Real Hard about Food That Real Food Show

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