Revelation knowledge

When our spirit becomes alive unto God, what is called being born again, we start receiving revelation from God. In that revelation we encounter God’s presence, it is called becoming God conscious.

We know that we know that God exists because we have just encountered him. The problem is the life of God quickens our spirit, but our brain is not changed, except for the fact that we know God exists.

As we begin to hear the voice of God through revelation, his faith is imparted and it renews the mind. The renewing of the mind erases what we use to think.

Our brain is like a computer, it does not originate thought but stores our thoughts like a program in a computer, and certain things in life trigger what has been programmed into the brain from the world in which we live. Our brain has been programmed from the outside in.

Our mind is renewed from the inside out. So our problems center in our mind. We have a new born spirit that is not compatible to our brain.

Our spirit is locked in by an un-renewed mind, a mind which is so totally different than to what we have in our spirit, that the life of God cannot flow into it, our brain rejects it. What we have learned from living in the natural world and a lot of what we have learned in church is contrary to the mind of Christ.

The life of God cannot flow into our mind; there is a great blockage because the mind is un-renewed. How do we know if our mind has been renewed?

The mind is renewed or reprogrammed by receiving revelation. Not just reading the word. You can fill your whole brain with the word of God and memorize it all, but your mind still has got all the old programming in there. It has just added to the rest of the programming the knowledge you get by reading the bible.

So you still have the old programming plus the word of God and your understanding of the English words, which may have been mistranslated.

We are not talking about that. We are talking about revelation. We are talking about a spiritual impartation of God’s word which gives light. God is light; revelation is the impartation of His light. It is called rhema in the Greek.

 It is the living word, God commanding light to shine in our heart. It comes from God’s Spirit to our spirit and our mind grasps it very quickly when it comes by revelation. What happens when revelation comes into our spirit and begins to be transferred to our mind, it then becomes revelation knowledge, which renews our mind, because we have encountered the presence of God in it through personal encounter, a living relationship with the Spirit of God through hearing his voice.

Revelation is life and power; it erases in our brain everything that is contrary to that revelation. Think about that, it just erases it, just like that. As soon as that revelation hits your mind it is powerful.  Jesus said the words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life. This is called the living word; it is encountering God in the words that he speaks to us.

Revelation is an encounter with the presence of God that imparts his faith, because we are experiencing God in it, and it is so powerful that it erases the old programming that has been stored in our brain that is contrary to that revelation.

You can take the word of God and you can read it from cover to cover and just fill your head with it and quote it, but it’s not living, unless it has come to us by revelation, God himself revealing it to us through personal encounter. When the word is quickened to us, it comes with life, a life-giving force, you can feel it. That is a spiritual encounter with the person who wrote it, the Spirit of God.

When that happens, when truth comes to us that way,  when revelation comes to us that way, as soon as it hits the mind it erases everything that is contrary to that revelation and takes it place. That’s why Jesus said you will not live by bread alone but by every word, the rhema word which comes out of my mouth that is your daily food. And it is going to reprogram you in your brain. The problem with Christians is that they don’t stay in the word of God in meditation long enough for that to occur. Unless we encounter God in the word we are reading, it will not renew our mind.