Revival or outpouring?

I have never been in an outpouring of The Spirit, but the three Apostles I have studied under have, who are now with the Lord having finished their course here on earth.

I know the kind of life they lived and how it positively changed the lives of thousands of people.

In an outpouring of the Spirit there is an open portal over the building that they are in. If you just step into that atmosphere you get saved.

As it increases you don’t even want people to get saved because there are too many of them for you to disciple.

If the leadership in the church is not led by the Holy Spirit, it will tear the church apart because you have people now in the church that have all kinds of problems and you are now responsible to deal with it.

When a person gets saved their spirit is quickened, but the salvation of the soul is a process. The soul has all kinds of problems and needs deliverance, healing and restoration.

The Pastor cannot disciple all the people coming into the church that is our responsibility. That is why I have built my website, but I have to simplify it, and shorten the messages.

We cannot stop the two coming harvests. God is doing a quick work in the earth; we are in a time of acceleration. The Lord is saying ready or not here I come! And believe me the church is not ready for the outpourings of God’s Spirit or the coming judgments of God in the earth.

I use to look for the outpourings of the Spirit, I don’t like to call them revivals, because that is not what they are, God is pouring out His Spirit on all flesh.

I use to move here and there looking for a revival. I moved to Cleveland Tennessee, but all the ministries(people) that God was moving in were no longer there.

I moved to San Antonio, and when I got here I said where is the revival? The enemy already divided the group of people he was moving in and they went off and started their own ministries.

When you are young in the Lord you need that kind of atmosphere. But I have grown spiritually where I don’t need that anymore, because the Spirit of God flows out of me.

I know how to be filled with the Spirit through intense focused worship, where I overflow and the Spirit of God will touch everyone in a church service around me.

I can just bless a person and they will fall down under the presence and power of God.

Categorized as Presence

By The General

I am set in the Body of Christ as a Teacher and called to be an Apostle

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