Saint Columba

Lived: 521 to 597

Banished from Ireland for his role in starting a war, Columba sailed to the Scottish island of Iona and set up a mission there. The Scots loved him and quickly adopted him as their own. He was a gifted teacher, healer, and prophet. The Holy Spirit would make the Saint sound the same to the listener in the front row of his church as he did to someone 1,000 steps away. Once, near Inverness and the fortress of king Brude, he was chanting with monks while druids tried to distract the crowd with their own songs. Columba came to the walls and sang out Psalm 45: 1. His voice was as loud as Thunder, the king and the crowd jumped in fear. The druids ran away.

He was incredibly gifted in prophesying blessing on people. On one occasion, a despised young boy, known in the community for being completely rebellious, sneaked up on the Saint. As the boy reached out to touch him, Columba grabbed him and pulled him close. Everyone around him said, send him away, send him away; why hold on to this wretched and disrespectful boy? The child was terrified; He shook in Columba’s arms.

Let him be, brothers, just let him be, Columbus said. My son, open your mouth and put out your tongue. Although now this boy seems contemptible to you and quite without worth yet let no one despise him on that account. For from this hour, he not only will not displease you but will find great favor with you, and he will steadily grow from day-to-day in good conduct and in the virtues of the soul. Wisdom, too, and good sense will increase in him more and more from this day, and in this community of yours he will be a man of high achievement. His tongue also will be gifted with eloquence from God to teach the doctrine of salvation. That boy was Ernene, who became a well-known leader in the Irish church.

He said-Oh Lord, grant us that love which can never die, which will kindle our lamps but not extinguish them. So that they may shine in us and bring light to others.

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