Saint Cuthbert

Lived 635to 687.

Cuthbert was 15 years old when his life changed forever. While out tending sheep on a hill in Northumbria, he had a vision. As he described it: me thought I saw a dazzling radiance shine suddenly out of the darkness, and in the midst of this streaming light a choir of angels descended earth and lo! They were bearing away as in a globe of fire a happy soul. He went to Melrose Abbey and told the monks of his experience. Turns out he had a vision at the exact moment St. Aidian Died. His vision became known as the passing of Saint Aidian.

Eata, who Aidian discipled, in turn took Cuthbert and discipled him. Eventually, Cuthbert became the leader of Melrose Abbey. He was very popular through Northumbria. Cuthbert was so skillful a speaker and had such a light in his face and such a love for proclaiming his message that none presumed to hide their innermost secrets, but openly confessed all the wrongdoing for they felt it impossible to conceal their guilt from him wrote the historian Bede.

Soon, Cuthbert became the spiritual leader of all of Northumbria, taking over the Holy Land of Lindisfarne. He loved to be alone with God, to pray and read scripture.

Cuthbert even prophesied his own death to his best friend, Herbert who would visit him once a year. Herbert and Cuthbert add a unique relationship: Herbert would spend several hours a day praying for God to help Cuthbert in his leadership duties. Then once a year, Herbert would visit his friend and Cuthbert would encourage him. One year, Cuthbert told Herbert to ask him for anything because Cuthbert was about to die. Herbert asked Him for just one thing: that they would die together. Both died on March 20, 687.

He said Christ’s soldier is the fittest champion to fight the powers of darkness. 

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