Sealed unto God a living word

This is a day of heaviness that comes in the eve of battle, a day when the armies of the Lord have seen how they have prevailed in the field; and they gather their strength and organize their forces and prepare for the next assault. It is a day of joy and of the anticipation of victory; yet it is that day of carefulness, before everything shall be exerted in the name of the Lord.

Behold what dedication the Lord hath required! How He hath searched out the people of the Lord, day after day! He hath cried aloud by His Spirit, saying, “Who will separate himself unto the Lord? Who will consecrate his services unto the Lord? Who is willing? Who shall stand before the Lord to receive the commission that shall direct the rest of his energies and the rest of his days?”

Yea, the Lord saith unto thy heart, “It is for this hour that you have waited. You have cried unto the Lord and said, ‘Take me, O Lord, and use me.’ ” But now the Lord hath laid His hand upon thee. He hath said unto thee, “Behold, this is the hour!”

Thou shalt not look back, thou shalt not count the cost, thou shalt not be entangled with the affairs of this world, for thou art in the army of the Lord. You are prepared for that which is great; therefore, you should walk in it. An anointing of the Lord doth rest upon thee to prepare thy heart for things beyond anything that you can imagine, beyond that which has been in your thinking.

What shall the Lord require of thee? Thou dost not know. Where shall the Lord direct thee? Thou dost not know. How shalt thou prevail when there are such weak things in thy hands for prevailing? The Lord knoweth. It is the Lord that taketh the worm to thresh a mountain. It is the Lord that scatters a handful of corn on the top of the mountains and brings forth a harvest that shall fill the earth. It is the Lord that doeth wondrous things. Canst thou see? Wilt thou remember that from the beginning the hand of the Lord did move upon the dust of the earth to fashion that which would be in His own image? Shall He do less in this hour, when He shall speak a Word and bring thee forth as many sons to glory?

Wilt thou enter into those sufferings that the world causes? Wilt thou count it all joy to be a partaker of the victory of the Lord? For the time hath come when thy hands and thy feet, yea, and the agony of thy heart in the night season, shall be the instruments that the Lord shall use to win to the Lamb the reward of His sufferings. He shall bring thee forth to do His will in all the earth. Thou shalt know that that which thy Master hath won, ye shall go in and possess. There remains so much that ye shall enter into, so much that thy heart shall be dedicated to prevail in.

It is the anointing of the Lord that comes upon thee, O house of God, to do the will of the Lord. No more shalt thou say, “I shall do thus and so.” For thou shalt look upon thy heart, and thou shalt see there the seal of the Holy Spirit like a brand that the Shepherd hath placed upon His sheep. And thou wilt say, “I am no more mine, but I am the Lord’s.” Thou shalt see how the Lord hath sealed thee with the Holy Spirit. Thou art a redeemed possession unto the Lord. Out of all the earth He hath taken thee to make thee an instrument. Thou shalt not say, “I am less worthy than many that go free, of whom the Lord requires nothing. I am not deserving; many are capable of much more dedication than I.” Instead, thou shalt look to thy heart, and thou shalt see the seal of the Holy Spirit. Thou shalt say, “I am the Lord’s possession. I have been sealed unto my God.” Thou shalt behold thy brother and sister and see that they, too, are sealed. Thou shalt see it in their foreheads; they are sealed unto the Lamb.

Draw not back. Draw not back, but enter in to do the will of the Lord. For this purpose God hath raised thee up. God set His plan before thee from the foundation of the world that ye should walk therein. Thou art a peculiar people, unique in all the earth; for out of thy humble efforts the Lord shall make the foundations of Babylon tremble. The walls of Jericho shall crack, and they that sit in darkness shall hear the shouts of triumph as the prison doors are opened. Thou shalt know that in thy mouth is the shout of victory. Thy feet shall compass the dreadful city seven times, and it shall fall. Thy heart shall go forth and thou shalt engage the enemy, and he shall flee from thee seven ways. Ye shall know that the Lord has raised thee up and said, “Thou art My people, unique to Me to do My will in all of the earth.”

You shall not draw back. Hold not your hand back when you can extend so much to those that have nothing. You shall reach to those that are oppressed, and God shall cause them to stand. You shall meet those that are cast down, and the Lord shall cause them to arise. Is not the Lord with you to make you know, O daughter of Zion, that though you mourn upon the dung heap you shall sit on the thrones of Zion? You have been cast down, harassed and oppressed for many seasons. You have been among the despised and rejected, the offscouring of the earth. Yet thou art the chosen diadem of the Lord. Thou art jewels in His crown. Thou art those that He hath ordained to be kings and priests.

You are partakers of the patience of Jesus. For a little season enter thou into these sufferings, and prevail. Do not feel that the promises you have embraced are lost causes, or that the prophecies which have rested upon thee are no longer to be. Thou shalt not consider thyself a barren eunuch; the Lord shall make thee fruitful in all the land. He shall lift thee up where there hath been no strength in Zion. He shall bless thee and smile upon thee when all others have rejected thee.

It is the Lord that bringeth thee together and saith unto thee, “You are My people.” It is He that hath directed thee and said, “You are My sheep.” It is the Lord who held thee in His right hand and said, “Thou art the instrument that should change all things: thresh mountains, fill valleys, bring mountains low.”

Chosen of the Lord, kings and priests, worshipers of our God, living stones of the Temple that the Lord fashioneth in the earth, yea, thou art the Body of the Lord. Thou art His members to do His will in all the earth. Yea, consider it well: God hath made thee an extension of Himself.

The chains of night are broken, and that which would cause thee to grope and wish for the light of the Lord upon thy path is gone. Thou art not those that stumble and wish for the way of the Lord. The generations before thee have loved the Lord, and they have sat without light and they have labored without knowledge and they have journeyed without direction. Thou hast come forth to be the children of the day, and upon thee the light of the Lord doth rest. He doth direct thy path as few generations have ever known. He doth say, “This is the way; walk ye in it.” He doth cause thee to see the mountains, and He says, “Possess them”; and the seas, and He says, “Part them.” Of the rivers He says, “They shall not overwhelm thee, and the floods shall not destroy thee nor the fires kindle upon thee.”

For ye are a people brought forth with a destiny to do His will in the earth and to walk before Him. Ye shall find that ye shall not fail. What you do shall prosper, though it seemeth day after day that the enemy doth roar against thee to defeat thee, and that the raging of Satan is in the earth to swallow thee up, and that everything that God would bring forth shall be immediately destroyed by the old dragon. But it is not so. For it is the planting of the Lord. These shall be called the oaks of righteousness. Their fruit shall fill the earth; and though they be little, yet they shall prevail. Though they be feeble, yet they shall possess the heritage of the Lord.

How long hath the Lord been patient with thee and prepared thee for this moment? Look to yourselves, O house of God. Walk not in the way that is lacking in understanding. Wait thou before the Lord, for thou shalt be a people directed of thy God. From this day on, thou shalt mark it. You have rejoiced and sung before the Lord in the grayness of the dawn, but the light of the day cometh swiftly. From this hour on, the Lord shall give thee more and more instruction in the way which you should go. The day of groping has ceased. The day of wandering is over. Day unto day and night unto night shall the Lord have His host that declareth knowledge, that giveth the ways of understanding and direction to the people of the Lord.

O daughter of Zion that hath been held captive in Babylon, look not to thyself that thou be adorned any longer with the garments of a slave. Arise and put on thy beautiful garments. Arise out of the dust and sit upon the throne. For the day of authority, the day of rule, and the day of wisdom hath come unto the remnant of the Lord. It is the day in which many shall be purified and made white, the day in which the wise shall understand, but the wicked shall not understand. For a little season it hath seemed dark, just before the dawn. But swiftly cometh the fullness of knowledge, the possession of wisdom, the revelation of His will for thee.

Stand thou before the Lord in these days and hear the commission that the Lord shall give thee, and hear the instruction of the Lord that He shall teach thee. Despise it not, but walk in it with all of thy heart. Let thy heart sing. Yea, even ye that shall lay down your lives for the King, let there be rejoicing in your spirit! Sing, even ye that have mourned because of the delays in the providence of thy God. Now is thy salvation nearer than when you believed. Swiftly shall it come. Quickly shall the Lord cause the doors to be loosed.

Be thou like unto a man in a cell that goeth to the gate and shaketh it hour by hour; for he knows not when it shall spring forth before him and all the limitations which he hath not accepted, which he hath protested against, shall be absolved and he shall walk forth.

Look not to the limbs that are afflicted, for He bringeth thee into the days of health and strength. Look not to all of the promises and all of the attempts that seemed to abort, when every good thing that thy heart hoped for seems to die upon the vine like untimely fruit. But look unto the Lord that hath brought the day of fulfillment to the precious fruit of the earth. He reaches forth unto them, saying, “This is the day for which I have prepared thee, and all else shall be as naught. Thou shalt not remember the travail, for the joy of what is born. Thou shalt not remember the mourning of the night, for the joy that cometh in the morning. Thou shalt not look to all the years of weariness and labor; but thou shalt see the days of triumph that have come from the hand of the Lord.”

It is the day of the Lord; and He hath prepared thee to walk in patience and to press in and not to turn to the right hand or the left, but to stand before His presence. Thou hast been partakers of the smiting and of the spittle; thou hast been crowned with thorns like thy Lord. Thou hast gone into the work of the cross that hath been heavy upon thee; thou hast submitted unto the dealings of the Lord. Now He doth bring the day of rejoicing unto thy heart. Thou shalt turn the tide in the gate. The gates of hell shall not prevail against thee.

How bitter has been thy portion, O Zion. How great has been that which has come against thee. But it is the day of the triumph of our God. The arm of the Lord shall be made bare, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God. O thou meek, mourn not; for the earth is thine and its fullness. O ye that have been mocked and betrayed; smitten, and you did not smite again; harassed, and you did but bless; cast down, and you were willing to sustain the weary, and you still gave freely—the day hath come that the Lord delighteth in thee. The Lord maketh thee to rejoice. And He saith to thee, “Enter thou into the joy of the Lord.”

It is necessary for those who walk with God in this end time to receive revelation and direction from Him, and to be a prophetic company of people who learn to love one another very deeply. The Body of Christ must take care of its members, loving one another deeply; and they must be a prophetic company led by the Lord. This is a day when the enemy comes against the saints of God with unbelievable harassment. They will need a deep awareness of the Lord’s presence. The Lord is ready to redeem the time for His people. The days rush by to such an extent that a person feels as if his very life is being swallowed up. It is frightening the way Satan is stealing the life away from God’s faithful ones. Whatever Satan is doing to swallow them up is going to be destroyed. Soon the manchild company will be caught up to a place of rule. It will come very, very suddenly, because those who are in the travail of this hour are not coming forth to be food for the dragon (Revelation 12:13–17).

Today is the time for the young prophets to come forth once again, as in the days of Samuel. All creation must be loosed and the victims of futility brought out of bondage. Those who have been held captive by this age must be liberated and led into something that belongs to the Kingdom age. Their minds must be released from the responses and the restrictions they have been taught to accept. Young prophets, compelled by God, will walk through the land and loose it from Satanism, according to the plan of God, just as the young prophets were destined to walk through the land in the days when Samuel caused them to loose Israel from witchcraft. Generations of prophets walked that way before the Lord.

The Lord is saying today, “Do not draw back. Give Me your sons. Bring them food when they need it and clothing when they need it. Let them walk the way of sacrifice and prepare themselves to bring down Babylon.” It will not come with the armies that the world knows, and it will not come with munitions. It will not come with the ways that man thinks would prevail. It will come when your sons and daughters prophesy. It will come when they walk through the land and bring down everything that exalts itself against the name of the Lord. It will not be a false thing that comes, but it will be true.

O house of God, thy brethren shall rise up and curse thee as being false, because they have not known the ways of God at all. They shall rise up with their sick systems, and they shall think to exclude thee, when God hath made thee a chosen instrument in His hand. Because God hath chosen thee, therefore shall they despise thee. They shall set about to build their kingdoms. They shall set about to make a name unto themselves under heaven. They shall set about to build a tower up to their God that they be not scattered abroad on the face of the earth. They know not that it was so, also, at the beginning, at the Babel of confusion. God shall bring it down with them.

You who shall walk before the Lord, the Lord shall cause thee to be an instructor of the babes, to teach them the words of the Lord until thou shalt hear the babbling child speak forth the Word of the Lord. Thou shalt see those that have not had understanding or knowledge, those that have been drawn from the breast; these shall be the ones to whom you shall teach knowledge. You shall see something happen that you have not witnessed heretofore in all of the earth: the Lord shall bring forth once again a school of prophets, a great host of them. Amen.

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