Seated in heavenly places

We have entered a new millennium, and with it the most amazing and exciting age of the church (ecclesia). The ecclesia is those called out of the world, to rule the world. God is bringing upon the earth amazing waves of anointing and revelation with the mandate-commission of bringing about a powerful, apostolic Reformation (the reorganization and improvement of a governmental system that is considered to be faulty, or ineffective).

A few years ago, The Lord began to shake my life, to remove everything that could be removed or shaken, so that only the unshakable would remain. My life, my way of seeing things, everything began to be transformed into something new and powerful.

The Holy Spirit prompted me to reread the Scriptures, to leave behind my old patterns of thinking and paradigms. He was forming a new wineskin and pouring out a new wine that would change my entire way of thinking. 

I began to see things in the Spirit, that have been hidden for generations but that God wants to reveal to us now.

For thousands of years creation has been groaning to see the glorious manifestation of the sons of God. And its groans have been heard! A new apostolic and prophetic generation is rising up all over the world, and ever advancing army that cannot be stopped, a people of God who move in Authority with the power of the greatest signs and wonders in history. The glory of YHVH will truly be seen in them, and kings and the powerful men of the earth will bow their knee.

God is calling us to understand the deep things of his kingdom, to enter into spiritual levels we never before dreamed of or imagined. God is calling us to change our earthly, human way of thinking with its limited levels of faith. He wants to transform us into real people of the kingdom, sons of God who the devil cannot stop, or close doors to, a people with the dominion and authority of God to govern the earth with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus came to restore that which was lost, and one of the main things that mankind lost was reigning with God on earth.

Genesis 1:28 – and God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.

And the Bible also says, speaking about the victory of Jesus Christ and of his church:

Daniel 7:27 – and the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most high, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

These lines are part of the fruit of the transformation that he is making in our lives, in order to teach us to have dominion and authority in the invisible world, and to change every circumstance that comes against the kingdom of God.

There is a big difference between saying, I’m seated with Jesus on his throne, and knowing without a doubt that he has taken you by the hand and has seated you there, knowing that you are reigning with him.

Revelation 3:21 – to him that overcome will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and I’m set down with my father in his throne.

We need to understand the spiritual realm, to be able to penetrate the most beautiful places in the dimensions of the Spirit. They will allow you to see and to know God face-to-face, not when you die, but here now.

You will discover truths that will shake you and will entirely confront you to see things from God’s perspective. Veils that you never knew existed will begin to fall off of you. This will allow the kingdom of God to open before you in an extraordinary way.

You were chosen before the foundation of the world to be part of the most glorious age of the church. Ever since you were born, your spirit was already sealed with the stamp of glory. The living Word says:

John 15:16 – ye have not chosen me, but I’ve chosen you.

And he chose us with a purpose:

John 15:16… That you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain; that whatsoever he shall ask of the father in my name, he may give it to you.

If you open your heart and permit the Spirit to give testimony of what is written here, your life will be radically transformed.

He that searches, finds, and he that knocks, it will be opened to them.

Jesus reveals himself in direct proportion to the amount of hunger and thirst that you have for him and his kingdom. Someone once said, show me your hunger with your boldness. Show me you’re searching with your perseverance, and then I will believe that you will find him.

My prayer is that God creates such a hunger in you to know Him and possess his kingdom, that you won’t stop until everything that is written in this book is fulfilled in your life.

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