Seize upon God’s word!

I am convinced there isn’t a day we live when we reach over ten per cent of the potential of that day. That is true of the services we have too. I don’t know how to reach it; being emotional, and intense, isn’t the answer.

There must be something in our spirit, an expectation that waits before the Lord and cannot be discouraged. Something must be within us that says, “This is the time for us! This is the time for us. Since the whole world began, this is the time for us. We have come on the scene at this strategic moment. It is the time for us.”

We can do so much and we could have so much. I want to feel that I made some progress, as much as I possibly could, toward something for the welfare of the Body and for myself. Now is the time we need to strengthen our hands in the Lord like David did (I Samuel 30:6). There are battles to be won. They will not be less; they will increase. So many things will be set before us that we will hardly know what to do.

I suppose everybody finds that there are different sides to things. One can see it when doing work in the government or in law enforcement. There is a negative side to the ministry, too. One is constantly exposed to the weaknesses of people’s flesh—their failures, hang-ups, and limitations. But instead of only trying to destroy the negative, I believe there is such a thing as rising out of it, blasting out in a moment of faith. We need to have the faith that just claims it, that just believes. “Lord, I believe! Lord, I believe!” Constantly we must seize upon God’s Word and say, “I won’t let it go! I won’t let it go!”

The human will can be set—it is the trigger of faith. I will to believe in my heart. I don’t believe because I am talked into it or I am reasoned into it. Faith is not necessarily based on reason. Faith is reasonable because unbelief is so unreasonable, but there is something more to it than that. I will to believe! Even if there are things in my heart that I cannot understand—some problems, some difficulties, or some doctrines or teachings I do not know about—one thing I know: this is God’s move. I refuse to be disturbed by any little thing. The same is true with circumstances. Do they affect my faith? I will to believe anyway.

So you’ve got a pain. What else is new? Whether you have a pain in the neck or you don’t have a pain in the neck, will to believe! There has to be something almost akin to a violent determination. It is fanatical to believe God, to touch the Lord for one another, to go forward in the things of the Lord with all your heart.

I know we can make foolhardy moves; anyone can. But something more is on the verge of breaking loose. We should do something that would show we believe God with all of our hearts. It is an imminent thing ready to explode like a hot hand grenade. We are privileged to believe for everything God has for us. Now, we voice it for ourselves personally. We’re coming out of every limitation. We’re not going to worry about the negative side of things; we have to blast ourselves loose. By believing God, we shall be reckoned righteous. And the Lord will do it. He will make us partakers of it. If we lack anything, we’re going to take it, because it is ours in the name of the Lord. Claim it. Hang on! Don’t waver in this! Claim great changes; fantastic ones. Between now and tomorrow, between tomorrow and the next day, and between that day and the day following, believe for every day to give way to the maximum amount of faith and release. Believe that the church will be transformed. Believe we will be changed.

I resist, I rebuke everything in my heart that I don’t like. I crucify it with a vengeance. I loose that Holy Divine nature to come forth and the blessing of the Lord to prevail in the name of the Lord. The word comes to prophesy and it will be healing. Prophesy and it will be deliverance.

We prophesy the blessing and the anointing of the Lord. We bless in the holy name of the Lord. Let there be healing throughout the Body; let it minister to one another in love. Let the blessing flow. We prophesy freedom; we prophesy the release. Be loosed in the name of the Lord. Be free in the name of the Lord. We cry unto the Lord that this day shall be known as the day when people broke through and possessed the Kingdom, the day when people reached into God and said, “No more shall we walk in yesterday’s limitations.” O Day Star, arise in our hearts.

This walk with God has been a concealed thing that God is doing because, more so at the end time than any other time, God is doing a secret work among a remnant. This isn’t done on a wholesale scale. The church world is heading into judgment, but there will be some miracles and signs and wonders by false prophets who, if it were possible, would deceive the very elect. But God is doing a hidden thing in the remnant, and we can look back and see a lot of miracles, but it doesn’t seem like there is anything grandiose about what is taking place now.

Prophecy: Is it not an hour when the people of the Lord shall rise in faith to possess the heritage that the Lord has given. Oh, that ye shall prosper and abound in the things of the Lord! For hath He not given thee all things that pertain to life and godliness? And these promises are given unto thee so great to partake even of the divine nature and to escape the corruption that is in the world through lust. Therefore do we abound in the name of the Lord for we do not recognize limitations as valid. We do not even recognize our own thoughts as being a clean thing when they limit God or limit our relationship to God. We do not even speak of a limited walk with God. We open our heart to the abounding grace of the Lord. Let it abound! We pray to know the love of God which passeth knowledge-the height, the length, the breadth, the depth of it, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We so claim it in the name of the Lord.

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