Let your hearts be lifted up unto the Lord. Let the Lord’s blessing be upon thee to perceive how great is your God, how His heart is extended toward thee in compassion, His longsuffering endureth through the ages. Behold, how the hand of the Lord hath lifted thee up and He hath known thee, He hath understood thee. Yea, how marvelous is all of His knowledge of thee: to see thy thoughts afar off, to know the depths of thee, to know even the numbers of the hairs of thy head, to consider all of thy ways and to direct thy paths.
Let your heart be set upon the Lord. Look not to the circumstance about thee that you should be anxious; but look unto the everlasting arms that bear thee up. Look unto the Lord that giveth grace and mercy, that turneth the tide of battle and causeth the weak to prevail, and causeth the unlearned and the ignorant to come forth in great understanding. He is Lord that giveth grace to the humble and casteth down the proud and mighty. He is the Lord that preserveth His saints. He loveth them and lavisheth upon them blessings without end. Look unto the Lord that teacheth thee and strengthens thee so that ye shall walk forth in the way that He hath chosen for thee. Oh look unto the Lord that hath so ordered thy steps that ye might learn His ways, that ye might be filled with His grace. This is a day of blessing.
Behold, in the year before thee should not thy heart be set upon the Lord? Should you not consider how the Lord delivers the oppressed, how the Lord lifts up those that are cast down and strengthens them? This is a day in which the Lord bringeth forth a mighty thing in the earth. Let thy heart be of good courage. Look not unto the gloomy clouds that speak of the day of the Lord as a terrible visitation of judgment upon the nations; but look unto the promise of the Lord as a bright rainbow of hope that His grace shall rest upon a remnant whom He hath chosen, whom He calleth unto Himself that He might establish them, that He might make them a mighty instrument in His hand to bring forth His word and His will in the earth. Amen.