Sign language

Matthew 16:3 And in the morning, [It will be] foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O [ye] hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not [discern] the signs of the times?

It Includes: Words, Feelings, Pictures (vision), Music, etc.

God also uses physical signs to communicate with us.

It is God’s intention that: Spirit, Soul, and Body, should know the Lord.

Full salvation is progressive. Our Spirits are regenerated Our Souls are being saved Our Bodies are a new frontier for the H/S to work through

I Thessalonians 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and [I pray God] your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

God says our body is for the Lord I Corinthians 6:13b (paraphrased) Now the body [is] for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.

I Corinthians 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost [which is] in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

The Lord can, and does, interact with our body.

Philippians 1:20 According to my earnest expectation and [my] hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but [that] with all boldness, as always, [so] now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether [it be] by life, or by death.

Magnified in our Bodies: That is interaction

Romans 8:11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

Quicken your body: Gk Give life: God interacting with our body.

The Holy Spirit can make your body sensitive to God.

When this occurs you will begin to feel physical promptings of the Lord.

Signs have occurred in every past move of God

The Early Methodists: Saw scoffers who shook so badly, some of them broke their necks and died

The Early Pentecostals: Saw people slain in the spirit and healed, delivered, and set free from many bondages.

The Quakers: Did not believe the Holy Spirit was moving on them unless they trembled.

Three Types of Signs

1) Symptomatic Signs

These are signs of direct attack against you

2) Sympathetic signs

These are signs you feel for other people

3) Symbolic Signs

These are signs with strict spiritual meaning.

The bible talks about us tasting of the power of the world to come.

We have seen that the language of the spirit God’s realm is far more sophisticated and extensive than our human language.

God uses physical feeling to communicate with us

God will seek at times to communicate with us through our physical bodies in the form of physical feelings that constitute signs. Our bodies should become alert to the Lord.

Hebrews 6:5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,

This is power of the spirit realm, which connects us to that realm.

Rom 8:11 says in our bodies. That power connects your body with the spirit realm

You must keep them in perspective, use them, honor them, but don’t make them what they are not.

Examples:  We know that gifts of healing, often operates through our hands.

Kenneth Hagan “in his book”  Discerning of Spirits. States.

The Lord came to him and told him to put out his hands. When he did the Lord touched his hands and fire went through his hands Then the Lord said to him, “I will give you two signs” If the fire passeth from one hand to the other, you are dealing with a demonic spirit if the fire does not pass from hand to hand you are dealing purely with a physical ailment.

William Branham: Who had a remarkable gift of healing. His hands would literally swell when the gift was operating, and he could very accurately discern the kind of disease the person was suffering from by the sensations in his hand.

John G Lake: Had a remarkable healing and deliverance ministry at the turn of the century. He could take hold of persons wrist and know what they were suffering from. He led thousands to the Lord and founded hundreds of churches.

God still uses signs today to communicate with us. A Word of Caution:

1) Don’t go looking for signs. Just recognize them when they happen.

2) Realize that physical signs may just be that, Physical, and come from a problem with your body, ie sickness.

3) A physical manifestation may be just natural or have its origin in the spirit realm.

This is a very subjective subject, and this teaching can be misused.

Extra biblical and Unbiblical

There are many things we teach that are extra biblical but are not unbiblical.

For example when we teach on how to move in the gifts of the spirit, we are teaching at an “Extra Biblical” level. Because the bible does not tell us, HOW to move in these gifts. We learn that from experience and direct teaching of the Holy Spirit. However this is not UNBIBLICAL. It does not contravene Scripture.

When we are told to have faith the bible does not teach us how that feels, how we sense faith. We have to learn this.

Let’s look at some of the more common signs and their meaning.

In The Head: The head is susceptible to the anointing and to oppression.

These signs are to be used as tools to help us communicate with God.

Much of what I will teach on this subject will be extra biblical but not unbiblical.

God uses signs to comunicate with us. These are tools to help us to walk with Him

Ps 23 Thou anointest my head with oil.

These signs in the head take the form of Pressure, pain, heat, etc.

You may experience a hard band across the forehead or sharp jabs in the temple or a headache.

The entire back of the head is associated with the emotions.  Feelings , desires, affections ,jealousy, anger etc see Song Sol 2:6

When a person is aligned against you say with jealousy, that strong negative emotion provides a channel for a demonic spirit to flow in and oppress you. You may feel this as pressure on the back of the head. Psychic prayer can also cause this affect.

This is a Symptomatic Sign

You Must cut it off in the Name of Jesus binding that spirit which is attacking you.

The forehead: This is the area of your focus. The centre of your forehead is you focus perception area. A strong pressure pain here indicates that your focus perception is being hit.

Or if your spirit is very low this also can occur

Remember the Holy Spirit is Light, the Demonic is hard.

If you experience a gentle pressure across your forehead. Be alert to receive revelation. This is an anointing. A Symbolic Sign.

Sensations across the hair-line. When it is light and gentle this anointing is joining your conscious mind with the Holy Spirit.

The Temple: Light pressure an anointing for teaching or to teach. These are Symbolic Signs

 A Jabbing sensation; The enemy is trying to get through to you. Be careful with your emotions and thinking. Often s spirit of unbelief approaches you this way. Then the pressure lifts but the spirit remains. This is a Symptomatic sign

A Light band around the head: This is a sign of an intercessor and also a sign of an anointing for intercession. This is a Symbolic sign.

The cheek bone area: This is a sign of an attack of an orchestrated attack of the enemy. A Symptomatic sign.

All of these signs have scriptural basis ie.

Job 16:10 They have gaped upon me with their mouth; they have smitten me upon the cheek reproachfully; they have gathered themselves together against me.  See Also Mica 5:1

When you are praying for a person and you feel this sensation across your cheek-bone, you know this person is under attack.

The nose in Scripture is symbolic of discernment.

Isaiah 11:3 And shall make him of quick understanding (Hb Scent) in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:

The Ears: Lev17:14  Speaks about the anointing on the ears. 2Tim 4:3  Speaks about itching ears

Sharp Pain indicates a lying spirit. Sometimes, on the bone behind the ear.

Be warned you may be under attack from this spirit or it may been an advance warning of an impending attack.

Sign’s are an intregral means of Gods communication with us, however don’t get carried away with this. Keep it in balance

Remember the Holy Spirit is gentle. Demons are hard and aggressive.

Discerning of spirits often works this way. You have pressure across your nose. What do you feel. Jealousy Anger etc.

Heat on ears; You are being tuned to hear from the holy Spirit.

These are alert signals from the Lord.

The Hand: Each finger speaks of or represents one of the five fold ministry gifts Eph 4:11

Starting with the; Thumb Apostle Index finger Prophet Middle finger Evangelist Fourth finger Pastor Little finger Teacher

A sensation in any of these fingers can indicate one of these gifts. Many times when I am praying for a person I have a sensation in a finger or thumb which indicates a specific calling upon that persons life.

The Wrist: Pressure, pain, a cutting sensation, sometimes a crawling sensation. The Knees: Speaks of prayer or submission. A light pain in this area can indicate that your prayer life is insufficient for your circumstances. Or it can be a call to prayer.

God will interact with you through feelings in your physical body. Just two, three to begin with. Learn how they feel and what they mean.

Don’t become superstitious every feeling is not from God.

Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you. Be patient, learn this language of the spirit.

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