
The word sin in the Greek is hamartia a noun-which means to be without a share in. It comes from the root word and is equivalent  to hamartánō-to sin which is a verb which comes from the root words 1- a- without and 2- meros meaning a part due or assigned to one, a lot, inheritance or destiny.

So sin means not a part of, or not having a share in. The definite article is used referring to “the sin” our lost identity and fallen nature we inherited from Adam.

So sin is a spiritual state in which we are not partaking of the divine nature which leaves an emptiness in which other things enter into our heart in which we try to get our God given needs met. This is why the word sin is often personified referring to evil spirits.

Sin is the loss of our inheritance from God, our identity, and our destiny, which is restored in a face to face relationship with God our Father, through the cross of Jesus Christ. In Adam all die, in Christ all are made alive.

The noun sin refers to the nature of sin and the verb refers to the acts of sin. One refers to a nature the other refers to an act.

When we are talking about sin we are talking about the root of sin or the nature of sin.  

The nature of sin is not just as an act, it is something that we are. Apart from Christ we are sinners.

It’s dealing with the very nature of sin within our lives.

The verb sin in the New Testament means 1-to be without a share in 2 to miss the mark, to fall short of the glory of God 3-to err or be mistaken 4-to wander from the path and do wrong.

Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. All have the nature of sin, and because of that have missed the mark.

Romans 5:17 by the one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man. By Adam sin entered into the world. When Adam fell, the whole of the human race fell in him.  The problem was that all the coming generations were in Adam. He was the prototype for the entire human race, and when he fell, all coming generations fell in him.

The reason we sin is because we have a nature of sin, until we are born again.

Adam was neutral initially in the garden of Eden, He didn’t have God in him like we do when we are born-again. When Adam sinned he received a nature that was fallen. He partook of the nature of Satan in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

There was a tree of life in the garden that represented eternal life and eventually God would have led him to the tree of life.

When he fell he was not allowed to get near the tree of life because if he would eat of that he would live forever in his fallen state.  

He was a free moral agent, so he stood innocent, neutral, in the Garden of Eden and instead of obeying God he chose to submit to the temptation of Lucifer through his wife eve.

So he submitted, but in that submission it wasn’t just an act of rebellion.

Adam was designed, and we were designed in such a way that we can be influenced by spiritual power.

If we yield to that influence it will inhabit us. This is the whole basis of being born again and it is the whole basis of Demon possession.

We can be influenced by spiritual power. If we yield to it, it will come into us, we were designed that way.

The reason God designed us that way is because he wanted to live and dwell within us. So he designed us for that to be possible.

And when Adam yielded to Lucifer, it wasn’t just an act of disobedience to God, something fundamental happened. He received of the nature of Lucifer.  

Hundreds of years later Jesus was to say of the Pharisees you are of your father the devil, not God, the devil was there in that line.

And so Adam doing that brought sin into the human race, he brought a fallen nature into the human race. So when his son was born, his son had the same nature. Like father like son.

That’s the way that it went right on down through the human race. We were all in Adam.

Adam’s son Cain the serpents seed had a fallen nature, and It soon worked its way out in his life in acts of sin. He murdered his brother Abel- where did that come from? It came from the nature of Lucifer which was now in Adam son through the fall.

The acts followed the nature which he had. And it wasn’t too long in just a few chapters that the earth was filled with the acts of sin, which opened the door for fallen angels to overshadow the women producing giants.

In just a few chapters from the fall of man, God saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart were only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man in the earth and it grieved him in his heart and the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth-Gen 6:7

We have to understand, we all miss the mark in Adam. We commit sin or trespasses, acts of sin because we are sinners.

It is not because we sin that we become a sinner, that’s not the way it works. We were born a sinner because we had a sinful nature. When you get old enough to know a few things we start sinning because it is already there in our nature, we are a sinful person, we have a fallen nature.

You get an apple trees because it is an apple tree by nature, the fruit is always Apple’s.  

You’re a sinner by nature you’re born that way inevitably the fruit is going to be sin.

Jesus became the sin offering for us. The nature of sin can only be dealt with by the cross.  

The acts of sin are dealt with through the blood of Jesus. We must understand the difference. 

Hebrews 10:5 therefore as he was coming into this world, he said, you did not want sacrifice and offering, but you prepared a body for me.

Jesus became the Lamb of God, his body was for sacrifice.

Hebrews 10: 12 but this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God;13  from henceforth (used of time, hence forward) expecting till his enemies (in opposition) be made his footstool. 14 For by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified (continuous or repeated action, to make clean and pure, to purify, and to set apart exclusively for Gods use).

For by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are being sancified. He’s made it possible for us to come to perfection by one offering.

Jesus became that sin offering; he perfected us forever that is the legal aspect of redemption. But it has to be outworked in our lives life experimentally, that is the vital aspect of redemption.

2 Corinthians 5:21 speaking of Jesus- for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

Romans 5:19 for as by one man’s disobedience (that is Adam) many were made sinners so by the obedience of one( that is Jesus) shall many be made righteous.

And so we are born again by the spirit of God. What is born again? Our spirit is born again. Our soul is not born again and our physical body is not born again.

Our spirit is born again and then that salvation has to be outworked in our Soul, and it has to be out worked in our physical body.

This is very important to understand. In our spirit, we pass from death unto life; our spirit becomes alive to God. A new nature is imparted into our spirit, the seed of God. We might still have all kinds of problems in our soul, we might have problems with our mind, we might have problems with our emotions, we might have spirits still in our soul and body but our spirit has been born again.