Sin Remaining in the flesh

The physical body does not commit sin-1 Corinthian 6: 18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against (the Greek word means INTO) his own body.

The body may be the vehicle of sin but there is no sin in the physical body itself. Sin lies in the will. If you choose to sin, then you can make your body do it.

Now according to the law there isn’t any SIN EXCEPT it is performed by a physical act. You can think murder as much as you want but you are not a murderer in the sight of the law because you thought it.

We are not under the Law but under grace. But grace is actually a much higher standard than the Law. GRACE IS THE EMPOWERING PRESENCE OF GOD ENABLING YOU TO BE WHO GOD CREATED YOU TO BE, AND TO DO WHAT HE HAS CALLED YOU TO DO.

No there isn’t any sin in your physical body, there is Nothing wrong with your body. Your body is alright.

Romans 6:5 For if we have been planted together in the resemblance of His death, certainly (denoting antithesis or transition) we also shall be the (definite article, the-referring to Jesus’ resurrection) resurrection, 6 knowing this, that our old man ( everything we inherited from the first Adam) was crucified together with Him, that the body (human body-vehicle) sin ( definite article- referring to the sin of Adam we inherited being born a human being) rendered powerless that we no longer slaves of sin. 7 For he who has been regarded as innocent away from sin.

Romans 6: 5-7 my translation, I translate the bible myself sometimes because I study the Greek and Hebrew words in the original manuscript. It is a little harder to understand because I leave out the words not in the original manuscript.

It is you, the heart, that makes the body do things that are unseemly and are wrong-Matthew 15: 16-20.

Matthew 15:16 So Jesus said, “Are you also still without understanding? 17 Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and is eliminated? 18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. 19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. 20 These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.”

Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.

This verse is not talking about the resurrection. It is talking about giving life, healing life, to our physical bodies. Our physical bodies don’t need life unless they are sick. This is talking about disease and sickness. The sin that is in the flesh is the sin of a broken law in your body.

Sinning is breaking the law, some kind of law, and the sin in the body is breaking a law of the body.

There are three kinds of sickness 1-sickness in the body, 2-sickness in the soul, and 3-sickness in the spirit. The basic sickness is spirit sickness.

Our spirit is not perfect, only the seed of God in our spirit is perfect.

If we could be healed or restored in our spirit, then we can be healed in our bodies.

One time when I was in the hospital, I wasn’t even aware of my spirit. My spirit was deprived of nourishment, my spirit was starving for just a touch of God.

The whole problem really is a cleaning up of people in their spirit. When our spirit becomes right with God, then every area of our life can become right with God.

Do you know the place where you are defeated first? It is not in the mind. It is not in the body. It is in the spirit.

You may say oh, my body is so tired. Your body is tired at the moment that your spirit is discouraged. Your body breaks down under it. As long as your spirit is triumphant you are a victor and go right on from victory to victory. A person is defeated only when they are defeated in their spirit. When a person loses courage, that courage is not a product of the intellect. When he loses his courage he’s whipped, and the only way to put the man back on his feet again is to renew a right spirit within him. That is not talking about the Holy Spirit; It is to renew a spirit that has been defeated and conquered and whipped.

Healing is basically on three planes. 1-Spirit healing, 2-soul healing, and 3-body healing. Basically, the sick person has been sick in their spirit for a while. They are not waiting on the Lord; they’re not hearing his voice. They’re not communing with the Lord in worship and prayer. Their prayer life is deficient. They are not meditating upon the word day and night and speaking that word out loud They are not witnessing to people about the love of Jesus.

After a person is sick in their spirit it eventually gets into their soul, and then into their body.

When I’m on top spiritually, I minister to people. I open up the word, say a prayer, and out of my spirit flow rivers of living water that touch other people. I can see the difference it makes in their lives. There is a triumphant victorious spirit in them. The life of my spirit flows out of me for healing to the other person’s spirit. Their spirit becomes rightly related to the Lord in a oneness of spirit with the Lord. We manifest something of God to their spirit and their spirit makes contact.

When I stop ministering to people one on one in a matter of a week some of them are all messed up again, I’m referring to one-on-one (personal) ministry, manifesting my spirit to them. They are messed up because they are not walking in the word I speak to them.

I know what it is to be defeated. I know what it is to be full of defeat and that corroding defeat comes down upon me and I lose out with God I have broken connection.

Have you ever seen a battery in a vehicle that’s been corroded with something, and it is eaten off the wires, and the starter won’t work it won’t move? What is the matter? Something corroded is there. They should have kept it clean.

Corroding cares come in and get around your spirit life and it just covers you and breaks your connection with the Lord. The first real healing is the healing of your spirit, getting your spirit adjusted to the Lord. The spirit is the part of us that contacts (joins to) the Lord’s Spirit.

If our spirit is out of harmony and out of a fit spiritual condition and is broken down you can’t get heeling for your body, I know this through experience. All kinds of people can pray for you, but you don’t get healed, unless you can get someone to lay hands on you who has an anointing for healing.

You cannot get healing for the body, as far as you are personally concerned-someone else’s faith may, but until your spirit is right you cannot get healing for your body. Faith is a product of your spirit, not of your intellect. Your intellect does not produce faith. Your knowledge may give you ground for faith but faith is resident in your spirit.

Joy is in your spirit. Happiness is something connected with your surroundings. You are joyful because you are in right relationship with the father. Now faith, love, joy, hope-all spring from your spirit being the hidden man of the heart. They are all products of your spiritual life. The reason people do not have rich, beautiful faith is because their spirit is denied the privilege of communion and fellowship with the father.

When your spirit is fruitful and built up and enriched by communion with the father and by reading and speaking his word, your spirit becomes stronger and stronger- vigorous. Then their issues from it a faith that is triumphant and creative.

What does Romans 8 mean by sin remaining the flesh? I ask questions, because you have to hear from God yourselves. You cannot depend on another person’s revelation; you cannot depend upon secondhand knowledge. You need a deep penetrating knowledge from the Lord himself.

For example, I use to believe that speaking in tongues was of the Devil, until I got baptized in the Spirit and spoke in tongues myself and experienced the fruit it produced in my life.

When I support ministries financially, I do not give to the anointing on a ministries (person) life. I look at the fruit that their ministry is producing. The anointing is just a gift of God. But the fruit is their character, and the divine nature that is growing inside the people they minister to. Our spiritual sons and daughters should be able to out-minister us because we are in a time of accelerated growth. What it took me 40 years to attain in spiritual stature, it should take only a couple of years, for those I disciple to attain.

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