So, tell me about freedom

Father, thank You that, as heirs of your kingdom, You have given us the right to present ourselves before You  You have made us kings and priests and have given us the ability to operate the judicial process of heaven.  

Today, by faith, in the name of Jesus, I enter into Your realm. Father, I ask for the mobile court of heaven to come into session right now so that it would begin to engage the atmosphere here today.  

Father, today, by faith I enter Your court. I ask that my mind and body be given the right of accusation against me (as a spirit and soul being)  In any way that I’ve subjected it to abuse that has created infirmities within this body that carries me spirit and soul. Today Father, by faith, I bring myself under the covering of Jesus and His blood.  

As I confess both my sin and the accusations of my body against me, I ask Father that You judge me through the new covenant to break the yoke of infirmities that I have allowed to come around my physical body.  

So Father, today by faith, I state my list: …  . Read out loud the list of infirmities in your body or in your family line  . I give my mind and body the right to accuse me today, to have a voice in court.  . I call for any spirits of infirmity to accuse me today  . I will not justify my behaviour, but I will confess it as my sin.  

Listen to hear the accusations  Father, today I say to the accusations that have come into court, “Yes, I have sinned.”  I confess my sin to You Father. I acknowledge the accusations of my mind and body and other spirits against me.  

I accept that they have given Satan legal access to engage me and to bring infirmity, sickness and diseases into my body Your temple.  I ask my body’s forgiveness for subjecting it to abuse or excess.  

Lord, I ask You, by faith, to release my mind and body now.  I forgive myself for what I have chosen to do in abusing my body.  I forgive anyone in my family line that opened the door to generation sickness or negative epigenetic factors in my DNA.  

I repent on behalf of my generations and acknowledge the sin and renounce it  Lord, by faith, in the name of Jesus, I ask that all of these accusations be judged through the cross and the blood of Jesus, as I hide myself under your coverings . 

As You judge me Father, I ask that You judge these infirmities, where I have given the enemy right of access and power within my body.  Jesus, thank You, that You engage my physical form to bring it into health and wholeness so that I can be able to bear the full record of Your DNA.  

Thank you Father that You begin to engage my mind and body; that You, Holy Spirit, begin to brood over my mind and body and bring it into divine order.  I ask that angels be sent into the Body Parts Room and bring to me here on earth all I need for my body; that my mind and body would come into line with You and I will walk in divine health.  

Jesus, today, I lift my mind and body to You as I honor and value it  Lord, I thank You for adjudicating papers of deliverance of healing and restoration to my physical form that there is immediate action taken to restore everything to godly order  

Father, I ask that You sign off on this now, that it be recorded in Heaven and Your word would speak healing to my body, because it is written: “By His stripes we are healed,” in the name of Jesus.  

Father, I thank You for giving me the right to come before Your throne of grace to receive mercy in my time of need. I honour the governmental seat of Your person today and, by faith I choose to accept and receive your heavenly authority  

I step back into the physical realm bringing with me the complete legislation for restoration for my body on the earth.  I administrate into the very core of my DNA the supply of all that is needed to restore my mind & body . 

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