Soaking room 2

Following on from last week and still looking at the whole pathway relationship because intimacy for a lot of people will mean one thing and intimacy for others will mean another thing. when God’s means intimacy it means him being close enough to us for him to affect our lives in a positive way. so that may look very different from one person to another because we all have different needs and we have different things that God need to do in our lives. so God wants to draw near and he wants us to draw near to him. the focus of this area is about conformation into the image of sonship through the process of transformation. we cannot become conformed to God’s image if we don’t change.. if we stay the same we will stay the same. the definition of insanity keep doing the same things and expecting different results. if there isn’t a change and things don’t change then we are going to get the same results as we have always got.

 so transformation is key. the purpose of that transformation is so we can be manifested as sons of God we can live in dual realms of heaven and earth because we are a spirit that has a soul and live in a body and those can be multidimensional and in different places so we can fulfil creations mandate to restore all things.

 Genesis 128 God bless them God said to them be fruitful multiply fill the earth subdue and rule and thats the mandate of sonship. but to do that we need to be conformed to his image and Romans 821 says that creation itself will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children God. so there is something that we carry or should carry in God’s glory and reflecting God’s glory and being light ourselves that will actually bring freedom to the whole of creation which is at present not free.

 so we been looking at the process of engaging the gateways of spirit soul and body so that we can have a flow of life  to engage the world around us so heaven can flow through us into the world and bring change and transformation to it.

 so cleansing the gateways is really about removing the blockages and the obstacles of that flow . so the river of life can flow. the four chambers of the heart this section of it is about engaging God for transformation so we can be conformed to that image and we can become mature. Because  were all sons,it is just there are different levels of maturity that we are all in. and were all on a journey and were all in the process and we don’t need to look at anyone else, we just need to look at God and see his image reflected. it says when we look in a mirror we can see the image of glory and change from 1° of glory to another. so when we look we need to see how God sees us, not what we would see with our natural eyes.

the flow of life coming through our spirit through first Love, once we deal with those familiar spirits then there is this flow going out through us into the world. but in this area between soul and spirit there is the process of transformation to fulfil that.

 We have seen that it represents the whole marriage process of intimacy. this soaking room represents the mikvah that preparation period ready to engage a covering of God’s presence.

 Matthew 1128 Jesus said come to me and find rest for your soul, gentle and humble in heart. your identity is reflecting his identity. so Jesus says we come to him and find rest. but to do that we need to take his yoke upon us and we need to embrace that yoke, yield in a sense to a higher authority and that will bring peace. and that will bring us to a place of rest. when we are striving and struggling to try and find out what we should be doing rather than being yoked to him and letting him lead us. we are always gonna be driven rather than led. God wants to lead us into peace and rest and wholeness and fulfillment. so that we can actually be gentle and humble in heart as Jesus is. now being gentle is not being weak wishy-washy and a doormat. it actually actually means having full understanding of strength and that strength being yielded. and the picture in the Greek language was of a stallion a wild stallion, but a stallion having a bit in its mouth and a rider and being subject to the rider. humbleness is not I’m nobody nothing,it is actually recognizing, humble yourself under God’s mighty hand agreeing with him of what he says. so when he says your overcomer, nothing is impossible for you, I love you you your accepted. to say well I’m rejected and I can’t do anything is actually pride. because you’re saying you know better than what God says so God has a plan and purpose for your life, a  destiny. that destiny needs to be submitted to and agreed to and when we look at our destiny. it is sometimes you look and think how could I possibly do this and that’s exactly how you should look at it how can I possibly do this in mine own strength it is impossible. but nothing is impossible when I’m yoked to Jesus and I have his strength.

so this whole commitment of being yoked is like the betrothal process in the marriage. there was a betrothal period where they were joined and then in that process things changed so then they could become married.

 so in our sense of being yoked to Jesus is so that we can be like Jesus and do the things Jesus did in the way he did it. which was he only did father doing .so there is that sense where we are committed to finding out what God wants us to do on a daily basis and only do that. then we’ll have all the resources and everything we need to be a to do it.

 so the mikvah Katoomba are all preparation processes. so that Romans 12 one do not be conformed to the world. so that’s the outside in shaping we have all had. so we need to have the removing of the programming that is come from those outside things whether they be nature nurture trauma,it is a key to actually coming into the fullness of conformed to the image of God.

 so Romans 829 those he foreknew which is all of us he predestined that’s our destiny it’s to become conformed to the image of his son. so to be a son, to be in that image made in the image of God creative, powerful in that way. Jesus doesn’t want to be on his own,he came to have many sons and his desire is to have everyone as sons.  that’s how  all of us were created .and that’s how he’s created everybody. he wants everyone to come back into the knowledge of that. so metamorphosis transformation transfiguration all the same Greek word is a process of change to bring spirit soul and body into sonship. as we saw last week there are different processes for the tadpole and for the butterfly which are two examples of metamorphosis in the natural world one is water and one is fire. both processes are restricted, the tadpole cannot live outside of the pond and the caterpillar cannot live outside of the cocoon or chrysalis during that season of their life.

 Isaiah 43:2 when you pass through the waters I will be with you when you walk through the fire you will not be scorched nor will flame burn you. so we have to be willing to embrace the water and the fire God promises he is with us in the process, we are not  on our own .sometimes it can feel like that when the heat gets turned up. we need to embrace the water and the fire for transformation and to be restricted in a way and  those restrictions will be different for everybody. for me there were very specific but that place of restriction is a place of preparation so transformation can take place. and it’s like having our heart embracing water and fire. We has a prophetic word given to us, it was in 2012 from a lady who came here and did some ministry and then she sent a prophetic word, I think she had a dream and she said she saw me and deb and we were still outside the freedom centre here and a large dark cloud appeared over the whole area where you are. this changed into a canopy which was stretched right over the whole area were the centre is thick strong ropes coming off it which were securely rooted the canopy was green which speaks to me of life so interesting when we received that I didn’t fully understand exactly what that meant. but now I got a much fuller understanding of this canopy and covering it feels like a dark cloud but actually it’s got life in it and then she said these are my thoughts the cloud represents a rain cloud hovering and brooding over your area it is changing the atmosphere which will in turn become a canopy a strong covering of God over the land which is yours will be a safe haven for many a city of refuge at times this place will become unknown to your enemies another words we are hidden in a cloud but known to all those he will bring. multiplication upon multiplication so it is an encouraging thing that God is in a sense giving us things along our journey that are milestones that indicate were on the right path and I believe we are in that place now where were looking to embrace the canopy and the dark cloud and see the transformation and become that place where people will come in multiplication so are we willing to embrace this mikvah process to be transformed. we saw last week Joseph was prepared in the pit, in slavery in stewardship and in the prison of obscurity until the time was right when his dreams and destiny would be fulfilled. it’s like don’t try create the environment or make something happen follow the journey be willing to stay on the path and not get off it. because I’m sure joshep’s path for him was a strange one. I’m sure when he had the dream and the dreams of being in in authority he didn’t realise it was going go through all that for fulfilling, but actually in following the path that fulfilment was outworked and he eventually everyone bow down to him in that sense as was foretold in the prophecy. Jesus actually was 12 that’s the age of responsibility when he was in the temple remember the story sis parent lost him and didn’t know where he was. He was in the temple and his mother was I must be about my father’s business. so when we come to the age of responsibility as sons . we have got to  be about our father’s business but it didn’t just happen for him at that point when he was 12 Jesus it says increased in wisdom with God and man in the restriction and preparation of apprenticeship in his father’s earthly business for 18 years so at 12 he saw his destiny to be about his heavenly father’s business and yet he went through 18 years of being in his earthly father’s business and learned and grew in wisdom so that when he was 30 he was then released into the fullness of his ministry. 18 years is a long time, but he was willing to embrace that 18 years and in 18 years there was a process of maturing and increasing wisdom and the seven spirits of God were engaging with him he was growing to a point where,he was then able to fulfil that role. I doubt whether a 12-year-old boy he would have been able to embrace the cross . we watched the passion of Christ  the other night and it was just like, the impact of what jesus was willing to go through for our salvation and for our healing and was intense so God knew when he would be mature enough to handle that level of anguish of soul in the garden and then a willingness to embrace not my will but yours be done. now Jesus could have been the greatest rabbi even at 12 because he was able to confound the teachers of the law in the temple but actually he chose the restriction that enabled him to be unveiled as the son of man and the son of God at the right time which was the time a prophetic fulfilment Esther again as we saw last week 12 months of preparation before she could come in and meet the king actually at the end of Jesus life you see a dark cloud Matthew 2745 now the six-hour to the ninth hour darkness fell upon the land. a dark cloud now a lot of people will tell you that was all Demons coming around the cross, it wasn’t it was God’s cloud God was in the center of it. around him so that dark cloud covered the cross. Hebrews 12:2 it says fixing our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith and this is the key to him going through everything he went through who for the joy set before him and we are the joy our relationship with him in salvation is the joy that he was willing to go through all the shame of the cross all that and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God in a position of authority because he was willing to go through the process. Satan offered him the shortcut if you will bow down to me which is following the wrong path tree of the knowledge of good and evil then I’ll give you all this but he didn’t bow to that. he didn’t surrender to that  he followed the journey didn’t take the shortcut he had to go through the cross to be enthroned on the right-hand of the father so that was a convergence of time and eternity a moment in history when God’s eternal presence where Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world actually came into time and space and it converged at Jesus first coming at the cross now I believe were another time a convergence at the end of time leading up to jesus second coming when eternity and time are coming together in us when we engage eternity when eternity starts to be outwork through us in our destiny then we will begin to see at that time the chain great transformation in the earth. so eternity, present, future meet where what was in eternity transforms what is, to enable what will be to align with what was. so that the end and the beginning will match. God’s purpose in beginning will be outworked in the end there will be a restoration of all things as spoken by God and all the prophets that he caused to prophesy those things.

 one Corinthians 1011 so these things happened to them as an example looking at the children of Israel they were written for our instruction upon whom the ends of the ages have  come. One Corinthians 10:1 says our fathers were under the cloud all passed through the sea and they were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and the sea. it is a weird thing, we know there was a  pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire following them leading them we know Moses when up into the mountain into the smoky place we sing about it as Moses did entering into the glory entering into that place into that dark cloud but  this was written so that we would have an example of what to do. and Moses life is actually an example they were baptized into Moses. How does that happen. How can you be baptized into a person. It is not a physical person but it was baptised into what Moses went through. you see Moses embraced the burning bush with a bit of a push. To start  with he was fearful I am not sure can do this. I can’t speak, but he chose to embrace it in spite of the reservations of his soul. Moses engaged the fire and the smoke on the cloud on the mountain even when the others said were not going you go Moses actually engaged heaven on the sapphire pavement and received the sapphire cubes of the law and 70 elders went with him don’t get told that in Sunday school it is all there in exodus .Moses met God face to face it says and he also engaged in God back. it wasn’t his back it was in eternity how was Moses able to write the first five books of the Torah and Genesis in particular when he never saw it because he saw it from eternal perspective he saw it from looking forward into it from being in God in eternity so Moses had and a whole life that he was a friend of God he walked with God in that sense but he went through preparation periods in Egypt being a foreigner if you like in a foreign land in Egypt he also went through 40 years in the wilderness. so this guy unfortunately we don’t tend have to go through 40 years of preparation today 40 days maybe but 40 years no because now things are accelerating and we have the holy spirit in us and with us and it is a different dispensation if you like, were in a different covenant but we still need to go through preparation so for me this entailed a two-year season from 2010 to 2012 where things were birthed in my life which brought transformation that’s why I brought the transformation series out of that sharing in a sense my own personal journey experiences so that two-year season was becoming more mature as a son of God through a process of discipline and transformation. It was like it was a process of restriction to a degree, looking back on it I can see now what God was doing. at the time, in this place where you not quite sure, but I walked through the pathways of relationship and responsibility on a daily basis so that they now our my lifestyle. so that with a sense of discipline God was putting me through to develop a lifestyle of transformation, daily cleansing my gateways, opening them seeing a flow practising when you know nothing much was really happening, but I  kept at it until it became more and more a part of my life and more and more started to happen. daily presenting myself as a living sacrifice asking God to strip everything away from outside in. go through the living sacrifice process which is a glory one, but being willing to embrace that every day surrendering denying myself taking up the cross embracing crucifixion of the flesh because it’s like not my will yours be done I went through that process I don’t want free will. he has given us free will, but I know what free will does. I follow a wrong path when I choose to go my own way. so I surrender my free will on a daily basis. so I’m restricting my ability to choose because I don’t want to choose anything other than what he wants so I went through this process every day going through it it wasn’t a random thing now I look back and I can see this was all part of the marriage process for me, leading up to consummation, which I  shall share the next time in terms of the dark cloud process. But it led me to that dark cloud the Hooper the covering the consummation which enable me to engage the face of God. so literary I became untethered from the earth, that my soul was tethering me to. and my spirit became separated and reintegrated so I can function in two places. that was the whole purpose of this, dual realms living, so that i can live in heaven, live on earth , flow from one to the other just because it’s my daily life. but it took a process of quite deep transformation to enable me to get to that point .now that enabled me to flow from heaven to earth through that gateway, being a gateway of heaven. so that actually being joined to the Lord one spirit with him I can actually expand the tent pegs of my life so the curtain expands so that God’s kingdom can expand because there is no end to the increase of his government and peace. so I came into a place of peace so his government could increase.

so the whole soaking room is a place of preparation where the river of life and the river fire engage us soaking to immerse submerged , dip, baptise effectively into the water into the spirit into the fire so looking at baptised into the river of fire.

 and Daniel 710 a river fire was flowing coming out from before him before his throne the river fire is essentially God’s glory and we tend to think of the glory wonderful but actually glory is an intense weight of his presence and intensity of his presence which is represented by fire in this illustration. not real fire we are not talking about real flames but an intensity of light that produces heat to transform. for you need heat to transform things so we have infrared light , you can cook  with infrared light we can’t see it. ultraviolet light where we go out  in the sun and we actually end up tan because there are changes that take place in our skin through that ultraviolet light it produces heat and it changes us so the fire of God is intended to change us so this is a place of refining purification to make us ready to engage God’s person.

 So there are three things you need for fire. heat oxygen and fuel as a source so God’s glory is the heat the wind the Holy Spirit also we have the winds of change which angels to blow heat things up because you know you have a bellows over a furnace . when you get a blacksmith . the bellows heats the Coals, because that oxygen produces greater heat and then we have to say who is gonna be willing to be the source, the fuel for the fire because we can the heat we can have the wind but there’s no source no fuel then that fires never gonna produce anything so it’s up to us whether we willing to be that source because there’s no other fuel for this fire than our soul it’s our souls that God wants to touch with this fire.

 so fire actually changes things the composition of the substance at the molecular level actual changes take place to something when it engages fire so this whole transformation process we need heat to increase so that our souls will be changed by God’s fire and his presence so heating something the temperature rises a transition takes place where the bonds that connect the molecules in that substance start to soften or become looser if you like by the heat degradation starts to take place bonds break decomposition as a release of gases from that substance oxidation takes place where those combustion and then transformation is a change in that substance and we can actually look at some illustrations of that but Hebrews 12:29 says our God is a consuming fire. so when we embrace the glory God in this way he is a consuming fire to change us release all the stuff that is hindering us so that we can actually be changed so that changing the molecular structure of something when you see that in the example of burning wood the outer structure of the wood gets really really hot it releases gases and you can see often when you burn wood it releases a colour and then it turns to charcoal a different substance and charcoal is very different from wood and can be used the very different things so God wants us to embrace this whole process so that the structure of our lives will be changed wood is actually changed into a new substance through fire .our souls can be changed and transformed by fire. leviticus 9:24 fire came down from  before the Lord and consumed the burnt offering which was on the alter so this fire comes from God  it is not a bad fire.2 chronicles 7:1 when Solomon finished praying fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices and the glory of the Lord filled the house. the fire of God fill the house it was no wonder that they were actually flat on their faces because they couldn’t stand to minister when the fire of God’s presence and his glory filled that temple. we sing this song I feel heat rising the flames of my horizon are at my door. I wonder if he so think about what that means. a bit cryptic but actually look at it I’m staring at the ruins the embers of our brokenness scattered on the floor but that’s actually talking about what happens when the fire of God touches us and actually all the brokenness and all the things in our soul which are hindrances get consumed and they end up as embers on the floor this fire never sleeps his fire never sleeps . I see a hope is coming so pull me from the ashes ignite my soul . we don’t want to stay in the ashes of the old we wannabe on fire in the new please burn away the darkness because love is like a furnace this is God’s love his love is like fire he does this because he loves us, not because he wants to harm us or punish us it’s because he loves us too much to leave us as we are because he knows the potential that we have as sons to become. And he wants us to become that. this is where your fire never sleeps burn oh my soul set me on fire

something new is being born we were born for this. think about what you were born for think about your destiny think about what you need the fire of God to transform that will become ashes so that you can be birthed out of those ashes into something new Lord we know the day is coming actually  I believe it is here. it is not something we have to wait for in the future we can embrace it now. When we will look into your eyes and see a fire that never sleeps. I’ve looked into the eyes of fire. It was an intensely emotional experience and my whole scroll of destiny , and the scroll of  my life was unveiled and the fire is not his eyes embraced it because it was tested by fire, it says in Corinthians so do we want to embrace a furnace a crucible are we willing to embrace the fire. that fire is in a crucible. it is not just a wildfire that is raging everywhere. it’s a very condensed purposeful fire that we have to get in, a cocoon or a crucible.

 Proverbs 2721 crucible for silver and a furnace for gold. it is like heat. a place of restriction where heat and pressure are applied to bring transformation or alignment. so we have lots a scriptures . Malachi 3:2 who can endure the day of his coming about Jesus who can stand when he appears for he is like a refiner’s fire like a fuller soap he will sit as a smelter a purifier of silver he will purify the sons of Levi anotherwords a priesthood we are all a royal priesthood and refine them like gold and silver so that name may present to the lord offerings in righteousness what is our offering in righteousness ?being a living sacrifice an offering we give to God every day laying our lives down to fulfil our destiny. so to purify means to purge to cleanse to clear to free to unburden to deliver to relieve their all synonyms from dictionary to remove contaminants or undesirable elements remove dirty or harmful substances from something. to make ceremony clean or pure to free from guilt or moral or ceremonial imperfection blemishes and imperfections to refine to purify to clarify to clear to cleanse to strain to sift to filter to rarefied to distil make better to enhance to enrich to perfect to improve to concentrate that’s what the fire can do to refine us to bring us back to God’s original purpose for our lives to free us as metal sugar oil, we have oil refineries, that refine crude oil into something that we can use. it is like if you put crude oil in your petrol tank you wouldn’t get too far you need to have refined oil as in gasoline petrol diesel to enable the engines to fire to produce a spark so again we need our lives transformed so that we can actually ignite and be on fire to improve something by making changes that’s what refining is God wants to improve us by making changes to our lives so refining with flame is one of the oldest methods of refining metals . in ancient times this form of refining involve a craftsman sitting next to hot pilots were Malachi comes in a smelter sitting next to the crucible where molten gold in a crucible being stirred  and scimmed  to remove the impurities or the dross that rose up to the surface and literally the flames needed to reach a temperature of thousand degrees Celsius to be able to cause the dross in the ore to rise up to the surface and then they scooped it off and it wasn’t very easy job. Imagine sitting next to a furnace of thousand degrees and scooping off all the dross that rises to the surface that’s what God is willing to do for us if we are willing to get into the crucible so are we willing to be refined and purified .this is a question everyone has to ask. are we willing to be metamorphosed into a son of God? it will require heat and it will require a furnace and a crucible to be in. so refiner’s fire operates , the more wind blows the hotter the fire gets. So when we are asking for the winds of change to blow were asking the Holy Spirit to come into that sound of a mighty rushing wind then were asking for the heat to go up. so we can enter glory we must go through the fire of transformation. so we are change from 1° of glory to another so we are being prepared so actually we can eventually engaging in person.

 another song we used to sing and by Brian Derksen purify my heart let me be as gold and precious silver purify my heart let me be as gold pure gold purify my heart let me be as gold and precious silver purify my heart let me be gold pure gold. this is something that we are can ask for, we don’t have to wait for God to bring this we can ask for this to happen in your life refiner’s fire my heart is one desire is to be holy. set apart to you Lord I choose to be holy. if you choose to be holy your choosing to embrace the fire set apart for you my master ready to do your will and the whole purpose of this is so we can be like Jesus only doing what we see the father doing so are we willing to look into his eyes of fire are we willing to embrace the fiery sword of judgement that comes out of his mouth . I am  a bit frightened of judgement. judgement is just a verdict so God looks at our lives passes a verdict and said this isn’t good this is good so that which isn’t good can be removed so the dross in our lives can be removed if we willing to let him pass verdict to judge to look. we also pray a prayer from psalm 139 search my heart God  put me on trial or try me test me in the fire are we willing to be living sacrifices another song we don’t actually sing Jesus culture song you provide the fire  I will provide the sacrifice and that is an invitation. we are actually saying God come in fire and we will be the sacrifices am I willing to embrace the alter I lay my life down that my life can be an offering to God. fire awaits to provide the heat necessary to refine purify. Am i willing to stay in the crucible some people get in a crucible and it’s so hot that they run they run from the process because it’s not comfortable. it is never comfortable when that level of heat brings dross to the surface we need the increase in temperature for that dross to rise. just getting in the fire and jumping back out will never actually do it.34;52

 to turn molten rock ore into gold requires intense heat  so the alter the crucible furnace is all about the fire so heat comes through situations and circumstances and relationships in our lives often. God uses the situations wherein to increase the heat so things that are buried or covered up will come to the surface into the light and then they can be scooped off as we surrender repent renounce forgive do the processes that we go through Daniel 1135 some of those who have insight will fall what will they fall into in order to refine purge and make them pure until the end time because it still to come at the appointed time so we are in a time where we can actually be refined purged and purified

 Daniel 12 nine go your way Daniel but these words are sealed until the end of time many will be purged purified and refined so we are in a time of those things where we can embrace the process Zechariah 13 nine I will bring the third part through the fire refine them as silver is refined test them as gold is tested they will call on my name and I will answer them I will say they are my people and they will say the Lord is my God so if were fully going to  come into that knowledge of being God’s people then we need to embrace the refining and purifying. that my desire is it my desire one desire to be like you lord, because if it is then I have to be willing to embrace the refining of God’s heart. So  increased levels of darkness and heat actually are preparing us for an even darker cloud that is coming. this is just a stepping stone to something greater and deeper but it’s a key in the process the mikvah had to be done before the Katoomba and the consumation everything is actually leading up to consummation, consummation is not a random process, it is very much a process that God is designed for us to go through. lets embrace it, lets embrace purification so we can be ready to meet the king whether it be the wonderful soaking in oils and frequencies and  all that stuff to bring change to us, or the fire, we need both. one touches our body and in a sense of touch and touches the external things. the other things begins to change us in our soul. another song we sing many years ago he has fire in his eyes and a sword in his hand is riding a white horse all across the land. he is calling out to you and me will you right with me he has a crown on his head, he is leading the armies, he is calling out to you and me will you ride with me we will stand and up and fight we will ride with the armies of heaven to be dressed in white. that’s a song we used to sing about God moving through the land God is still wanting to move through the land and he is looking for people who will say yes. I think the course of that is yes Lord we will ride with you. You see that fire in his eyes, it is a love for his bride he’s longing that you will be with him riding by his side he is calling out to you and me , will you ride with me see God’s love is that fire in is eyes he has such a longing for a pure bride without spot or wrinkle and blemish that the fire that in his eyes is willing to embrace us are we willing to embrace the journey because this is what it was about the journey is becoming the bride becoming pure becoming holy it isn’t I will have this great big battle, actually the battle is with us the fight we need to engage is us . the enemies already been defeated is actually us needs to be challenged to ride with him to embrace the fire in his eyes to allow the purity of his heart to purify our heart.

 so metamorphosis transformation transfiguration is that process a complete change of form into sonship so body soul spirit, to spirit soul body. human being, spirit being, living being, godlike being. the restoration of not just our spirit but our soul and body back into God’s original purpose so the butterfly has to go into the chrysalis, come out of the chrysalis having the caterpillar been restricted with heat . there are lots of different  chrysalis, some of them look quite pretty on the outside not so pretty on the inside for the caterpillar. But there are all things that we can engage the caterpillar body actually is dissolved it actually turns to a moosh and  in intense heat the DNA are triggered and and so that the genes for the caterpillar are turned off and the genes for the butterfly at turned on, there are always there but they need heat and this process to switch them over so that then encodes hold new genes to form a butterfly that’s the process of metamorphosis we need to go through the same process the struggle from the cocoon actually produces the strength to overcome and fly so when we are learning to overcome in this process were getting stronger. If you try and help a butterfly out of the cocoon it will never fly because it’s that struggle that pushes the blood through the veins of the little capillaries of the wings that enable them to get stronger the struggle enables the flight so let’s not avoid the struggle let’s not avoid the process we can encourage and support those who go through the process and God is with us. it doesn’t have to be a complete disaster when we go through this stuff if we embrace it we can know God’s love we can know his peace and joy even through the midst of what we go through in that struggle. don’t try and avoid it my encouragement would be embrace it I tried to resist it’. I will share  my testimony of my resistance of it

but now I can see  if I was willing to embrace it it would have been a quicker process. So the butterfly  then can live in dual realms. It can live on land, it can live in the air. caterpillar no chance of flying. If it falls off a leaf he ends up on the ground. transformation enables us to live in dual places of heaven and on earth. the whole order and flow of our lives changing. everything used to go body soul spirit, outside in. now spirit soul and body inside out, completely different flow it can be disorientating , it can be a disorientating process sometimes it will be like where am I who am what I why am I here what is going on which is why I’m sharing it . because I don’t want people to be disorientating. I want you to think this might be something which is leading up to some heat. embrace it, the cloud overshadows, the spirit is brooding in this process as we pursue and embrace it the fire of God’s presence will bring change and transformation don’t run from the fire the great thing is look at what happened when Schade me shaken Bendigo went into the fiery furnace, someone else was in there with them. God is with us in this process Jesus is with us in this process . when Jesus went through the cross the father came in the dark cloud to be with him in the process even though there was a separation in one sense because of sin. he was still there in the process with him, he wasn’t in heaven disengaged from the process he was with him in the process he wants to be with us so if you have a lump of coal which is very useful in certain things I you want a fire and but coal has a potential to become something else, through the pressure and heat of the trial James 1:2 consider it all joy when you encounter various trials you get a diamond out of coal . our of what  is carbon which is coal actually you can also get a diamond formed through heat and pressure so you have gold ore becomes pure gold through heat and pressure so dark restricted hot disorientated it may feel like you’re falling apart but you actually aren’t your being changed. In fact you are falling apart you are just being changed intto something else but it does take that heat to do it. our identity as a son is forged in the fires of adversity and challenge. Doesn’t sound to embracing but it is actually a really good process because at the end of it things have change. when we get these scriptures embrace the scriptures James 1:2 consider it all joy we must have joy in the process you can still have joy because joy is not happiness based on external circumstances joy is something that is imparted to us in the presence of Jesus my joy I give to you so  your joy can be full. knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance and let endurance have its perfect result so you maybe perfect complete lacking in nothing I’m sure we all want to be perfect complete lacking in nothing. to do it we have to go through the testing to get to that place.

acts 1422 strengthening the souls of the disciples encouraging them to continue in the faith saying through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom. there are processes we go through that God will use so essentially the marriage requires a Katoomba. The katuba requires a michvah. that process deepens when we embrace it when we embrace it willingly engaging the soaking room it opens up realms of heaven for us to also engage in this process there is fire in heaven we know the river of fire is flowing but there are other places of fire so is not just when you’re in the soaking room you find that heaven opens up, if you are willing to embrace it. embrace the places of fire there. one is the judgement seat where that consuming fire of God’s eyes can purify the wood hay and stubble of our scroll and bring it into more capacity to have gold silver and precious stones the alter in the temple were Isaiah went where our DNA engages fire engages it to unravel and purify our DNA we can engage the alter the seraphim the burning ones are there also can engage us in the process they can bring tongs with coals from the alter and touch areas of our lives to purge and purify iniquity from us. all part of the process the river of fire flowing from the ancient of days so we have these scriptures . psalm hundred 39 talks about our scroll God is looking at the scroll of our life does it match up with the scroll of our destiny if not be willing to have it unveiled and the fire touch it. so our lives can match up, this what God wants their scriptures about the judgement seat of Christ to Corinthians 510 one Corinthians 311 to 13 if we build with gold silver precious stones wood hay stubble the quality of the work will be tested by fire not the quantity . a lot of people are interested in quantity how much works can I do God’s only interested in quality the things that he wants us to do so that’s what gets tested the quality of the work not how many things there are the transforming fire of God can consume all those things that are not him so that we can have more of those things that he designed us to have Isaiah 6 we have this whole thing of the  temple filled with smoke again filled with the presence of God and fire of his presence nothing can hide from the fire of his presence it will be revealed if we come and place our hearts on the altar. that’s when we can start to see things as they really are it gets even down to a generic level to purify and refine the seed of our lives Isaiah 6 again the seraphim come with those altars and it’s like we can embrace this be open to embrace and engage it actively God asked me to place my heart on the alter of that temple every day and I do every single day every single day I can be unraveled and undone and actually he can actually purify my heart Luke  923 he was saying to them all if anyone wishes to come after me he must deny himself take up his cross daily and follow me whoever wishes to save his life will lose it whoever wishes to lose his life for my sake he is the one who will save it so when we surrender as a living sacrifice, willing to lose our life we get a better life back a resurrected life a new life in him so we need to be willing to follow Jesus  example he laid down his life for us he self-sacrifice himself not my will yours be done in the garden by embracing that fire himself Galatians 220 I have been crucified with Christ is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith of the son of God loved me and gave himself up for me find grace the same process a willingness to become a sacrifice and I can receive the same result which is a new life and ascension into being seated at the right hand of the Father in Christ accessing all the blessings of God in the spiritual realm. so deny myself denying self-rule everything of self really must be surrendered me myself and I need to die and this is the process that we go in and is a process is not easy to embrace this in one one-hit too much  this is a season go through . so we need  to die to self-centredness really difficult to die to self-centredness . because actually we are  the centre of everything that goes on in our life. but it’s actually the focus and purpose of what goes around our life which changes were still the centre of our life God is actually working through us an in us and flowing through us so we become a channel for God’s glory not our own. that’s what changes it the result of things change because were not focused in self any more even though we are involved in the process so we become led by the spirit not driven by the soul and there is a very very big difference between being led by the spirit and driven by the soul and our needs can be met from inside out rather than outside in selfishness is putting myself above everybody else Jesus said I have not come to  be served but to serve so Jesus although he was a king laid down his Majesty and came to serve the father and us. it is a whole different attitude. he is the servant King, he is described as in a song. I can seek to serve the father as a son of God rather than I want God to serve me. or I want  other people to serve me I’m here to serve the world and to fulfill my destiny in bringing order and restoration to it. so we need to die to self important self-promotion self-reliant self-sufficiency even self belief anything this got self attached to it it’s like don’t produce good fruit we have no self-righteousness self-help self-expression all these things . where is the self coming from, the soul not the spirit. so when soul and spirit come together it’s like there’s the correct self that gets released which is sonship. so anything that is derived from self really is negative however hard we find it we need to surrender it and it can be quite difficult to let go of these things as I found self-respect self-esteem self-worth. well surely there good things?no because they come from self I want respect esteem and worth to come from another source. so my self-respect comes from what I have done myself. I did it my way was another famous song did not end up to well self-esteem self-worth comes from what I can do in my own strength it is following the humanistic path that Satan offered Adam and Eve the knowledge of good and evil and it requires covering up with fig leaves hiding from God’s presence because of fear I want my self-esteem to come from how God sees me from knowing that I’m a child of God from knowing the love of God from knowing the value that he places upon my life that’s what gives me a sense of esteem my worth comes from knowing I’m God’s child . that he loves me, has a purpose for me my image is not how I view myself but it is seeing myself as God sees me if we could really see ourselves the way God sees us I think it would transform everything the more I begin to look and see what’s reflected back from God’s image of what I look like, it changes because I become what I behold so the more I look at what God says and what he shows me the more I become like that so I can only be the truly me that God patterned in eternity, fully dead to the world as my source. that independent source that is offered which is the shortcut doesn’t work so there has to be a death on the alter if there is going to  be a true resurrection life and dual realms living that’s God’s desire for us one corinthians 617 the one who joins himself tto the Lord is one spirit with him Romans 829 of those he foreknew he predestined become conformed to his image this is what the whole soaking is about am I willing to pay the cost no matter what it is. Am i willing to embrace the crucible and the fire so then transformation is the result guaranteed . guarantee result if we willing to embrace the process. a few minutes left this just about a brief time of engagement with this again Jesus is knocking we can open that first Love gate 53:34

 to encouraging disclosure rise to again activate the eyes of your heart enter into that place had expressed begin to think about door begin to picture the door that will handle on your side reach out by faith open the and invite his presence, were invited in the presence of his glory and fire just begin to picture the glory in fire of God’s presence surrounding you enveloping you river of fire is flowing just engage that river let it flow through your spirit into your heart he’s with you walking with in the fire as that fire flows into your heart just embrace the crucible just so in the fire refining purifying fire of God’s glory is all the dross all the things that hinder you just let flow to the surface just let Jesus to the is that smelter is that refining fire in so you will become a mirror reflecting his glory slightly heart purifying purify as you just in the presence of the fire God’s glory heaven is open may want to lay your heart altering the temple of heaven DNA purifying may one of engage suggestions as you scroll you fire burn. This be willing to go with the flow fire grace the process of transformation don’t let this be a one-off just be willing to enter into that season we willing to get in the Christmas allow that heat pressure bring change and transformation informing you to the image of sonship releasing you into the outworking of your destiny choose to take this path embrace the process that there be a convergence of eternity and time in your life with their just begin disused that is template to find your own expression and it looked to those engaging those different places in heaven and the open just for that fire of God’s presence to come as you engage in my daily basis

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