Sons arise 11

       We were going to look to engage the father here in this realm. He is going to come. We are going to go and engage within the garden of our heart. we are going to go and engage in heaven, we were going to go into eternity. we done bits of all that , but also we’re looking at what is the purpose of engaging the father– well relationship fellowship sonship intimacy that leads onto responsibility. so we are sons and those sons are responsible for this creation that God has made. and Adam and Eve were given a mandate, he blessed them. The father blessed them, which means he empowering them to prosper and they were to be fruitful and multiply and to fill the earth and to overcome or subdue everything that is a hindrance and then to rule not to rule over people but to rule over the environment and bless it so that the environment we live this world would be like heaven. that was God’s original intention that everything that is in heaven would be reflected on the earth and so there is responsibility. so our sonship brings responsibility that flows from the intimacy because we been engaging with the father that’s why we started with engaging the father. and the other conferences will go into more heavenly governmental stuff and then how do we bring heaven to earth and how do we establish things on the earth. It is following a theme. so at the end I just Wanna really talk about the order of melchizedek  because that is thrown around a lot today we are of the order of melchizedek but what is that? Out of our relationship comes identity. identity brings position and position brings authority from heaven. So we then need to use the authority of that position in sonship and administrate it, so we fulfill our responsibility as sons. so we need to know how sons operate in heaven and how sons operate governmentally. so we have this mandate to engage the earth that’s the sonship mandate and we are made in the image of God to be able to do that as God would do it, as his children. so we have a responsibility for gods kingdom  so the kingdom of God will be raised up to fill the earth and increase god’s government of peace. it says in Isaiah 9 there is no end to the increase of his government and of peace. and a lot of people in a normal church service settings, don’t talk about government. And if they do it’s all about the church leadership. and therefore government is not a word which is usually used. but kingdom is all about government, it is all about bringing God’s will from heaven to earth and we are part of that, and have been given responsibility for some of that. Daniel 2:35 says the stone that struck the statue. there was a statue which had the four different parts of it which represents four kingdoms and the Roman kingdom that had two feet of clay and iron. the stone was Jesus and that stone was cut with our hands it says from the mountain representing authority and it became a great mountain that filled the whole earth. so this is what we part of because in those days of that kingdom where there was two feet. one was the East and one was the west part of the Roman Empire. The kingdom of God came and struck that and the whole thing collapsed. Not that we  went to war but we brought a message of love and the whole message took over the world. and if you think God 12 disciples and then a few hundred people when Jesus went back into heaven now  there is a  billion people at least profess to know Jesus and whatever levels they do that is quite an increase from where it started. We should not be satisfied with that  number because that number is not really transforming the earth. we just ventured into religious things rather than actually fulfilling the mandate. now God is restoring the mandate and restoring us to the position of authority but it will fill the earth. now that can be in our generation the next generation or it can be a hundred generations in the future. Some of that is down to whether we will respond in sonship and start fulfilling our roles. But it will fill the earth because this is the declaration and in chapter four of Daniel verse three how great his signs and how mighty are his wonders his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and his dominion is from generation to generation so this is God’s purpose to bring his kingdom into the earth through generations who will embrace it now as I said earlier most times each generation embraces something and then defends it and then solidifies it and then calls it a denomination and then defends against the next generation of what God is doing rather than embracing it and supporting it and doing it together. so God wants to change all that with us which is why we need to make sure we don’t go back into the old way of thinking so Daniel 714 to him was given dominion glory and a kingdom this is Jesus that all the peoples and nations and men of every language might serve him. his dominion is an everlasting dominion which will not pass away and his kingdom is one which will not be destroyed so ultimately church may collapse in a religious institution but his kingdom will not so we are part of that kingdom we are sons of the kingdom we are responsible for the outworking of the kingdom of God’s government because we are those mandated with the authority Daniel 7:18 but the saints of the highest one will receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom for ever. Now that word does not mean forever. in Hebrew or in Greek it means to the ages- enduring. so this kingdom will go on for all ages but that doesn’t mean in an eternity sense of forever. so we are here to fulfil God’s kingdom in this age and to usher in the next age. Now a lot of people are talking about ages today, the church age and the kingdom age. But a lot of it is just confusing people-where am I then. Your not in this age so you are not as good as us, so it ends up  as  elitism. A lot of it is elitist. God does work in  seasons. He works in seasons within this time and within that season he works with people. But he doesn’t stop working with them when a new season comes. he continues working with the old season until people embrace the new one. Otherwise it is tough luck you missed it, the church age has ended. You are all  playing church we are in the kingdom now. It is not like that. when I did a prophetic timetable it was a series of overlapping times, that God continues calling  people into intimacy and fathership 7:39

 he continues to remove stumbling blocks he continues to bring his judgement- righteous judgements to call us into what it should be. he is continuing to do these things. So there are like probably hundreds of millions of people whose call themselves Christians who have never experienced intimacy with the father or Jesus. But they call themselves Christians. Is god going to give up on those people? No, he is going to keep calling them, he is going to keep wooing them. He is going to send all sorts of things in the spirit to get hold of the heart and so they can come into a relationship with him. and then those that he does call and you know his love, you know and trust him and you open your heart to him and then he will  start doing some surgery. because he doesn’t want to leave us in a state where we are not whole. He wants to bring us into wholeness. so all the things that are hindering us from wholeness he will start removing. it says in in Matthew 13 that he is going to remove stumbling blocks and lawlessness. So he is going to remove all this- do your own thing and bring us back into doing his thing, but in relationship not under the law. because there is no law, it was obsolete and now we are in a new covenant of love but we are going to continue to see the kingdom at work until it’s finished fulfilling God’s purpose and then it says that Jesus will hand the kingdom over  to the father and then we will move into the next increase of his government which will be beyond. so Isaiah 2:2 says now it will come about in the last days which I believe have been going on since Jesus came. We have been in the last days since Jesus came. actually since A.D. 70 really, that was the end of, finally of the end of the old covenant. Now we are fully in the new. But people keep going back to the old and reinstitution the same mediatorial priesthood on earth which is not God’s desire. In the last days the mountain of the house of the Lord. So a mountain is a symbol of kingdom governmental authority, position of authority of the house of the Lord which is representing the whole of his household all of us. Will be established as the chief of the mountains. so above all the other authorities in the world and there is a lot of talk about mountains over the last 10 years. We have the seven Mountains theology and all that stuff.10:04

 i don’t subscribe to that personally because I don’t think man-made mountains can be redeemed. so to try and take over the media mountain and take over the mountain of family and  all this stuff . they are all man made things- government. the government of the natural government of any country although God  gives us government isn’t enough to solve the world’s problems. the financial system of the world is not going to solve the problems , the medical system of the world is not going to solve the problem. and eventually people will start to realize that they are not going to find their solutions in man-made things. whatever those authorities are, they are not God. They are not the kingdom so I don’t Wanna start redeeming something that is going to end up collapsing anyway. Now it doesn’t mean that personally we may not need, may have actually authority in some of those areas because they may be part of our personal calling to engage the life of God in our workplace and that could be a media workplace or it could be hospital or it could be a school. All those things are opportunities to demonstrate the kingdom but I don’t want to prop up a system I Wanna show a better kingdom, a relational kingdom with God where it will be raised above all the hills because now the mountains are now called hills .because now the mountain of the lords is operating in the different realms, in the realms of heaven.11:27

 and all the nations will stream to it all those nations that at the moment are doing there own thing, defending themselves going to war try to steal each other’s stuff. They will all realise this is not working and people will start to realise we are not going to win giving all this man made stuff there is a better way .now we have to start demonstrating the better way. so we have to be in the mountain of the house of the Lord .and we individually course are a house of the lord but we are also been corporately built together with living Stones into a temple it says, a holy temple which is the mountain of the house of the Lord.  And this in not any one church. it is not anyone thing. it the whole of us but some people are gonna have to start embracing this, then other people will start coming to it realizing wow this is it. this is what I have been looking for. I searched for virtually the whole of my life for something. never found it until I engaged heaven and found where I was birthed to be. And  called to be as a son. so there is gonna be a streaming to us when we are raised up. and Isaiah chapter 9 there will be no end to the increase of his government and of peace. on the throne of David over his kingdom to establish it and uphold it with justice and righteousness from then on and forever more.  It is gonna continue, it is gonna grow and it is going to continue into the ages to come. so we are the Joshua Joseph Daniel enock generation and throw a few others in there. David and a few other ones. when we engage the other night, the cloud of witnesses, I engaged with David. I have never engaged with David before. Now I love David in the Psalms and I love David’s Tabernacle. David’s Tabernacle or tent is been restored. What was it? The presence of God-open- in the midst of that tent and they are all worshipping openly no temple no Tabernacle just God there in the midst and it was a looking forward almost to the future where we should be now but then we just placed God in other houses that we call churches or cathedrals or meeting rooms whatever else and we just sort of done the same thing they did. now God wants to bring it out again into the whole world. that where ever we are we are a representation of God’s kingdom and we are a representation of the ecclesia. because it’s about us being living stones as part of it. so I am representing that 24 seven wherever I am. not just when I turn up at a church meeting. if you some churches that’s four or five times a week and if you don’t go for four or five times a week then your backsliding. it is all about attendance and numbers. How many are in your church? How many are in my church about a billion and plus all the ones that are in heaven. Because we are all one. Now there is an expression we have locally , to outwork a blueprint we been given locally to fulfil God’s purpose locally and to bless our community and to bring God’s kingdom into our community. totally believing local expressions of church, ecclesia is a better name for it. because people who don’t go to church have got an image of it, which is probably a negative one.

 so we are being called to be seated in heavenly places to see the as it is in heaven on earth as sons legislating governing administrating. so we are going to need to exercise our mandate for dominion as sons. as soon as you start to dominion or government- oh no dominion theology. because you get all these theologies which are just words, you don’t want to be involved with dominion theology. the government is going to have dominion, rule. It will be set up. But of course all these things trigger people- be careful. Don’t get involved with any of that stuff. this is the Bible is about the kingdom of God and about government. heb 619 this we have as an anchor of the soul a hope both sure and steadfast one which enters within the veil. our confidence is in Jesus who has already gone into the veil opened it up for us where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us. I guarantee if you took that into a religious setting they will be saying- when we die we can go to heaven because Jesus has gone there to prepare  the way.  He is building all these mansions for us in heaven and so when we go there we will have our home. No- we are the mansions , we are the houses of god  now. John 14 has been totally mistranslated and misunderstood. it is not anything about Jesus in heaven preparing some mansion. Jesus is in God preparing us to be a dwellingplace for God. that’s what he went to the cross. He went to the cross to prepare us to be our own places. Because what did he say, where I am you may be also. where was he?  in the father. I am in the father and the father’s in me. And we are going to come into you. no mansions. because we are the mansion, we are the dwellingplace of God. a lot of those scriptures have just been translated with an understanding which puts it off to the future. the actual passage itself will totally confirm the reality of what it is. the first couple of verses- I am going to prepare a place for you. We’ll actually that was the Hebrew marriage contract. that’s what it was. if you don’t understand the Hebrew marriage contract you won’t understand the whole line, of I am going  to prepare a place for you. what happened in the Hebrew marriage was the Katoomba was made they then made this agreement and then the son or the man would go away and build a house. usually attached to his fathers house. that’s what they did in those days and then when the house was ready for the bride to come. Then he would come and say behold I come. so they knew when Jesus was saying I go to prepare a place for you. that was the marriage thing and then the bride would say , we’ll when will you come and take me into this place. when the house is ready when the father says the house  is ready. so essentially Jesus went to the cross to prepare us to be a place of his dwelling so that we would be where he is- in I am. where I am there you may be also- that’s relationship. nothing to do with being in heaven. Now we can be in heaven but that’s not what that passage is about.  because it says then I’m in the father and the father is in me then it says that on that day you will know now I am in you and you are in me. and that day was the day of resurrection. and that day in John 20 was when Jesus breathed on they they received the Holy Spirit. that was what it was all about. but we have these fanciful ideas because that’s what religion, sunday school and everything else. that Jesus is in heaven he is building all these mansions for us one day when we die we will go into those mansions and have a wonderful time. No- we can go into there now, but we are that now. he has prepared us to be the place of his dwelling. Now if you do not know that. then you can be looking for some mansion  somewhere that doesn’t exist. When you are it. so Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, so we can enter now. having become a high priest forever according to the order of melchizedek  now  this is the thing according to the order of melchizedek . so much is focused on melchizedek that they actually don’t realize, that it is Jesus that we should be focusing on. And what is the order of  melchizedek?  the function of melchizedek , thats what we need to look at. So what is it.19:47

 it is a function of the office of a priest and a king. a heavenly function, a priestly function, a kingly function Hebrew 7:1 for this melchizedek King of Salem. So he was a king, priest of the most high God. he was a priest. was first of by translation was named king of righteousness then also the king of Salem, which is the King of peace without father without mother without geology having neither beginning of days nor end-of-life but made like the son of God he remains a priest perpetually now I’ve heard so many things about who melchizedek is and some people say he was just Jesus in the old testament before Jesus actually became Jesus, he wasn’t but he was a king and a priest and he was a king and a priest that actually operated in the heavenly realms because he was not a physical being , he was not a man. he had no genealogy so if we are going to be according to the order of melchizedek and Jesus is of that order, because Jesus was not of the aaronic order he was of the tribe of Judah, not  of the tribe of Levi so he had no right to be an earthly priest.  And he was not an earthly priest.  But he had every right to be a heavenly priest, the high priest. Because he could not be an earthly  high priest because he was not of the right tribe. but now that earthly  order is obsolete. and now we have a new heavenly order, of the order of melchizedek  which now,if we are going to be in that order we have to have our genealogies dealt with. because were not gonna be earthly and be an earthly order but a heavenly one.  so now we are made like the son of God and he remains a priest for us perpetually to ensure that, that access is open perpetually continually. 1peter 2:9 says you are a chosen race a royal priesthood holy nation, a people for God’s own possession so that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light  so we are that royal priesthood Revelation 510 you have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God and they will reign on the earth so this is something which is actually going to be a manifestation of the same mandate which was sonship given to Adam and Eve.

Question – so in a sense we are of that order in the heavenly function but then we are then to bring heaven to earth in agreement. so we are royal priesthood and oracles and legislators on the earth.22:34

 so we bring heaven and earth into agreement and we are the full representation of the four faces of God. fully representing him in heaven and fully representating him on earth. so that’s the fullness of his government. so we are those kings and priests and we will reign and rule as the mandate was given to sons, on the earth but we will also be kings and priests in heaven to enable us to rule on the earth. some people try to rule on the earth without establishing it in heaven first. That is never going to work. It says  your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.23:10

 we get to be involved in the as it is in heaven. so the Joshua generation operates according to the order of melchizedek as forerunners of this heavenly royal priesthood, to prepare I believe the next generation to embrace that inheritance of being sons of God and coming into their authority being seated in heavenly places as well the heavenly positions of government to rule  and legislate out of the intimacy and relationship into the earth so its about bringing heaven to earth and its wonderful doing the things in heaven. And I love all the engagements in heaven but ultimately what purpose are they if they don’t change the earth. they just become ethereal, ethitaric things that you all do and no difference no change. We have got to see a change. yes were the first beginnings of this were not fully matured as the order of melchizedek  and were not fully functioning in it but  where starting. So I am in this for the long haul I’m not in this for a quick fix. I believe it is gonna be this generation, the next generation and another generation. so that could be another 40 to 80 years. I am going to be around for a while. And I would like a lot of people to be around with me. because we have to administrate this for God’s kingdom to be established. So the order of melchizedek is a heavenly order. The earthly aaronic order has ended. the old covenant of the law has been made obsolete. this order will function and operate beyond the torn veil. that’s where you have to establish it Jesus is our door he is our forerunner he’s gone and prepared for us to come. hebrews 12:18 for you have  not come to a mountain that can be touched and a blazing fire darkness and a gloom and a whirldwind that was the old covenant. you couldn’t touch the mountain because they had rejected God and chosen to do their own thing so it was like they had to come through moses. So they couldn’t  touch it .but now verse 22 but you have come to mount zion . mount zion is the mountanin of  God in heaven the same mountain of God that the fire stones are on and the garden of God is in. its a mountain, it is a place of authority and to the city of the living God the new Jerusalem the heavenly Jerusalem so there’s a heavenly expression of that and there’s an earthly expression of that. now some people are looking for it to come out of heaven sometime in the future. But it is already here. We are it, we are the expression of the new Jerusalem and were not the bride of Christ. We are the wife of God in a sense. so yes there’s a sense where we are a bride , but we Wanna come into a consummated relationship not a  future one. So there  is a sense where we need consummated intimacy with God, not just future intimacy with God. so I believe were going to move from the bride concept to the wife concept. It  gives you a whole different level of authority. when you’re expecting to be part of this family and then when you become it, all of a sudden you get  your name on the check book you get the deeds of the house everything changes. It goes to a different level. so we can touch myriads of angels. so anyone who says to  you, you cannot touch angels, you cannot speak to them you cannot engage with them. hear it says you can. and the myriads are the different layers of the angelic canopy in which there are 10 and there are myriads from myriads from myiads.  And to the general assembly of the church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven so we can engage with those saints who are in heaven, the cloud of witnesses and to God who is the judge of all and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect who are the men in white living in their role as the order of the cloud of witnesses  so some people say whats the difference between the cloud of witnesses and the men in white linin. The men in white linen are assigned and the cloud of witnesses are part of the cloud that will be assigned to various things and then they are given a different name. but they are still a part of the cloud of witnesses. But they are on assignment if you like. And to  Jesus the mediator of the new covenant. old how wonderful it is to be the mediator of the new covenant and we don’t have to be in the old one. so we have this whole description of melchizedek  and there’s a whole thing there. we should not be focusing on Melchizedek we should be focusing on the order that it represents which is the heavenly royal priesthood. and the earthly outworking of that priesthood.  melchizedek  is a spiritual being. I believe he was one of the covering cherubs. And hes chief Treasury and chief Chancellor of the house of God, God Treasury. so he has a very keen role in our sonship and in our manifested heaven on earth .and he is involved in lots of different things around that. So the order of melchizedek is  heavenly. the only tribe of Levi and Aaron could be priests on the earth. so we don’t want to be involved in that stuff again .so Jesus could not be that, but he is that now. so the old order was obviously corrupted and made obsolete. now Jesus said you are of your father the devil which was not very nice thing to say really but it was the truth. I know why they were highly offended by that. there were saying we are of our father Abraham. we have the heritage and the tradition and the law and the tora. He was saying your of your father the devil. which was where there source was it wasn’t in heaven. so both speaking the order royal priesthood no human genealogies so we do need transformation at all levels which is why communion is such a powerful thing. because we take on the body and blood of Jesus and it transforms us it begins to change this earthly body and taking on the heavenly body on earth. because when Jesus came back he had a body.  that ate with them they touched it but it was a body which was taken on beyond death body. Now I don’t believe we need to die to go and get a beyond death body. Because that was the transfigured body that Jesus demonstrated radiating with light, shining with light and connected with the cloud of witnesses and the men in white linen there which were Moses and Elijah .so we can live forever we can be perpetually in this and we can be like a son of God. so that ascension to these nine levels of confirmation will be the processes that bring us into engaging with the nine strands of God’s DNA when we become fully formed sons and we begin to take on the image of our father so the order is priestly that means mediation and not mediation between people and God but mediation between heaven and earth so we are those who are in heaven mediating for creation to restore the earth to its original heavenly position by bringing heaven to earth in the form of the kingdom of God. that is the role of Kings and priests. The order will be kingly therefore it is governmental and it is legislative to the affairs of the nations of the world and we are called to disciple the nations. It has been translated make disciples of all nations but actually it says disciple the nations which is again bringing all the nations back into the mountain of the house the Lord. here is the in the wrong place. So the order has access to the mysteries of God the treasures of God to the resources of heavens Treasury. because that’s what the access of our high priest gives you into the intimate things of God. So there is way way more things that we’ve yet to discover. And they are all the houses and the library rooms of heaven and there’s the record room and scroll room and loads of things there. and some of you will engage some of them because that will be your mandate and you will have access. I went into the library room in 2010 and I went  in there and it was like pitch black. and there was one light shining on one book. God told me recently that if I’d shown you all the books in 2010 you would have never left the library. At that point I was hungry for knowledge and I could read this book and when you read the books you absorb the information and you know things because you have never done them before  but you know them when you read a book. So if there are books in there  about everything. So if  you want to know how to do something that you don’t know how to do go and read the book and you’ll know how to do it. people are doing that sort of thing.  They are not knowing how to do something in the natural realm they read the book  in the realm of heaven.32;33

 and they know do it. With out ever being taught because the revelation and the knowledge is imparted in a heavenly way to us. There are all sorts of things there in heaven for us to discover. so through the revelation of the Sapphire cube on the sapphire pavement and on the  throne and all the heavenly trading floors. I’ll go into all that stuff in other times. but there is a lot more for us to discover in this role. that order reflects the four faces of God, it has access to the holy of holies and revelation of the covering cherub holy holy holy releasing the revelation of the character and nature of God. this is a new covenant order, the kingly priestly functions releases heavenly apostolic blueprints that carry the purpose of God to be manifested in the earth. They have visionary descriptions of what God desires on the earth and when we receive those blueprints that’s when the government forms and then we begin to outwork them. So we have this whole prophetic oracle apostolic prophetic thing, legislation that brings that foundation of what’s received in heaven to the earth so earth is a reflection of heaven governmentally particularly. so I showed you this picture earlier. here in heaven we get this arc of agreement between king and priest we have a blueprint given to us for earth and its shallow forms on the earth and then we then connect earth and heaven and then we form a foundation on earth to bring heaven and earth into agreement and that is the government of the order of melchizedek  there is no hierarchy there is no- anyone over anyone. foundational government and everything is about releasing everyone to go. so there is no end to the increase of that. you can just keep expanding and expanding expanding to fill the earth with the glory of God and the kingdom of God. so each one of us as a son seated in heavenly places on our mountain on our thrones has a blueprint, a scroll, a destiny that carries with it  seven main spheres of government authority. So it is really important to find out what we are authorised to do. some people’s mountains are very specifically targeted towards the things that they’ll already know about, but didn’t really think about them as spheres of authority. some people have a mandate for worship some people have a mandate for business some people have a mandate for family some people have a mandate for some area of Ministry most of my mountains were  ministry orientated because that’s a reflection God of what Gods called me to do so there’s apostolic and prophetic function and various things but I have a family mountain and I also because I’m connected with the government of the ecclesia I have a mountain that connects me to  what the ecclesia  is . but all of us have those spheres of  authority and it’s good to find out. In the next conference we will be looking to help everyone find out what their spheres of authority are. get people seated on their mountains. getting in their thrones getting invested with power and authority starting to administrate the kingdom to establish it on earth so we are priests and kings in heaven with the governmental authority in and through and around our lives as a gateway of that into the earth .the sons of God called to have dominion, the order of melchizedek functions according to the governmental image of God seated or enthroned in the heavenly places. it’s a seated not running around frantic.36:14

 Seated in rest, you don’t rule unless you sit on a throne. that’s the place of rule, so you have to be seated,that is what it says in Ephesians 2:6 we are seated in heavenly places , some people just miss the nuances of what that means. so we are seated in a position of authority and were at rest and peace in it and that gives us the authority to administrate and it is associated with the four living creatures, the four faces God which is why we did the activation engaging the four faces of God. Because if we are going to operate as the order of melchizedeck we need to be able to stand in the name of God and begin to operate in the function of the Lion, ox, eagle, man. the full function of it.

Ezekiel 1:26-28 (YLT)
26  And above the expanse that is over their head, as an appearance of a sapphire stone, is the likeness of a throne, and on the likeness of the throne a likeness, as the appearance of man upon it from above.
27  And I see as the colour of copper, as the appearance of fire within it round about, from the appearance of his loins and upward, and from the appearance of his loins and downward, I have seen as the appearance of fire, and brightness is to it round about.
28  As the appearance of the bow that is in a cloud in a day of rain, so is the appearance of the brightness round about.

 So ezekial 1:26 says above the expanse was  over the heads was something resembling a throne. Now this is our throne like lapis lazuli  in appearance and on that resembled the throne high up with the figure of an appearance of a men. that is talking about us, now you could say Jesus is sat there, the father sat there, but this is a man and it’s talking about our thrones there. the appearance of the rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day so was the appearance  of the surrounding radiance such was the appearance and the likeness of the glory of the Lord expressed in us. who was made in the likeness of God?- us. whose glory will creation respond to?- ours . whose glory will bring freedom to creation ours. so often we get so caught up with glory belongs to the Lord, of course it does his glory belongs to him, our glory belongs to us. Because the glory is  the weight  or essence of something. and our glory is sonship. his glory is fatherhood. and the son of God. so Romans 819 the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. everything is waiting for us. but creation itself will also be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. which is why we must find our identity. because we will never radiate our glory for creation to respond to if we don’t know we are. and if were thinking it’s all about God and  not about us in relationship with God .God has assigned us to do these things. for generations we been calling out on him, oh please God, will you do this , will you rend the heavens and  come down. I remember praying it over and over again. He has already rend the heavens, and he has gone up, and he is basically saying come up here. But we keep saying, rend the heavens and come down, because were weak and we can’t do anything, so will you come and do it for us because we are your children please bless us. And he is saying I have already blessed you.  I have empowered you to seated here with me, why are you doing this? Why are you calling out. When we are children you look after your children and you bless them .39:28

when you get hold of us is like uniting, will therefore any more you serving up change the nappies very condition if you are them so you has become mature so what God is doing in these days is basically saying come on grow up still asking me to do things that I called you to do that empowered you to do positioned you in a position to do start functioning as sons as my sons in relationship with me but in your sonship and then creation will be free with our glory and our position of government that brings it into its rate and God is just waiting creation is waiting for us to rise up take place in which is why we call this the sons arise and take place sons arise in our identity sons arise your authority be seated in your position so 1019 since we have confidence went allowing place by the blood of Jesus by a new and living way which he inaugurated through us through the veil so we have to draw near into the holy place which is why the are the presence of God is so so important to build engage the four faces there Jesus is become a guarantee of American he’s done a guarantee he’s put is blood in their on the mercy seat it’s a continual reminder of our access of the forgiveness that already been what are reconciliation with him the relationship is continually there within the blood the new covenant is a heavenly order forever so let’s engage with an arc that’s come begin to see the manifestation because if we don’t go manifest see the high priest didn’t go into the place and then it was just like was there he had to engage the name of God he sang the name of God that created a residency created a frequency electromagnetic energy which create a portable which then the manifestation of God came so if no one’s around the arc God me down in do nothing it’s like his presence is there because we are there we are engagement manifested presence and in one sense of eating one of the covering cherub topped off and did his own thing is a vacancy that us so actually our colour areas we can actually form the arc by are engaging that when we go there God’s presence manifest if we don’t go there God’s presence manifest that so more and more people are engaging the so God is there in the four faces a model that sense so could do covering cherub them looked into the deep things of God may release the holy holy holy his character nature we come close with drawing post the nature character of God the soil beings each with four faces create six dimensions of revelation of the nature of God 16 dimensions so we think God is one-dimensional and we know everything about him there’s a lot more to discover and then you can see the full beings had six wings with all hands which is another 24 dimensions of revelation and are 96 dimensions revelation into so there’s a quite a lot for us to discover to explore and to find out in God and to think we disconnect to know it all know by reading the Bible now happen the Bible you see some of these things you see all that why the saviour for hats was six wings and because they were talking about things which were their connection to conventional things numbers are important has God uses numbers and numerics to to give us illustrations so Revelation 113 I saw one like a son of man this is not Jesus Jesus is the son of man and he is now the son of God in fullness in son of man, God together this was like a son of man this is a description of our we are to be seen in heaven and I have sees us in a row which is been journey is chest the golden/is Henry’s hair will want like will which is basically means wisdom will actually white hair in neither is godlike there was a big white booty be unnerving else is that this is a description symbolically of wisdom like snow’s eyes were flame of fire our lives need to be flames of fire is been were like burnished bronze when it is been made to glow in a furnace his voice was like the sound of many waters so when we speak with the voice of God heaven response response creation responds with speaking with around voice as we do not in that place his right hand the seven stars seven positions of government our is now a sharp two-edged sword we speak with the word of God that starts to it so is living and active the word of God is face was like a shining might the Transfiguration so in a sense this is are spirit being in light which is a reflection of the same things you read in his eagle and other things isn’t Jesus’s us so yes we need to engage the arc we need to engage of the ornament is about four faces of God so we have this behind the second veil there was a Tabernacle which is called now you is having a golden altar of incense and the Ark of the covenant parable sight of goal in which was the golden jar holding the banner’s Robert body and the tables covenant and above it with the cherubim of glory overshadowing this was a description of Barrio is which it then later says you can come into the personally was just a pattern of their and heaven itself is a pattern that so that the inner court call is very strongly the autofocus and the function of our Joshua generation is to be operating in that there we have access earlier is like the high priest we are priests of the Lord my experiences there discovering the Ark a ask a a RC just like is not going on that that’s what it was all about me when I engaged it so what is an arc the manifestation between Europe the German then you can step into the manifested God access to the agent pass what we’ve done during this time since bring it all together so picture the stuff I focused on for a year so not realising that was more conceivable but I did get to know what the stuff that was in the Ark and I did learn to engage the mandate so we all come to the Ark look into the arts the father was doing receive a man in authorisation in for those things for through 34 Jesus said to them life through this do the will of him that sent me accomplishes work so he should be wise to something that nourishes us equips us enables us to enable us to be that and to outwork it then in Hebrews 10 sadnesses this behold I have come in the scroll of the book is written of me to do you will of God I was Jesus describing his scroll we also have a scroll and it is the same thing it’s written in that scroll for us to do the will of God as sons and we have this whole thing Hebrews 1016 this is the covenant that I will make with them after these days is I will put the laws upon their hearts and I will on them my dolerite this is this is the illustration it’s no longer a whole set get stones is actually a living expression is more is not talking about the law the, talking about his legislative government is place with honesty authority of the kingdom in our hearts and our minds that we can begin to outwork it in our lives our destiny scroll gets reveals unveiled to our hearts there the desires of asking transform we have a broader sector of authority which we rule psalm 40 x 6 your throne of God is forever and ever et cetera that brightness is the sceptre of your kingdom so when you get sown your throne you get until row which gives you authority you Crown you will secure and sometimes you might be given other things eventually all in various things this is the place of authority that we can be seated in seeing so as I will talk about separating my soul and spirit I was able to go beyond mandate every day into being able to step into the four faces of God look into look out from the name of God the okay bar they man lying legal opinions on their looking at and functioning in that place all us to be in that place so you engage some of the flags you stepped into the middle just like to every day and yourself go to the place where I can engage the presence of God is I’ve been invited that Hebrews 10 says come to the God saying come up here engage with me live here and minister from here but that’s a process so we need to function in the full function of the oracles of God so this is the soul of the pattern of the Tabernacle engaging in ministering out engaging with the four faces of God there’s we come in our lives were coming in robes of righteousness were not coming back into mercy think becoming robes of righteousness in our sonship so we are operating Manhattan and I would begin to get blueprints bring them into the earth form those things on the earth all this stuff toolbar what we called to do so the veil between heaven and earth is open so we can engage the whole and become transformed so that verse will be transformed reflect heaven we will be transformed to reflect our father as sons heaven and earth will start to come back into agreement and overlap and will start to see some manifestations of God’s garden again on earth union and God’s garden together so what God gave us was always supposed to be in relationship to God’s garden we need to see the garden, it’s his there is Eden is the whole area lead is where the mountains has the Lord is a mountain of God fire is where God’s garden is where the river of life is with a tree but your we do that engagement go into that that’s what I would describe the was we have access into Eden directly through our first Love without passing go we go get access sometimes people think that go to protocols there’s a lot of stuff out there which is all prodigal nation say this 1500 unison then you’ll get access don’t get involved in any religious ritual I stuff is open Jesus is come to come simply by faith alone your first Love gate you Wanna going to Eden go back through their show me the river of life show me the tree of life show me the throne of grace just asking to give you are Torricelli word is start functioning yes is his where heavens representation governmentally and mostly relationally really is to be reflected on the earth garden which was easily connected to Eden the river of life flowed Eden thrown into the garden God gave Adam and Eve it then flow that water the earth now when all that got messed up now is really represented in us so we have the garden the arts the we are now the Channel 4 river of life to flow into the earth to us but we need to operate and open the everlasting laws of heaven to see the river of life flow into the earth not just through us image but in a much more powerful way but ultimately yes it Adam and continue to walk with God in those gardens then his God would been cultivated and it reflect of God and therefore the whole earth would have been still with the garden because it was supposed to expand and fill the earth to the whole earth we been a beautiful God reflect Eden and it would have been connected to Eden heaven functioning in a complete symbiotic relationship if you but it will messed up now we are here to restore it so we need to engage the Tabernacle inheritance and we are the Tabernacle on earth we are the house of God for this to manifest were also being built together for a holy temple God religious temple the group the people who are living stones living together in relationship being built up in love demonstrate God so we need to see this agreement this are between heaven and earth and we will then see heaven reflected on and it’s that so the shade is a period place of actually it is the shade new Jerusalem in the shape of the mountain of God if you like the pyramid shape religion I just read is a representation of heavenly and when heaven and earth an agreement the mount of the has of auditing raised position in that so blueprint or scroll for individual lies for our gathering together around everything is a crazy are and whatever else God calls you to do there will be a blueprint for it and therefore there are a series of patterns the God wants to express to help us outwork that scroll bring heaven to earth so yes we need to deal with our pastor were a journey a process slight we need to deal with the things that are affecting us and stopping us knowing who we really are and all those things but we need to be inspired know there are always biblical patterns the power of agreement and to agree this power frequencies the like the colour all the vibrational movement open portals that veils to engage beyond the veils on in this is all truth fun stuff coming out of my life in the brethren church this is pretty exciting know you us to go every Sunday morning sit down be miserable on my simply Jesus everything parable I look back to cry no so bad that I killed Jesus and was life in this is an adventure this stuff is beyond and it’s an adventure quest and we need to pursue it with passion and zeal so we can bring heaven and earth together in the superimposition overlap so terms agreement to come into agreement and opens a portal manifestation three’s government that manifestations the kingdom I had then you get for your window will so is no point having in a mess opens the doorway for that manifestation which is why we have for we window so one plus one plus one equals three that’s the bench a three that’s government three was one equals all that you you need government and man to make we don’t that’s what we agreed God to bring heaven to earth, can be in government been looking for us to say you are I went to be with the coming to be the fourth of my life usually flow through me 3 x 3 x 3 which is nine complete number the nine God through my 3 x 3 is complete so once my line is 929 21 Mercedes 939 27 2+79 to

to God means nothing is complete in itself but he’s chosen for this is going to be 12 so he calls us to engage his nine strands of DNA the nine stones revelation to ascend then we can be part of the 12 stone, high priest blessed by the 12 foundation of Jerusalem is what true government is so sexy when we are in this place of engaging in heaven and were in the place of the the four faces of God we have access to go up into that realm we have access to come down bring things into the air we have access to reflect heaven in that going up and coming down we have access to go in amount to go to a trial client is really interesting we go backwards and forwards in space and time I was only to this staff know it’s like you here all of a sudden the boundaries are all relieved everything is actually beginning to be open and so we can access the timeline we can access into eternity walking back on ancient that school staff and I wish I knew this stuff when I was a kid I was a lack this up you know I’m a lowering is that I need this stuff is also so is amazing things so yes the priestly function is to engage the heart of God intimacy to know his heart then we can negotiate with God for the outworking of his will and purpose is by we can talk to him he wants us to interact with it is not like always all fixed we get a part to play which was talking about this afternoon we can access the you son, McCall seven be involved and then once we have an agreement in the heart we then can operate in the King function bring that agreement into the earth and heaven to prepare for the earthly manifestation so we need to see the manifestation presence of the glory God I love the presence of God his glory know that’s why wannabe heaven engage God the son God show you which the glory cloud coming so need everything else which are wonderful but where’s the manifestation of heaven on earth possessed the real glory of God is not just a cloud cloud consulate literally stand the Jude says we need to stand in the glory minister the glory you start to see the will of God was for our own lives we resonate we align with it we come into agreement with it our heart desires and draws us towards outworking our destiny mandate we rule in our we can just have to say old God you leave me today and I hoping everything will work out is the we get to be involved with sons were joint heirs were co-heirs with Christ so that we can begin to frame our world frame our lives from the mandate the mandate gives you authority so God mandates you to be blessed to be fruitful multiply so I expect the favourable God around my life so you sit back and hope to the best no ability create and then call into being it is something I need that I have God under call it to manifest I recall it as if it is what is yet because that’s what so God created everything because things that the not as if they are and then they were so we have the same authority to manifesting is so we have to be in that place of authority and we use the authority to create the atmosphere of blessing and kingdom around our lives to manifest heaven on earth as you have opposition the new role reason for position any longer to the court you find out what the reason is you get authority and you authority to change the reason and not be subject to the staff numbers are throwing out stuff for where we are going in the future what you can learn again got programme by doing legislation sessions and things there to teach you how to frame something how to bring order around your life in alignment with the heavenly mandate from God and it’s down to us and if you know the truth and you don’t use the truth things are work out and all our old God, help us because we are poor children we don’t want to do in the carry circular praying the same way they use the Premier not get any results be religious in the least to see the not getting results because God said old the new issue come you decree the results Adam my heart relationship you decree the result you frame the life you frame things and bring order bring government into it so we become the full representation of the four faces the full functions of that on earth kings and priests we then speak prophetically is: with ministers and apostle legislatively around our lives in those spheres that we have authority we may have corporate spirit we have wider authority so it was standing the four faces of God despite we were doing and then in sons were in the power of the attorney of his name now it’s like I find it really funny when people’s attack on in the name of Jesus on the prayer hoping like a lucky charm though make more effective because it really is in in the name Jesus just gives you says in the name Jesus is most of those players are not in the name Jesus taught there in our name is worth asking the help or asking God to do something so we want God to do it so will let you name Jesus actually we need to be in the name of Jesus in the four faces in the okay bar they in the place of authority that place actually use the power that we have a sons of God to decree declaring call things into being to manifest those things on earth as we declaring them in heaven so we see through the lines eyes we speak with alliance voice so for you to do of February remember that years ago and will actually that was something which was prophetically involved alliance base we kings we should all alliance for they don’t glory to be glory the ground because the ground carries a frequency that vibrates much further than it will in the as it changes stuff and we can speak into the eyes of the oxen and an eagle all those things this is all part of where we need to learn to do so in that place we can engaging of course it is to be declared a decree to bring into being in this realm because it will become what will it we take was was before that was only to be in the at our heart God because were bringing there decree what is and it will become what will be here we will living at so the any alpha omega the Alison that have they agree that’s why Jesus called the African is in him we get to be see the beginning we get to be the every day that the end everyday we should be completeness of what we did in a engaging God in the heart so God said challenging our hearts to draw us back into this because it’s where we will find we belong it’s fine we will fare this is where I was created to be this is where I’ve been looking for all of when I found it I was like wow I wish I knew this what is which of 60 so it so we have access to this to will back into it no we are the prison the King we can engage and discover God’s eternal love this relationship in that wonderful dance we can engage and discover the heart God for our lives the creation and actually we are not victims rulers and sometimes we act as victims hope all the was terrible stuff is gonna my life why is not ruling of governing and allowing staff to happen around my life you take advantage if you don’t rule now God is to protect us will all that stuff now holy same star ruling start governing start administrating start restoring things start brain alignment with heaven and earth around your life so we come into agreement with his arm Wanna see God’s kingdom on earth as it is know that you only see wildlife reflect that policy that it easier reflect that policy all the people were helping around the world engaging with reflect that to everyone his listening on the lifestream I want to see this in your nation in your city in your life wherever you are you can embrace this as well were all here to see God’s kingdom come with only do that if were royal priesthood for oracles religious leaders so less administrate it let’s be the name of God let’s be open so it’s just do a final activation must come and step into the heart of the presence of God is come and step into the name of God and the start seeing things you can do that physically if you want you to sit there no problem but again and encourage you to just begin to fix your eyes on that open heaven starting to it and by faith just asked Jesus to take you to that place of engaging the Ark of his presence you don’t get aerial take you you’re taking a step of faith you stepping into a go for it as you stand there engage with the line oxycodone and sense their presence engage with them note you may receive mandates today for cities four areas for your life your family for a glaziers you might be given blueprints today for these things open to receive something that your spirit take it in take the scrolls and receive them and then be willing to stand in in the name of God in the old Avon in the final to start started three I live and let your spirit rise up sons of God, place and from that place release heaven through start to decree things over your life but to declare the government of God starts as a priest catch the heart of God release it was release those groans remain back into eternity rivers that you just open for this engagement allow God through this to engage you just go into this experience I was encourage you just go through this whether you experience it and you understand everything just let your spirit engage that’s the key for a you please, calling us into sonship through the time such as this used you feel wonderful love you them those pressures loving dad the cause into this wonderful relationship with you thank you Jesus knew verb and of heaven for us are forerunner God for us at the way we can step into this wonderful place intimacy we can step into this place of authority and government we are positioning the heavens this your sons children and you raising is that Lord things given access to the courts have undercharged the court to learn rule and government thank you seven spirits of God to help those who us come into sonship thank you for the basis of God representation of your presence and you for the full range transformation we just bless you and thank you for all you doing this time you are called us were time such as this thank you you called us to be part the Joshua generation the order of you bless you we thank you and we ask that each person here that you will empower them to go from this place with the revelation that they received a beginning to live from that place of intimacy and sonship each of us has been called into

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