Sons arise 2

I am going to look at how we engage the angelic realm and how we interact with the angelic realm. Because God is given us the angelic realm to be ministering spirits on our behalf and if we don’t learn how to engage them we won’t get their help. They will be helping behind-the-scenes but they Wanna be more actively involved with us.

So when you have an open heaven like Jesus described an open heaven and the Angels going up and down. That interactive  sense of being, living in dual realms. Because that’s what he described to Nicodemus. I’m here talking to you but I’m also in heaven. That’s how he was describing his life of working with the father. And the Angels were involved with all of that. So, we have an open heaven, we have an open heaven for a manifestation of God’s glory, which goes beyond his presence, and we will want to invite him to be here.

We don’t pray like most churches might do. We basically just Wanna interact with God. So we do welcome the father and the son and Holy Spirit to be with us. We also welcome the seven spirits of God. We welcome any of the cloud of witnesses who would like to participate with us. we welcome the four angels that have been assigned to this season that we are in, to help us transition. we welcome the four living creatures representation of the four faces of God. we welcome their presence because if they can help, we need all the help we can get. but we need to learn then to engage and to experience how to engage with them.

So, we have, and the four faces of God and we have flags here set out on the floor because sometimes what we found is it helps people to go and engage in some, to take a step of faith and stand. If you are going to do that physically then take off your shoes, they are breaking delicate flags and banners. But it sometimes just helps to go and step into that, rather than just sitting. but you can sit down and engage where you are no problem. And your spirit can engage with the Angels that are here, but we found that going and stepping into that atmosphere helps connect and the different flags here represent the four faces of God. you got Lion ox eagle   man and that is set out from east, south, west and north. How they are arranged in heaven. And our room is guided that way. we have the four angels of, I call them angels of transition. They are an order of angels. in other words, they are called transformation, winds of change. Transformation here on my left, winds of change on my right over their back right. Sound of many waters, which is like the voice of God and then refiner’s fire. Refiner’s fire is one of the seraphim angels. And they are an order of angels and if you interact with them, you can invite them to come with you and help you in your personal transition. you can help them to come and join in with any groups that you have, if they are open to do that. I wouldn’t go to your pastor if you’re in a traditional church. Can we invite these four angels to come here and work with us, unless their very progressive and open you might get a funny response. But you personally can because they are assigned, there are enough of them here for everyone to interact with them and they help you. We found that God assigned them here and wherever I go, I take that order with me, and I leave them behind, when they are welcome. and people are still interacting with them.

The seven spirits of God are not God they are seven created beings to help us interact and engage with our sonship. There are there to help bring us into maturity, so their tutors and trainers and sometimes we also have the seven spirits of God engaging with us in different ways. Each of the seven spirits actually has connection with a particular color and sometimes you can connect with a color and engage that color. So, we set those flags out in a particular way there on the floor and you can interact with that. You might want to just sit there. But we have the lion the ox the eagle and man representing four living creatures which represents God’s government, kingly priestly oracles and legislative government of God .

We have an open heaven. so, this is like we are in heaven now and when you step into that, it is like stepping into that realm. And so basically in doing that you can interact and experience that interaction in a way which to you will be personal. So, there’s no format for what will happen. It’s just whatever happens to you. And if you step onto a flag saying I want to engage with the lion or I want to engage with one of those angels don’t try and predetermine what is going to happen. If something doesn’t happen the way you think it might, don’t be concerned. If you think I am not feeling anything, when you engage these things by faith because that’s what we do. Some people say well I’m just engaging by faith, it is not really real. Actually, God always responds and rewards our faith. We have to believe if we come to him in faith that he is going to reward us – it says in Hebrews. So, you will have received something, even if you’re not aware of what it is. But sometimes you get some very specific thoughts or feelings, or your body may react. Often if you step onto the refiner’s fire, it feels warm. Because it’s like you’re engaging in a fire. So, I encourage you just to think about that. The seven spirits of God are there to help us. So, the red is the spirit of the Lord. Orange spirit of wisdom, yellow spirit of understandings, green spirit of Council, blue spirit of might, indigo the spirit of knowledge and Violet is the spirit of the fear the Lord. You can step on one. you can step on two at the same time. Just do whatever you feel led to do and you will find that you will begin to outwork and engage that way. And ultimately their set out around the pattern of the Tabernacle in heaven. So, you have the name of God the yod hay vah hay and we can engage in that name, and we can step into that name, and we will do that at another time. I want to encourage you just to be open and be free in engaging that. So, I’m going to just encourage you just for a second just to take a minute just to see where your spirit is leading you to go. And then as we then go into the activation and then I just encourage you to go into that and to experience that as your engaging. So just take a little bit of a quiet time and just look. Okay where is my spirit drawing me. invite those four angels to be with you. invite the seven spirits of God to be with you in your environment and then you look to engage the way you want to within wherever you are in your setting. But it will open up a different avenue for you to be able to experience something in that.

Familiarize yourself with how it feels to be engaging with different things. Just like last night we engaged with the garden of our heart, we engaged here, we will engage in heaven. these all our spiritual realities which to our personalities they have different Frequencies they have different fragrances you can sometimes pick up different things, sometimes their feelings you get, sometimes you get thoughts, sometimes you get sensations, sometimes your physical body can react to it. But just have a go at engaging them.

Last time we engaged with the physical realm, the spiritual realm here which interacts with the physical realm. In this room there are many things that you can’t see with your physical eyes. but you can see with the eyes of your heart sometimes you can see with the eyes of your spirit and you can discern things with different eyes. So, I’m looking at you with my natural eyes. but I can also look at you and see things around you with my spiritual eyes. So, I can see the colors and the angels all the things that you carry with you and all the things that you are manifesting. If I choose to because I have learned how to do that. So, this room is full of radio signals which you’re not listening to right now if you were to turn the radio on and tune into the right signal you would be able to hear something. This room is full of all sorts of things, TV signals you can see it. So, there are things in the spiritual atmosphere that we can engage in that we can’t see with our physical eyes and that was part of practicing that last night. We can also engage within our own spiritual dimension, our heart, our spirit. So, God is there he wants to engage with us there. The garden of our heart.

But also, we can go back into the realms of heaven. So, the realms of heaven, there’s so many different realms, there are so many different things that are there. I like engaging in Eden, the garden of God because that connects us to what Adam was able to connect to and what God wants on earth again, from establishing it in heaven. So there is the father’s garden there, there is the Tabernacle, all sorts of different things and then we can go outside of the physical and spiritual realms altogether to engage with God himself, because we are in him so if we are in him we can be anywhere he is in time and space and we can be where he is outside of time and space but you have to tune into, how do you activate that. because we know it’s true. We know we are all in him. In him we live and move and have our being or exist it says in acts 17. But have we experienced it and how do we experience it and some of those things were going to be looking at, quite a lot so we can engage in the father’s realm because the veil is torn. Jesus torn the veil between heaven and earth, and it says in John 10 he is the door, and we are to go in and out of that door to find pasture another words, to feed. And so, we can go in and out of the realms of heaven or in and out the spiritual realms because he’s made it available to us and invited us to come. So, when his invitation to John was come up here, that is an invitation to you. Some say no it was given to John. But God doesn’t treat any of us any differently we all have the invitation, and you can see that in Hebrews when it says come boldly to the throne of grace. We’ll where is the throne of grace, in that realm. And it’s not talking about coming boldly in theory it’s talking about coming boldly in practice. Most of our coming boldly is to call out on God and ask God from here (earth) and pray and hope he hears. But when you go and actually sit on his lap and you sense his presence and your there with him you know he is listening to you.  So many people pray and then not really sure whether their prays are going beyond the ceiling.  But when you’re talking to God face-to-face then it’s very different so he wants us to experience him and he has opened up that realm for us to go and we don’t have to physically die before we go. Spiritually we have become alive, we have been resurrected and that resurrection life in Christ is given as access to that realm. So, we can engage in the garden of Eden and the waterfalls and the river of life, the tree of life, the throne of grace, the judgment seat, there is it lots of different places there are lots of different ways of engaging. For me I go to places because there now so part of me that I can just access them.

Heaven is such an amazing place. It is full of fragrance and life beyond the colors of this realm beyond the fragrances of this realm everything is living and everything is active, so you walk along the path and the path is alive and the path is blessing you.

You’re not imagining it. This is the thing, using your imagination as a screen for an experience to outwork is different from you trying to imagine something.  It is like everyone can use their imagination to imagine something. If you close your eyes right now and think of the front door of your house you probably will be able to have a picture of it or a sense of it and that may be really clear it maybe just an impression that you know what it is. But you can engage with it because you’re using your imagination to picture something.  So when we do activations and engagements what we’re doing is looking to activate our imagination by thinking about let’s say stepping into heaven or stepping into a doorway. So we use that as a door. So the imagination and when we use it to picture something then becomes a doorway that you can step through. So when you step through you have whatever you have, you can’t imagine that because you don’t know what it is. So your imagination is not you try to make up something, it’s you experiencing some thing. Have you ever had a prophetic picture in your mind? Where is that come from? Did you imagine it or was it projected into your mind by the spirit. The spirit projected it there so you could see it. People have visions- that is a projection onto the screen of your imagination something that God wants you to see so in Revelation 3, revelation the first few chapters John is looking into heaven as a vision and he seeing amazing things but it’s a vision of him looking into that realm and that’s in his mind.

In activating your imagination by faith, you create a doorway for you to step through. So, then he had the invitation in Revelation 4 come up here so then he stepped through what he was seeing into that realm. It says he was in the Spirit, so he went into the spirit realm which is different from seeing the spirit realm as a vision, but you have to practice.

It says in Hebrews 6 to train our senses to discern through practice and the whole engaging God program is about practicing getting your eyes open your ears to hear in a spiritual way rather than just the natural way. But when you step through you get what you get. And sometimes that can be very visual sometimes you don’t necessarily see a visual thing but you’re sensing something you’re feeling something, you are there, you are engaging but you are not necessary seeing it as a vision. Don’t be too concerned if you don’t see it as a full-blown Hollywood production. Because sometimes it doesn’t come that way. Sometimes you’re getting more of the perception of what it is, but just receive. The key is don’t try and analyze, I’m not seeing so I am not getting anything. Just rest in it.

Now sometimes he does give you visions, and they are in- voluntary you can’t make them happen. When you fall into a trance you are totally unaware of your surroundings and are in in heaven because you are completely there.

Now I can’t make a trance happen. I was seeking God for intimacy with him and he opened that by doing that for me. And I wouldn’t encourage you to try and do any seeking for trance and anything like that or making them happen by some technical formula. If you fall into a trance it is because God wants to suspend the present reality to take you into another one and he does that. But we can’t be dependent on trances to live our lives. I want to be living in the realms of heaven by choice so it’s gone beyond in voluntary encounters which I started having to knowing how to do that for myself which is what I learned to do in- okay- we’ll heavens open I have an invitation so I am going to come .so I step on the faith of that invitation and I enter into that realm and whatever I experience, I experience. And I can share some of my experiences but when you engage these things you got experience it yourself. whatever Jesus wants to do with you when you ask him to take you somewhere, go with it and don’t try and analyze it or make it happen just be in faith that something is happening and the more experienced you are and the more practice you put in and the more able your eyes are to see and your ears to hear physically and spiritually, the easier it is. When I first started doing it I had an encounter and for two years I never had another encounter.

For the next two years I desperately tried to get back there. I didn’t know how. But I pursued it I set the desire of my heart on it and eventually God took me back there and then showed me how. that I could do it whenever I wanted because it’s open for us to do that but it isn’t magic and it doesn’t just materialize you have to train your senses and it takes time to do that.

So, we will be able to engage these things, which ever level you are at just go with that. We can go into the father’s garden. Now within Eden there is garden within the garden which is the father’s God. it is the most beautiful place of rest and peace intimacy connecting with his creation in a way which we need to engage. The fire stones of God’s garden Ezekial 28 were going to engage those tonight. We can go into the throne room where the four living creatures are and the seven spirits of God and the thunders and the lightnings and the sea of glass and all amazing stuff. When I go there, I cast my crowns, just like I’m on my face. That’s my sense of the awesomeness of God being king, being creator, I do that there, but other people do other things. All those things are open and available we will be able to engage them.

So, we can engage the holy of holies. It tells us we can step into that. That’s where we can engage the Ark of the presence of God, the cherubim forming an arc of, opening a portal for God’s presence the four faces of God, lion, ox, eagle, man, the yod hay vah hay of God’s name and engaging his name and stepping into his name. We can stand in the name of God. We can stand in his government and engage with the lion, ox, eagle, man governmentally. All these things are things that we teach people to do but we teach people to do them obviously in order and sometimes, jumping into one thing was my experience. God just took me places. I did not know where they were and then I had to work out how to get back there. By continuing to re-engage and I practice and practice and practice until it’s just my lifestyle. To start with I had to try and learn how to do it. Once I learned how to do it then I can do it all the time. So, we can engage in the father in the various courts of heaven because we are called to have charge of the courts. Heaven operates like most governmental systems with courts. And there are lots of different courts. And we want to engage in this time with the court of the Lord. And we’re not going to go there legislatively were going to go there experientially to engage with where we connect with our scroll, because that’s where we were assigned our scroll and we agreed our scroll before we came into this physical realm and to know what our destiny is, it’s good to reconnect with that. It’s a regular think that I engage with and is where your angels were assigned to you, and it is a really cool place to go. So, we can re-engage with our scroll there and discover the timeline of our life. We can then access the father on the ancient paths, walking back to the way, the eternal circle of what was- into what is, into what will be. So, we can access the heart of God, that’s another place which we will engage in. Ecclesiastes 3:10 says this- I have seen the task which God has given the sons of men with which to occupy themselves. So, all of us have been given a destiny in which to outwork but it also says that he has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, so God has placed within us access to eternity and the desire to re-engage from where we came from. That’s what everyone wants, who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? They are questions people ask all the time and we need to have answers to those questions because God wants us to really know who he made us to be so we can really engage that so we can go back into the heart of God where his desire birthed us. He had the desire for children that he can relate to, and he birthed us uniquely and individually in that place of his desire. And then his thoughts about us formed us and he called us into being. We can re-engage with that, and we can listen to the conversation that Father-Son- Spirit are having about us. Now you’re not going to get necessary everything that they say. But you get glimpses of things that you need to hear because they connect you to where you are in your journey. The Bible describes the relationship between Father-Son and Spirit as a circle of the dance.  And its active, it’s living, its alive, it is not boring. It’s very much vibrant and full of the joy of life but we can participate in it because were invited back into that relationship that we had with him in the beginning. To re-engage with it to discern all the vast some of his thoughts.

I love Psalm hundred and 39 because it describes how we are connected to God and how he thinks about us and how he sees us and he is wanting us to reconnect so that we see ourselves in his perspective and then we can live from his perspective so we have this sort of figure-of-eight, it is a symbol of covenant and in the old Testament they made covenants and when they made a covenant they walked the covenant through this figure-of-eight you can get that when God came and Abraham into a sleep and make a covenant with him, with a fiery torch  walked through the sacrifice of the blood that was in the middle. So in the middle was where they shed the blood to confirm the covenant. Now obviously we are in the new covenant and Jesus shed his blood and his blood is a testimony in heaven of our salvation and our access to him in relationship. So we can re-access that. so where is the blood? on the mercy seat that’s where they used to put the blood. the high priest would take the sacrifice and put the blood on the mercy seat and Jesus sprinkled all the things of heaven when he went back into heaven and his blood is there as a permanent record that we can stand in him. So, we can stand in what is. And what is, is not what is here. It is what is in heaven. Then as we go back from what is into what was- was, we can discover what God’s desire and heart is for us every day from an eternal perspective not bounded by everything were seeing in this realm and that’s not a cognitive thing generally (relating to the process of acquiring knowledge by the use of reasoning, intuition, or perception). Although I have had cognitive experiences there. a lot of it is just I’m just there within this amazing relationship and love and conversation that just informs me of who I am. And then I can walk that back into the what is and then I’m standing in the name of God and the four faces, and I can start to legislate. I can start to call my life into an agreement with the heart of God. And I can shape things around me. It is just like we can choose to create our own reality and walk it out. And what will be, should be a representation of what was- was. For it to be so you have to bring it into heaven and administrate it and call it into being so that then you can then walk it out. Now I don’t expect you to know how to do that, you have never done it before. But this is where we are heading. God wants you to know his heart and he wants you to express his heart as a son and then to live out and walk out his heart to create life. We should be history makers in a good way so that history is aligned with God’s desire not out of the chaos that has been made.

So, we need to learn how to walk this out. So, the question is do we believe the vast some of God’s thoughts? Do we really believe what he thinks about us as sons? Or are we believing the lies of an orphan spirit because we were all born thinking we were separated from God. and that’s what religion has told us and then whatever religion your part of you have to go on some sort of works-based mission to get back to God and be reconnected to him. But the reality is he’s never been separated from us were just separated from him because we think we are. As a man thinks in his heart so is he. And if we are actually wanting to realize that God is with us and in us then there is no need for separation but we tended to believe about ourselves what the world has shaped us into and conformed us to and depending on what your life has been and what you’ve gone through, we all think differently about ourselves some people are very confident in themselves that may be a good thing and it may be a bad thing if you’re confident in yourself in your own strength then you are going to be confident in doing things your own way which is what Adam took us down the path.

So, we need to be confident in our relationship with God so that we can be everything he calls us to be and do everything he is calling us to do but not independently. So, we got to say what do we believe about ourselves. As we reconnect with God he wants to reveal what he thinks and beliefs. so we need a transformation by the renewing of our minds so that we don’t believe what we been conformed to in this world but were being transformed by that renewal so we can agree with and believe what God believes about us. God believes in you more than you believe in yourself and certainly more than anyone else believes about you.  So, we need to reconnect with that then we will find that our sonship begins to outwork and unveil.  So, in all this what we are doing, in every activation we do is not offer you a shortcut, or a quick fix of sonship, you do not just get it all of a sudden and you know everything. It’s a relationship you can only be a son in relation to the fact that you got a father and your in relationship with him. It has to be walked out in relationship. now we are looking to help you discover how to have that relationship. But it is down to you to have it. and if you spend five minutes a week building your relationship with the father then your ability to know yourself as a son is going to be five minutes a week worth, which isn’t going to be much. So, God wants to woo us and draw us in love to experience that relationship, so we want more and more. And then we can live that relationship not just in-we are going to have our quiet time every morning, or our noisy time whatever depending on which flavor you come from. But the reality is he wants us to walk with him and live with him all the time. So, the goal is that our spirit is with him. It says whoever is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him. So, when we are joined to him in fellowship relationship and intimacy, we are connected to him, so we never need to be separated from him at all. Now he is in us so were not separated in that way. But he wants us to have a deeper relationship in which were continually flowing out of the relationship that we have. Not trying to get one. he already is there. So, I’ve experienced these things as a forerunner to try and make it easier for other people to encounter it. That’s my mission in life if you like- is to try and open this and make it accessible to people. So, as a doorway you have to go through and take the opportunities therefore to excess these pathways for yourself to discover all the possibilities that exist therefore, deeper intimacy and relationship and eventually that will lead into responsibility but it’s a process and a journey it’s not just you going to find yourself in the destination one day and it will all be happened. That was a charismatic allusion that was sold us. You can get someone to lay hands on you and you will get it all. Been there done it got the hat and the T-shirt. trying to get every man to lay hands on me.  And some of it was great but it never lasted, unless I pursued making that myself. you know that I’ve done in the sort of years of my life that I learned to hear and see an engage in heaven. I cannot impart to you. So that you will have what I’ve got. what I can say is it is possible for you to have everything that I’ve got and more. but you have to develop it yourselves, it takes time to do that development . I share how to hear God’s voice and I can do it in two or three sentences that was might testimony. It took me five or six years to actually hear God’s voice. Now I’m a tenacious person who doesn’t give up. So, if I didn’t do it the first time then I will go and go until I do. and so, when God started to speak to me and try to get me to learn how to engage him personally through speaking to him. The only way I could do that was through the Bible. Because that was the only route I had. So, I meditated on the Bible and God spoke to me through it. but not just in a way which was disconnected but in a very personal way. So, his thoughts as his words were forming in my mind when I started to meditate on a Scripture he spoke to me through it in a different way than he spoke to me when I would prepare a sermon or I would study a Scripture, that was a totally different thing. This was his words in my mind in a conversation. And eventually I went beyond the need to go through the Bible to talk to God into talking to him. these things didn’t just happen overnight. I never even thought about talking to God as if he was in front of me. It never entered my mind to think that was possible. He talked to me through the Bible. He talks to me through prophetic things, but it wasn’t like he was sitting there.  So having learned to hear his thoughts in the word of God, I then one day decided I was going to put a chair opposite my chair, and I wasn’t doing this visually at this point in time. And I was just going to accept that Jesus was there. And so, I did, and I then started to talk to him as if he was there. I locked my door so no one would walk in on that process, talking to an empty chair. But in reality, nothing happened the first few times. But I was like well I can hear God speak to me in the Bible. I’m sure I can hear him speak to me. So, as I continued, I started asking him some questions. Not deep meaningful questions of the meaning of life, just very simple things but then I started to get the same thoughts in conversation in my mind that I got when I was meditating in the word of God. So, then we started to have conversations. Then I started to stop asking things and started listening. Because he’s got a lot more to say that I’ve got to ask. So, I just started to- is there anything you want to talk to me about. And we built up a relationship whereas Jesus said my sheep can hear my voice. So, I heard his voice and now I can ask him things and I hear his voice sometimes he doesn’t give me the answer but I am wanting, he will tell me something that I need to know that’s how he communicates to me because I’m trying to- we’ll I need to know this. No- We’ll actually you just need to know this and that is actually what worked. 

We’re going to do this little exercise close your eyes and picture a beach, if we have lived near a beach, it is easy to imagine it.

And I walked up to the waters edge and the water is laping over your feet and some walking along the shore towards you and as they get closer to you, you realize it is Jesus. And I am see all this, it was just like this was a picture in my mind, I engaged in it. now was i creating the picture? To start with I pictured the beach and then I just follow along and I was in it and eventually it got to the point where Jesus kneels down in the sand and draw something or writes something. I like wow what is he writing. And what does he write, I love you. Now I saw that, and I felt it and it really got into my heart.

And then, I thought okay, how do i do this again. I did not know how; we’ll I will try and do the beach again. We’ll I could do the beach again, but I couldn’t do anything else. Okay so I will start meditating in the Bible. So, I will start taking pictorial scriptures of Jesus, talking to his disciples.

I will do the same thing I will picture it and then I will begin to engage it. And so, I did.  And so, my meditations became visual not just auditory and then one day I was actually thinking about Jesus is teaching his disciples, wouldn’t it be wonderful to sit at the feet of Jesus and let him teach me. So I thought I’m just going to  find a Scripture start meditating in the Scripture and Jesus was teaching his disciples and so I start Picturing it and then I’m just there, in the picture and then Jesus looked at me right in my eyes and it freaked me right out, I suddenly thought  he can see me this is not just me picturing something I’m interacting in it and he then started to teach me and talk to me. Now than when Jesus was sat in the chair, I could see him and engage him because it went from by faith I’m engaging, but something is happening, to now I’m engaging in this is gone beyond. And this was part of my journey until when he took me into heaven it was a very visual experience. Because I engage with it. And I’m just sharing these things to make it available to everyone. Because this is for everybody, all of us can hear his voice. All of us can see what he’s doing, and he wants us to be engaged in that, but all these things can do is kickstart for you your own lifestyle and you have to practice, and you have to develop it and you have to find what works for you. Because we are all different. And were all wired differently so the way God works with us is different. now heaven must be multi-versed because we can all talk to God at the same time so he is able to interact with everybody personally, individually all at the same time and then all of us  can go on an activation we can all get something different because God will reveal what you need to receive in that activation and that engagement so the more you pursue it , the more you desire it the more it begins to open up and develop. Now Esther is one of the cloud of witnesses she was Queen Esther who was, you know the story and a couple weeks ago she turned up here on Sunday morning and I was aware of her presence, and I went to talk to her. That is what happened to Jesus. Moses and Elijah turned up and talked to him. So, if anyone tells you that you can’t do that. You say we’ll Jesus did, and he told us to do everything he did and greater things. So actually, there are some things that we might do which will freak people right out. but he says will do greater things so you can’t dismiss anything can you.  Because it might be one of those greater things.

But we can at least do the things that he did and one of the things he did was talk to Moses and Elijah. So, I was talking to Esther. A couple of scriptures that came to mind. Esther 4:14 who knows whether you have not obtained royalty for a time such as this. Or in another version you have come to the kingdom for a time such as this. Why did she come?  The sons of God I think are called to mature and engage kingship for a time such as this. What did ester do? She engaged the king. She was prepared to engage the king and she engaged the king even before the time that physically or what they said she was ready, she did. Why did you come? And she said, I wanted to remind everyone in the room that you’re all called for a time such as this.  You all have a destiny. Now I’m sure she’s probably going to be observing what we are doing in this time. And so, you may find that you can hang out with her, and she will give you some insight. Because all of us are significant in the heart of God and he has desires for the restoration of all things in our lives and also in everything. And so it is a significant time. Every time is a significant time. Therefore, we need to be precious about it, realizing that this is a time for each of us to come into the revelation of our sonship. So, I decided that I wasn’t content with just the few minutes of conversation I had with Esther here in the room. I went to go and see her. So, I went into the court the upright where the men in white linen hang out sometimes- as the cloud of witnesses. And I wanted to talk to her. So, she said this, this is what she told me. I was unprepared despite all the attention of the court it was not until I was placed in the position to step out into my destiny in God that I truly discovered who I was within God’s kingdom and what I was capable of. Otherwards, she didn’t really know who she was until she was thrust into it. And sometimes God does that- he throws you in the deep end and you have to swim or sink. Now sometimes he lets you sink to show you that you can’t do it in your own strength. But begin to find there is a destiny for you beyond what you can imagine or think. So, then she said I did not see the process as something to be desired. Other words she did not want to be the concubine or the wife of the King. It was not in her physically- what she wanted. So, she was taken and put into that position. and she didn’t even think it was good. So, the outcome was not what I was expecting. Many people don’t recognize their own destiny until they are in the midst of it.  So, following this conversation with her, I went to talk to the father. What is this about, why is Esther engaging? And it was like okay he said this- son use the environment of sons arise to accelerate the process of my children being prepared for their sonship positions. So okay. So essentially God is wanting to remind us of who we are. And all that he has called us to be and do. And so, this is why Esther came. Now she came here as we met as a church. But I knew it was something more significant to that which is why I went and sought her afterwards.

God said  this- let me call people beyond their present expectations and take them out of the comfort of their boats into the uncharted waters where they will learn to swim with out aid. So he is gonna take you out if you are willing.  You can stay in the boat and stay safe and secure. But sometimes the storms rage around you when you’re in the boat and he wants you to walk on the water or learn to engage in that. I will stretch my children beyond- if you will provide the environment where their safe to explore. Which is why we explore. And he’ll take you beyond if you’re willing to step out and have a go. Because he wants to unveil this and things worse. So, Esther went through a process of purification to prepare her to engage the king. Actually, that physical purification wasn’t completed. But she was still able to have access to the King. So, Jesus has already made us righteous and worthy to access the King. We don’t have to do anything to access the King. You don’t have to make yourself better where a different set of nice new clothes. we just have to be and allow him to engage with us because we desire it. Now ester didn’t desire it, but she still entered into it. God is giving us the opportunity to find that desire. do we want more of a deep relationship with our father with the King to engage .do we believe we are worthy, or do we believe the lies that make us less than worthy.  And we have to ask the question because sometimes those are the things that will stop you.  Because you won’t think God will want to speak to you or bring you into that intimacy because of what other people have said.  Or what you think about yourself. Whereas God wants to reveal what he thinks. So, it is really important that we take the time to listen to him and actually take notice of what he says so it changes what we think. Because that’s where our thinking will be changed by what he says. How he encounters us. It will never be changed by trying to change it yourself. I used to try and change my mind by putting little scriptures up and reading them and confessing them. We’ll l learned to memorize Scripture, but it never changes my mind. So, when God started to really take me on this journey, one day, and this was like a thought an impression on my mind. I felt this in my mind why is your Bible like a filing cabinet.  That’s what I felt I heard. Now I wasn’t sure, I was a bit like where did that come from? And then I thought it is not. That was my first reaction it’s not like a filing cabinet. It is my Bible. Well then, I felt like open it. So, when I opened it, it’s full of underlining and color coordinated schemes. I had certain scriptures in yellow and certain in green, certain in pink and certain in orange I was like that. Very left brained. So, I organized, all underlined, the special scriptures and then I felt – do you know any of those by experience. No, I guess I don’t. and it’s like God was really trying to say was. I started to speak to you through these things and you underlined them and highlighted them, and you preached on them. but you never engaged them.  So, all of a sudden, he then says to me   I want you to meditate. I am not doing that, that is what I thought, I am not sure that is even good.  I got a concordance and found out all the Bible verses that said meditate and meditation. I did not find any that said study.  Only one verse which is mistranslated in the King James to say study to find yourself approved by God. Actually, what it says is diligent. Other words persist, pursue, not study by intellectual knowledge to try and understand. Which is what I had done my whole life. And God was trying to get me out of that.  Which was when I then started to meditate in the Bible because that was my only source. And I then started to hear and then it all grew from there.  And there are some encounters that you get which are significant milestones on your journey. You will all have your own and you will remember that God did this, or this happened. And that was something that stirred you or encouraged you. He wants to take us deeper and move us forward. So, I sense Esther is going to be observing this gathering and therefore I think you can engage with that. I think she’s invested in all of us accepting our callings and our destiny. And she wants to help us in the process. And if she can encourage us because she’s been through that process herself of coming to engage the king and being called for a time such as this. then be free if you feel led if she shows up and you sense something just go with it and see what happens.

Now I produced a piece of legislation, another piece of legislation a couple years ago and it was for the depths of the father’s heart. Because God has been drawing us into his heart for a long time. this is not something which is new. There is going to be an outpouring of the father heart of God in the way of new wine. Now it came in a package that most of us found quite interesting – all the Toronto stuff.  With us the year before it happened in Toronto, and it was weird, wild, wacky stuff. And we did a lot of laughing, a lot of crying, a lot of being stuck to the floor and other things like that. And what God was doing, was trying to get our attention to call us back into intimacy and to discover the intimacy of sonship and the fatherhood of God. But I don’t think we really caught it, to know what it was about. We enjoyed the experiences, and we got caught up on the manifestations and didn’t really get to what it was underneath. so that was prophesied that God was going to pour out the wine of the Spirit. And that’s when we got all this laughter all stuff. And it was drawing, an intention getter some to come back into the relationship of intimacy. And I enjoyed the experiences, but I think that was part of my journey as well. But I didn’t get stuck in the experiences, but it’s been drawing me into this-wooing me into an intimacy with God. So, in this piece of legislation it says this- you are authorized to release a new wave of intimacy- which is certainly the desire of my heart and what I’ve experienced myself. Because when I decreed this and received this, I experienced it- this is what God does. It’s like so many times I thought I’d been producing some legislation that was for this person or that person or this group or whatever. And it was for me.  It was for other people as well. But I experienced it. So, I started to experience a new wave of intimacy when I started decreeing it. You are authorized to call for deep to call to deep.  The deep things of God calling to the deep things in us to engage deeper with him. And we are going to do an activation with that- engaging the waterfall, were the waterfall is the sound of his voice- deep calling to deep.  You are authorized to rip open the hearts of men with the power of love. That sounds quite forceful. But actually, sometimes it is quite dramatic when you engage the love of God. It’s like being opened up and sometimes God will open us up in ways which we don’t expect. Your authorized to call orphans to come home into the adoption of sonship. You are authorized to call for the removal of masks that hide the orphan spirit. So, people wear masks and it’s like on the surface they appear altogether or okay but underneath, inside they are not. It is like if we are going to engage God, we have got to let the mask come off and be real with him. And it’s really important to find people that you can be real with as well. Even if it’s online, if you can’t find anyone locally find somebody. It is good to get involved with a mentoring group. Because people can connect with each other and share their journey and be real. Because it is hard out there. If you don’t have a lot of people you can talk to. I am in a very privileged position of being able to talk to everyone here, and people here but also hundreds and hundreds of people online, in sharing our journeys and being able to bat things around. I experienced this the other week- what do you think of that. Oh, yah God has been speaking to me about that. Because sometimes I experience things and I am like- I am not even sure I want to tell anyone I have experience that they’ll think I’ve gone even more off the deep end than they already think I do. So, I find it really great to be able to share my experiences to say- and I remember I had some experiences and I shared them with our bench of three-here. And I was expecting them to say – I am not sure where you’re going now. They were oh yah we always though that. We just never said it. I thought oh praise God I am not alone. And that meant we were together in what God was showing me which was like quite bizarre out there- stuff some of it. So, you are authorized to call for open-heart surgery to remove the hardness of damaged hearts.

Now God wants to do open-heart surgery on us all. I experienced this lots of times, I was on the floor, it was a really hard floor. I was really uncomfortable, but I knew I had to lie there, and God took my heart out and showed me it. And I’m seeing it, it is a physical heart like in a vision but representing the capacity I had to receive from God and release it. And the valves of my heart to receive from God were wide open. The valves that were in the other bit- the pumping out was not. So, I could receive it, but I couldn’t release it fast enough.  So, he did a valve replacement. so literally he replaced the areas of my heart that were blocked and weren’t flowing enough.  Now after he did it the next day, I was meeting with some people online- I felt wow there is a gush and I shared a whole load of stuff- I didn’t mean to say that. I didn’t mean to share that. But it open sort of a doorway to engage in some things that I am now talking to people with which I had not done before.  So, all of us may have hard areas, damaged areas, blocked areas within our heart which God wants to heal and restore and make whole.  But we got to let him do it. We’ve got be willing for him to do it and engage it. You are authorized to undo the yolks, remove the heavy burdens of the slavery mentality. Which is what we are if we are not in sonship. We live as slaves. Your authorized to release the love of the father to broken hearts. Your authorized to call for this open-heart surgery. And now that’s what I want to do. My whole desire is to experience and call that out. So, in this your authorized to pour out the balm of the father’s heart to heal brokenness. Your authorized to administrate the eternal love of God to call my children back to their eternal identity as sons of light. And that ultimately is what he wants. so, he wants us to experience that.

You can do things in the Spirit realm towards people that you have some responsibility for, like family members but ultimately, they have to experience it for themselves if they are going to enter into the fullness of that for themselves. But you can certainly do things to help prepare the way for people. This is a law. so, it’s a legislation that authorizes me to release this. And therefore, for people to take this and say I will use this authorization- there are areas which- what we call jurisdiction. So, some of the laws that we have here as a church that we’ve developed. So, we don’t have permission to use them outside of the jurisdiction of here. Most of the ones that I get are for the Joshua generation. So therefore, everyone who is being called to cross over into the realm heaven and experience sonship. So, this is authorization for me to release this but also for everyone who is part the Joshua generation to use this for themselves, on themselves to start with. So, it’s like I need the balm of the father’s heart to heal brokenness in me. I need the fragmentation and the separation, the parts of me to be integrated and make whole. I need myself- so everything always starts with us and then we have a testimony and authority to release it. This is why it can be theoretical. You don’t have any authority in theory. It has to be outworked in practice. And then that practice can be outworked and administrated .So as you go- are you willing, and this is what God said to me, I am going to say the same to you. Are you willing to get on the altar and ask God to do an open-heart surgery on your soul.  Because we have to be willing and be proactive about it in seeking it. So are you willing to let the love of God be like healing balm administrated or administered to any brokenness in your heart. Now you may have gone through years of inner healing and had lots of stuff done like I did. We had lots of inner healing ministry we did lots of ministry for years and years and years learning how to forgive people. Learning how to release people. Learning how that will bring healing and wholeness to your heart.

 Years and years and years but until I met God face-to-face, he never got to the level and the depth that it is now. So we can engage that. Where is the altar? There are lots of altars in the realms of heaven. There is an altar in the Tabernacle of heaven representing the cross. But there’s also this altar I found, a really cool place to go to which is in Isaiah 6 in the temple that Isaiah went into. And it says the foundations of the threshold trembled at the voice of him who called out while the temple was filling with smoke. And I said woe is me, I am ruined. It feels like sometimes you get ruined when you engage in these things. You are undone. It is just like; you just have to lie there and be undone and allow whatever happens to happen. And it says I live- I am a man of unclean and I live amongst a people of unclean lips. Now that means our generational line can perpetuate in us. Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a burning coal in his hand which he had taken from the altar with tongs, he touched my mouth with it and said behold this is touched your lips and taken your iniquity is taken away and your sin is forgiven. So, other words there was healing and wholeness and restoration and reconciliation and it took place. So that was a coal from the altar.  Imagine what it is to lie on the altar and let the seraphim do that surgery with the father with the fire of God’s presence. So, we are just going to engage that. If you want an image of a heart on fire – there is one, to help you see what might happen if you are willing to allow that to go. So, I encourage you to close your eyes. And just relax and be in that place where you are not going to strive, you are just going to by faith choose with your choice engage the altar. So, I want you to think of an altar. And think of the burning coals and just picture that in your imagination. Just picture the fire by faith because heavens open you can step into that place within the temple, where the fiery altar is and then just ask Jesus to help you get on the altar. And as you lay on the altar ask the father to reveal any areas in your heart, to open you up, open up your heart to show you any hard areas, any areas which are stony, got bad memories any areas which are broken damage fragmented areas. Just ask him to show you. It may come as a memory, it may come as a thought, you may just get an impression of something. But just spend a little bit of time allowing him to unveil anything that he wants to do-open heart surgery. Wherever memories come to you, whatever impressions you get, or if you don’t get anything ,still give God the permission, choose to open your heart to him, to his love and just ask him to do that open-heart surgery to remove any areas to heal any brokenness to restore anything which is damaged and just let the father’s oil, that balm be poured into your open heart, just to heal you and restore you and  bring you into wholeness .

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