Sons arise 9

Following on in the next part of what I did this morning which was engaging in the place of eternity. Because there also is another place where our scroll and our destiny was agreed. we were talking about engaging the heart of God, finding out where we were in relationship to God in an eternal sense, the sense of before we came here. but how did we get here and what transition from where we were to where we are. because we suddenly appeared here. when we appeared in our mother’s womb . scientifically they discovered that there is a flash of light at a point where life begins. and that life beginning creates this flash when the spirit comes. now scientists and doctors have  captured this actually on film. I believe that we were sons of God, sons of light, light beings, made in the image of God, were functioning in that realm having connection to creation itself. and we then agreed to come into this realm. so we agreed it wasn’t forced on us. there was an agreement where our scroll was revealed to us encompassing this earthly destiny, the stuff we are called to do here. and then of course that will go on into the ages to come. because there are ages to come. There are potentially three different levels of ages to come in going into being ascended father’s eventually. so we agreed that scroll. we didn’t agree to anything bad. we agreed to the good and God’s intention and God’s desire, as we came into agreement and cooperation with that. So if we choose to agree with him now, we really need to come back to what was that that we were destined to do. because we have to rediscover it because of this disconnect when we come into this physical realm, which is not separated from God, but we come into a thing where we all think we are. because we don’t actually have the memory of connection. so although God is never separated from us. we think we are separated and therefore we live separated. so as a man thinks in his heart so is he. and that can put people into a really weird state of various things that people believe and they according to.  And all  the sorts of different things that  people are living according to is because they think that in their mind. they think that in their heart, they believe it and live according to it. so if you believe that your sinner, you live like a sinner. if you believe that you are a son of God, then you will live like a son of God. But you got to know what a son of God, it isn’t just the word, it is a relationship, and it’s an unveiling within that relationship, of the full revelation of who we are.

so if we choose to agree now and we are saying yes I Wanna come back into agreement with what my scroll was, because now I found a relationship with God and I discovered intimacy, it’s essential for us to begin to get hold of his thoughts towards us and to progressively know what that scroll is about. an even though it within us so guides us we are called to actually participate in a much more practical way. because God doesn’t want us just to know his works and to try and do the works of God. God wants to reveal his ways. so he wants us to be involved in the decision-making processes of what goes on. and hence you get the different courts that give you access to the assemblies or the councils of God .and one of those courts is the court of the Lord. and in Hebrew it’s called the sode of God. and we can reaccess that.

And i first started to access it when I started to look at my scroll and I wanted to see my scroll and I Wanted to know, and I was wanting to  access it for the wrong reasons, because I  wanted to know, I wanted to find out, i wanted to be able to do everything that was on my scroll. I produce my Katoomba and put all these things on it which were my expectations of all the things I was going to be able  to do and engage to fulfil my destiny. and I really wanted to fulfil my destiny but there was a mixture in my motives of doing it. Some of it was coming out of my soul. my soul needed to know rather than I’m in relationship and I am trusting God. so don’t seek for your scroll so that you will feel safe and secure in knowing what it is. seek God,seek the relationship and see what comes out. so yes we can engage the scroll room of heaven where the scribes are . I went there to see my scroll one day and couldn’t find it . where is it . because I was looking in it on the date of my physical birth and then God  shown me ,  one of the scribes took me  and showed me, we’ll actually your physical birth was not when you connected to your scroll, it was when you rediscovered who you were as a son of God. I couldn’t remember when, I quote sort  of entered into a relationship with God, I knew  it was in 1970 but I couldn’t remember the date. so  I was taken  and shown the date in September 1970 and then I started to want to see it, but I wasn’t allowed to see it, but  what I was allowed to do fully is to take it into the judgement seat. I was given the scroll by the spirit of the fear of the Lord, one of the seven spirits of God. The very first time I’ve sat on God’s lap on the throne of grace and I had  this amazing encounter with being,  just feeling so peaceful, peace and rest and loved amazingly and then the spirit of the fear of the lord stood and I  never met that spirit. I met all the other seven spirits of God, but not that one. and he came and he had a scroll. and the father said take the scroll. Okay I will take the scroll. Great I will be able to look in it.  And then the spirit of the fear of the lord led me to, all I can  described it as it looked like the mouth of the lion, going into a big cave dark, so I had my scroll, I felt I need to go in there, I sort of stepped and I am starting to be totally scared. This was early in my days of experiencing heaven. I walked in until I came to the fire of God’s presence. And from the fire of God’s presence,the fire of his eyes penetrated me. At that point I knew I was loved because I just sat on the father’s lap.  but I also felt somewhat-what is going to happen. so then this scroll was sealed from that. Then I  remembered revelation  worthy is the lamb to open the scroll. so I’m like okay  and I  present it basically, so the seal is pealed off  the front of it and it is opened in front of me and my whole life flashes right before my eyes.8:18

 and it wasn’t everything outside of my relationship God, it was inside my relationship God .so it was everything I did as a believer. and to start with God showed me all the gold silver and precious stones that were all the times when I’d responded in relationship and love and obedience to God and I felt the pleasure of his heart, it was just beautiful, this is really good, desires are burning into me, I am glad god did it that way around. because then it was all the wood hay and stubble. All the stuff I done, that I did my own self.  I did what God me to do, but I did it with a mixture of motives, that this  made me feel good and this gave me a position or this gave me some sort of recognition  and that wasn’t so good. but the fire of God’s love just consumed me. And it consumed all those things from my scroll and it was like it was redeeming everything and restoring my ability to reconnect to everything in a more relational way. So I came out, I backed out, you don’t turn your back on God. And I got outside, and the spirit of the fear of the Lord the spirit is looking at me and I am thinking, why is he looking at me, oh there is another side to this scroll.  So I went back in and the peal came off and the other side was revealed, filled with all the missed opportunities that God had given me that I never saw. so it’s just like you when you feel sorrow and regret, that is what I was feeling, no condemnation or  guilt nothing like that, just wow I didn’t realise that  I had missed so much, because I wasn’t listening or I was distracted or I was thinking about doing something else. and so again that all got consumed. So it did free.

When you read the Bible and it talks about going before the judgment seat of Christ, you think that is after I die. It is not just after you die. You can go now. And it can be ongoing. He is refining and making sure that your scroll is filled with the things that are producing gold silver and precious stones.  so our scroll is something that we can engage in and it’s an ongoing process. Can the scroll be changed ? constantly. because God is constantly outworking things to ensure that anything I have done can be redeemed so it doesn’t stop me doing all the things that I will do. Grant Mahoney  saw his scroll  and he saw the date of his death  and it was not that far ahead.  So he interceded or did something and his scroll changed  and the date of his death changed . or we don’t want one on our scroll. so these are all things we can connect to. it is connecting to the scroll in lots of different ways to ensure that our destiny is continually being outworked and fulfilled and revealed and unveiled. so you can stand on the fire stones  an you can absorb some of the revelation of who you are and you sonship in regards to your scroll . engaging the heart of God in eternity, in that womb, home being cocooned in the love of God and have a revelation of it. which is mostly spiritual not cognitive, because  our spirit is able to contain that and re-engage with it because we already knew some aspects of it and agreed with the aspects when we said yes. and some people talk about going under the shepherds rod. where your rod and your staff they comfort me in Psalm 23. You went  under the rod of the Shepherd to agree and I believe having reconnected with it, that’s where our angels here were assigned to us, for the outworking of our destiny. They are ministering spirits on our behalf to help us fulfil our inheritance which is our destiny . you can  engage that , you can engage with the vast some of his thoughts and begin to perceive and have a more cognitive experience of that. because it does help when you begin to realise some of the detail. but that only needs to come when you need to know it. but you can also engage the court the Lord and this is really what I want to look at. The court of the lord, the sode of  God, some people call it the yesode of God. I believe we all engaged that court when we became a living soul and we  were assigned our physical destiny. 13;40

 our destiny scroll was revealed and we were commissioned into sonship in this dimension where our angels were assigned to us and I believe we are to mature  in sonship to access the sode or the council again but in a different capacity as sons. we received a commissioning to come into this realm but as we mature were supposed to go back there and be involved in God’s council and be involved in what goes on there in an ongoing sense of how he’s outworking things into today in history, so that we can part of that. because obviously that realm is still a created realm and it still functions in time. it may function in slightly a different timescale than ours but it still functions in time and you can engage it there for ensuring that God’s purposes are being outworked. And a lot of people are afraid of what potentially might happen in the future. World war three. All this terrible stuff going on. We’ll I don’t believe that in the heart of God that is his intention. It isn’t all going to be wound up by the planet being destroyed by some asteroid that wipes out everybody. it is not going to happen. Because that’s what these councils determine isn’t going to happen. and there may be other forces that are trying to be destructive in causing us to be robbed and destroyed. but actually the councils of God set limits on what can and can’t happen and as we engage the courts of God as sons we start to decree and declare, legislate for God’s purpose is to be outworked. so were not just subject to chance of what’s happening around the world. and we therefore ,once we begin to see from that perspective, we start to see what the enemy’s plans are and we can stop  them before they’ve even got going.  and sometimes you get revelation like that. I remember two or three Christmases ago and I was engaging with a couple of friends in our regional bench and we engaged heaven and we were given some insight, that there was some terrorist plot being planned for Christmas in the UK. so okay we’ll not on our watch. so we basically went into heaven and we went into the court and we asked for- what are the accusations that might give this permission to go ahead and there were quite a lot but we stood in identification for our nation for people and we took the accusations agreed with them, got a verdict and then we used that verdict to decree for peace over Christmas and there was nothing . Coincidence, but we know what we did and we know what we heard. so sometimes things do happen. You say why ? did people not legislate when they could have? did they not hear, were they not listening, what happened . some of that is above my pay grade, I do not know , but I trust God and I trust that God does know and some things are beyond my ability to understand why things happen or things don’t happen. but I do know there are councils  and assemblies. and you have the council of the lord obviously in this, but you also have the council judges you also have the council of 70. now i have quite a lot of interaction with the council of 70. in presenting cases in being an ambassador to the 70 and being involved in different things. and I know that a lot of the council of 70 as a court of the Lord are not occupied by the people who should be there. so they are occupied by angels, they are occupied by men in white linen , some of the ancient ones and others. but there’s more of us that should be, being involved, because we should have access to stand in the council of the 70.17:35

 said and the world but we normally do that unless we mature you don’t admit in a 12-year-old to be a member, you have to be certain age and has a nice experience to be able to be accepted and then to be able to gather so there is a process of our mature and coming into government that will enable us to do this by hand you an awful lot of these things because I am responsible for learning to do things and then passing on some people kingdom I get frustrated that sometimes, like to follow through something really but that’s just not it conscious and that’s not what you what you you learn in power others and then then go and do it but there are some things that I I do have permission to do and I do do and when we get onto the next conference which is much more about governmental aspect of our sonship and what we do the rounds heaven how we legislate think I’ll share some more of those things Hebrew Bible is actually a book full of images and symbols and so when we read it is quite difficult for us to understand everything that it’s referring to because were not brought up into that culture somebody literary English literature CS Lewis said symbols are the natural speech of the solely language older and more universal than works closely the original Hebrew letters are living letters and they’re all symbols pictures that have a particular meaning and you can interpret them when you put together is like having a comicstrip whole regularly images that give the meaning and summer things of my courts and things have a meaning in that venerable commentator Patrick Miller said the council imagery is one of the central cosmological symbols of the old Testament is an expert whose look to Biblical symbolism and looked at the core imagery and realise destinies filled with it but we only son get the obvious ones but there’s a lot more in some of the stories in some of the imagery of the old Testament things which are referring to courts and court rooms and councils and Assemblies of God to understand that is it explains the machinery of of systems of the universe how God accomplishes his as well using his semidivine servants and so he uses an entourage of the angelic realm and a whole load of others that have functions within the kingdom to outwork is well some of the principalities and powers and rulers on thrones that were created for the government but we are supposed to work with them with some of separated from it because we been separated from the spiritual realm particularly angelic realm and so we salute a well whatever’s going on round the throne that’s all up that but if you look at the Bible angels were involved in so many things Jesus’s life no other people’s lives in a Daniel and so many others who engaged in the angelic realm so the council this year soul of God the council will visit define the heavenly councillors a symbolic ruling body consisting of God as a supreme monarch with an assembly of supernatural servants gathered around his throat in the heavenly Palace place in a throne room places like that that is just another define thing from the Hebrew understanding of the case using the word symbolic doesn’t mean that it’s not real see the reality of something in a spiritual realm is given to us in a symbolic way to help us connect to it so his real but it’s he it’s described in symbolic terms to help us understand what goes on that remember the Greek is about form what it looks like and the Hebrews about function what it does so we can was it look like what’s in and we can so miss the point of what’s going on because we try work out what it looks like rather than balance functioning so the imagery is metaphorical and depicts actual realities in the divine world and you behave of a skiing him is works with his divine service to outwork is well but he wants us to God does not want to just work through servants and the angelic realm although they are his sons in one sense they don’t carries DNA same way we do so he wants sons he wants a family business he wants us all to be involved in that family business in all different ways and some of that is to be involved in this the decision-making the group

is the family business we make decisions we have a board meeting and the father’s there saying what he was our intention us who’s gonna do this how we can outwork that so like this sovereign God has worked already now on to say go in and then it all work out way he wants relationship that’s the whole point of everything is all relational and it isn’t relational is not God the holy know that this heavenly council they had people encountered it the Bible is full of people who went there and visions of it and encounters with it might Joshua libraries using the core of the Lord my physical and others who were taken so modern commentators call these throne visions first-hand reports of the heavenly counselling session there in the Bible and you can see them but there is way way more which is in the Bible and just as it is in in the Bible specifically doesn’t mean it’s not real something is it biblical as their first reaction is it biblical well was in other people, not know it send Jesus had all the books to just write everything he did it would fill love with books so you never having one book everything but is it not biblical is probably a better way actually contradictory to what we know of God’s character nature because actually that is what we is it love or is it not that’s really what we need to use as our plumb line so phrase heavenly council is not actually biblical the phrase divine council the define assembly years so we use heavenly because were thinking that’s where it is but actually it’s God’s counsel it’s the council of the Lord rather than where is it really matter where is does it is just we need to engage it so is everyone find it helpful and consolidating 82 one Elohim has taken his place in the divine council in the midst of the other we he whole judgement so that you Elohim God you Elohim others God with the same name the context says will Elohim God is sat down there in in and in his divine council in the midst of other gods will gods well are they God’s will and God of acres of God but they were described just like that the sons of God like God and across if we sit there then we are like God with the sons of God we need to learn to do things like God is why we need to learn it and understand his nature and his character in Alaska’s we need to act like him think like him respond like him love like an innocent the love because if you don’t and you get involved in governmental things in heaven you can come out of the wrong view of God completely you can be judgemental I’ve heard people doing things supposedly in the courts have which are just outrageous because not representing God at all and actually do not even in a call heaven but I what court they think there it but it’s not the heavenly one because the judge would not permit what they do it which will bring judgement people and looking for retribution on people so if we deal with people in the heavenly caucus what were supposed to do forgive them and bless not do anything about bringing some negativity on them or getting revenge on the pound of flesh we think we might deserve this is not like that so we need really to understand the nature character of God the other function so there are three terms for counsel gathering in the old Testament it at the Cahal which is where we get the ecclesia from the assembly the synagogue and the so and means congregation assembly of company is also use the congregation of Israel then we have Cahal which means to gather together parallels later the Greek easier and then soaked all these words indicate patterns of heaven so that things can get outworked on the earth that’s the purpose of this is to bring earth back to its with Rick redeemed reconciled and restored place within the creation order was originally earth in heaven were together so our physical realm was completely connected to the spiritual realm then because it fell from that estate through various falls to where we are now now we need to be restored back to that state and therefore we need to be their first creations never can be restored unless we so when we get restored to these positions of government then we begin to legislate and make decrees and declarations and agreements with in this purpose from the whole of creation to be restored we go forward so all relational patterns in God isn’t sitting telling people what to do says will go for us Bible his what we Wanna do volunteer so the cooperation with it and a shared now if you look at when God was in a deeper relationship with someone us like Abraham or Moses they were able to say to God you can do that you can all those people so types of negotiated there’s like 20 people in that place that is okay with you not do it yet has 20 our while another 2110 in that place and it so there was this will were involved in the whole process and God wants us to realise that the whole thing are relational and communion all in governmental and the whole DIY tree path is corrupted those patterns by excluding God from and now we now need to come back into the relationship God to be outworked, so the so of God this designates the kingdom’s inner circle is closest friends and councillors who know his mind and discusses plans so the other chancellors in the main the chances behind chats and you have in our something like a pretty counsel who are there to represent things to the came and to to make representation those I will who’s gonna go and make representation for my family or the family of our church of the our nation because God was works of not national boundaries it’s all families so he wants to us to be involved in helping him and the council make choices and decisions that a lot of it is in my experience is not there was saying do this do that the is unveiling his heart his mind in these really same will how we can only do this that that people struggle with that imagery because there been told that God’s sovereignty just does it will know that is relational and it isn’t my God and his wanting us to mature so we take our place in the courts of God and this is the highest realm call where we all agreed our destiny and actually when everyone is born today family hundreds of thousand people are born every day that is going on with a, the shepherds rod today so just been born they just gone through the court the Lord and receive destiny and agreed it so if we think all at in a long time ago actually it’s resounding because there is already always people coming into this realm so when we have children or grandchildren when there in the womb you can communicate and try and engage with their destiny in our like to call destinies and so I must you can so is a connection that can be made us there in your circle of influence and you and I know people who are actually meeting the spirits of their grandchildren particularly does it usually an older generation you got time to pursue all this stuff as and therefore they are actually interacting and like you when our John the Baptist was in his mother’s womb is the swoon there was a limping when Jesus came along so there was this spirit to spirit connection and that can still take place so it to participate in the soul of of God meant really was of a real privilege and a real special place Daniel 710 mentions the heavenly court depicting God is a summertime transcending judge sin among all the other judges the judgement going on but judgement is always to life from God’s perspective is never to death we’ve depicted God is the God who was judging people and therefore punishing where as God is not in God who was making judgements the punishment his judgements are made on the lamb was slain before the foundation of the world all judgements are made on that very central point of what Jesus has done that’s why his judgements are was positive because it’s based in life and not so there are lots of terms the members of these courts council members are called the holy one spirit’s messengers and ministers servants those on high Princes other names lots of different ways that indicate some sort of governmental or Royal position and there are lots of diverse names for the roles in that relationship and God’s name that indicates all the different roles that he has creator father king judge Lord your so many the names of God we need to connect to and our sonship is the revelation that we are made in his image according to his name so his name is a really important to get hold of and to experience not just study your understand what it means but to engage Taiwan to engage the fullness of God so his names have a meaning I can engage to because that will help me be conformed to his image, what is like an unnamed in the Bible is a very important thing that’s why would been given a new name because it in the old Testament times they never gave a child the name until they saw the character of the child and the name the child according to their character not the other way round old we like that they must nice people: that site in essence if we were engaging this stuff now if I was engaging this stuff that I do this stuff for our children were born I would we engage the court the Lord to try named after their identity buckles and that the idea about that stuff so so the names of God else our is one of the major got a lower God mighty strong prominent in your final scriptures there that the am not go into it leave it there on the slide so you can pick up in the future fewer look at it hell is unable God is with God is strong and mighty and we made his image what we start strong and mighty else and I God Almighty and mighty one of Jacob that speaks of God ultimate power over everything which is not exhibit it sullenly but through the government these established that we are also to be operating in that name and in that level of authority and 09 which means Lord use the in the place of Yahweh in certain writings does it were right Yahweh because it was too sacred a so used other names that represent different aspects of God’s character nature to in the old Testament Yahweh is more used in God’s dealings with his people were added eyes more useful it is with the rest of the Gentiles on how there’s only one man in Christ so essentially there is no separation obviously you need Yahweh Jehovah yah all sorts of different names and which meant the Lord in one sense the strictly speaking the only proper names of God translated in English Bibles is laudable capital to distinguish it from the little Lord which was to do with that relating to Adam nine the revelation name of God is given to Moses of course I am allowable I am who I am that is the name that is so the relationship name that we are engage with the presence name as it was like will who do I say the sending so well I am that I am and and that’s really we need to find out that we are that we are because we are created to be in the image of God so aspects of this the as we grasp it will begin to transform what we believe about ourselves and authority so Yahweh is present accessible near to those who: info deliverance the forgiveness the guidance all those things are characteristics of Yahweh Jehovah or your then there is a again elderly on most high that’s derived from the root to go up to a sense well if were supposed to send in were supposed to go higher so we are called to ascend to live places of God al Roy a which God of singing the name describes the God by Hagar he sees so aspects of that which we would really like to see and to know to see what God’s it does lots of other things there LOL everlasting God will I really wanted relating that one because I may have eternal spirit want my physical body and soul to be in alignment with my eternal identity so we Jesus said you do not need to die you can different or ageing during life is forever is not difficult Elgin for mighty God so many different names then you have all the names which are related to Jehovah in covenant so you have of see Jehovah gyro the Lord will provide Jehovah rougher the Lord who heals jealousy the Lord about her Jehovah McKevitt the Lord are slowly sanctifies Jehovah Chalong Lord our piece of all these things we really need to relate to this is what enables us to live in the good of that name because we know him by those characteristics in relationship not just as a theological study because I at that theological study years ago in terms of when I’m trying to God it’s like Jehovah gyro over this and resisting Jehovah new see that is just like they would us names and then like so when you meeting like that this not just a name becomes something that you living to live in peace because he is our piece Jehovah Halloween Yahweh have elderly the Lord God which is a combination of both those things which is Lord of lords through it Jehovah sick and do all our righteousness so we really want understand what it is to live as the righteousness of God we need to engage God in his capacity to bring righteousness and righteousness in relationship Joe around he the Lord are Shepherd Jehovah shall are the Lord is there so whenever out of his presence is there with us for us in us Jehovah son are the Lord of hosts this is the heavenly thing of all the entourage to heaven all the angelic canopies and all the different and angels is the Lord of those but a course if we are to be is children then there to be also at our disposal so we can involve which is why Jesus said that will be delayed I disposal with the father so there’s a sense where you asked we would love the inside and if not why not and if you do what you because there that help you fulfil your destiny and there are some things you can do without their help like engage the atmosphere son seen in the atmosphere been in the civil am not gonna go in the atmosphere try and do something there there are others who will act on our behalf when we assign them and you have the standard as sons we can engage and mature into those relational aspects of God is love and reveals himself in always next and you have lots of other names of the Bible refers to which are really good to experience and as we are experiencing then we become transformed into the sonship into that image because we have been predestined to be conformed to the image that images that image of sonship so there are heavenly and transcendent names and then those of the Ella we never held type names and I how their also things which are out there relating to what goes on in the heavens and the earthly things which all the Jehovah names which are more about how we relate to God here is our outworking this in our daily life that is our righteousness were set apart we are is a healer and is a provider is our banner all those amazing things were supposed to experience them here and live in two living in the presence of God living in peace living with the Lord of hosts in relationship to him as Lord of lords so as we ascend as sons through our relationship with a father-son spirit his can reveal these things to us through his precepts that you to North America three foundation elements the governmental and when you start looking at the 12 chancellors houses and ascended to engage that you need to understand that when you may court cases to a higher level called you need to base all your court cases on the preset statute laws of God because that’s what enables you to present a case which is can be favourably received if you go present a case on wishful thinking or think you might like they often already I sit as a Chancellor in the house and i.e. received people stuff that sometimes it’s it’s cognitive times it’s just under but we were presenting some and laws to the chance was caught and we is alleged 12 we names of those three laws we took the things we decreed we got agreed we went to the coach answers and I was going every else to go and participate with that and then I found myself sat there actually receiving our own laws I was a bit like always okay I’m iniquitous at but Nigel who is your money and eventually he basically solely that doing and he was like and I could see that he was like when you say something you got site said he was like the vegetable I saw you that that’s what you was so I was sat there one day and some person brought some scroll for ratification and I’m just a new sports reality to represent line Oxy, and seal them that is also there and in the thinking and can sit with is not complete I thought could be bring me to go the right answer like to communicate with the three the Maranello know we can sit with services up okay) so is like the same this is incomplete you go go back and fulfil this this case can be met in this way so these things go on it’s quite an interesting process known and the more you submit your you finally get involved in this. They might be operating as a judge or magistrate I know several people are obviously as a magistrate I have no idea what a magistrate us I know what a magistrate does in this realm and I guess they do have some solid judicial process but I’m not a magistrate so I don’t know innocent people are still this works you asking me idea don’t that just me which actually does what an ambassador does I can tell you that I’ve done it other people are doing a lot of these welts by 10 years ago you wouldn’t about a clue what any stuff because it’s now being unveiled people out there doing it in those almost rounds which used to be unoccupied are now being occupied with people who know that there seated that you are seated there if you only do it that he do know it then you can actively seek their rather than just having a position you got the throne which is your position we can see that and be seated in heavenly places not just know that you got the seat so sower titles for council members found that idea of sending divinity this is where guessable bit sticky for people there referred to as Halloween God’s divine beings they are the better Halloween we them I am going on the Menai area sons of God will sons of the most time and that does refer to created beatings it also refers to us in certain roles and that all the scriptures that going to now housing this does not threaten God God God is never really threatened by his children be made in his image deals at your taking the glory from God despite know God gave us the glory in the first place it he wants us to be like him made us to be like is longing for us to come into the fullness of our knowledge of him and to live as his sons yoke he is heart Halloween that his technical title which is the only real God know is only one God father-son and spirit but we are sons of God Jesus described as of God’s when officers this we says in John 1033 Jesus answered him because they were coming against the things he said this is good work we do not stony but the blasphemy as you being a man make yourself out to be God was talking about being the son of God Jesus has it not been written in your law you always know that you Jesus gonna catch the man is a try and trick him technically they can trip the living Word with the written work so having been written in your law I send you are God’s and he called them gods to whom the word of God came and the Scripture cannot be broken so was like the one perspective God is very happy for us to be called those with the LG like sons of God does were made in his image and his likeness and why not this is what we really need to know who we are because will shy away from that we don’t feel worthy and we make ourselves worthy is not we these amazing things we been given this will would have been brilliant it’s like the sign this title he gave us this role is given to us is not something that we have to be concerned about but we need to pick learn how to function it one Corinthians a devices for even if there are so-called God is whether in heaven on earth or indeed there are many God’s name Lord’s yet for us there is but one God the Father, whom all things and we exist him that one Lord Jesus Christ whom all things old things we exist through so that’s our relationship this when not here saying hey look at were God’s work so looking Jesus the father and we are made in his image and we are going to fulfil our role as sons of God so the Central Council God is opened up to others Psalm 2514 the soul of the Lord is for those of you not be afraid of him but honour him and respect him today and he makes no the deeper meanings and blesses of his government so that if we do not really know the full meaning of the new covenant that we have to engage in the soul Lord because that’s where the full revelation of these things are Joe 29 thought Joe once lamented about days gone by when the friendship the so the intimate personal God was over of my tent so Joe have access to that so is access to the sale were given to Joe Benton prophet so much more to the sons of God so let’s learn just begin to engage their in Daniel seven we see the ancient of days gives authority to the son of man to rule the earth and the sun gives authority to the science to Jesus effectively took the kingdom from his father to us so expect us to rule John 527 tells his disciples he God gave him the authority to execute judgement as the son of and then in John 17 says father you have given me all authority over all people are sons of God and are causing Matthew 2018 authority has been given in the in heaven and on earth go therefore disciple the nations all authority we going authority of the kingdom that is now been released to us by don’t think we been acting with much authority so we need to learn how to do this so in John 2021 Jesus commissioning his disciples says peace be with you as the father sent me I send you so we know that God sent Jesus into the world and gave them authority as we just read over things and he said us in the same way with authority over all things those old things are to blessing of course and a restoration to ill and then he breathed on them and said receive spirits were just as we have the breath of God breathing into us the life of the spirit is going to really earth if you like our sonship and our levels of authority so that we can begin to learn how to access these courts course is a process and does that word so has lots a meanings circle company fellowship secret counsel known so the secret counsel God yes we can have access to the secret counsel God as his trusted sons so essentially it really was a council of celestial beings who consulted with God learned his soul glory secret plan and then to see that plan fulfilled so we are all called to access the courts take charge of the courts to ascend to mature sonship and Zechariah Zechariah 37 this is the process we have to learn to walk with him in fellowship and relationship and intimacy then we will start doing the things that he assigns to do as Lords then will start to rule and government then will start to have charge of the courts and then we start to operate in the councils and Assemblies of God that we will have access to all those courts I’ve been to all those courts some of them only been to a few times I’ve been to lots of times but that they operate in levels so the court for the mobile core and accordingly angels operating 11 the kingdom of God that level plastic lens because it’s where the accusations the enemy has access to that’s why their dragons and giants all those representations of enemy activity seek user authority and maybe salon the transit we should be on as a user think that they cannot go beyond that level because they’ve been excluded from the way into the tree of life the next level the kingdom of heaven is the core chapters and the cause scribes and that’s when legislation gets agree into the statute books then you have an extra which is heaven itself, the kings the councils of the fathers and the court of your branches the men and women and that functions in these realms down into the kingdom and then have a three into the in the realm of the heaven heavens which are the court judges the court the Lord and the council 70 courts at and we can learn how to access always that but we have to go through the process of maturity to do it in God isn’t just let you going and make judgements of the court judges discuss you might like to make some judgements you you go to a process of learning to make judgements in your own life righteous judgements and you learn to do those things in your own life and then you start learning to corporately with others and then you start to be given more responsibility when we been faithful with the responsibility that you been given to begin with if you.faithful with that then you will be assigned so it’s important we don’t get caught up in wow I’m been part of counsellor 70 do this and do that some people’s love life is a blur we start snake: Galactic Council all this stuff. That he is responsible for this and the end of the day it’s like you have to mature into that and most people don’t want to go to the level of the process of maturity it is what now and God will give it you like that so there’s a process of of maturing and engaging an understanding so in the so got what the moment angelic heavenly representatives some of the ancient ones in the Sun Valley did not for some Enoch from pre-flood Abraham post-flood representing all the families of the earth so they are representatives that who are God’s trusty representatives to have a vested interest in certain things and are involved in Moses Elijah that those are the people I’ve seen and we know by faith Enoch was taken up so we would not see debt he was not found because God took him three obtained a witness the before is being taken he was teasing to God so he is ascending into these things because he was walking in the light unpleasing so when God opens up heaven says in you I am well pleased it’s because he wants to affirm you so you will be living in the affirmation of his sonship so we can engage the soul of God to engage the memory of our encounter under the rod to access our scroll that’s one of the things we can do that we engaging the testily of identity of our scroll both before the fall into this dimension so there’s connection to is that we can engage with and if you think this is a bit too far is okay but you will come into it one day know is likely I have no everyone is personally but I know this is open I know God’s desire is that we would be able to engage it to the test our scroll is in the so the court the Lord the testily record is also in the wine room in the court scribes Matthew 18 Texas for I say to you that there are angels in heaven continually see the face of my father who is in heaven so we have an angelic angel of mercy angels in the spiritual realm also the heavenly Angels but looked into the face of God on our behalf for us and occupy some of the positions in those courts waiting for us to mature so there is a connection with not just our guardian angels in that call but the other angels the in these courts now waiting for us to come into maturity and so if you connect with them they can be really helpful to you when I first started going on to my mountain of my friends I’m a very pragmatic person so I’m not really bothered by what it looks like Molly really interested in the in the statics of things I just Wanna get onto the start so I was so much, Crown doing stuff and then what sort is always your solar but Sally knows is that the hon seated and looks like so I started doing activations of people taken be within the I started looking look at so look at my throne-is a big angel who you I’m never going I never even noticed it was that because I was just focused on to several I’m the angel who is been in this position sign to you in heaven it was Taken this position for you in the kingdom to bring you to a point this time so worry that the reason I there to advise you on how to will spent 12 months ruling that I just found out that you place God sometimes indecisive things like that happen you get those that like moments when you think or denied be good before but then engaged in it was like no relationship and I discovered that there are other angels like that in other positions that are my positions and also be now waiting to meet Mitchell and they have insight and revelation to help us in how to do things because you going to these realms and I was clueless and absolutely no idea what to do so i.e. need help so the seven spirits of God are helping us in those positions wisdom life and wisdom to be the most amazing person to teach you to come into your positions government she show me how to do were things in the court providing the court seen on Alonso like to do so she took me to the court case and she show me exactly 10 there was a scroll in the first I produce then I suppose the others go the core chapters let’s get it agreed the next to the court scribes must get written into your record I have no idea to do any of that stuff she show me so then she will show people are the things that I can show you because I have done I can only tell you what I’ve done where I’ve been are not gonna so hypothesise about some other things, know I do know what you do in the court judges if you’re a judge I’ve not done it but I do know what you can do in the places I have been and so you can engage accordingly up right engage the other courts I do know that when I engage the court the counsellor father is to receive mandates sometimes God tells you things and 11 various Crescent various things I’ve been assigned to do I know I didn’t so in 2016 in January God said I want you to legislate I want you give me time to legislate every day to make laws, okay then online we do that, ICS then think about it after the summer do it so I I saw wisdom she said you need to go the court the council so I went as the two sets of 12 elders is that court with the father there and two sets of 12 something there and unlike have this assignment from God to do this help when we start so they gave me a whole the legislative things to go away and engage with and so that’s where I was assigned certain things all I had the mandate and in other specific sometimes you can go to the court of war recorder strategy and you can get specific text this was much more of a higher level and when I was told United to do a court case to the 70 years ago I had no idea what to do so I spend a lot of time wisdom game the court FATHER’S estate the I need to know authorised do what level I don’t understand outside of my jurisdiction is Wanna do the act of 18 months to none something safe for takes a long time just know on the uptake, but there was also that you are deciding understand how these things work by to spend time going that there that they’re seeking going wisdom receiving the revelation then stat revelation bursting things and start yet now I need to make this case on this this just as a relationship working with that at all those angels are they not ministering spirits sent out to render service for the sake of those were inherit salvation so then there to help us into our positions of sonship so when we engage the face of the father is like the mirror for our identity our sonship that’s still the best place to engage no engage yourself as a like being when I was going into rehab and first I would see myself with the best in dual memory of what I might hear so I look like I do know actually when I started to engage these other places it was like I just felt that I was just light and and lives lost this love image of being there and I felt no talk to people who said they talk to me in heaven and occasionally I remember and sometimes when they jog my memory psalm or here but this little bit somebody and sometimes November it all iso what we about what I say in the know tell me out of here is that me something about the said so sorry things that you don’t have to always know what you’re doing you do need to have a spiritual knowledge of behind that so you can is outwork that so you engage the scroll engage the scroll the judgement seat engage the heart of God and I don’t know what you Wanna do but we can going engage the court the Lord your table is maybe why go to the judgement seem presentable scroll to the fire God’s presence will go to that that I just go open up the opportunity for Jesus to take where you need to go in this process as I’m aware that you all at the same level of experience so we want to take somewhere this could end up drawing you really although I know some these experiences are a little bit like it’s that but you serious looking at this, and so I was just in heaven and that’s just the where God will take us in this process that some of okay no I’m I’m must make this full screen every time I forget a is again just follow the same basic routine when you do these things just get a place of rest place where you are not straightaway relaxed some people like to lie down some people like to stand in the matter just where you feel comfortable and then just consciously relax and just really just surrender so we have an open heaven we know Jesus to unveil we know we have an invitation to come so just close your eyes and just begin to get think about those steps think about the open heaven by faith just choose to engage in my state a status step into the realm heaven go through the as you are not seeing this is a vision don’t be concerned just trust that your spirit will be engaging and you will receive spiritually so maybe at the moment your mind accept everything just my thing engage with your seeing feeling and sensing it knowing it don’t really matter just be willing to engage myself so as we step through the door Jesus is the know we present ourselves to him surrender any agenda we might want his agenda for each of you right now so just as Jesus to take you where he wants to take the high set on engaging the call the Lord will just to take their and just let take you by the hand let him lead you let him guide you take you through the veils you if you go engage the various court or maybe you go engage the judgement seat of Christ with your scroll just open to whatever experience you need right so this and record more coming for the presence of God there then just be willing to engage that maybe engaging your scroll coming under the ship may be asking Jesus to introduce you to some of those angels are representing you in the death so the different things that you can experience right now just file by Jesus to engage in any one of these places to really reconnect with your sonship to bring you into a position of maturity and help you on your journey you you you

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