Sons arise 1

God is calling people to connect and become engaged in sonship. He wants us to engage in the governmental aspect of sonship.

Sons arise, is the cry from the father’s heart to unveil, reveal, and release his children into their full and glorious identity and inheritance as mature sons of God, the Elohim godlike ones. Jesus describes us as sons of God just like him. So godlike ones, we are not God, but we are supposed to be his sons, therefore we have to convey his heart and become the reflection of his purposes.

I have been given a mountain of authority. Those of you who know what mountains are, they are symbols of authority in the heavens. Our mandate on part of that mountain is to gather, connect, impart, release. I desire to connect with people online all over the world. So, that we can impart and then we can release. That’s really what this is about.

Our desire is to impart revelation or experiential truth not just information so although there will be a lot of information a lot of it will be things that God is saying and I’m just going to share some of the thing’s God said. So, that you can hear and engage. We will practice activations to open the eyes of our heart and spirit so that we can actually engage ourselves so that it becomes a testimony of our personal experience rather than just my testimony or someone else’s testimony of experiences.

 So, we are looking really to provide a little bit of an oasis of time and space to help you engage God, particularly the father. We must learn how to engage the father in intimacy as his sons and daughters. When I say sons, I mean sons and daughters. Our inheritance lies in sonship.

There have been angels and the seven spirits of God assigned to help us. We will have activations to help us engage the heavenly realm. They are little opportunities to taste and see. They may be transformative and revelatory to you depending on what you experience and how you experience it. But unless you pursue it and make it a part of your lifestyle then it will just be something that you’ve tasted and seen.

God wants us not just to engage sometimes but to live in the atmosphere of his presence and be able to live in the realms of heaven and ultimately be able to live in multiple realms at the same time.

Because we are spirit soul and body, my body can be here, but my spirit can be somewhere else and so can my soul. Sometimes my spirit and soul are in different places and sometimes my soul is here, and my spirit is somewhere else.

We need to learn how to operate as Jesus did. Because he lived in dual realms. When he talked to Nicodemus he said, I am standing here as somebody that has come out of heaven, but I am in heaven. So, he was living with the father and that is how he saw what the father was doing all the time. He only did what he saw the father doing. The father didn’t give him a video every day to show him what he was doing he had a relationship of intimacy with the father. This is what God wants us to develop so we need to pursue it. so that everyone can have testimonies continually of our daily life with God and living it out not just coming to a meeting or doing our Sunday thing, but actually living every day in an intimacy with the father, so that we can be like Jesus and do the things that God wants us to do. Then they will become part of us. Activations are exercises to lead to a lifestyle. They are not designed to be the end in itself. Activations are something to get us somewhere and so that they open up heaven or they can open up an experience of the heart God. We then can live out from those experiences and go forward. Pursuit is the evidence of desire and so if you’re not pursuing something in your life you really don’t desire it. If you do desire it you will pursue it.

The things that you are pursuing in your lives are the things you really want. If you really want more of God and find out who you are as a son of God and what you’re called to do in heaven, on earth, then pursuing it from your heart’s desire you will release it.

God blesses desire. We need to learn how to cultivate desire for the right things in our lives s.

We have legislated for having a safe place, to help everyone to connect with the father, so that everyone can discover more of their sonship. When I say legislate not a lot of church people understand what legislation is. If you work in the government then you’ll know what it means, because it is a governmental term. It means that we have the authority to use and enact the kingdom of God’s laws and statutes and ordinances to facilitate what God wants. and we are given responsibility to do that as his children.

There are a whole lot of people who do different sorts of legislative things. They have different roles and have been legislating.  I am going to share some of that legislation so you can interact with it and you can receive it as something which will open up that for you.

When you engage in heaven you go to a particular court in heaven the court kings. You are given a scroll and on the scroll there are some statements. And I am going to share the statements with you. Because these statements are what we are authorized to do. We won’t do anything outside of what were authorized to do because that would be stepping outside the jurisdiction that we have, and outside of the relationship we have with the father.

We are authorized to awaken sonship at a new level of relationship and responsibility.

Let the words envelop you. The word of God is living and active and the Hebrew letters of the words of God actually have life in themselves. They are not just words that we read off a page, they are God speaking and when God speaks everything gets made alive that’s why it says the word of God is living and active and it doesn’t mean the Bible.

The Bible is an aspect of God speaking to us but it’s not the only way he speaks to us. And most of the time he doesn’t speak to us through the Bible unless that’s the only thing we do is read the Bible. If we don’t talk to him in relationship, then we will only hear him one way. And he wants to talk to us in lots of different ways.

One of the ways he talks to us is to say- I give you this authority– so receive it. So, you will have the ability to engage God at a different level.

As I make these statements let your spirit engage with them. Don’t try and figure everything out. If you try and analyze everything, I say you’ll probably miss out on the experience by trying to figure out what’s going on.

What we want to do is to relate and engage our spirit. That’s what God does, he engages our spirit and our spirit releases that to others.

We often try and get intellectual information, that’s what general church has done, taught people by giving them information rather than giving them activation. We want to activate things as much as we can.

Your authorized to call the eternal spirit hidden within my children to arise and shine. After I make these statements, you can meditate on them and get caught up into engaging them.

Your authorized to call for the light of their eternal spirit to burst forth from the darkness into the glorious light of their full inheritance.

Your authorized to engage the father’s heart in the eternal now which is outside of time and space where he is. He will speak from where he is to where we are, but he also invites us to go and meet with him and engage in the relationship that is there between Father-Son and Spirit.

You’re authorized to unveil, reveal, restore, eternal memory, identity, relationships and destiny. All those things are things that we can engage with.

Your authorized to engage my children in the high Chancellor’s houses.  

Your authorized to activate the precepts, statutes, laws as foundations of sonship.

Your authorized to open the house of ordinances to reveal past present purpose to ignite passion and zeal for creation and its freedom.

We are not here just for ourselves. We have a responsibility towards creation itself to engage that and bring it into the freedom that we come into. Creation is in bondage because we are and when we become free from bondage creation responds and will be set free. But it’s our responsibility, God has given us a mandate for creation therefore we need to learn to engage that.

Your authorized to open the houses of the mantle scrolls and commissioning, to restore the callings and positions of heavenly governmental authority for my sons.

Your authorized to call forth the heavenly roles of my sons.

We have earthly roles, and we have heavenly roles and when we discover where were seated in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6) we will find that there are a multitude of different roles that we have there. There are chancellors’ judges ambassadors’, magistrates’ scribes, oracles, legislators, councilors, ministers and elders, planners, architects, designers, artists and musicians just to name a few. You will in your spirit relate to some of that. You may not understand what any of those things are I wouldn’t expect you to, unless you have been given the role.

When your spirit resonates with it, and it leaps at something, you’ll know your destiny and God will unveil that and then equip you to be able to do those roles.

We don’t have to guess; he will give us all the equipment we need to fulfil what were called to do in our destiny. And the Lord has assigned us help. There are the Angels, there are the seven spirits of God there are the cloud of witnesses who are surrounding us continually looking into what we are doing, and we have guardian angels. God has assigned lots of help, the problem is we haven’t connected with most of it. So, they been helping us behind the scenes but not in a cognitive connected way and God wants us to connect.

Your authorized to call and prepare my children for their roles as sons with authority to restore their heritage, free their generational family lines and genealogies with the ministry of reconciliation.

Your authorized to unveil the call for my sons to arise and engage beyond the limitations of the imagination of this age.

There are mysteries hidden for us to discover. They’re not hidden from us; they are hidden for us, but we need to pursue them. We have to be free from the limitations of earthly thinking to rediscover who we were before we were born on the earth. Because we did preexist as spirit beings before, we became physical ones.  And there is a memory to re-engage with that to discover what we were doing before we came here and what we will be doing after we have finished here.

Because there are three different aspects of our destiny. Were in the middle one. If we forgot the first aspect, we can have that restored and that will help us in what we are doing now.

Your authorized to unveil and reveal the dimensions and domains that exist beyond the limitations of earthbound consciousness to my sons.

So, our minds will get stretched and will expand to be able to take in more of the mind of Christ. Because it does say in the bible we have the mind of Christ. But I would say I’ve never seen anybody operating fully in the mind of Christ so there’s a process of renewing our minds so that we won’t be conformed to the world in which we been born physically but we will be conformed to the image that God has about us. God has this wonderful picture of who he made us to be who he created us to be, and it’s made up of a whole scroll of things that are his thoughts about us and our interaction with him in that process. But most of us have never seen it and don’t know what it is. So instinctively we do some of the things that is on that scroll. But God actually wants to reveal it to us day by day so that we can outwork that in in a much more conscious way.

Your authorized to open the possibilities that exist beyond- beyond. Now if you go beyond where you currently are there is always something beyond that and you will go beyond, beyond, beyond on your journey. In a few years’ time you will look back and wonder how on earth you functioned where you were 2 or 3 years ago, because you will have gone beyond where you are to engage something at a completely different level and God wants to take us beyond so that we can arise and take our places of positions within the councils and assemblies of the dimensions that are preparing the ages to come.

God wants to involve us in his government and the choices of the things that go on. Because he has made us to be creative, not just to be stewards. We have learned to be good stewards living in the church and we done lots of things which are good stewardship things. There’s nothing wrong with those things but there limited. God wants to take us beyond stewardship into sonship and there is a journey and a process in that.

You’re authorized to release the sound of the father’s heart beating with his deepest desires to inspire his children to shake off the shackles of their earthbound existence and arise as sons to the glorious liberty of their eternal destinies as co-creators.

Everyone would probably accept that their co-heirs. Most of us don’t really understand the fullness of what co-heirs are. But it will go beyond co-heir ship into co-creating. Because we are made in the image of God and God is a creator. We are sons of God, and we are supposed to be like our father and like Jesus our brother, so they created and therefore he wants us to be creative. Some of you are very creative in a natural way that is an expression of God in you. Some of you might paint, some of you might write, some of you might make music, some of you might do creative things and that’s what’s coming from who God is in you. But he wants to go beyond that. It is great when I see creative people and they do creative arts and when I am looking at it, I see things in it that I can relate to. Some of what I see maybe not what they intended but you can see into something, something that relates. God wants to take it beyond that, so if we are really going to be sons, we will be able to create things. God will show you how to do it. Just like Jesus did it, there’s more possibilities out there for all of us.

Sons arise is the cry from the father’s heart to unveil, reveal and release his children into their full and glorious identity and their inheritance as mature sons of God the Elohim godlike ones.

So, when you get legislation and your given authority, then you do something with it. We are to take the scrolls God gives us into our spirit so that scroll empowers us and guides us indirectly. So, then I make some declarations. So, then we can decree and declare with the authority we have been given to call things into being, like the father called things into being.

 In his heart in his desire in his mind he saw something he spoke it out. All of us can do the same thing and we all are creative in our lives, and we all make choices that affect our daily lives but are we making those choices based in our sonship or in our earthship if you like, the way we lived here. I will create all sorts of words along the way just because they fit. So, I made some declarations on the basis of the things that I just said.

So, I call for the awakening of the sons at a new level of relationship and responsibility. So, I’m calling and releasing that call here for you to receive that and be empowered by it. Because that’s what happens when we declare and decree the heart God, it empowers. We used to call it prophecy and it is more now. I am now releasing what God has empowered me to release.

So I call the eternal spirit hidden within God’s children to arise and shine. so I Want to speak that into your spirit, to cause your spirit to arise up from where it is within you to clothe you as Adam and Eve were clothed with glory before they decided to make their own clothes.  And God wants us to be clothed with glory again. so rivers of living water that flow from our innermost being which is about the spirit, the river of life is supposed to be flowing around us. So we need to arise and shine Isaiah 60 is the thing about it. Arise shine for your light is come. We can all do it. But actually it goes beyond the figurative or the analogies into the reality. But we are radiating a frequency and a light and an atmosphere around us. Just as Jesus was called the light of the world he is now commissioned us to be the light of the world it doesn’t just mean a figurative moral light it actually means that we need to shine that we need to emanate the frequency which is of God.

 i call for the light of the eternal spirit of gods children to burst forth from the darkness into the glorious light of the full inheritance.

 I call for the opening of the veil between time and eternity to reveal the father’s heart in the eternal now.

I call for the unveiling revealing and restoration of eternal memory identity relationship and destiny.

I call for the release of the sound of the father’s heart beating with his deepest desire to inspire God’s children to shake off their shackles of their earthbound existence and arise as sons to the glorious liberty of their eternal destinies as co-heirs co-creators.

 So all these things respond to it. Let your spirit respond. There is a story in the Bible when Jesus was in his mother’s womb, she came across Elizabeth John the Baptist mother and he was in the womb and what happened was John the Baptist leaped in his mother’s womb because he felt the presence of Jesus. He felt the atmosphere, he felt the frequency. Whatever was being emanated or released he experienced it even before he was born. We can do the same when we connect with the word of God and we connect with the heart of God it will stir us and empower us and even though you might not understand it, it will begin to move you.  I don’t understand 99% of all the things that I experience. But it moves me and eventually I will find out when I need to find out. Four or five years ago I would have of had to find out and I would have gone searching for it and strive to find out but now I can just rest. God wants us all to rest.

 I call for an open heaven environment, which is here because we open up the everlasting doors over us when we gather. The windows of heaven or the portals of heaven, the Bible describes it in different ways, where God’s children can hear the cry from the father’s heart to unveil reveal and release them as mature sons of God.

 I call for the gathering angels to be released. gathering angels do exactly what it suggests they do they gather things and they can gather things from us that are hindrances and obstacles and blockages that we have and God will send them and you can read it in Matthew 13 where it talks about God sending gathering angels to remove stumbling blocks and obstacles from his kingdom and he wants to do that in us. So we have an open heaven and we have an invitation to the angelic realm to come and engage with us and removed from us everything that is a hindrance. so to remove stumbling blocks and those who willingly open their hearts and minds to the light and the fire of God’s eyes God is looking and if you see him in certain places in heaven it looks like he’s fire and it looks like his eyes of fire burning into us and we sing a song which has lines in it like there is fire in your eyes and fire never sleeps and it actually doesn’t. His fire never sleeps and his presence never stops.

 I call for the sound of many waters to release the call to destiny to resonate with in the hearts and minds of god’s children. Sound of many waters is a description of the voice of God. It says in Revelation that his voice is like the sound of many waters. We can engage the waterfalls of heaven which says deep calls to deep at the sound of his waterfall. There is also an angel or an order of angels called the sound of many waters and one of those angels is here. And we will look to engage with them later and they have a very specific function to resonate the frequency that draws us to our best.

I call for the hearts of God’s children to be turned towards their heavenly father for restoration of relationship and responsibility. the last thing in the old Testament the last prophecy was that there would be a turning of the hearts of the children to the father and that is what God wants to do that’s why we call this engaging the father because that’s what he wants he wants us to engage him in intimacy as his children to discover him in a more deep way and therefore to discover ourselves. We cannot discover ourselves independently of him that is what we’ve been doing since Adam chose to follow the path of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We need to follow the path of the tree of life so we need to re-engage with the father to discover who we are its like looking into the father as a mirror and seeing reflected back who he made us to be rather than seeing it from a different perspective.

 I call for love bombs of heaven to explode with revelation of the depth of the father’s love for his children over the sons arise environment here and wherever anyone is watching .now love bombs are some of the weapons or tools of heaven and they explode over people or groups and when we usually call it when they explode revivals or something. this is designed to be very personal so there very much laser lighted(guided) directly to you to explode over your life and reveal the revelation of the father’s heart for you to take you deeper into the experience of his love not just the theory of it. We know God is love but if we don’t actually know it we just know about it then we never experienced it.

 I call for lightning bolts of heaven, heavenly revelation to penetrate the hearts and minds of those who need the destruction of fortresses strongholds protection mechanisms to reveal the hidden father wounds and scars so they can be healed. I didn’t know I had father scars I just thought I got healed of my father wounds but I actually discovered that there were still scars and sometimes we just don’t know because we protected ourselves so strongly that would not let anyone in including God so God wants to penetrate any barriers that may be up in our lives which we used to keep ourselves safe but now we can let go of because here is a safe place and he is safe to explore his love. he wants to heal us and he wants to restore us and he wants to make us whole.

i call for the freedom portals to be be opened.32:33

 now we have a portal out on the top of the stairs we first discovered it in 2011 when we had a series of 80 days or so of revival meetings and we found all sorts of things were coming through that portal. we when looking around the building one night for a fire because we smelt smoke like really strong smoke and we couldn’t find any fire because it wasn’t a natural fire. It was coming out of that portal. Once that time ended we were told to assign some angels to guard the portal and not let anything through. But we have permission to open it for this time and so those sentinel angels are going to permit access to.33:26

 some of the legions of the angelic host that have been prepared by God for this time and they come bearing gifts they come bearing calls, thy come bearing destiny they come to engage with us so we have opened that portal so it is available. Sometimes people experience something when they walk through it. When I stand there it feels several degrees warmer than the rest of the building because there is an energy around it which we can interact with. Now I wouldn’t encourage you just stand up the stairs but it’s inviting what comes through to engage with you because God wants to minister to us and his angels are ministering spirits. See a lot of people struggle with engaging the angelic realm because we been used to engaging the Holy Spirit and we went through to the meetings years ago- come Holy Spirit and now when we look back we were just ordering the Holy Spirit around all the time. It was sort of an invitation but it became a little bit more than that. And a lot of what went on in those meetings which were quite wild at times and various things were happening was angelic engagement. But most people just thought it was the Holy Spirit. But actually some children in those days could actually see what was going on and they saw the angel interacting with people. So don’t be afraid of the angelic don’t feel that you can’t be engaging with the angelic. Jesus did. Jesus did and he said the father can give me 12 legions of angels at my disposal and we all have Guardian Angels, it is really good to interact with of them, they are very helpful and very useful to our lives. That’s why God’s assigned them to us to help. Their helping those who are inheritors of salvation which is all of us.

I call for increasing the levels of power and presence, so it becomes manifested glory during this season of new intensity. We are moving into a new season. Everyone’s in different seasons of their life and forerunners tend to hit a season before others and then they invite people to come and join them. And so I believe that we are going to see a shift in season and there is going to be an increase in intensity so I’ve been calling for that.

I call for the suspension of all barriers time and space for all to experience the atmosphere during all the activations we do and all the encounters under an open heaven for all live streaming and watching the recorded sessions. When I you watched some things that were on the God channel a few years ago, things like Lakeland and various things. We use to watch them recorded rather than live and they were just as a powerful recorded as they were life. You could touch the TV screen and feel the power of god hit you.  So it is not to do with physical time and space I might be saying this now we might be doing to the activations in a short while people might be listening to that in a weeks time or a months time there is no difference to when people listen to it to when we are doing it that’s why I’m is calling for the suspension of all the barriers that exist that will stop people engaging fully and what we’re doing. so the sons arise  mandate that we been given. A mandate is the authorization to do something. So we don’t do anything until we got a mandate otherwise you’re doing something in your own strength .so it’s really important to be able to get a mandate which is what Jesus did every day. I am doing what I see the father dothat was his mandate. So the mandate we have is to equip God’s children to arise take their places as sons in heaven and on earth both relationally and responsibly. Our mandate is to equip the sons of God to manifest heaven on earth your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. That was something we’ve probably prayed hundred and hundred of times. we prayed every day at school every day we used to pray the Lord’s prayer and no idea what it meant, we just parroted it every day but part of that was your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven .when I had a little bit more understanding about that, I thought it meant that we did all the earthly stuff and god did the heaveny stuff and that made sense we pray he does it then we say thanks and that’s what it’s like for children God does things for children, we do things for our children but when they get older we don’t do the same things for them any more it would be strange if I looked after my five-year-old son when he was 30 as if he was five years old. it doesn’t work. the same thing happens with God he expects us to mature in our sonship so we take responsibility to do some of those things. So if something is gonna manifest on earth it is our responsibility now to establish in heaven. if you didn’t know that then you were not responsible. but  now that you do you are responsible. Once we have revelation then we become responsible to use the revelation to administrate heaven, because it’s a kingdom. it is the kingdom of heaven, it’s the kingdom of God. a kingdom has authority operating in it. we are the United Kingdom and therefore there is a government and there are laws and there are statutes and there are various things you can do and you have freedom to do and there are various things you shouldn’t do. so all of that is because we operate within a governmental system. heaven is no different. God isn’t just on his throne sovereignty doing it all. he has a whole entourage of heavenly hosts who do things for him. and you have lots of things in the Bible about the different courts and assemblies of heaven, which he interacts with the angelic realm. we also are part of that. and where were seated in heavenly places are the positions of authority that we need to administrate so that heaven comes to the earth. and it isn’t just that heaven just suddenly turns up on the earth. we are actually a gateway of heaven into the earth. So we are a house of God and if you read Genesis 28 and the story Jacob . Jacob had this dream in which he saw a ladder ascending from earth to heaven, notice from earth to heaven not heaven to earth. so this was something that we could go and ascend and the Lord was standing in the door which was open and angels were ascending and descending. and then he says- this is none other than the house of God. which is where we get the word bethel from. and the gateway of heaven. now individually we are now the house of God. he dwells in us and as the house of God we then are also the gateway of heaven. so heaven is supposed to manifest through us. that’s why we have to be open for the flow of heaven to manifest through us. and it takes some operating and learning how to do that. rivers of living water Jesus said would flow from our innermost being. that is a manifestation of heaven , because where does that river come from ?where is the river of life? where is it flowing from?- from heaven. but it can flow through us. so each of the conferences and intensives that we are going to do, will build on each other. They are not all independent, they’re all designed to follow on. so that in the end our desire is that each person will be able to know more of their eternal identity, their position in heaven, their governmental authority and be able to discover and fulfil their destiny. I believe God wants to reveal who we are so that we can fulfil the purpose that he created us for in the first place. which is relationship and responsibility. and we don’t need to fear responsibility. the three conferences were follow the same basic pattern were gonna look at identity and we are going to look at position and then finally purpose. so as we go through this conference were gonna focus to begin with on our identity in relationship with the father. we are going to engage the father and do lots of activations to experience the father and our sonship. and then we care going to look at what does that release us into- in heaven. so we can then work that out here on earth. the three intensives that we are doing is really designed to turbocharge what we do in the conferences and to accelerate for those who proactively really want to engage that. And they really will be fairly intensive because there designed to move us forward in a quick way. But it’s not a shortcut or quick fix. it will be a lot of activating and engaging God at a deep level. So ultimately our mandate and goal is to see the sons of God answering creations cry. it says in Romans eight that creation is groaning. growning is a low-frequency and it is a low-frequency because it is not in tune with the harmony of heaven, it is out of sync . It is groaning for freedom, if we take our places in sonship then we will answer that groan. and there multidimensional places that we can engage. and as we then engage there, God wants to establish heaven on the earth. Originally Adam and Eve were in the garden that God gave them which was connected to Eden the garden of heaven. And they were in relationship and they could walk in both realms. God wants to restore that. So he wants places on earth that are places of heaven. We call them ecclesia’s. I am not going to use the word church because I think that word is so polluted that people would not understand what it meant. but the original word ecclesia was a gathering of people around a purpose, which was God’s purpose in relationship. And embassies of heaven. Embassies of heaven are places on earth that represent the authority of heaven just like- the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square in London is American soil on the UK land. we want heaven’s soil on earth, under the laws heaven and the government of heaven. And that is ultimately our goal is to help people be equipped to establish those things. now a lot of people say I can’t do that. anyone can do that if they have been called and mandated. and a lot more people are called and mandated to do something like that than they think. is just were conditioned to think only experts can do that  or those who have been to Bible college or got some sort of theology degree or anything else. Perish the thought you would need something like that to be able to do what God is calling you to do. We are having to our minds renewed from all that stuff, so that we can see what God wants us to do and response to his call. and I believe we are going to see multiple expressions of that, beachheads of heaven on earth in the future. so through the intimacy of a deeper relationship with the father we will embrace our destiny is his sons to answer the groan of all creation by revealing the true nature of God. It is a huge thing that God is doing around the earth right now is revealing himself as he really is, in contrast to the religious systems and the way they have betrayed him . He is nothing like I thought he was like. and even when I first experienced him, I now realise he was nothing like I thought he was like even in those experiences. because those experiences were conditioned by my thinking. and when he deconstructed my thinking and revealed himself. I now realise that he is so much better than I ever thought. I realise I can totally trust him and I realise that he is intrinsically love. And if it isn’t love it’s not God. and that is the plumb line which we need to measure everything against is love. Because God is love and he is calling us to reveal his true nature, the true essence of love expressed in our glorious freedom. because we need to experience love and live from that place of love. it has to be experienced it cannot be theoretical.

So we have a law a piece of legislation that was the first law that I discovered how to make in heaven. Wisdom took me to the court of kings and suddenly a scroll appeared and all of a sudden my spirit was writing things on the scroll, much to my surprise. Because I was looking at it appear in frount of me not realising where it was coming from. Now I know how to do that. I was first shown it. And the first law authorizes us here in this place in all that we doing in the ministry that we have, to be where fatherhood and sonship can be restored and experienced. And this was back probably four years ago, maybe more. so it’s a place where reconciliation and restoration of relationship can take place. Where destiny can be discovered and fulfilled. So here’s this law of father and sonship it was very complicated. it was just some statements- that I decree the law of fatherhood and sonship. I call forth the spirit that turns the hearts of the children back to the father. So I’m doing that now and the spirit of God and the spirits of God, the seven spirits of God and the angelic spirits that are here are all part of that to help us re-engage with the father. to turn us back to intimacy and relationship.

 I call forth a new dimension in intimacy and relationship in sonship. I call forth the alignment in the spirit with the four faces of God, the lion the ox the eagle and the man. and that’s why we have these flags here with those four faces on, because they are a representation of heaven’s government. You find it in the four living creatures you find it is Ezekiel one and Ezekiel 10 . Those four faces represent four aspects of God’s government. we will look at that in detail in different sessions tomorrow and the day after.

 I decree a new foundational government to be established by resonating with the sound and frequency of heaven that is calling for restoration. Now I had no idea what restoration really meant when I produce this. Because I didn’t produce it out of knowledge, it just came out of my spirit. And so these things have actually been in me drawing me into the revelation of this myself. because God when he gets you to declare something it’s like I’m pointing the finger but three fingers  are pointing back at me so I declared this and then God used it in my own life to bring me into the revelation of it and the experience of it myself. and he’ll do that for you to if you will embrace it.

 I decree new kingdom government, a new season where Lord’s rise up and take the heavenly positions of responsibility and establish the new . And I am not going to go into what the new is, it would take me a long time. It took  me 18 months to teach it here. What is new and what is old. So there’s a lot in that but what God was saying is there something new coming. a new expression of the revelation of him and he wants us to embrace it. and the first stage of that once you come into friendship with God is that he gives you a position seated in the heavens in lordship. because Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. and then when you’re faithful to administrate lordship he will then give you a position where you are seated in kingship. then you can begin making laws and doing legislative things. as Lord’s you just do what you are told basically. but as kings you get to have fun establishing something in developing them.50:34

 so this was a decree and a declaration that was made. so here are some decrees and declarations for this time together.

 I call upon the father to open our hearts and minds to see blind self areas of independence, where our souls needs for affirmation are being met outside of the true Love within the relationship of I am. which is essentially where we are looking to be our own needs. that needs to be unveiled, because if were trying to meet our own needs God can’t meet the needs that we have. if were looking for- from him he will meet all the needs that we got. but most of the time we don’t realise when were looking for it elsewhere. I want this to be a time where God unveils some of that.

i call for the light to shine into the darkness to reveal the hidden motives of our heart . sometimes we just don’t even know what’s going on in us. God wants to unveil the motives of our heart to purify the motives of our heat. So that our hearts can be aligned with his heart.

I call for the law of removal of religious restrictions which is another law we have, to be enacted here. to lift the veils of blindness off the eyes of all who are engaging and connecting with this conference together.

  I call upon you Jesus as our husband to demonstrate your true love for us, reveal the true nature of our salvation reconciliation restoration and redemption from our fallen lost state of identity and unveil the way truth and life to us by bringing us into the father’s arms of love. I don’t expect you to remember all this, but your spirit will be engaging with it. as your spirit will be drawing you into the father’s arms of love, that’s his intention.

 I call upon you father is the lover of our souls to reveal your true essence in deeper love to take us to a new level of experience in your true nature and character and to draw all of us into your heart of love. so just be drawn into his heart of love. let his love envelop you. just let it cocoon you in safety and security and in a deeper sense of his blessing.

 i call upon you father to open up eternity to all your children here, to know themselves at a deeper level as they gaze at the mirror of your smiling face and look deep into your eyes and experience loves consuming passionate fire. God is a consuming fire. that is not a bad thing. all of us have to go through the fire of his presence, to purify and refine us, to make us pure gold.

 I call upon you father to draw us deeper into your love, to call deep from within your true essence, to the deepest parts of our fragmented souls, to reach most traumatised separated and fearful parts of us drawing them into wholeness and sonship. when it talks in the Bible about a double minded man being unstable in all his ways. I had no idea what that really meant now I realise that so many of us are fragmented we got part start emotionally in our lives and we don’t even realise it and then sometimes something happens and they get triggered and we suddenly behave completely out of character because something in us is now triggered to react. and God wants to heal and restore and make us whole. Peace shalom is living in a restored wholeness not being fragmented or broken or separated in any way. trauma is a very powerful thing that when we experience it, and  for it each of us, it will be different and some ones trauma will be someone else’s nothing. it’s all relative to individually who we are. being trauma and traumatized essentially fragments us and God wants to bring us into wholeness.

 i call upon you as our loving father to expose and reveal all of our protection, defence and coping mechanisms, revealing all the barriers and walls that have imprisoned us by smashing and tearing them down and demolishing all that separates us from your love and our true identity as your sons. so expect some things to get demolished if you’re willing, if you open up your heart to God he will break some things down and he will raise somethings up and he will restore you and make you whole.

i call upon you as our loving father to heal our brokenness by pouring out loves lavish rich healing oil and releasing the sounds, fragrances and frequencies of your power and presence to bring us into true rest of wholeness and peace.

 I call upon you father to reveal the adoption into your family to all of our fragmented souls, broken parts, welcoming them to be re-intragated and restored back to oneness of our original condition within your heart. God has the perfect pattern and we may have a whole load of parts that are all fragmented and broken but he has the jigsaw puzzle box and he knows the original picture and he can put all back together again. And he can restore it all and make it all whole. but we have to cooperate with him and we have to giving permission. because he won’t force us into it we have to surrender and engage him for that. but if we will, he will engage us.

 i call upon you father to restore us,  your children back to the image of our true sonship, to reconnect us with your original desires thoughts and intentions for our sonship and its destiny.

 I call upon you father-son and Holy Spirit to deliver us from our orphan spirit, welcome us deeper within the circle of your love, to dance with you the  lover of our souls.  now a few years ago I would have felt really weird and awkward dancing with somebody, particularly God but actually I love dancing with God. he is a dance, he is a circle of the dance.  his love father-son and spirit are drawing us back into the place where we can be joyfully expressing who we are in relationship with him. and it feels like that sometimes. I just want to dance with him and be embraced by him in a slow dance of intimacy and love.

 I call upon you father to affirm us as your beloved sons cocoon us within your amazing love for us as our dad. Reveal the height breath length depth of your love dimensionally in heaven and on earth. we can engage it here and there. and everywhere else. where can we go to escape the love of God nowhere. he will never give up on us.

 i thank you for being the best dad in the whole universe for being all that we could ever want or need. i thank you for being lavish abundantly overflowing with new covenant love joy peace patience goodness kindness gentleness faithfulness. now you may find that this declaration  uncovers some brokenness and fragmentation within your soul that requires some healing and restoration. If it does just go with it, don’t resist that, don’t think oh no I can fall apart. it’s like sometimes you have to fall apart to be put back together. so if you feel like crying then cry. if you feel like screaming, scream. bring do it somewhere else. but  seriously  allow God to get deep into the areas of your soul that need healing and wholeness. we can be proactive about this. There are certain prayers in the Bible. one of my favourites is in Psalm 139 search me oh God and know my heart try me and see if there’s any anxious thoughts, see if there’s any ways in there which are not quite aligned with you. and if we pray that prayer and were serious he will respond so that it will bring us healing. so I would encourage you to journal the things that God says to you when you engage with him. So you have a record of some of those things, that then you can go back to and re-engage with him. because you won’t understand everything he says. But after you receive it, then it can unveil something deeper in the future. because you can store in your heart. your word I’ve hidden in my heart, it says in Psalm 119. that’s where we need to put it. Proverbs 4 talks about keeping the word in the midst of our heart. im not talking about the Bible and talking about the living Word that God speaks to us. Yes there are great Bible verses that can be very helpful. but God wants to speak to you directly, he wants to reveal himself directly, he wants to speak into your heart,he wants to speak into your mind. if he speaks to you in anyway just try and journal what he says, keep a record of it.  because it will be helpful for you in the future.

now we can’t be sons without a father. I know it sounds obvious but the reality is, that’s why we have a generation who are fatherless, who are struggling in their identity today. There are so many children who don’t have a father. and many children you do have a father their fathers are absent in one way or another. Mine was, he was there physically but not there emotionally or any other way. so we need to have a new level of relationship with father if we are going to be sons. So sonship is a state of being included in the circle of relationship is father-son spirit. sonship is a state of being reconnected to the true reality of God’s original intention for our identity and destiny.  This is not theory it is godly practice. so deeper into intimacy with God, deeper into God himself , deeper into the truth which is a person Jesus. deeper into revelation, higher into the creative light realms of heaven, into the creative light, into the heart and mind of God outside of time and space. The first time I went into the heart of god outside of time and space, my mind got fried. I just couldn’t relate to it, because it was now. everything is now with God. it is so hard when you think linearly and everything in our life has been linear. You go there and all of a sudden it is just like ugg. so I just had to park my mind before I went in. I just left the mind, I went in with the attitude I am not gonna try and figure this out. I’m just going to absorb it.  I’m gonna receive it into my spirit, and it is going to unveil in my spirit the truth. so I had so many powerful encounters of things that I never dreamed or imagined possible just by being in his heart. I just stood there. and I am just standing there and sometimes nothing is happening perceivably , God isn’t saying anything I’m not seeing anything, I am just there and I am in a place of the conversation of God.102:26

 That’s what his heart is, it’s where he communes with himself, father-son and spirit conversing in relationship and I am  in the midst of it. And he is inviting all of us to come into that place. and so we will do some activations to engage that during this period to help you break into that. unless someone opens the way which is what forerunners do. they go somewhere and say hey it is great over here, why don’t you come. Some of the things I’m describing to you , they are all actually my experiences, and people’s experiences here, they are  not theory. I am sharing with you what I have been able to engage. And if I’ve been able to engage it coming from my background and my history I believe anyone can. Because I didn’t start from the most advantage place when it came to engaging things supernaturally. Being very logical and analytical and a scientist. creative stuff wasn’t my thing. so I was very left brained but God chooses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise that’s why he chose me because if I can engage in these sort of things I believe anyone can. We just need a little bit of help to begin to get onto the journey and to see the door open. so really God is calling his children, he is calling us, he is calling his sons to come out of the wilderness we have been wandering around figuratively for a long time not really ever crossing over into the fullness of our inheritance and God is calling us to cross, to crossover beyond the veil if you like which is torn it’s open to come into a different realm and different dimension of our relationship with God and actually into the realm of heaven itself which again religion will tell you can’t go into heaven unless you die, or you have a near death experience just rubbish it’s like well Elijah when into heaven Enoch when into heaven lots of other people went into heaven. They did not die. we can go into heaven. Paul went into heaven John when into heaven so the Bible is full of people who went into heaven ezekial went into heaven Joshua the high priest when into heaven Moses and the 70 elders when into heaven and they had a meal there and ate with God on the Sapphire pavement you just don’t hear about it  as something which is what you can do. We can all do that. and I guess your here because you Wanna engaging in that more.

 so God is calling us his sons to come deeper and deeper into levels intimacy. he is calling us to know him by experience and not intellect. It doesn’t mean you throw your mind out of the window but you don’t try and understand it. it says in Proverbs 3  do not lean onto your own understanding. I lent to my own understanding the whole of my life I used my understanding to figure out everything, even my relationship with God so it was based on my terms of understanding. so I gave up trying to understand and I just Wanna experience and then everything I need to know will be revealed without me needing to try and find it for myself so what we are going to do over the next few days is we are going to engage the father in four different dimensions that is gonna create a window for us to engage in eternity, in what was before there was anything else, so that can manifest here in our lives and then we can begin to create what we discover there in heaven and then it will be outworked on the earth. and so the beginning and the end will match. so God reveals something we discover that and we walk them out and then were in agreement that’s what God’s desire is for us.

 The first realm we are going to engage is the earth realm, the physical realm in the spiritual atmosphere an open heaven. so that’s here and now. So we are going to engage that.we are going to engage it in the spirit and in our heart. because our spirit and our soul is a realm.

106:52God is in there, he comes to dwell within us. So it is a place where there is fellowship there is relationship so we can engage God in us experientially and knowingly we are going to practice doing that. We are going to engage God in the heavenly realms in the father’s garden in Eden and lots of different places and were gonna look to engage in God heart in eternity outside of time and space back to where we were first thought of and where we were a desire in his heart and a thought in his mind and we were created there. So it’s like going home and when you reconnect there it feels like that. it feels like this is where you were always meant to be and where your origin is and where it still is  and you can reconnect with it. So we are going to look to engage all those four places.

 so let’s actually first look to engage the father here in this realm, so that we can all encounter the father just like the prodigal son did. the prodigal son is a wonderful story and it’s so much an expression of what the father heart really is he wants to accept us and give us a ring of sonship and you may have experienced this lots of times but it is an opportunity just be refreshed and be blessed. So in all of the activations we do and hopefully most of you’ve done activations and your aware of what to do but just just a make sure that  everyone is clear. really do whatever you like what works for you is the best thing but I find it is easier if you relax. if you’re striving to try and do something it is not easy because you’re focused and not able to receive so don’t try and receive just relax. sometimes that means just take some deep breaths just loose your body get all the tension  out of it. Have a shake. things just to give you a place where you can just be still. it says be still and know I’m God. not jumping up and down in lots of activity be still the place of being still and try not to overanalyze it. so just be and just let it flow now when these sort of things happen. The first thing to do is focus your thinking. Eastern meditation techniques is emptying your mind and allowing something to come and fill it. Christian meditation is totally the opposite you fill your mind by fixing your thoughts like fixing your eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. beholding the face  of the father . actually start to think about whatever it is were looking to engage in. that is how you start. you think about a door If your going to walk through a door. Or you think about the father being in front of you so that you can engage him and he can put his arms around you and he can love you. just start thinking about it. so that thinking then starts to activate your imagination. your imagination is a wonderful thing that God has given us so we can see things within our mind. everything that you will experience and engage will be engaged in your mind. and people struggle with that but you just have to get over it. because everything is in our mind. I am seeing you in our mind. I am hearing myself speak in my mind. everything is in my mind,it is interpreted there. it doesn’t mean it’s not real. it just means that’s where we interpret what we are feeling and what we are sensing. if I touch something. whatever is in my fingertips of nerve send impulses to my mind then it says this is smooth or hard or soft.110:50

 everything gets interpreted there so just allow it to happen and you may be a see-er and you might find it very easy to see things, that’s great if your not don’t strive  to try and see. just go with whatever forms in your imagination. as were focusing on the father, just go with what that is. it may not be that you get a wonderful Hollywood production, it may be. but the main thing is you experience something even if you don’t actually consciously engage something, your spirit will still be engaging. and I found that when our spirit receives something. it actually digests it in different ways, just like we digest food in our body in different places within the body and certain nourishment gets release to what we feed on in different places. you get different enzymes, digestive enzymes released in your saliva in your mouth, in you stomach, in your other intestines, so that you receive. our spirit does the same sort of thing, it digests things that we experience and then releases the nourishment to us when we need it. so you may see, you may hear you may feel you may sense you may just know. that they be cognitive or you may not actually cognitively be really aware of anything, but your spirit will. so I would encourage you just to engage that. you will get more than what you think. so basically, I want us to engage the father. There will be some background music and stuff behind what we are doing just to sort of create an environment where we don’t get sort of put off by the noises around us.112:43

it is helpful at times. so the first thing is to engage the father like a son. so like a prodigal. I think the story is more about the loving father than it really was about the prodigal son. and so Luke 1520 he got up came to his father but while he was still a long way off his father saw him felt compassion for him ran and embraced him and kissed him. that’s what God wants to do with you. but there may be some obstacles in the way. you may have some issues that stop you engaging the father like that. in this case just allow anything that is an obstacle to come to your mind and then package it all away in a bag and then give it to him and had it all over cast all your cares and all your burdens and all the things on the Lord it says. So I would encourage you to do that.113:40

 so just close your eyes relax if you are a lie down whatever that is fine. whatever you feel comfortable doing. Just close your eyes just relax and just start thinking about the father. the father of that story as you begin to think about him. just start in your spirit walking towards him and anyone of those obstacles hindrances anything that comes to mind just put them into a bag. just think of your heavenly Father just running towards you. running towards  you  with arms wide open. just let that form in your imagination in your feelings in your intuition. just hand everything that is negative, any obstacle, anything that is making you feel guilty or shame condemnation, any disappointment any  fear worry anxiety any disapproval just package them all up and just hand them over to him. just let the father put his arms around you, let him hug you, embrace you, let him  speak words of life over you, forgiveness, just let his love penetrate into your heart. feel the pleasure of his heart as he embraces you. Let him clothe you with his love, put a ring of  sonship on your finger, feel the joy and pleasure of his heart as he releases to you love and joy and peace.

Let him draw you deeper into his heart. Let him reveal more of his love for you .

 just  stay in that place of peace and rest if you fall asleep in any of these things don’t worry, I won’t shoot you with a water pistol seriously. it is the best place to be, is in a place of rest and sometimes when you drift into that sort of edge of sleep condition, your spirit becomes more open and  your soul can interact. so don’t worry if you feel I am drifting  into that place just go with it, I won’t be offended in the slightest.

but we can also engage the father in this earthly realm and be affirmed by him under an open heaven. and Jesus was affirmed by his father. Matthew 317 behold a voice out of heaven’s said this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. now God wants to say the same to you. each of you is one of his beloved  children , his beloved sons. so each of you can receive that outworking of the desire and pleasure of his heart to affirm you and call you into your sonship. We are under an open heaven now. and we can all encounter the father’s affirmation. so when you hear those words you are my son in whom I’m well pleased, receive them, don’t fight against them. Don’t try and I am not good enough. you’re all good  enough because he has made you righteous .you don’t have to be good enough in your own strength, that’s impossible. but he’s made us good enough to come into his presence .

another way of putting in whom I am well pleased, is you bring me great joy. that is another version of that verse another version – you in whom my soul delights. so receive that his soul delights in you. I take great delight in you, in you is my delight. all those are descriptions of how God is feeling about you right now. you may not feel that yourself but let him reveal that to you. now with Jesus there was a progressive encounter with that. so in Matthew 17 it describes another experience Jesus had under an open heaven with his father speaking. he was transfigured before them and his face shone like the sun and his garments became as white light and behold Moses and Elijah appear to them talking with Jesus. while he still was speaking a bright cloud overshadowed them and behold a voice out of the cloud said this is my beloved son with him I am well pleased listen to him. so it doesn’t just have to be one experience of engaging the father it is progressive until you begin to shine. you begin to radiate the light, you begin to be transfigured. Now this wasn’t just Jesus doing a Jesus thing, this was Jesus demonstrating what sonship is, being transfigured to radiate the light of God. so people today are beginning to shine. some people are being caught on camera radiating light. because their spirit is beginning to release that light from within them. so again, whatever you engage don’t limit the possibilities of it, because as you continue to engage with the father he is transfiguring you. literally it means metamorphosing you.  changing you from 1° of glory to another .turning you from mere human beings into living beings into spirit beings into godlike beings. So there  is a process of us coming and reconnecting with all that. and Jesus grew . Luke 240 says the child grew and was strengthened in spirit being filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon him. that’s what God wants to put upon you. his wisdom and grace and he wants to overshadow you. and you know Jesus when he started to discover this thing, his response was quite interesting in luke 2: 4 -9  did you not know, and he is talking to his parents, that I must be about the things of my father or another version my father’s business. which must have been quite a shock to them. because obviously he left them and stayed behind in the temple as a 12-year-old,but he was of age because that’s what the bar mitzvah thing is in Jewish culture, you become of age. so Jesus began to discover and then it goes on to say in verse 52, Jesus kept increasing in wisdom stature and the favour of God and men. so the more we engage in these types of engagements with God the more we will grow, the more we will mature and the more we will begin to understand the nature of God and ourselves. so God speaks to you from where he is, out of eternity through an open heaven so your going to have truths revealed to you from his perspective and not yours. so that’s why it’s important not to try and figure it out and understand it. but to receive it. in John 1426 Jesus said the helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. now you could assume that, that was just the things that Jesus said to his disciples while he was on earth or  you can actually see what it really is going into, that everything he has ever spoken to you about from all time in eternity you can have a remembrance of. soul all the things that you’ve never ever heard by he  has spoken he wants to bring to your remembrance. because remember he is speaking out of that eternal now place. But he is speaking into time so you can engage with it. so there can be a convergence of  time and eternity in the moment that he speaks. And he may speak words that you understand or he may just speak to your spirit so that your spirit will be reignited with what It already knew, but has amnesia of. so just be open to receive it. John 1526 when the helper comes whom I will send you from the father- that is the spirit of truth who proceeds from the father he will testify about me and he will also testify because you have been with me from the beginning. so you can say they were his  disciples from the beginning or you can think- no- we have been with him who was in the beginning with God.1:28;07

 who was face-to-face with God in the beginning. the word was with God. so we have been with him from the beginning so let’s reconnect to that that real eternal relationship and John 1613 when he the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth you will glorify me he will take of mine and he will disclose it to you. all things that the father has are mine therefore I said that he takes of mine and will disclose it to you. So he is gonna disclose to you everything you need to know whether it be cognitive or whether it just be inspirational and creational in you he will reveal everything you need to know for you to be able to fulfil your destiny and to know who you are as sons  of god. Acts 217  it shall be in the last days God says I will pour forth my spirit on all mankind. it does mean all mankind not just believers. the spirit of God is working in everybody to reveal Jesus who is at work in them. most people just don’t know it yet. and we’ve not done such a good job of explaining him. because we focused on telling them what they’ve done wrong rather than revealing who they are as children of God. so your sons and daughters shall prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams. so we can expect because the spirit is poured out to be able to have the remembrance of the things that God had said, his thoughts about us revealed. so essentially we stand here under an open heaven. we sit were sitting under an open heaven. so God wants to speak affirmation acceptance approval recognition recommendation commendation blessing endorsement validation of your sonship. Not of all the stuff We might have done. but of who you really are. because who you really are has nothing to do with what you might have done. God knows who you are he wants you to know who you  separated from the works that you’ve done in this world, to get take you back to the essence of that truth. so stand, sit under it, under that open heaven just allow the father to speak. it’s like a cloud of his presence is gonna surround you. You are going to be enveloped in a cloud of his presence, a cloud of his glory and in that cloud he’s gonna speak to you. he is gonna whisper things to you, he is going to impart something to you. he is gonna call forth your sonship. I want to encourage you just close your eyes and to begin to think of that open heaven. so just let that cloud of glory come around you. the father’s presence just come around you and then, I am just going to speak some things that the father said. so just receive the words, the living words into your spirit.

 son I call your spirit to attention. spirit listen as  a true son.

I call forth your identity as a son, part of the Joshua generation the order of melchizedek.

 I call forth your destiny to manifest God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

i call forth your destiny to fill the earth with God’s glory.

i call forth your identity and destiny and authority as Lords, to administer God’s rule on earth as it is in heaven.

i call forth your identity and destiny and authority as kings to have charge of God’s heavenly court.

i call forth your identity and destiny and authority as sons to stand in my presence and be displayed on the earth.

I call forth your identity and destiny and authority as sons of God to answer that groan of creation to restore it to original condition and purpose.

I  call forth the Joshua generation to rise up and take possession of their inheritance. just listen to God speaking to you, speaking deep into your spirit- you are my beloved children who my soul delights. I am well pleased with you. Receive my acceptance. receive my affirmation receive my approval and recognition receive my recommendation and commendation before the angels in heaven, receive my blessing and empowerment to be my children my sons. I speak words of remembrance of my eternal heart for you. just let God speak to you. reveal himself, reveal truth.

stay in the place of soaking. remember these are just kickstarters to help you developing this in your own life, being able to engage these things.

 when Peter described this opening up of heaven  he witnessed, he said in2 peter1;17 for when he received glory and honour from God the father and that is what God wants to bring on you his glory and his honour to you his children. such an utterance was made to him by the majestic glory this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.

so we have the prophetic word made more sure to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your heart. this is a transition from well, we can engage God here (the atmosphere of the earth) to engaging God who wants to fully be within our hearts and for us to know him there. So that  means wherever we are, we can have the same intimacy that we just experienced within, all the time. Because he is with us and he wants us to live in that so that were never ever alone. we never ever have to be fearful we never have to feel in any way separated from him. because he’s chosen to come and dwell in us. John 14 talks about the father and the son and the spirit coming to dwell, make their home, make their abode with us. so we need to learn how to engage them there. so we can engage in the dimension of our spirit which is a little bit like Dr who’s tardis, it is bigger on the inside than it looks on the out.  so we may have a physical body that our soul and spirit is contained within but actually it’s a dimensional place that is way bigger. so you can have a garden within your soul within your heart which his acres and acres and acres of cultivated space. or if you’ve never ever cultivated anything in the garden of your heart, it might be a little patch of weeds with a few stones and a few hard areas thrown in. because Jesus talked about the soil of our heart as four conditions. Hard, stony, weedy and good. and so there may be some areas of our heart which are cultivated and full of really beautiful places and things and there may be some places which are not so good. so God wants to- in our heart cultivate so that all our heart is good. so as a house of God and a gateway of heaven the father dwells in us. You have that Scripture in John 14:23 so we need to cultivate this first Love relationship. in Revelation it talks to the Ephesians church of all the amazing things they were doing and yet God said this one thing I have against you you’ve left your first Love. many of you can remember first Love in a natural sense andf what it felt like, then multiply it by few thousand million, that’s what God wants you to feel in his first Love. in experiencing how he loves you and so that you can actually love him back and fully express your love to him without any restrictions or limitations or hindrances of hurt and the damage which often most of us have had because of our broken relationships of broken hearts. and God wants to restore our hearts so that we can contain his love and we can express our love for him unrestricted by the brokenness that we might have. so we got this Scripture in Revelation 3:20 behold I stand at the door and knock. if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come into him and will dine with him and he with me. and that’s the invitation to open the door in our spirit to allow the presence of God father-son and spirit to fill us. and then when our spirit is full it can flow through our soul, filling our soul with his presence. so filling the garden of our heart and the other aspects of our soul with his presence. And then it goes on to say he who overcomes, another words he who engages in this relationship with in . I will grant to him to sit down with me on my throne as also I overcame and sat down with my father on his throne. so there is a encouragement that as we enter into relationship and we get to know God in that first Love intimacy, it will lead us into a place where were seated in the realms of heaven in authority and with our kingdom governmental position there.

 so we can invite the father to engage our soul within the garden of our heart. Where is the garden of my heart ? we’ll it doesn’t really matter if you don’t know where it is, he will tell you and show you and take you there if you ask him. I was first in the garden of my heart and I had no idea where I was. I thought I was in some special little place in heaven that God had made just for me and him. because the little place was a tree with a swing in the branch and this little bench a small little patch of grass and I use  to sit on the swing and he would push me and he would tell me things and talk with me and it was amazing. Because I never had that as a natural childhood. so he knew exactly what I needed to have a special place with my dad and so he would take me there. One day he said  do you know where we are ?and I said well somewhere in heaven. he said no were in the garden of your heart. and then I realised because I’ve never been in the garden of my heart  or even realized I had a garden in my heart,  why it was such a small little place. We’ll now the garden of my heart is cultivated and full of  things that I planted there things that I created there.  everything that I do in heaven is reflected in the garden of my heart, there are mountains in my garden. it is a reflection of heaven just as Adam’s garden was supposed to be a reflection Eden. and the river of life flowed out of Eden into Adams garden and now the river of life flows out of heaven (Eden) into our spirit. and because most of us have never learned to open that first Love gate, it’s been like a trickle which has been under the threshold of that door which has never been opened. and so Ezekiel 47 says that that is a trickle. now most of us have lived off that trickle . it’s been all the gifts of the spirit and the fruit of the spirit but in Ezekiel 47 it says God desires it to be ankle-deep, knee deep, waist deep until it’s flowing and bringing life wherever it goes. so most of us don’t have rivers of living water flowing out of our innermost being, we have a trickle. and that trickle is amazing. but what would it be like if it was a flood. so we need to learn to open that door on a daily basis and invite his presence to fill us and to flow through us and to create an atmosphere of love that when people come near us they also sense that sense of God’s presence and love and peace and joy that we are radiating and emanating around us. so there’s lots of scriptures that describe this in Genesis about cultivating and keeping this. which is now in us, not just a physical place. so we are supposed to tend it and look after it and make sure that the ground in there is good. so there’s good soil but if there are hard areas because they’ve been throdden down and damaged because of broken hearts and broken areas and broken trust and betrayal and all the things that happened to us in this life and sometimes it’s really hard for God to plant all the things he wants or for us to plant and there may be memories stored in our heart which are negative which stop the real fruit and truth developing. so it may be that God will take you on a journey and I am sure he will to deal with the soil of your heart so that it’s all good ground and everything you encounter in  God can become planted in your heart and produce fruit that you can re-eat and give away to others which is what testimony is all about. so in Genesis 3:8 they heard the sound of the Lord God in the garden in the cool of the day . now I believe that they heard that every day of their existence until the very day which this is describing, when they went and hid away in the bushes and trees and covered up because they had chosen to walk their own path .and even at that point God didn’t say to them what have you done in a harsh critical way. he said where are you ? of course  he knew but he wanted them to respond and say we are here and were coming to you. and he would have restored them and made them totally whole. but they didn’t they covered up with their own coverings and mankind has been doing that ever since. so we have an opportunity of walking again with the Lord in the garden with our father in the cool of the day which means a time of refreshing, it doesn’t mean at night, it just means in a refreshing way. because he wants us to engage with him. Isaiah 51:3 says this indeed the Lord will comfort Zion he will comfort all her waist places and her wilderness he will make like Eden and her desert like a garden of the Lord joy and gladness will be found in her Thanksgiving and a sound of a melody. that’s what he wants the garden of your heart to be like. and if you let him he will help you to do it, so that according to Isaiah 58:11 you will be like a watered garden like a spring of water whose waters do not fail. This is what the world is looking for. people who have all of that wonderful springs of life and salvation flowing and demonstrated and filling the world. so when you lie down in your garden Psalm 23 verse one is a really good place to start. how do you meditate? the Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want. he makes me lie down in green pastures, it was not a suggestion. we really do need to learn to rest. so sometimes he will sit on us, to stop us moving because were just overactive all the time .and he wants us to rest. But he would much rather that we do it voluntarily out of choice and desire to find an oasis of rest every day and live from that place. he restores my soul he leads me besides  quite waters. what is that? quite waters that is the river of life. but if you open your first Love gate, it won’t be a trickle in your garden, it will be a river that you can go and drink from. you can go and (bathe) it, you can actually follow all the way back to its source and go back into eden. which we will do tomorrow. so he restores my soul he guides me in paths of righteousness for his namesake because he wants us to be  a reflection and a glory and honour to his name .

so we have this first Love gate within our spirit and we have the choice to open it or not so he is knocking on that door right now you may have opened it this morning if you’re used to doing it. Mine is  always open, because I am always opening it  every day and I spend time there and I live from that place. but he is knocking, what do you think he is saying? I think he is probably  saying let me out or let me in because he’s there within us he dwells in us but we have to let him fill us. so we have to open that door. so I encourage you again were just going to finish with this activation. And it is a good place to go every night when I go to sleep I send my soul into the garden of my heart to lie down with the Shepherd in green pastures and my spirit is in heaven doing all sorts of stuff and I go to sleep and when I wake up sometimes I’m aware of the conversation that we had during the night and sometimes I am  not and sometimes I become aware of some of those conversations later. but you can set your soul into the place where you can engage with God all night while you’re at rest. so there’s a door and there is a wonderful wonderful thing behind that door and it’s the father and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. so Jesus is knocking the father is knocking the Holy Spirit wants to flow. so I encourage you again just close your eyes and just start to think of that door just fix your thoughts on the door within your spirit. that door in which the father is knocking and the handle of that door is on your side. so as that door forms within your imagination by faith,by your choice you can reach out and just open the door. and as you open the door, as that river of living water begins to flow, just welcome the father’s presence into your spirit. just engage him with your whole being, let him embrace you. just invite the father to take you into the garden of your heart. if you’re familiar with that place, you may go to a secret place or go to explore with him or you can just go and lie down in those green pastures just sitting with the Shepherd as you lay down and rest, resting in the presence of the father, just let him begin to restore your soul. To restore you to face to face, blameless innocence, revealing wonderful truths to you. Of who you are .

I encourage all of you to night  when you go to sleep just to go back to that place and just spend all night resting being still in his presence sometimes you can put your head on his chest feel the rhythm his heart it’s comforting restful sometimes he will take you into the river. you can just embrace the river of life. it’s not H2O it’s the presence of the life of God you can breathe in the water under the water it can flow through you and in you and around you. you can experience the life and refreshing that it brings. And just to say any of these activations if the father wants to take you somewhere else, then just go with him. he is totally at liberty to do whatever he wants with you and if he wants to take you somewhere don’t feel –oh i need to stay here, just go wherever he leads. we will leave it there. It has been a long session. hopefully you’ve found some places of engagement and tomorrow we will look to engage with the flags and the four faces of God and the angels. And we will look to go deeper into the presence of God and engage God in the realms of heaven and engage God in the realms of eternity. We have plenty more activations to do tomorrow. They will be  shorter sessions tomorrow  so don’t worry I can go on all night but i think it will be good for us to stop  and give you some time.

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